
Chapter 0538 Wood Carving

Bang bang bang...

It was as if someone was beating the demon armor with a small hammer. The frequency gradually increased, and the demons' hearts beat more and more violently, almost to the point of jumping out of their chests.

The beating sound suddenly stopped, and a mute sound came from the demon armor, like various parts of the armor hitting each other, or some kind of language.

Most of the ordinary demons knelt down, but the spirit demons and a small number of demons were baffled. They were demons, but they couldn't understand the demon language.

Soon, human language came out of the armor, and it was still a sound like metal collision, and all the demon clan and Yang Qingyin could understand it.

"Your master has woken up. Slaves, come and pay your respects."

Obviously, what Jiayi said in different languages ​​​​is not exactly the same. The demon language is longer, and the human language is the shortest.

There were also a few ordinary monsters whose legs were trembling, and they immediately knelt down after hearing this order. The spirit demons did not like human forms, so they all maintained their original animal forms. Some struggled to kneel down on their front legs, while others were hesitant, especially the more than thirty winged flying tribes. They could not kneel down. The posture is, at best, lying on the ground like sleeping or hatching eggs.

"Slaves, come and pay homage." Jiayi repeated in human language.

So most of the spirit monsters knelt down, Liucai Kingque lay on the ground and put away its gorgeous tail screen to show humility.

There were still more than a dozen spirit demons who did not kneel down, all of them were Jintail horses and tanyangs. They all looked at King Jin.

King Jin did not move, and his four slender and elegant legs were still straight. Although he was suffering from the ice and snow, his maroon hair was still as smooth as forged iron, and his Jin tail, which was almost touching the floor, was not even at all faded.

Yang Qingyin put her right hand on her forehead. She thought of many things, but these memories were like foreign objects in her mind. She could see them clearly, but she did not feel that they belonged to her, and she did not have any corresponding emotions. This made her headache worse. severe.

She had to do something to relieve the pain, "King Jin, is this your purpose of going deep into the land of demons? Leave Qi Wushang and find a new master for the spirit demons?"

King Jin didn't say anything. Old Tan Yang, who was standing next to him, said, "What kind of thing is Qi Wushang? It's hard to protect yourself, but in the end you won't be wiped out by the Taoist priests? The demons are different. They have power that is not weaker than the Taoist priests.

"In this case, it's better to go and join the Taoist tradition." Yang Qingyin's anger rose. She was not good at persuasion, so she flew into the air again, "You are spirit monsters transformed from spirit beasts. Could it be that you have been raised as pigs? You can't live without finding a master. Go down?"

This sentence offended all the spirit demons. The group of demons reprimanded each other, and some of the spirit demons who had knelt down stood up again.

King Jin raised his front body high and landed heavily, his hooves hitting the ground with a muffled sound, stopping the spirit demon's noise, and then looked up at Yang Qingyin, "Humans, don't treat us as ignorant beasts, we have our own choices. "

Yang Qingyin snorted and flew outside the demon group. She would never kneel down to a demon armor, and her headache was too severe, so she didn't want to show it in public.

King Jin looked at the spirit demon clan and said, "Don't kneel down in a hurry. We still don't know whether this demon clan is alive or dead and who is speaking."

Upon being reminded by King Jin, the group of demons reacted. The demon armor only moved slightly, and then remained frozen there. They did not make any move in the face of Yang Qingyin's disrespect.

Not only the spirit demons, but also ordinary demons stood up one after another. The beast demon scratched his head, "Yeah, who are we kneeling to?"

The last ten or so monsters were kneeling on the snow and refused to get up. They said to the other monsters in panic: "Are you crazy? Dare you be disrespectful to the demons? Even if he is dead, he can still..."

There was another banging sound in the breastplate, and it continued slowly after that. The demons held their breath until they could no longer hold it in, and then they continued to argue whether this demon should live or die, and whether it should or should not. Bow down to him and whether he should be revived.

Not only the spirit demons were talking about it, but ordinary demon clans also participated. Although they were captives, they marched, dug, and lived with the spirit demons. They had long regarded themselves as part of it. Only when the spirit demons wanted to seize the demon pill Only then will you feel wary.

"Tear down the armor and see what's going on with the demon inside. If he's not dead, we'll make him the boss and the demon king. If he's dead, let's see what the hell is talking about." The old man said. Chuang was the boldest and loudest, but he only gave suggestions and did not dare to walk over.

"It's better to bury him first. I feel... it's not very practical." More demon clans were afraid and would rather nothing had happened.

The birth time of the spirit demon was too short, only a few years, and they had very little contact with ordinary demons, so they did not have much respect for the demons. They just felt that this was an opportunity to get rid of the pain of transforming into demons and save their lives, so they The decision-making power was completely left to King Jin.

Lao Tanyang walked up to King Jin and said, "King Jin, you decide. The two hundred spirit demons who respect you as their king are putting their lives and future in your hands."

The young King Jin was better at charging into battle, rather than making choices at critical moments. He once again raised his front hooves and stepped hard on the snow. The noise of the demon clan stopped, but the banging in the armor was still unhurried. The ground rang, like a sign of contempt for King Jin.

The pure black armor refused to speak, and only made a thumping sound from the breastplate.

