
Chapter 0561: Joint attack

Looking at Mu Xingqiu's trust-seeking eyes, Yang Qingyin remembered a conversation she had with Xiao Qingtao.

At that time, the two were discussing love affairs, and Yang Qingyin said: "Loving someone is ridiculous. Now I know why."

Xiao Qingtao pursed her lips and smiled, knowing that my mother was going to teach her some truth again.

"No need to laugh, you will understand after you and Xin Youtao have passed through the tribulation. I am just giving you a reminder now." Yang Qingyin said seriously, then raised her head slightly, showing an expression of great enlightenment, "The tribulation of Dao Of all kinds, love is the most difficult, why? Because most of the seven emotions and six desires are based on self-interest, such as family affection. The more parents pay, the more coquettish their children will be, and the stronger the family affection will be. For example, friendship, the more friends do to each other, the deeper the friendship will be. "Others, such as hatred, joy, anger, etc., are all for self-interest, but love is different."

"Loving someone is also to satisfy yourself."

"No, no, if you really love someone, you will think of him wholeheartedly and just want to stay by his side. His smile or frown can set off a storm in your heart, making you unable to control yourself..."

"Is this the feeling you had for Brother Xiaoqiu in the past?" What Xiao Qingtao showed was not vigilance, but envy.

"No." Yang Qingyin answered resolutely, "This is the relationship between Mu Xingqiu and Qin Lingshuang. I saw his memory, which is... Do you know why Zuo Liuying chose Qin Lingshuang Broken Pill? To be honest, I was before Those who don’t understand, think that Taoist priests are willing to die at Laozu Peak. Isn’t it easy to voluntarily break the pill to save the Patriarch Tower? Now I understand, breaking the pill is not that simple. People who are a little hesitant can still be martyred, and even can. Suicide cannot break the pill, it must be done without any hesitation.”

Yang Qingyin spoke too fast and had to stop to take a breath.

"Qin Lingshuang did not hesitate, not because she once had a soul, nor because she had always had spiritual bones, but because she knew that was the only way to save Mu Xingqiu. She did not die for Pang Shan, She died for Mu Xingqiu."

Xiao Qingtao said nothing, she missed Fangfang.

"This is the essence and shortcoming of the art of breaking the elixir. A Taoist priest who has perfected himself can keep the inner elixir. On the contrary, only self-sacrifice can break the elixir. I used to look down on Lan Qizhang. In fact, including me, none of us can do it. To Broken Pill, because we are Taoist priests, striving for perfection and running counter to the idea of ​​self-sacrifice.”

"Isn't that right? Taoist priests are the most courageous people I have ever seen to sacrifice." Xiao Qingtao was a little confused.

"It's different." Yang Qingyin's eyes were bright, like a preacher who grasped the truth but was not understood. "You commit suicide by spitting out the elixir when you are seriously injured because your body is no longer suitable to bear the inner elixir; commit suicide before becoming a demon because Demonic thoughts will eventually destroy the inner elixir; face powerful enemies and die generously, because once the enemy rushes past, you will lose more inner elixirs."

"Taoist priests all die for the inner elixir, but the art of breaking the elixir destroys the inner elixir."

"That's why only Qin Lingshuang can use the art of breaking the elixir. The thought of sacrificing for Mu Xingqiu in her heart exceeds the will to protect the inner elixir. Only in this way can the inner elixir be broken and explode with unparalleled power. "

"Fangfang." Xiao Qingtao whispered, feeling sad.

"The difficulty of breaking the pill is the same as the power of the pill. If everyone can break the pill, sooner or later the orthodoxy will be destroyed by a few lunatics. But what I want to say is not this, but I want to tell you, love someone It is completely contrary to the self-perfection of Taoist priests. I admire Qin Lingshuang, but I will not become her. Why should Taoist priests cut off love? Because we cannot be as single-minded as Qin Lingshuang, and it is contradictory to our own Taoist heart. , so we are in a dilemma, this is the funny thing about love. It is not Qin Lingshuang who is funny, it is us. "

Yang Qingyin let out a long breath and finally finished speaking. She couldn't bear to say these words in her heart, but she would never say them to anyone except Xiao Qingtao.

"But Fangfang hopes you..."

"Look, her soul is still thinking about Mu Xingqiu, and I can't do that. Mu Xingqiu came to me because he cared about Qin Lingshuang and every word she said. This is even more ridiculous, Mu Xingqiu loves It’s another person, and I have seen through the illusion of love. How can such two people get together and survive the disaster?”

"I think...that's not entirely the case." Xiao Qingtao couldn't argue with Yang Qingyin, but was not convinced.

"Hurry up and get through this calamity, Xin Youtao is not worth your time." Yang Qingyin advised.

"You are the second Xiao Hao." Xiao Qingtao said with a smile. She was once alienated from Xin Youtao because of Xiao Hao's words, but when faced with a life and death crisis, the two of them couldn't help but get closer. "Once something happens, No one can control it."

"Ordinary people can't, Taoist priests can." Yang Qingyin pointed to herself, "I can do it too."

