
Chapter 0531 The Trick of Memory

The process of imprinting the straw hat was over, and the double-sided bronze mirror returned to its original position. The bald man was reluctant to leave, and almost flew over, but finally stopped on Mu Xingqiu's shoulder, staring at the bronze mirror with gleaming eyes, but dismissing the straw hat. .

The straw hat has not changed significantly. It is still just an ordinary thing. The mark gives it a belonging, but it cannot extend its life. Sooner or later, the Demon Lord will turn it into powder.

Mu Xingqiu grabbed the straw hat and felt more obvious resistance than before, "Zhou Qianhui once suggested that I transfer all the Demon Lord's rectification to Bald Man."

"That's not a good idea." Xiao Hao shook her head seriously, as if she had thought of these words herself, "When you need to cast a spell, just put a straw hat on Mu Songxuan. The Demon Lord's righteous law should not be left in the world, so let him It fades away."

Mu Xingqiu also thought this was a good idea. He didn't want to inject too many magic spells into the bald man's head. "You said you can retrieve memories that have been removed by the orthodoxy. What do you mean?"

Xiaohao had received a lot of information and immediately started talking, "Removing memory is a kind of magic, and there are naturally ways to crack it. Generally speaking, this requires the help of people with a higher level. Zuo Liuying is a Taoist priest who focuses on the mind. The entire There are only a few people in the orthodoxy who are qualified to help him, and it is precisely these people who will never allow him to recover his memory."

Xiaohao laughed out loud, and immediately became serious again, "Zuo Liuying played a little trick. He made a copy of the most important memories in advance, and then hid them."

"Hidden? Where?" This was the first time Mu Xingqiu had heard of such a thing. He knew that some people might recover after their memories were removed. That was because the spell cast at the time was not strong enough, and Some Taoist priests can hide their memories deep in their hearts, but neither of these things exists in Zuo Liuying. The ones who cast spells on him were a group of Taoist priests with the highest level of Taoism. There must be no omissions, let alone mistakes.

"He forgot, but he knows that as long as he follows you, he will be able to get his memory back sooner or later."

Mu Xingqiu was stunned, and it took him a while to remember something, "Wait a minute, Dao Tong must have checked all of Zuo Liuying's memories, how could he not know these things?"

"This is what Zuo Liuying is so good about." Xiao Hao couldn't help but smile, "He transformed his memory of playing tricks into another memory: Mu Xingqiu has two inner elixirs. Perhaps this is a breakthrough in the Sighing Tribulation. The key is, I want to follow him and figure things out. When other Taoist priests saw this memory, they could have discovered the flaws, but they just wanted to remove the most important secrets and didn't care about this paragraph, so they just let it go. left behind."

"Then Zuo Liuying remembered it again?"

"Well, because the memory-altering spell is unstable and slowly loses its effect, he remembered it again three days ago. He followed you not to practice, but to find another memory."

Mu Xingqiu became more and more confused as he listened, "Why doesn't he directly transform another memory and then think of it again slowly? It has to be so troublesome."

"Because there are too many and too important memories in the other memory, it is very difficult to transform, and other Taoist priests will never let it go easily. Zuo Liuying had to transform a relatively simple memory. Even this is very risky, but he guessed right No, Daotong doesn’t care how he wants to practice, he just wants to take away the most important secret in his mind.”

Mu Xingqiu was both surprised and admired. Taoism was boundless and there were too many things he didn't understand. Zuo Liuying was so bold that he dared to use his own memory to cast spells and deceived a large group of spiritually focused Taoist priests.

"Why choose me?"

"Because you have withdrawn from the Taoist tradition, and because you are getting further and further away from the Taoist tradition. This is exactly Zuo Liuying's intention. Of course, he can't remember the reason now, but he is convinced that there must be a clear reason and wants to find the reason." I must follow you."

"What should I do?" Mu Xingqiu was still confused.

"Do whatever you want, do whatever you want. Zuo Liuying knows that you will inevitably lead him to that memory, and then everything will be revealed."

"The truth is out." Mu Xingqiu felt that these words were familiar, and a strange but reasonable idea suddenly came to his mind, "I know, no, no, I just guessed: if you want to see the dragon demon, it's in my house The real illusion that occurred in Niwan Palace was because...you hid that memory in her mind! That's why she always said to me, "You need to improve your strength to see the truth." If that's the case, you can imprint the memory. It was more than six years ago.”

At that time, the real illusion was still in Mu Xingqiu's mind, and Zuo Liuying had countless opportunities to cast spells on her. Thinking of this, Mu Xingqiu was a little angry, but this was indeed Zuo Liuying's style, doing what she thought was right. , although he would not take the initiative to harm anyone, but he would never hesitate at all when taking advantage of someone.

"That may be the case, but Zuo Liuying can't remember it now. He only knows one thing. He must ensure that you are alive and then let you do your own thing."

Although he didn't fully understand the ins and outs, Mu Xingqiu immediately understood that Zuo Liuying's decision was not harmful to him, "Are you asking me for help?"

Xiao Hao burst out laughing, nodded repeatedly, and agreed with Zuo Liuying, and then she said: "There is a saying, called a grasshopper tied on a thread, and it refers to you and Zuo Liuying. He asked me to Let me tell you, there are no conditions, just jump around and he will jump with you."

