
Chapter 316 Divine Soul and Siming Ding

(Thanks to reader "Yan Runqing" for the red tip.

There are two schools in the way of thinking and illusion. One is pragmatic and converts illusions into pure power, which can directly kill the enemy or break the protective power of Taoist priests. The other is pragmatic and specializes in provoking people's hearts, causing the enemy's judgment to err, and even making them Complete collapse.

There is only one Nianxin disciple in the world. Although he can practice in both schools, it is difficult to reach the extreme at the same time. Even if he has nine minds, he cannot achieve it. Mu Xingqiu's only partner is the young demon, who knows all his thoughts and practices with him. Young devil.

A long time ago, there was an illusionist in the realm of concentration who defeated Taoist priest Fu Yuemang, but she used all means, including the unintentional spell that Mu Xingqiu didn't know at all. As for the Inspiratory Taoist, even the most arrogant Nianxin disciple in Bamo Cave would not think that he could defeat the Xingluo Taoist with illusions.

Mu Xingqiu's purpose was not this, he just wanted to regain the Frost Soul Sword. Fangfang's soul still had some influence on the divine soul. He could clearly feel it, but his power was too weak and he failed to regain the divine soul.

"Do you remember Du Fangfeng?" Mu Xingqiu said. Before he finished speaking, the black whip was already piercing Feng Ruhui like a spear. At the same time, the young demon behind Feng Ruhui also cast illusions with his bare hands. The coordination was flawless, as if It has been practiced many times.

Illusion requires a little excitement in people's hearts. The emotional entanglement between Feng Ruhui and Ning Qiwei has lasted for many years, which is the best entry point, but Mu Xingqiu blurted out Du Fangfeng, and his intuition told him that this was the more correct choice.

As expected, Feng Ruhui was slightly startled. His right hand left the hilt of the sword and casually grabbed the tip of the whip, "Du Fangfeng?"

The young demon's Qi Xu illusion failed. Feng Ruhui's mind remained unchanged, but he was slightly confused. "The illusion of mind and heart is indeed very important, but why did you use Du Fangfeng to attack me?"

Feng Ruhui's smile no longer had the shadow of Fangfang. Grandma Feng's kind-hearted look was vaguely restored, and even her tone was so gentle, as if she thought Mu Xingqiu was a young man from Yelin Town who came to seek refuge.

"Do you remember Du Fangfeng?" Mu Xingqiu asked. Du Fangfeng once told him that he only met Feng Ruhui once and said a few words, but he didn't get much attention at all.

He held the whip and thought slightly. The young demon opposite stopped the illusion attack. It had not been discovered yet. Feng Ruhui obviously regarded the two attacks, one virtual and one real, as Mu Xingqiu's spells.

"It's an old thing decades ago." Feng Ruhui raised the corner of his mouth slightly, with a hint of charm in his expression, "His name was Du Yunqing at that time. Like many people, he tried every means to please me. I remember him because he was better than Others gave up early, just once, and then disappeared. I heard that he went to Yashan to steal a bottle of sword washing water, which was quite unexpected.

But that's it, he is just an ordinary casual cultivator, I like people with more prospects. "

Feng Ruhui turned his head and glanced at Ning Qiwei, who was dozens of steps away. That was the only person she ever loved.

Not long after Feng Ruhui appeared, the two masters stopped fighting. They were still wary of each other, but they did not cast spells. A look at the old man. Ning Qiwei remained calm and only said one sentence, "The most promising person now is Shenhun."

Feng Ruhui stared at the Siming Ding in his hand. "That's right, the future is in my hands, and the future of the entire Taoist tradition is here."

"Du Fangfeng died. He asked me to bring you a letter, but the letter is gone. I can only read it to you." Mu Xingqiu still stubbornly held on to this thread.

Feng Ruhui tilted her head slightly, she looked so graceful even in confusion, "I heard that he blew himself up in Qishan, why do you always mention him?"

