
Chapter 0532 Everyone has a choice

A person who was supposed to be a puppet escaped!

"What's going on? Something's wrong with Straw Hat?" Xin Youtao asked.

Mu Xingqiu couldn't think of a reason, so he looked up at a round hole above the snow room. Gan Zhiwei escaped from here, and he shouldn't have gone very far.

"It's too late to chase now." Xin Youtao showed a few paper charms in his hand.

Mu Xingqiu reached out to stop him, "Let Zuo Liuying handle it."

In order to prevent the snow cave from being discovered by Taoism, Zuo Liuying cast a large number of restrictions. Gan Zhiwei has already destroyed some of them. If others use spells to catch up, it will only destroy the restrictions more seriously. Zuo Liuying has already discovered that someone has escaped, and there must be a way to Catch it and bring it back.

Xiao Qingtao bent down to check Gan Zhiquan, "He is still alive...still breathing."

There were many Taoist priests standing in the passage outside. Only a few people could squeeze in. One person asked: "Why did Gan Zhiwei run away?"

No one could answer him. Mu Xingqiu still looked up at the snow cave. Suddenly he heard a small sound. He spread his arms and motioned for the people in the room to get out of the way. Two Taoist priests dragged Gan Zhiquan to the wall.

boom! A man fell out of the hole and sat on the ground with a blank look on his face. It was Gan Zhiwei who had escaped.

Bang bang bang! Before anyone could ask questions, three more people fell out of the hole and smashed into each other. They all screamed in pain, then stood up and stood side by side, looking at Mu Xingqiu angrily. Only Gan Zhiwei remained blank. Sitting there, I didn’t feel any pain even if I was pressed.

These three people are all Taoist priests who invaded by demons. Not long ago they watched Mu Xingqiu perform the method of re-annihilation on Gan Zhiwei.

"Hongshan Wang Taiyu, Xingshan Pu Sheng, Yashan Yao Xingye." Mu Xingqiu reported the names of the three people, and his eyes quickly fell on Yao Xingye. He was one of the two smoke-eating Taoist priests here. Although He is not very talkative and has never fought for power, but he has many supporters around him.

Yao Xingye took a step forward and said loudly: "It was my idea. Now that I have been captured, I admit it, but -" He looked at the other Taoist priests behind Mu Xingqiu and said in a louder voice: "We are Taoist priests. I have made contributions in the battle of Taoism, so why should I be afraid of Taoism and hide underground like rats? I don’t believe that Taoism will harm us, fellow Taoists, wake up, is it true that practicing Taoism for decades or hundreds of years is not as good as doing it? How about a few words of provocation from the two abandoned disciples?"

The Taoist priests remained silent. Xin Youtao said angrily: "You are justified in exposing everyone's whereabouts. Mu Xingqiu and Zuo Liuying are not 'abandoned disciples'. They voluntarily quit Pangshan."

Yao Xingye was not afraid, "Of course, when they withdrew from Pangshan, there was no sign that the demons were about to return, but what happened recently was beyond their expectations. Mu Xingqiu and Zuo Liuying were scared and wanted to I’m afraid of losing face when I return to Daotong, so I’m so enthusiastic about helping us people.”

Yao Xingye obviously had a whole set of ideas. He took another step forward and looked directly at Mu Xingqiu. "Do you dare to say that you have no selfish intentions in helping the demon invaded Taoist priests? Do you dare to say that you are not doing meritorious service so that you can return to the Taoist order?"

Mu Xingqiu looked back at the other party and did not argue immediately. He wanted to hear what else the Taoist priest had to say. To him, the character change of the Taoist priest was quite interesting: why would a normal Taoist priest be ruthless and abandon his desires? ? Because too many thoughts and suspicions will fragment the Taoism, thus affecting peaceful practice. However, this also brings an inevitable consequence. When a split really occurs, even if it is the smallest split, the Taoism will become panicked. , even helpless.

Yao Xingye is a Taoist priest who swallows smoke, and his chances of becoming a high-level Taoist priest are higher than others. All the emotions he is showing now may be the hidden river hidden in the hearts of Taoist priests.

Yao Xingye didn't know what Mu Xingqiu was thinking. He just felt that he was doing the right thing, right enough to pay for it with his life. He looked at the other Taoist priests and said, "The fire of Taoism is never extinguished. Taoist priests are never afraid of death, let alone hiding." Hide. Fellow Taoists, don’t go further down the wrong path. Turn back while you still have the chance. I have sent a help spell to the ground. If Taoist priests are really tracking fellow Taoist Zhou Qianhui, they will definitely find my spell. ”

"You are crazy!" Xin Youtao said in surprise, "Dao Tong wants to kill us all."

"That's just Zuo Liuying's one-sided statement. He wants to use fear to scare us, control us, and make us the living dead to Mu Xingqiu."

"You, you...is he possessed by a demon?" Xin Youtao asked Mu Xingqiu, Yao Xingye's behavior was a bit abnormal.

Mu Xingqiu shook his head, "He is not possessed by a demon."

Mu Xingqiu couldn't directly detect demonic thoughts like Zuo Liuying, but he could feel it. Yao Xingye's voice was trembling slightly, his eyes were overly excited, and he kept scanning around, looking for supporters among the demon-invading Taoist priests. , which shows that he does not firmly believe in what he said. A real Taoist priest who is possessed by magic is much more confident than this.

Xin Youtao shook his head secretly, thinking that regardless of whether it was true or not, it would be easiest to accuse Yao Xingye of being possessed.