This was not something Zuo Liuying would say, but it was his idea after all. Mu Xingqiu happened to have many things to ask Zuo Liuying for help, and there was no need to hide them this time.

"The demon king's rectification on the straw hat is incomplete, and there is still a small part in the bald man's mind. Zhou Qianhui said that this will cause harm to the person being cast."

The bald man lifted up three strands of hair and touched his head all over, wondering what was inside.

"What Zhou Qianhui said is correct, but he only half-understands that demonic magic and Taoist magic are like water and fire. No matter how complete they are, they will cause damage. Gan Zhiquan's physical body is irreparable and can only be maintained by the alienated inner elixir. It is inevitable It will decay a little bit, but if there are no accidents, it can still exist for more than a hundred years. "

Gan Zhiquan is a Taoist priest who should be able to live longer, but he has been attacked by a demon species and will inevitably become a demon within a few years, so being able to exist in a state of immortality for a hundred years is considered a gain.

"Is Grandmaster Yashan here to get Marquis Meng Yuan's soul? What did you talk about?"

The negotiation between Zuo Liuying and Shen Zangqi was smooth on the surface, but ended with the collapse of a snow mountain. Mu Xingqiu was very interested in the details.

"The soul of Marquis Meng Yuan, as well as the Frost Soul Sword, are what Shen Zangqi wants. He also wants to find out why you were able to escape the ice city safely. You did a good job and transferred the soul in advance, allowing Shen Zang to Nothing to say."

Meng Yuanhou's soul is part of the Amber Taoist priest. If it is found to be left in the Frost Soul Sword, Master Yashan will take the initiative.

"What does he want the Frost Soul Sword for?" Mu Xingqiu was a little surprised. To ordinary Taoist priests, the Frost Soul Sword might be a treasure, but in the hands of Grandmaster Yashan, it was just a special magical sword.

"Use it to attract reality."

Taoism still wants Fangfang's soul, and the only person who knows its whereabouts is the real phantom dragon demon. The dragon demon is very good at protecting itself and hiding among the spirits and monsters, but it has never been captured by the Taoist priests.

"Liu Huo Jin Ling was indeed sent to kill me. Whose decision was it? Doesn't it mean that at least three grand masters must give permission?"

"Zuo Liuying doesn't know, but he believes that this is a joint decision of the eight orthodox families."

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while and found it a bit ridiculous. Originally, he just wanted to keep a certain distance from Taoism and follow his own independent path. Unexpectedly, he inexplicably stood on the opposite side of Taoism, and he didn't even know the real reason. Clearly, Zuo Liuying knew it, but he "forgot" it.

There was only one last question left. Mu Xingqiu said, "You can reverse the magic of demon transformation, right?"

These were the words Shen Jiyi left for him. After learning about Zhou Qianhui's mission, Mu Xingqiu left the booklet on the ground, but he would never forget the words written on it: Not a demon, not a demon species. The spells cast by oneself can be decoded by the Taoist priests who are infused with the spirit.

Xiao Hao was silent for a while, then turned to look at Zuo Liuying, "If you really have this ability, you should tell Mu Xingqiu in advance and help him. He is responsible for this matter... Yeah, I understand."

Xiaohao turned to Mu Xingqiu, "He said that as long as he knew which demonic spell the demon-transforming technique was based on, he should be able to reverse it, but he had a condition."

Then, Xiao Hao curled her lips and showed some dissatisfaction with Zuo Liuying, "He said that he must retrieve his memory first before he can help you and Yang Qingyin reverse the demon transformation."

Mu Xingqiu didn't ask why, Zuo Liuying's decision could not be changed.

"Zuo Liuying, it's not good to do this. We are all so familiar with each other. Mu Xingqiu is a very good person, and Yang Qingyin is also good..." Xiao Hao scolded him rudely, and suddenly closed his mouth, obviously It was after receiving Zuo Liuying's words.

"Someone is leaving the snow cave, at the other end. Who is leaving? Don't you know it's dangerous outside?"

The snow cave was created by Zuo Liuying, and he used the teleportation spell to lead everyone in. There was no way out. If other Taoist priests wanted to leave here, they could only dig holes.

Mu Xingqiu turned around and ran outside. The bald man kept staring at the double-sided bronze mirror. Mu Xingqiu had already ran out of the snow room, so he reluctantly turned around and chased after him. Xiao Hao hesitated for a while and followed.

The snow cave was twists and turns. Mu Xingqiu could not fly and could only run. He quickly attracted the attention of others and walked out of the snow rooms on both sides to watch.

"Get out of the way!" Mu Xingqiu shouted, he knew who was on the other side of the snow cave.

Xin Youtao and Xiao Qingtao also walked out of the snow room. Seeing that Mu Xingqiu looked wrong, they both chased after him. Other Taoist priests also followed suit, and soon a long queue was formed.

There were several snow rooms where no Taoist priest came out.

The "dead" Gan Zhiwei is locked in the room at the other end of the snow cave. His brother is accompanying him, but now only Gan Zhiquan is left, lying motionless on the ground.

Gan Zhiwei woke up, but unexpectedly did not become Mu Xingqiu's "puppet", but ran away.

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