
Chapter 311 Magic Silk Armor

Fei Ba's screams were as loud and strong as the cries of a newborn baby. Lu Zhechong, the master of Luanjing Mountain, held a sword in his right hand and stopped in front of him with his left index finger. He was in a daze for a while. His mood at this time was like that of an ordinary person using both hands to exert force. Shoot, obviously seeing that the mosquito has no way out after falling into your hands, but after opening your hands, it flew away leisurely. This article is written by . . Initial release

After all, Lu Zhechong was not a mortal. Not only could he make up for a kill at any time, but he also had to figure out the reason. She didn't believe that she would make a mistake.

There is a bronze mirror in her left hand, which emits a ray of light and shines on the half-demon.

The forest seemed dark even in broad daylight, and this light was quite eye-catching. Feiba held his head tightly and curled up into a ball, not daring to show any resistance.

"Does Zuo Liuying know that he has magic silk armor?" Lu Zhechong put away the bronze mirror and understood everything.

A smile appeared on Feng Zaisu's face, "Zuo Liuying never mentioned it, but I think he must know that he irradiated a magic scroll with Taoist secret fire."

"Hey, weave the seven-star spider silk into the scroll, carve the magic armor spell on the bones, and combine the two to form the magic silk armor. It's a great trick. Little demon, who will help you wash away the dusty marks on the scroll?" Lu Zhe Chong asked.

Feiba's body unfolded involuntarily and stretched out only a small section of his left leg. The wound that had healed shortly cracked again, revealing a short section of leg bone. Ordinary people could only see dripping blood, but Taoist priests saw bones. The small patterns engraved on it looked like some kind of writing, and Mu Xingqiu felt that they were very similar to the magic writing on the scroll.

Feiba screamed desperately and reached out to cover the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. After a while, he suddenly stopped screaming because he found that it was not as painful as he imagined, and there was suddenly more pain on his exposed wrist. Strange graphics that have never been seen before.

The half-demon sat on the ground, occasionally glancing at the wound. Then he stared at his hands. Under his gaze, the graphics spread to his hands, on the palms and backs of his hands, like a rapidly growing vine.

"What is this?" He was obviously not prepared for his change. "Ishi-kun never said that."

"What did Mr. Yishi say to you?" Lu Zhechong asked, his voice as erratic as a murmur in a dream. Feiba replied naturally: "He said that the scroll contains the mental method of ten thousand demons, and those who master it can become ten thousand demons." King, command the world. Unfortunately, the demon clan has imposed a dust seal, which can only be broken by the water of the sword washing pool. I can't go to Yashan, so I have to go to Qishan with the scroll. I heard that there is a bottle of sword washing in the hands of a Taoist priest. Pool water. The dust has been removed, but the scroll was also taken away by the Taoist priest, and now it is back in my hands. What happened to these patterns? I clearly..."

Feiba reached into his arms and took out half of the scroll that he had kept close to his body. It was now as soft as a ball of rags.

There is no text on it either, "My Scroll of Ten Thousand Demons..."

"Don't you know there are magic armor spells on your bones?" Lu Zhechong's voice was still as unobtrusive as in a dream.

"I don't know. Mr. Yishi never said it...or maybe he said it, but I don't remember it. Because part of my memory was taken away by the Taoist priest."

"Which Taoist priest?"

"Left Taoist Priest from Pangshan." Feiba raised his head with a confused look on his face, "What are these shapes on my body?"

"The magic silk armor is a very powerful armor. Dao Tong spent a lot of effort to defeat these armors, but I didn't expect that there are still some in the world." Lu Zhechong explained, his voice became more realistic.

Feiba giggled twice. Full of trust in this female Taoist priest, "I have the magic silk armor, but what about the mental method on the Ten Thousand Demons Scroll? I still want to become the King of Ten Thousand Demons."

"Look carefully at the graphics on your body."

Feiba looked at the back of his hand for a while and suddenly realized, "It's all on me, all the magic of the devil is on me, haha, no one can take it away!"

He bounced up quickly, like a bent tree that suddenly gained freedom. He swayed back and forth twice and stood firm on only one leg. The wound on the broken leg had already condensed, "Haha, I... I am full of strength."

"It's all the effect of the magic silk armor. With it, even a little demon will bring big trouble to the Taoist priests." Lu Zhechong looked at the cheerful half-demon and said to Feng Zaisu: "Zuo Liuying This is letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Does he think this thing can find Mr. Yishi for him? "

"That must be the case, Zuo Liuying didn't say much.

"Frost Soul Sword, Magic Silk Armor, Zuo Liuying is really generous. Let me keep the treasures he doesn't want." Lu Zhechong stretched out his left hand and pointed it at the unaware half-demon. This time she had Be prepared and never make a mistake again.

Feiba was admiring the patterns on his skin with great joy. He touched his face a few times with his hands and found that the armor only covered his neck, and his face was still smooth. "Why isn't there... on my face?" Suddenly, his whole body was in shock. It hurt, those graphics, no, the skin all over his body seemed to be separating from his body, the broken leg began to bleed again, but he could only stand still.

"What...what's going on?"

Lu Zhechong no longer bothered to answer. A little half-demon was not worth her time. She only wanted his skin now. Taoist priests often take away demon pills and certain unique organs after killing demons. This is a normal hunting, and no one would think that Grandmaster Luan Jingshan did too much.

Lu Zhechong needed a magic silk armor that was as complete as possible, so she had to cast the spell carefully. She had to separate the half-demon's skin from the flesh and bones, and then instantly smash the flesh and bones into powder, which would flow out from the wound on the broken leg. Feiba had just obtained the armor and didn't know how to use it more powerfully. It was the perfect time to strip it away. Lu Zhe Chong still doesn't understand why Zuo Liuying let him go.

