
Chapter 0539 Beating Heart

Ice and snow rolled up like sand, and five teams of demon soldiers rushed from different directions to surround the spirit demon camp.

"Did the demons call you? This is too fast." Old Tan Yang shook his long beard uneasily.

"Impossible." King Jin flew in the air and could see more clearly, "They have been ambushing nearby for a long time, and we haven't discovered it yet!"

After all, the spirit demons are a new race, and they lack experience from top to bottom. They only explored the surrounding situation in the early stages of setting up the camp, and then concentrated on digging. No one noticed the demons approaching quietly.

"He's here to save us." The beast demon Lao Chong's eyes lit up, and the surrounding prisoners also showed joy, looking around, hoping to identify the identity of the rescuer.

Yang Qingyin didn't think so, and said in the air: "Qi Wushang is dead, who will come to save you group of ordinary demon soldiers? They are here to rob the demon relics."

The group of monsters suddenly realized that they had been digging here for nearly a month. The news must have leaked out and attracted coveters. Five groups of monsters were lying in ambush nearby, waiting for them to dig out something.

"You're right, even if the giant monster king is still alive, he can't come to save us." Lao Knockao didn't care that his good wishes were overturned. He was a beast monster, and what he immediately thought of was another thing, "This is our What you dig out must not be taken away by other monsters, no one!"

The group of demons shouted in unison. Just a moment ago, they were scared to death, but in the blink of an eye, they became high-spirited and looked for weapons everywhere. If they didn't have any, they would use their bare hands.

In order to dig out this demon, they worked hard for a month. The work they did was really like slaves, and no one wanted to just hand it over.

When it came to fighting, King Jin was not in such a dilemma. He circled in the air and shouted: "Listen to my order and move closer to the center. Those who can fly will be lifted into the air for me, and those who can dig holes will burrow into the snow." Don’t give the robbers a chance!”

The group of demons obeyed the order and took their positions. Half of them were spirit demons and half were prisoners. They cooperated in a tacit understanding. Although there was a lack of weapons and armor, and there were only a few who knew the magic arts, none of the demons showed any signs of timidity.

Yang Qingyin flew higher, "They stopped, there were so many of them."

King Jin also saw five demon armies in five directions, each with at least a thousand demon soldiers. They all stopped advancing when they were more than ten miles away from the camp, as if they didn't want to get too close.

"What tribes are there? I'm going to scold him. These shameless guys dare to steal my old things." Although Lao Bang was tall, he couldn't see far in the uneven snow.

There were some flags erected among the five demon soldiers. Neither Yang Qingyin nor King Jin recognized them. They were about to drag an ordinary demon up to identify them, when voices came from all directions and the demon soldiers introduced themselves.

"Feizu, the Demon King of War Demon Mountain, is here."

The spirit demon felt nothing, but the ordinary demon clan all took a breath of cold air, and the vigor of the old scolding and repelling the intruder was immediately reduced by three points, "Demon King Feizu? He is the only one in the land of demons who refuses to obey the orders of the giant demon king. Come here."

Yang Qingyin just curled her lips. There were too many demons with the Fei surname, and they didn't sound like powerful demons.

"The flying demon general Zhan Tian under the giant demon king is here."

Another voice came, and Lao Chong cheered, raising his hands to grab his own horns, "That's my boss, my boss!"

Yang Qingyin thought for a while before she realized that Feitian General Zhan Tian was the leader of Lao Bang. She thought that Qi Wushang was already dead. This demon also claimed to be "the subordinate of the giant demon king", so it was probably not a powerful character.

"The Mage King of Life and Death, Gao Fuwei, is here."

Hearing this name, the demons had no idea of ​​their origins, but Yang Qingyin let out a sigh. The Mage King of Life and Death was the title used by Lan Bingju in the Lianhai Mountain Monk Group. Gao Fuwei was obviously the Talisman Master of the Dragon Bin Club in the Imperial Capital. Known as the "Tiger Talisman Master", although he has demon clan blood, he has been working for the Long Bin Society, and he inexplicably took Lan Bingke's place.

"The prince who sacrificed his life to expand his territory is here."

The ordinary monsters in the camp looked at each other in surprise, and then spoke again, "The royal family who sacrifices their lives never enters the land of monsters. This is a rule since ancient times. You are very brave to expand your territory."

The Kingdom of Sheshen is a large semi-demon country located in the northwest. It has always been a vassal to the Shengfu Dynasty. It is said that the royal family secretly supports Qi Wushang, but has never expressed its attitude publicly.

The leader of the last demon soldier did not introduce his identity. The surroundings were quiet for a while, and finally a voice sounded from the southeast.

"Black Phoenix.

The camp was even quieter. The ordinary monsters were silent, and the spirit monsters were silent even when they were infected. After a while, a spirit monster asked: "Who is Black Phoenix?"

Lao Chong was by no means a timid monster. He actually lost his fighting spirit after hearing Black Phoenix's name, which surprised King Jin. Yang Qingyin shook her head, "I recognize Black Phoenix. I saw something in Duanliu City." The technique of twin shadows, using a feather to bluff people, is not difficult to deal with. "

The ordinary monsters on the ground looked at Yang Qingyin with strange eyes, Lao Chong said loudly: "Have you seen the Black Phoenix himself? You know, even the giant monster king gave Black Phoenix three points of courtesy, and even said that the Black Phoenix was his." Heir."