"I have promised to be loyal to others, and I must do it."

"Well, you are such a person. It is for this reason that among all the people in Yelin Town, you are the only one who saved Fangfang. You are a brave and knowledgeable young man. If you are asked to choose between Daotong and Fangfang, you Will definitely choose Fangfang.”

Ning Qiwei lowered his eyes and immediately raised them again. He had chosen Pangshan Taoism and never regretted it.

Mu Xingqiu refused to mention Fangfang's name in front of Feng Ruhui, and slowly read out Du Fangfeng's letter: "Feng Ruhui, I met in the imperial capital sixty years ago, and I miss her to this day, a letter from Taoist Equality."

It was quiet for a while, but nothing happened. The drizzle was still falling, avoiding the peak, but the sound of rain could still be heard.

Lan Bingju said with a smile: "It's really enviable. Why haven't I met such an infatuated man? They always want to take advantage of me and then run away. Fortunately, none of them ran away."

"Infatuation is calamity, ruthlessness is the way, there is nothing to envy." Feng Ruhui didn't even look back. In her eyes, Lan Bingju was a very unimportant person, not as worthy as Mu Xingqiu in the realm of breathing. Attention, "Are you done?"

"That's it." Mu Xingqiu held the handle of the whip and did not try to attack. He also learned to wait for a slim chance.

"I once gave you a black candle to attract the gods."

"I received it and it helped me a lot."

"I have high hopes for you. Even without Fangfang, you will be an outstanding Taoist priest. Enthusiasm is an obstacle to practice, but without enthusiasm, you will lose the motivation to practice. So far, you have handled it very well."

"But if Zuo Liuying refuses to show up, I will have to kill you."

Mu Xingqiu stopped talking.

Feng Ruhui sighed softly, "If you were defeated in Duanliu City, things would be much simpler. Whichever Taoist family the Patriarch Pagoda went to, Luanjing Mountain would fight against that family. With Ning Qiwei here, everything would be logical. But You defended it, lured away the demon soldiers, and came to mess up Jingshan, disrupting everything. Zuo Liuying is amazing. I don’t understand why Pangshan’s previous grandmaster thought he couldn’t inherit the position of grandmaster, just because of him. Can you imagine a wife for yourself?"

Mu Xingqiu still didn't speak. The young demon was floating in the air, motionless like him. He had no means of attack. Feng Ruhui cut off her emotions and desires. No name could stir her mood. Du Fangfeng couldn't, and Ning Qiwei couldn't. .

Feng Ruhui let go of his hand and the black whip returned to Mu Xingqiu's sleeve.

She turned to Lu Zhechong and asked politely: "Grandmaster Lu, you still haven't found Zuo Liuying's whereabouts?"

There was a trace of pride in Lu Zhechong's expression, "Zuo Liuying disappeared with Pangshan disciples, not just the few who came to Luanjing Mountain with him, but also a large number of Five Elements disciples. I am not at the scene and can't track them. Whereabouts. Grandmaster Ning is standing opposite Zuo Liuying and should know something."

Feng Ruhui turned to Ning Qiwei again, waiting for his explanation.

Ning Qiwei showed a look of pride similar to Lu Zhechong's. They were masters and had not been used to explaining to outsiders why mistakes had occurred for many years, but he had to speak, "I sent the disciples of the Five Elements Department away. Lu Zhechong cast 'Soul' "Fei Jingzhan', I have to save the lives of more than a hundred disciples. In that case, there is no way to track Zuo Liuying's whereabouts. He must be within two hundred miles of Luanjing Mountain."

"Very good." Feng Ruhui was still very polite, as if he was very uneasy about his rude question, "You all tried your best, but Zuo Liuying has stronger magic power, so it is normal for him to escape from your hands. I heard that he was not injured. Hey, I guess I don’t dare to act rashly.”

