
Chapter 310 The Convinced Grandmaster

Normally, a Taoist family will elect the Taoist with the highest level of spiritual practice as its master. Pangshan is a special exception, and Luanjingshan strictly adheres to the tradition. However, what makes many Taoist priests feel strange is that Luanjingshan’s grandmaster always outshines others in the history. So much so that there is a rumor that has been circulating for a long time: Luanjing Mountain selects its master based on appearance.

It is more reasonable to say that candelabra can help improve appearance.

Of course, Luanjing Mountain never admits these rumors, but their grandmaster is indeed something special: like all Taoist traditions, Luanjing Mountain also has several Taoist disciplines, but the grandmaster always comes from the Dengzhu family, without exception.

Luanjingshan Grandmaster Lu Zhechong is a beautiful Taoist Priest of Dengzhuke. She looks less than thirty years old. Contrary to her name, she does not have the slightest killing spirit in her body. Instead, she has a strong bookish air and a Taoist attire. It's quite a contrast, but it doesn't affect the beauty at all. Instead, it adds a bit of unique elegance, just like the daughter of a prince who is hiding in a boudoir and reading scriptures. She occasionally shows up and shocks everyone, but she herself doesn't notice it and doesn't care. care.

The hermit Feng Zaisu recognized this Taoist master, stepped back a few steps, and respectfully extended the Taoist ceremony

Lu Zhechong descended to the ground alone, while five other Taoist priests remained in the air. Her voice was soft and gentle, like a person who knew the book and was polite, and said, "Fellow Taoist Feng, I haven't seen you for two hundred years."

"Two hundred and thirteen years." Feng Zaisu looked at the master carefully, trying to find any sign of being controlled, just like the dull look on the face of Pangshan Taoist Yang Baozhen, but she didn't find anything unusual.

"I thought I would never see Fellow Daoist Feng come out of the mountain again."

Lu Zhechong's voice was gentle, but he didn't mean to question at all. After knowing each other for hundreds of years, Feng Zaisu would never think that the grandmaster was weak and could be bullied, so she got straight to the point, "What happened in Luanjing Mountain? If the grandmaster can tell me Explain clearly the changes in Feng Ruhui, and I am willing to apologize and say goodbye."

"It's very simple. By coincidence, Feng Ruhui found a divine soul. Taoist priests from the Dengzhu Department should all know how important the divine soul is. Not only did Feng Ruhui improve his practice greatly, reaching the seventh level of Xingluo, he was also able to control the Siming Cauldron at will. Now, Pang Shan has completely surrendered. In the future, more Taoism will recognize the power of Siming Ding. The Nine Taoisms will no longer exist. Even Luan Jingshan's name will become a memory. There will be only one Taoism in the world.

Feng Zaisu has lived for more than seven hundred years. As a Taoist priest at the fifth level of Xingluo, she has long been accustomed to the changes in the world. But at this moment, she was still surprised. She was not surprised by Luan Jingshan's ambition. But Grandmaster Lu Chongzhe actually remained calm when he said these words.

"You are not controlled by Si Ming Ding?"

Lu Chongzhe smiled slightly, "Of course not, I was just convinced."

"Feng Ruhui steals the souls of living people,

You have committed a taboo in the Dengzhuke family. You are obviously half crazy and may be possessed by a demon. You are the master of Luanjing Mountain, and you are actually persuaded by her? "

"It wasn't Feng Ruhui who convinced me, it was Ning Qiwei."

"Pangshan Grand Master Ning Qiwei?" Feng Zaisu was surprised again. In their expectation, Ning Qiwei was either imprisoned or controlled by Si Mingding. No matter what the situation, he would not betray Pangshan.

"The demons are about to return to the world, not after a thousand years, but within a hundred or even ten years. However, the power of the Taoism has greatly declined. There is not even a Taoist priest who serves Rimang, so the nine Taoisms must join forces. Join forces as soon as possible. If you can't convince everyone, then force everyone. I know this is not a good way, but it is the only way."