Yang Qingyin still didn't take Black Phoenix seriously, and ignored Lao Chong. She looked around and said, "That's good. It seems that the five demon armies are going to fight first."

The demon armies from all directions are approaching each other, and their speed is gradually increasing, as if they are about to launch a charge. The flying demon in the sky takes the lead and soon starts to fire magic.

The battle was chaotic. Three demon armies were fighting in the northwest and two demon armies were confronting each other in the east. Yang Qingyin couldn't tell which group was which, but she knew that this was an opportunity.

"We're all here for the demon relics, but I want to see if he's worth it." Yang Qingyin descended in front of the demon armor and stretched out his hand to pull off a whole piece of plate armor covering his chest.

The plate armor is six to seven feet high, about one foot wide, and only one or two inches thick. For such a large breastplate, the thickness is really pitiful. The shape is slightly undulating, and it matches the chest.

Yang Qingyin held this big thing in her hand and finally discovered that it was made of silver soul.

Silver is white, but silver is black and very light.

Yang Qingyin threw down her breastplate and looked at the chest of the wood-carved demon. The demons all forgot about the battle outside and looked up. The camp became silent again.

The position of the wood demon's heart is a hollow, and there is a living heart inside. It is beating regularly. It makes a banging sound when it hits the breastplate. The blood vessels of the heart penetrate deep into the wood carving, allowing it to hang in the hole and prevent it from falling. fall out.

"This heart is alive." Lao Chong's face was full of ecstasy, "Remember, the giant demon king used the demon heart to create the mountain of demon fire so that he could sweep across Pang Mountain. This is a treasure!"

"It is said that the demon hearts found by the giant demon king and Mr. Ishi are all dry. They resume beating after injecting magic. The heart is beating on its own!" Another demon added.

The group of demons sighed, and all looked at the heart obsessively, thinking it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

But Yang Qingyin thought it was ugly, covered with crisscrossing blood vessels, and somewhat similar to the branch patterns carved on the surface of the magic armor. During the battle in Duanliu City, she had seen the magic heart and knew how to use it. You can shrink it into a very small piece, which is how the magic eye on the top of the bald man's head comes from.

"I'll destroy it." Yang Qingyin's palms began to glow.




The group of demons tried to stop it, and even King Jin joined them and flew to Yang Qingyin, "This is a treasure belonging to the spirit demon, you can't touch it."

"The devil's heart has just resumed beating. Now is the best time to destroy it without leaving any consequences."

"No, I want to keep it, can't you feel it? There is huge power in my heart." King Jin had always been polite to Yang Qingyin, but now he became stiff, as if he really wanted to fight her of.

Yang Qingyin looked at the ground. Not only King Jin, but also all the demon clan looked at her with vigilant eyes. As long as she dared to touch her heart, they would fight her to the death.

Yang Qingyin withdrew the spell and said, "Keep it first."

The demons breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Qingyin glanced at the battlefield outside the camp and found that the demon clan's battle started quickly and ended even faster. The five demon armies gathered together without much fighting, forming two teams and rushing towards the camp at the same time.

"You don't want the demon's heart to be stolen, do you?"

The demons shook their heads.

"Then you just watch honestly. I will negotiate with these bandits later. No matter what I say, you don't object. Do you understand?"

The demons didn't understand very well. Some of them were right and some didn't respond.

"Just think of me as your leader, your demon king. Only in this way can you keep the treasure, do you understand?" Yang Qingyin summoned the magic sword.

This time all the demons understood and nodded, except for some of the spirit demons who were more reluctant and looked at King Jin.

King Jin looked at the living heart that was only a few steps away from him, and had a vague urge to kneel down and worship it. He understood that the power of this thing was too powerful and he couldn't handle it, so he nodded and landed on the ground. The other flying The spirit demon in the air also landed.

Yang Qingyin summoned a bunch of magic weapons to surround herself, and suddenly remembered something. She couldn't fly for a long time after taking the demon pill, but this time she had no problem floating in the air for so long.

She didn't have much time to think about transforming into a demon. The two demon armies outside arrived and stopped a few hundred steps away from the camp. They demonstrated to each other but did not start fighting again. Instead, they elected a representative.

Gao Fuwei, the tiger talisman master of Longbinhui, flew over and floated on the edge of the camp. He glanced around and landed on Yang Qingyin, "I recognize you, you are Pangshan Taoist Priest."

"Yes, I recognize you too. Why don't you work for Long Binhui in the imperial capital?"

"All the real leaders of Longbinhui have been killed by you. The new chief doesn't trust demon masters like me. I can only go back to the land of demons to recognize my ancestors and return to my clan. What about you? Why are you hanging out with the demons? ?”

"You don't need to worry about my affairs. You don't look like the one who calls the shots. Go back and tell Black Phoenix and Zhan Tian that no one is allowed to come near the camp."

Gao Fuwei laughed several times, "What else?"

"Otherwise I will destroy this still-beating demon's heart." Yang Qingyin stepped aside, allowing Gao Fuwei to see the wood-carved demon's chest.

The group of monsters on the ground knew that this was a strategy to scare foreign enemies, but they couldn't help but scream.

Gao Fuwei's face changed slightly and he was silent for a moment.

A few snowflakes fell. Yang Qingyin didn't pay attention at first. After a moment, her heart suddenly moved. She looked up and saw a piece of black feathers falling from the sky.

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