Lu Zhechong lowered his head and glanced at his broken arm, becoming increasingly angry. Note that Taoist priests are not heartless and desireless. Pride is one of their most common emotions. It is usually hidden deep inside, but when it is hit, it will stir up huge waves.

"It was Ning Qiwei who let Zuo Liuying go. He pretended to seek refuge in Luanjing Mountain, but in fact he just wanted to save the lives of Pangshan disciples."

"What does this mean? Luanjingshan has never thought of killing any of Pangshan's disciples. The reinforcements who came to Luanjingshan to fight against the sea monster were not just Pangshan Taoist priests. Others are not afraid, so why should he be afraid? ?" Feng Ruhui looked surprised.

Lu Zhechong snorted, "Because he is self-aware. A grandmaster of the Nine Dao Tradition, he is at the lowest level. He knows that he will definitely not be able to stop Si Ming Ding's soul power. Instead of killing Pang Shan's disciples after being controlled, it is better to pretend to surrender. On the contrary, it can save the lives of everyone in the Five Elements Department.”

"I don't believe it." Feng Ruhui shook his head, turned around and asked, "Ning Qiwei, are you lying to me? I only need one answer from you."

"No, I didn't lie to you. I hope to break through the Sighing Tribulation, and I also hope that the Nine Dao System will join forces to fight against the devil. No matter what your means are, your purpose and I are the same."

"Nonsense!" Lu Zhechong on the other side of the mountain shouted angrily, "You are reluctant to let go of the position of Grandmaster Pangshan. It was something you got with great difficulty. It shouldn't be yours in the first place. You..."

Feng Ruhui suddenly turned around and said solemnly: "I believe in Ning Qiwei." A faint smoke rose from the Siming Cauldron in her hand, which seemed weak and weak, but it dissipated less than half a foot up.

Lu Zhechong, who was fifty steps away, let out a muffled groan and stretched out his right arm, as if he was about to cast a spell to fight back, but it was too late. Her head, chest, and abdomen were wrapped in three streams of white smoke, sealing the upper, middle, and lower areas. Located in Dantian.

"Please Grandmaster Lu hand over the inner elixir." Feng Ruhui's voice became more polite, "You are always so suspicious. If you continue like this, you will not be able to unify the nine avenues into one."

"You idiot, I am the grandmaster of Luanjing Mountain. If you kill me, you will lose the most important support, the disciples of Luanjing Mountain..."

"The disciples of Luanjing Mountain, like all the disciples of Taoism, believe not in you, not me, not the ancestor, but in power."

A sharp flash flashed in Feng Ruhui's eyes, .anh.com The high-ranking Taoist priest at the seventh level of Xingluo held the Siming Cauldron driven by the soul, which was comparable to the realm of Sun Mang, and could easily suppress the third level of concentration. Lu Zhechong couldn't help but bend down and spit out her inner elixir. Looking at the small light yellow ball, she let out a cry that was rarely heard by high-level Taoist priests.

Three streams of white smoke instantly penetrated Lu Zhechong's body. Grandmaster Luan Jingshan fell, and her inner elixir flew into the Siming Cauldron.

"She can never forget her identity as a grandmaster." Feng Ruhui said to Mu Xingqiu kindly, "Look, this is the power of the combination of Si Ming Ding and Divine Soul. No one can stop it, unless there is me in this world." I’ve heard of the Taoist priest Fu Rimang. Power is more attractive than love. I relied on it to survive the calamity of love.”

Mu Xingqiu still remained silent. Lan Bingju's expression on the carriage changed slightly and he took a step back. Ning Qiwei on the other side of the mountain lowered his eyes again. This was the second time he had seen the power of Siming Ding. lingering fear.

Feng Ruhui glanced at the raining sky and said, "I will wait for another half hour."

The bald man suddenly spoke and said something surprising, "Under Feng Ruhui's feet, we met in the imperial capital sixty years ago, and I miss him to this day. Written by Taoist Equality."

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