
Chapter 315 Familiar Smile

Mu Xingqiu has been trying to understand the thinking methods of high-ranking Taoist priests, especially Zuo Liuying. Standing on the lonely peak, bathing in the drizzle, he gradually realized: the longer the life span, the more the Taoist priests think. Simple. s.-o-.

In the long years, high-level Taoist priests do not need to be busy. They do not want to make any unnecessary actions. They quietly measure and wait patiently until the right moment, and use the simplest method to get the results they want.

Zuo Liuying, Feng Ruhui, Lan Bingju, Ning Qiwei, Lu Zhechong... They are all waiting. In the eyes of mortals, they are so simple that there is almost no change. In fact, changes are quietly happening. Once the conditions are ripe, the Taoist priest will change. It will be earth-shaking.

Feng Ruhui had already waited for the result she wanted. She had the soul and the Siming Cauldron. She was almost invincible in the Nine Dao Traditions that did not obey Rimang Taoist priests and refused to unite.

Lan Bingju is about to wait until the time she wants. She wants to take revenge on Zuo Liuying, but she knows that she is no match. Only when Luanjing Mountain wins a complete victory can she deal the final blow to her nephew who has no way out.

Ning Qiwei and Lu Zhechong seemed to have given up waiting. Their cultivation had come to an end. Facing the demons who were about to return to the world, they had no better way to deal with them, so they were willing to accept the dominance of the strong. In the eyes of mortals, this was cowardice. The decision was the natural result of hundreds of years of waiting for them.

What is Zuo Liuying waiting for? No one knows, but he must be waiting.

Mu Xingqiu's guess ended here, and he silently cast spells with the help of raindrops. His inner elixir was not strong enough and he could only extend the spell to twenty or thirty miles. There was still some distance from Luanjing Mountain, but it didn't matter. The high-level Taoist priests there could Feel his spell.

The raindrops landed with the power of illusion and soul, but the power was very weak. The casual cultivators hiding around the mountain only felt that the rain tonight was unusually cold, and they involuntarily cast spells to resist, thinking that the Dharma King's mood had become bad again.

A huge lightning flashed in the sky. But there was no thunder to accompany it. Two Taoist priests arrived suddenly and landed on the edge of the peak. They stood opposite each other, more than fifty steps away from Mu Xingqiu.

They don't like rain, so the raindrops avoid the mountain peaks from an altitude of more than ten feet, as if there is a transparent glass bowl covering it.

They didn't like the staring Taoist priests, so Mu Xingqiu immediately felt that the Frost Soul Sword was about to come out of his hand again.

This time, he took hold. He thrust the Frost Soul Sword into the ground and held the hilt tightly with both hands. After activating the soul power in the sword in time, he immediately discovered that two Taoist priests were secretly competing, giving him the opportunity to hold the Frost Soul Sword.

Both Taoist priests refused to stop.

It turned out to be Grandmaster Ning Qiwei of Pangshan and Grandmaster Luan Jingshan Lu Zhechong. The two were hostile to each other, but neither of them had any intention of being open to Mu Xingqiu Wang.

Lu Zhechong didn't use magic to grow a new arm. She didn't want to use an organ that couldn't cast spells to cover up her mutilation. She stretched out her intact right arm to prove that she was still strong.

Ning Qiwei carries his left hand behind his back. He also extended his right hand to cast a spell to fight for the Frost Soul Sword. He had no intention of proving anything, but since he took action, he could not give in. Especially when the other party is also a Grandmaster, you cannot give in.

Mu Xingqiu cast all his strength to stabilize the Frost Soul Sword, but he was shocked. The two masters were obviously coming from the direction of Luanjing Mountain. Where is Zuo Liuying? Could it be that he has been defeated or even died, and is unable to attract the main force of Luanjing Mountain?

The bald man glared at Lu Zhechong fiercely and parted a strand of uncombed silver hair. Wrap tightly around the sword, adding a little strength to the sword.

Only Lan Bingju stayed out of the matter and said with a smile: "I invited Feng Ruhui, but unexpectedly it was two grandmasters who came. Haha, this really makes Lian Haishan feel flattered. I heard that the two of them are working together, which is gratifying. ”

Lu Zhechong spoke, ignoring Lan Bingju, and spoke directly to Grandmaster Pang Shan, "Ning Qiwei, only a few breathing ice disciples died. You know my target is Zuo Liuying, not you."

"You clearly know that the Five Elements Disciple and I were confronting Zuo Liuying." Ning Qiwei showed a hint of obvious anger, "You still don't regard us as Taoist priests from the same sect."

As a Taoist priest and master, Lu Zhechong was originally very calm, but after losing an arm, she became irritable. She snorted and increased her soul power, "Confrontation? Don't you think you two Have you been confronting Zuo Liuying for too long? "

The two masters were constantly increasing their magic power, gradually turning from competition to confrontation, but the magic power never left the Frost Soul Sword. Mu Xingqiu, who was caught in the middle, not only did not feel relaxed, but the situation became even more difficult. He held the sword with both hands. , more power is used to protect oneself, rather than protecting the sword.

This was a secret contest, no one cast any visible spells, only Mu Xingqiu and the sword in his hand were trembling slightly.

"I have my own methods, I don't need you to interfere." Ning Qiwei also became rude. He was still very concerned about the deaths of several inspiratory Taoist priests from the Five Elements Department.