King Jin did not lift the visor of his helmet, but lowered his height and slowly approached the breastplate. The demons looked at him intently, like a group of teenagers watching their boldest companions to poke a hornet's nest. Many demons were already ready to escape. Or the preparation to kneel down and beg for mercy.

The demons have been defeated for hundreds of thousands of years, but their influence among the ordinary demons has never disappeared. Fear and hope are intertwined. The demons can no longer tell the difference between the two and can only wait quietly.

King Jin tilted his ear to his breastplate. His appearance was a divine maroon horse with a brocade tail. It was taller than ordinary horses. It was the most majestic even among its kind. In comparison, it is no different from a domestic dog.

There was no change in the banging sound. King Jin couldn't hear any more information. He was about to leave when he heard a loud bang.

The loud noise came too suddenly and too soon.

More than four hundred demons, from the Jin King in the sky to the group of demons on the ground, from the confused spirit demons to the anxious ordinary demons, are all waiting with their hearts for something to happen. When something does happen, instinct takes over. Everything and reason were thrown out of the window, and the reactions of many demon clans were different from what they had planned.

King Jin flew up more than a dozen feet, spitting out two balls of fire from his nostrils, but hit nothing. He then flew for more than a hundred steps before turning around.

He was the most courageous, but the group of monsters on the ground were in a miserable situation. The monsters who were about to kneel turned around and ran away, while the monsters who were about to escape fell limply on the snow, and the humanoid monsters ran on all fours like cats and dogs. Digging into a nearby igloo or digging a hole on the spot, the spirit monsters that maintained their animal form stood up one after another like humans. Some fell to the ground, and some flapped their wings desperately, but their feet could not leave the ground for even half a mile. inch.

It was at this moment that the beast demon Lao Chuang realized for the first time that he was not as brave as he thought, because he sat down on the ground, suppressing a half-demon and unable to stand up at all.

All the monsters were screaming and crying, and some even stuck their heads into the snow, leaving their bodies outside trembling.

The spirit demons were not so awed by the demons, but under the influence of the ordinary demons, they also lost their sense of proportion. Lao Tanyang sat on the ground and let out a series of bleating calls, completely forgetting even the human language.

It wasn't until a burst of untimely laughter sounded that lasted for a long time that the group of monsters slowly returned to normal. Even those monsters who secretly swore never to raise their heads broke out from the snow, wiped the snow off their faces, and followed The other demons looked at the top of the demon armor together.

The female Taoist priest stood on it and laughed heartily, holding a magic sword in her right hand and a shield-sized mask in her left hand - the face of the demon was completely exposed.

It was a huge face that was very similar to a human being, with features like a knife or an axe, slender eyes, a straight nose, and lips closed in a line, showing full majesty of a king, but the face was too pale, probably in the snow and ice. It's been freezing for too long.

Everyone didn't react for a moment, just looking back and forth at the faces of the Taoist priest and the demon.

Yang Qingyin stopped laughing and said, "You cowards, I just fired a ball of fire to scare you like this."

It turned out that the banging sound was not from the demon armor, but the sound of the fireball hitting the mask. The demons were all staring at King Jin at the breastplate. The fireball came so fast that no one noticed it.

"It's you!" King Jin, who was a hundred steps away, was extremely angry, not because Yang Qingyin was good at making opinions, but because he had unintentionally shown his cowardice just now.

"That's me!" Yang Qingyin raised her head and said.

The group of demons were stunned again. They had been with Yang Qingyin for a long time. They had always thought that she was a taciturn human woman who was dedicated to transforming into demons. Suddenly, when they saw her calling her "Mother" so arrogantly, they all felt that the change was too great. .

"You, are you possessed by a demon?" Lao Tanyang finally stood up from the snow and could speak human language again. He was as angry as King Jin, and he had heard about Taoist priests becoming possessed by demons.

Yang Qingyin's head no longer hurt, all the memories came back to her mind, and the hole in her heart was filled.

Mu Xingqiu.

She thought of the name and his appearance, but her heart was as calm as water, without any disturbance. She thought that she would never be tied down by any man, never.

"If you want to kneel down so much, just kneel down to me. There is no need to bow down to a piece of wood."

Yang Qingyin swung her magic sword and slashed at the demon's face amidst the gazes and exclamations of the demons.

Poof, the sword tip hit the forehead. All the monsters had killing experience, and they could hear it clearly. It was definitely not the sound of weapons colliding with bones.

"Is this carved out of wood?" King Jin temporarily forgot his anger and flew closer to take a closer look. The lifelike face was indeed made of wood.

"Where are the real demons?" Lao Tanyang asked.

"Why do the demons carve out the appearance of humans?" Lao Chong asked.

"You'll know after you take it apart and take a look." Yang Qingyin wasn't that particular. She took back her magic sword and circled the armor from top to bottom, casting spells or pulling it apart, removing each part of the armor one by one, and throwing it away. to the ground.

Many demons felt it was inappropriate, but none of them dared to stop them. Their awe of the demons was slowly transferring to this female Taoist priest.

Yang Qingyin had already removed the shoulder armor, arm armor and hand armor, and was about to pull off the entire chest armor to see what the banging thing was inside, when she suddenly felt something was not right, so she rose to a high altitude and used her Third Eye to look around. look into the distance.

"Ha, we have guests, quite a few."

At least five groups of demon soldiers are approaching the spirit demon camp.

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