Feng Zaisu lowered her head and said nothing. She came to save Luanjing Mountain, but things were very different from what she imagined.

"You came back just in time. Luanjing Mountain needs hermits like you." Lu Zhe said lightly, as if this was an ordinary request. "It won't be long before the hermits no longer have a place to live in seclusion, and the disaster will be annihilation." Right before your eyes, you can fulfill your vows.”

Feng Zaisu remained silent. She was still immersed in shock and could not accept the great changes in her grandmaster.

"You're not right." Mu Xingqiu spoke. After what happened just now, it was difficult for him to keep focusing on soul identification. From time to time, he would use one of his skills to observe the outside world, so he heard a few words from Lu Zhechong about the demon clan. words, but we don’t know her identity yet.

Both Luanjing Mountain Taoist priests looked at Mu Xingqiu, and Lu Zhechong smiled again, "Mu Xingqiu, the only disciple of Nianxin Ke, has a Frost Soul Sword, which contains Qin Lingshuang's soul."

Luan Jingshan turned out to know everything, and Mu Xingqiu was not surprised. "The Taoists need to unite, but they cannot be forced."

Chen Zhechong smiled, "We will give priority to persuasion. I was convinced, and other Taoist masters will also be convinced. If you are really unconvinced, you can force yourself. We have already tested it, and the effect is good. Those Pangshan Five Elements Technologists who would rather die than surrender will Disciples, you can now go out alone to perform tasks for Luanjing Mountain."

Mu Xingqiu shook his head. He was no longer a simple Taoist priest in Pangshan. The battle in Duanliu City had taught him a lot about the ways of the world. Compared with ordinary people, high-level Taoist priests are just simpler and more determined, not the complete opposite. "The current effect The better, the deeper the alertness of other orthodoxy. Since Wangshan has been closed, some orthodoxy will definitely choose to resist. The final result will not be a union, but a war. The demons have not yet returned to the world, and the orthodoxy has been torn apart. "

Lu Zhechong's smile seemed to be filled with Dengzhuke's magic, which was touching. If Mu Xingqiu's will had been any weaker, he would have kowtowed and admitted his mistake.

"What a mind-reading disciple." Lu Zhe rushed out her hand, as if she just wanted to smooth her hair, but the next moment she was holding the Frost Soul Sword in her hand.

She gently stroked the sword with her other hand, "It's such a good magical weapon. I can't find more than ten in the entire Dengzhu family. It's really unexpected that an inhaling Taoist priest can refine such a magical weapon. "

Mu Xingqiu suddenly lost his magical weapon and was held by a more powerful Taoist priest. The mental illusion was suddenly interrupted and he returned the same way, almost shattering his Zhongdantian Jianggong. Fortunately, he was not a multi-purpose person. While casting the spell, he could barely withstand his own strength, but his face turned red from suppressing it, and it took him a while to return to normal.

Lu Zhechong held the sword in both hands, as if he wanted to return it to its original owner, and it was like showing off, "Luanjing Mountain will not kill Taoist priests indiscriminately, especially those promising Taoist priests. You will all be useful in the future war against demons. You can rather die than surrender, it doesn’t matter, Si Mingding will solve this problem, but you may not be able to practice by then, so it’s better to voluntarily join Luanjing Mountain.”

"So, you are simply afraid of Feng Ruhui, so you chose to collude with her."

"Haha, you can use the words 'fear' and 'embarrassing', which have a good meaning. Feng Ruhui's cultivation is not as good as mine, but she has both the Divine Soul and the Siming Cauldron, and she is stronger than me all of a sudden. I really fight But she, the most important thing is that I don’t know why I am fighting. Feng Ruhui’s idea and approach of uniting the Nine Dao Traditions are not wrong. My resistance will only cause Luanjing Mountain to split, but it will not stop the general trend.”