"Your method? There is only one way in the world from now on, souls, endless souls. Luanjing Mountain has accumulated them for 130,000 years. There are countless humans and monsters in the world who are always ready to sacrifice their souls. That is them The meaning of existence. Taoism does not need so many stupid low-level Taoist priests. As long as there are enough souls, a few high-level Taoist priests can defeat the entire demon clan!"

Lu Zhechong seemed to be a different person, with unshakable perseverance on his beautiful face.

"The Five Elements Branch will always exist." Ning Qiwei himself is a Taoist priest of the Five Elements Branch, and will never accept a future in which only the Dengzhu Branch remains.

Lan Bingju coughed awkwardly, "It's not appropriate for me to discuss such an important matter. Why don't you... ask someone more qualified to make the judgement." She smiled.

Mu Xingqiu guessed the truth from the look on Lan Bingqu's face.

Suddenly, the power of the two masters left the Frost Soul Sword at the same time, in no particular order, as if they had agreed to give Mu Xingqiu a chance.

Mu Xingqiu still didn't notice the existence of the target, but that didn't matter. He knew that the opportunity was fleeting, and he had only one mission: to summon Fangfang's soul.

There were still a few souls in the sword that had not been tested. Mu Xingqiu felt that it was no longer necessary. He marked a particularly powerful soul, which contained almost four times the average power, and placed it among more than 100,000 souls. . This extra power doesn't mean much, but it can make it stand out.

Mu Xingqiu hoped that this was Fangfang's soul. He hoped that this soul would have a strong attraction to the soul, enough to take away the most powerful weapon in Feng Ruhui's hand. Without the soul, the full power of the Siming Cauldron cannot be driven. General Feng Ruhui is just an ordinary Xingluo Taoist priest.

A small whirlwind rose from the end of the sword hilt, nervously searching for the target according to Mu Xingqiu's wishes. He found it in the blink of an eye, and Mu Xingqiu finally found Fangfang's soul behind him. They were no more than five steps apart.

The soul is a ball of fire, a flame the size of a fist, emitting incandescent light and heat that is comparable to the sun. Just feeling its existence makes Mu Xingqiu feel dazzled.

It turns out that the soul can ignite Tao fire.

Mu Xingqiu felt a burst of anger in his heart, Fangfang's soul should not be burning like this. There was only one thing that made him feel gratified. The soul he stirred did belong to Fangfang. He could feel that this soul was calling the soul. It was a gentle but extremely powerful call.

The soul moved. He slowly approached, walked around Mu Xingqiu's body, and stood in front of him. She was a strange woman. But with a familiar smile.

The real Feng Ruhui was a petite woman, almost a head shorter than Mu Xingqiu. She was beautiful, but not perfect. Compared with Lu Zhechong, he lacks a bit of refinement and momentum, even compared with Sun Yulu. She is also a little less charming, but she has her own unique characteristics - her smile can captivate the entire country.

Mu Xingqiu was shocked. He actually saw Fangfang's smile on Feng Ruhui's face. That smile was full of joy but shy, as if he would raise his hand to cover his mouth at any time.

"Is this all Zuo Liuying's plan?" Feng Ruhui's voice was as gentle as her appearance. She stretched out her right hand, pressed it on the hilt of the sword, and took it easily, "I'm a little disappointed."

Mu Xingqiu had no power to resist and involuntarily let go of his hands. Fangfang's soul power gradually disappeared and returned to the sword.

Zuo Liuying was wrong, and so was the Taoist Priest Dengzhuke. Fangfang's soul could not affect the divine soul at all.

The bald man's hair didn't loosen up. He didn't recognize the woman in front of him and didn't care. He had a fierce look in his eyes, suddenly jumped up, and opened his mouth to bite her.

"Your preserves are delicious." Feng Ruhui said.

The bald man was stunned. In a daze, he also saw a familiar smile on the face of this strange woman. That was his mother. When she was in a good mood, she would pick a snack from the shop and tease her son while laughing. It wasn't until he was impatient that he stuffed it into his mouth.

The bald man's silver hair also loosened up.

Everyone saw their favorite smile on this face, but this was neither the illusion of mind nor the illusion of water of the five elements. It was just a skill that Feng Ruhui had practiced. She could get from a man - even if he only had one left. The next head--their desire is seen in the eyes.

Inner elixirs and magic amplified this ability of hers.

"Fangfang likes you so much..." Mu Xingqiu said, ash cruelly dispelling the familiar smile in front of her eyes.

"I like her too. If possible, I would be willing to pay any price to bring her back to Luanjing Mountain, but it's a pity that I can't." Feng Ruhui seemed unable to lift the Frost Soul Sword, so he pressed the hilt casually, "Now , she is finally here.”

Feng Ruhui summoned a four-legged tripod with his left hand. It was small and crude, like a toy made by a child out of mud, but it contained countless souls and contained more than 130,000 years of power.

"Why is Zuo Liuying hiding? Did he guess that you would fail?" Feng Ruhui said.

A stone fell to Mu Xingqiu's heart. Zuo Liuying was still alive and had not fallen into Feng Ruhui's hands. Everything seemed to be hopeful.

There was still hope. Mu Xingqiu summoned the young demon. The young demon that he had tried so hard to summon without showing up jumped out almost immediately. It had already understood its master's intentions and would show its approval with actions.

Mu Xingqiu hopes that this trick will work by combining the virtual and the real.

(Please recommend and subscribe) (To be continued...) \u003c!--flag00xs--\u003e

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