Yao Xingye was a little surprised by Mu Xingqiu's answer, but he was eager to convince everyone and continued loudly: "We are all Taoist priests who have been invaded by demons. Death is inevitable. If the Taoism really wants to kill us, there must be a reason. , I will never avoid anyone who is willing to come with me..."

"Taoist priests are also afraid of death." A voice interrupted Yao Xingye.

Gan Zhiwei, who had been sitting on the ground, stood up, walked to his brother to check on him, and turned to look at Yao Xingye.

"What did you say?" Yao Xingye asked sternly.

Yao Xingye's face turned red. He and two other Taoist priests took Gan Zhiwei away when he just woke up and his mind was unclear. He did have the hope of making contributions to Taoism in his heart, but Gan Zhiwei said this, it seemed that he was greedy and fearful. die.

Yao Xingye did not argue with Gan Zhiwei, but took two steps back and pointed at Mu Xingqiu, "It's you, you manipulated Gan Zhiwei and turned him into your lackey. When you say these words, Zuo Liuying hides them for you." , but other Taoist priests can see the flaw at a glance, so you prevent us from meeting the Taoist people!"

"Idiot!" Xin Youtao couldn't help it anymore, "You can't even figure out whether Daotong wants to kill you or save you, and you are still talking so shamelessly."

"Either kill us now or let us out immediately. I would rather be with fellow Taoist Zhou Qianhui." Yao Xingye said coldly. Hongshan Taoist Wang Taiyu and Xingshan Taoist Pu Sheng, who were trying to escape together, came over and stood side by side with him.

"You didn't tell me if you miss, do you have to hurt everyone now?" Xin Youtao said angrily, even if just letting one Taoist priest go, the hiding place arranged by Zuo Liuying would be ineffective.

Yao Xingye and the others ignored Xin Youtao and all stared at Mu Xingqiu.

Mu Xingqiu raised his right hand, and a black whip slowly stretched out from the cuff, with a foot-long lightning bolt swinging from the end.

The faces of Yao Xingye and the other three changed slightly. They were not as brave as they claimed. Although there was a Taoist priest among them, they had heard and seen Mu Xingqiu's strength. They knew that when he cast a spell, they were definitely no match. .

Without the stable heart of a Taoist priest, they can no longer die calmly like ordinary Taoist priests.

"The fire will never be extinguished." Yao Xingye's voice became even more trembling, but he had no regrets.

Wang Taiyu and Pu Sheng did not speak, but summoned their main magic weapons and prepared to fight to the death.

The other Taoist priests all got out of the way. No matter which side they supported, they didn't want to say it at this time.

"The fire of Taoism will never be extinguished." Mu Xingqiu said solemnly. He meant it sincerely. These four words have many meanings and have ignited the fire in his heart time and time again. Even if Taoism is changing its face, these words will never change. .

Lightning shot up into the sky, and its target was not the three Taoist priests opposite, but the hole above the head. The lightning suddenly grew stronger, like a stream of magma that had been suppressed underground for a long time, breaking through dozens of feet of ice and snow.

Everyone was shocked, especially Yao Xingye and the other three. They stared blankly at Mu Xingqiu, their faces turning red and white.

These three people had broken Zuo Liuying's restrictions and had probably attracted the attention of Taoism. Mu Xingqiu felt that killing them at this time was of no use.

The lightning disappeared, the whip returned to his sleeve, a beam of sunlight shone into the snow cave, and it was already dawn outside.

"Everyone has a choice." Mu Xingqiu turned around and faced the other Taoist priests. His voice continued along the snow cave, "Maybe you prefer the stability and profoundness of the Taoism, then make your choice and leave here to find the Taoism. No one is stopping you. I have chosen my own path, but I will not force anyone to follow me.”

Yao Xingye wanted to sneer. In his opinion, the existence of the Gan brothers was the greatest irony to Mu Xingqiu, but all he came out was a vague cough, as if there was phlegm in his throat but he did not spit it out. .

"Do you really want us to leave?" Yao Xingye couldn't control the tremor in his voice.

Mu Xingqiu stepped aside, "Anyone who wants to leave can leave, but please be responsible for your own choices. For those who remain, I will not allow you to make your own decisions."

Yao Xingye waved his hand to Wang Taiyu and Pu Sheng to leave first. The two cast spells and flew out of the hole one after another. They were probably a little panicked and knocked down a large amount of ice and snow debris.

Yao Xingye looked at the other Taoist priests and wanted to encourage them a few more words, but the words could not come out. He wanted to leave quickly. This desire was so strong that he felt that every word he said was a waste of time.

Taoist priest Tunyan flew away.

Mu Xingqiu said to Xin Youtao, Xiao Qingtao and Xiao Hao in the snow room: "You three, let's go too. This is no longer a rescue journey, but an escape. You should not participate."

Xiao Qingtao didn't know the reason and looked surprised, while Xin Youtao looked a little guilty. He once said that he hoped to let Xiao Qingtao leave, "We...we are not in a hurry..."

"After the escape begins, I can no longer release people at will." Mu Xingqiu smiled, "We are still friends, and you may be more helpful to me if you return to Daotong."

Other Taoist priests began to choose to leave. Some left without saying a word, while others formally bid farewell to Mu Xingqiu. With each additional Taoist priest who left, the faces of the remaining people became more hesitant.

Xin Youtao looked at Xiao Qingtao and finally made a decision, "You leave and I stay. Like Mu Xingqiu, I am also the one who quit Pangshan."

Xiao Qingtao ignored him, her face darkened, and she said to Mu Xingqiu: "You said everyone has a choice, but you let them leave even though you know that they will die if they go out. Is this also a choice?"

"What they chose was not death, but the way to die." Mu Xingqiu said.

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