Mu Xingqiu stared at the Frost Soul Sword, knowing that no amount of persuasion would be of any use. Unlike the hermit who wavered back and forth, Luanjingshan Grandmaster was very firm. Words were meaningless at this time. She only accepted strength and was pushed by strength. The conclusion drawn.

"Zuo Liuying is nearby. Only by convincing him can you convince us." Mu Xingqiu had no choice but to introduce a truly powerful Taoist priest.

"I know that Zuo Liuying is a difficult person. Fortunately, Ning Qiwei will be responsible for persuading him. The result will be found later."

Mu Xingqiu glanced at Feng Zaisu and found that she didn't know about it either. Ning Qiwei had obviously just met Zuo Liuying not long ago.

The plan to attack Luanjing Mountain to regain the soul was in trouble before it was implemented. Without the Frost Soul Sword, it would be useless even if Zuo Liuying arrived at this moment. They still couldn't defeat Feng Ruhui who had the right time, place and people.

Lu Zhechong smiled again, "It's always a little difficult to accept new changes. You just need to think like this: everything is for the Taoist order and for the sake of the world's living beings. The Taoist fire will never be extinguished. It doesn't matter who holds the Taoist fire."

Mu Xingqiu and Feng Zaisu didn't speak, and only communicated with their eyes. Lu Chongzhe saw it and didn't interfere. Everything was under her control, so there was really no need to rush.

Mu Xingqiu stared at the Frost Soul Sword, and Feng Zaisu motioned to him to wait for the results from Zuo Liuying.

Mu Xingqiu really couldn't guess what Zuo Liuying would choose. Faced with the schemes of other Taoist priests, the head of the Forbidden Secret Division has always been tit-for-tat, but when faced with the monster clan's surprise attack, he chose to flee. Like Grandmaster Luan Jingshan, Zuo Liuying emphasizes the simplest reasoning. If he thinks it is impossible to defeat Feng Ruhui, he may give in.

Mu Xingqiu couldn't give in, he had to let Fangfang and the soul become one. After that, he would never activate the soul in the Frost Soul Sword again, but Feng Ruhui didn't care, she would use Exorcism over and over again. Technique until all the power of the soul is drained out.

Lu Zhechong relieved the three young Taoist priests from the state of lost souls. Bai Qing and others did not even remember how they were affected. They were shocked when they saw the grandmaster himself.

"Go kill the Kraken, don't waste time here."

The three little Taoist priests flew up in a hurry and flew towards the battlefield together with the Taoist priests who stayed in the air. The voices there became weaker. The battle was coming to an end. If they were a little later, they would really miss the chance to fight.

Lu Zhechong turned his head and glanced at the remains of the scroll on the ground, which were left by the bald man after chewing them. "Why did Zuo Liuying release a little demon?"

"Zuo Liuying thinks that he might be useful in finding Mr. Yishi in the future. www.ash.com" Feng Zaisu completely gave up the idea of ​​​​making a move. Her practice was too different from that of her master, and Mu Xingqiu was not the same. There will be no changes.

Lu Zhe Chong curled his fingers, and the half-demon Feiba rolled out from behind the tree and stopped right next to the pile of wreckage. He lay trembling on the ground. He had already escaped a certain distance, but he really couldn't bear to part with the half of the scroll, so he sneaked back, but He couldn't escape the Taoist priest's glance.

"The demon clan is not worth mentioning at all. The only enemies of Taoism are the demon clan." Lu Zhechong pointed his finger downward.

More than twenty steps away, Feiba, who was lying on the ground, dwindled down a bit, as if he was crushed by an invisible boulder, and let out a shrill scream.

But he's not dead. Facing Grandmaster Luan Jingshan's spell, he should have ended his life without saying a word instead of screaming.

Mu Xingqiu was a little surprised, Feng Zaisu was very surprised, but Lu Zhechong himself was shocked.

Feiba was still screaming, his voice getting louder and louder.

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