Feng Zaisu felt that this was the only chance. Although she rarely argued, she was not convinced by the grandmaster. Even if the Nine Dao Traditions needed to be merged into one, Feng Ruhui's method was wrong.

The hermit of Luanjing Mountain used all her strength. Seventeen magical weapons of various kinds instantly appeared in front of her, forming a powerful barrier. She herself flew towards the Pangshan Taoist priest not far away.

She had no intention of attacking the master of her sect, she just wanted to buy some time to escape.

Mu Xingqiu is also waiting for this opportunity, he wants to take back the Frost Soul Sword.

Lu Zhechong was calm and composed, without even turning his eyes. He continued to control the half-demon with his left hand. He raised his right hand holding the sword and struck at the many magic weapons arranged in the air like a wall.

There was a sound like the tearing of cloth, and the seventeen magic weapons fell to the ground like dead leaves in the frost. Grandmaster Luanjingshan's power did not stop, but continued to attack the hermit who betrayed her.

Mu Xingqiu finally waited for the opportunity, and Feng Zaisu's palm was about to grab one of his arms. Behind her, a blur of light and shadow followed closely, like a boulder that was indistinguishable from the air.

The illusion of mind and heart came out from Mu Xingqiu's fingertips, faster than all spells, and made contact with the Frost Soul Sword. This is a magic weapon that he personally participated in refining. It has his mark and works better with him. It had been isolated by more powerful spells before, but when Lu Zhechong cast two spells at the same time, a flaw finally appeared.

Feng Zaisu grabbed Mu Xingqiu's arm and even took him off the ground, but the eyes embedded in the old face suddenly changed from firm to hesitant, as if all her beliefs had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Taoist priest Xingluo shouldn't challenge Taoist priest Zhushen. Feng Zaisu understood this rule, but he couldn't hold it back.

The hermit fell softly on Mu Xingqiu's shoulders.

Mu Xingqiu landed on his feet. He was not injured and Feng Zaisu blocked all the attacks.

The Frost Soul Sword shook violently in Lu Zhechong's hand, causing her arms to shake as well. She used her magic power to suppress the Frost Soul Sword. Don't rush to use the next move, "Chaanjingshan will not kill Taoist priests indiscriminately, but those Taoist priests with different aspirations are an exception."

Feng Zaisu still had a breath and turned around slowly. He glanced at Mu Xingqiu, who was trying his best to cast spells to seize the sword, and said to the master: "Anyway, I have run out of gas and have no future. Just die."

"As long as you know."

Feng Zaisu gently spit out his inner elixir, held it in his hand and handed it to Lu Zhechong, but he said it to Taoist Pangshan, "What a pity, I don't know the art of breaking the elixir, and I'm afraid I don't have that kind of state of mind. I have never been a great Taoist priest. I have some descendants in Wave Wave City. If you see them...well, don't say anything."

Without the inner elixir, Feng Zaisu quickly became older and his body slowly slumped towards the ground. Suddenly he raised his arm upwards, threw out the inner elixir, and shouted with his last strength: "Head!"

The bald man had been hiding behind Mu Xingqiu, and now he jumped up, opened his mouth and swallowed the inner elixir in the air, then turned to Lu Zhechong, and a red light as thick as a thumb shot out from his forehead.

Lu Zhechong had already discovered the existence of the skull and didn't care about it until the skull cast a spell. She looked over and was surprised again, "There is still part of the magic silk armor!"

The bald man's appearance changed. He had no body, and there were no magic armor spells on his bones. However, after swallowing the scroll and spitting it out, he still changed. Only a very small part of the magic stone embedded in his hair was exposed. The heart of the clan, which was originally wrinkled like a walnut, is now as smooth as a ruby, and it is it that emits a powerful red light.

"Bad Taoist!" The bald man shouted, the inner elixir in his throat was faintly visible, and a small piece of melting spider silk hung on his teeth.

Lu Zhechong made a decision in an instant. He could get the half-demon's magic silk armor later, but Taoist Pangshan, who was overestimating his abilities, had to deal with it immediately. She retracted her left hand and blocked the red light. She increased her strength with her right hand and suppressed the power surging in the Frost Soul Sword.

"One hundred thousand souls, do you really think that a breathing Taoist priest can exert their full power?" Lu Zhechong slowly increased his magic power, not to give Taoist Pangshan a way to survive, but to cherish this sword, "Wash Remove the mark on the sword and there will be another treasure in Luanjing Mountain."

Mu Xingqiu was speechless, and .ash.com had nothing to say. He felt that he was gradually losing control of the Frost Soul Sword, and the illusion of mind and heart would come back to bite him at any time. He had no way out, and it was impossible to interrupt the fight. .

Baldy kept firing red lights, but Lu Zhechong blocked them all.

Half-demon Feiba stood blankly, breathing heavily. He still didn't understand what happened.

The bald man couldn't remember how many beams of red light he had emitted. He used his full strength for each beam, but the result was no different from the sunlight shining on a stone. He became angry, jumped forward suddenly, shouted "Bad Taoist" again, and A beam of red light that was the limit for him.

Lu Zhechong still raised his hand to block it inadvertently. She was about to control the Frost Soul Sword, and the fate of her head would be the same as that of a half-demon.

But she was wrong. The red light that looked exactly the same contained a hundred times more power.

"Left..." Before he could finish his words, Lu Zhechong's entire left arm had turned into ashes.

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