This was a conversation a few days ago. The scene flashed through Yang Qingyin's mind. Her first reaction was to refuse Mu Xingqiu to enter her mind again, but those eyes seemed to have another meaning...

Zuo Liuying, Mu Xingqiu still don't believe Zuo Liuying! Yang Qingyin found a reason to cooperate with Mu Xingqiu, so she shrugged and said casually: "It's up to you. I won't feel loyal to you because of this, right?"

Lao Chong spoke, "Don't worry, Spirit King, Demon Lord Zhengfa is attached to Straw Hat. Even if you are loyal, the target will still be Straw Hat, not Mu Xingqiu."

Yang Qingyin snorted, feeling that this outcome was even more unlucky.

The Gan brothers were the first to receive the Fa. Gan Zhiquan said loudly: "No, I have no special feelings about straw hats."

Yang Qingyin sat cross-legged half a foot above the ground and took off the feather crown on her head so that Mu Xingqiu could cast a spell on her.

Mu Xingqiu stood in front of her, with his back to "Zuo Liuying", blocking his sight. Then he put the straw hat on Yang Qingyin's head, looked at her deeply, and said, "Let's begin."

Yang Qingyin put away all thoughts of magic and resistance.

Xiao Qingtao was standing diagonally opposite. She was the only one who could tell that Yang Qingyin was in an unusual state. She was not just accepting the method of re-annihilation, but was completely undefended.

Xiao Qingtao's heart moved and she couldn't help but think that this was the second time Yang Qingyin had done this. The first time the situation was critical, but this time there was no obvious threat. Yang Qingyin still believed in Mu Xingqiu and could still open his heart. Mind, this is not an easy thing for a Taoist priest.

Xiao Qingtao's emotion was just the beginning. Before she could think about it further, things changed.

Mu Xingqiu and Yang Qingyin worked together to perform the method of re-annihilation.

No matter whether the person pretending to be Zuo Liuying is Yi Shijun or not, he is not an ordinary person who can hide the eyes of dozens of Taoist priests with the magic of illusion. And the real Zuo Liuying has been reluctant to appear. Mu Xingqiu doesn't want to If you are entangled, you must attack him unprepared, and one move will be effective.

Yang Qingyin accepted Mu Xingqiu's idea, so she cast the spell silently.

The Demon Lord does not need to put a straw hat on the head of the person receiving the Dharma. Mu Xingqiu did this to avoid accidents.

Yang Qingyin held the Frost Soul Sword in one hand and casually pointed to the ground with the other hand, as if she had received the spell and was about to "die", but in fact she was casting a spell.

This is the method of re-annihilation driven by the soul. It enters the snow, gets under Mu Xingqiu's feet, and hits "Zuo Liuying" who is more than ten steps away.

Almost at the same moment, "Zuo Liuying" soared into the sky, startling the Taoist priests and spirit demons around him. Lao Chong immediately said, "Why did you two attack me? Uh, attack him?"

Mu Xingqiu had a feeling that the method of re-annihilation had hit "Zuo Liuying", but for some reason it didn't work immediately. This was enough, and he didn't want to keep pretending.

"You are not Zuo Liuying." Mu Xingqiu picked up the straw hat, and Yang Qingyin also stood up and threw the Frost Soul Sword back.

The Taoist priests and spirit demons were all stunned when they heard this. Mu Xingqiu's transformation seemed to them too abrupt and far less credible than Zuo Liuying in the air.

"You've been fooled." Lao Chong still dutifully sent a message to "Zuo Liuying", "The one who instigated you is the liar. He wants to devour the Taoist priest Zhu Shen and use you to weaken Zuo Liuying's strength. Eh? Devouring ? It sounds a bit like..."

"Jun Yishi." Mu Xingqiu stared at the Taoist priest in the sky, "You are Mr. Yishi, stop pretending, you made a mistake."

"Mu Xingqiu, what on earth are you doing?" Lao Chuang scratched his head and asked, "This is not Lord Yishi, nothing like him."

Mu Xingqiu ignored the beast monster, pointed at the bald man and said, "You came here on behalf of the Taoist tradition to ask us to hand over the inner elixir. Why didn't you mention anything to the bald man? Did Yashan not want the water in the sword-washing pool back before he retired?"

Lao Chong didn't speak this time. He looked up at "Zuo Liuying" with expectation, hoping that he could continue to deliver messages for him.

But "Zuo Liuying" smiled, not like a Taoist priest at all, and then spoke in person, "Actually, I want to raise this head, but I don't want to waste time. Okay, I admit, this is a loophole. You were so calm that you actually cast spells on several Taoist priests before you attacked me."

Now both the Taoist priest and the spirit demon believed that this was not Zuo Liuying. Only Lao Chong said, "What's going on? You helped the spirit demon fulfill his wish and helped me repair the demon pill."

"How interesting it is to transform a spirit beast into a demon. Of course I want to help. As for helping you, it's just a matter of convenience. In fact, you are all confused. Taoism can only reverse the demon transformation. How can it be possible to complete the demon transformation? Except for me, Mr. Yishi, no one can This ability!”

The Taoist priest and the spirit demon were shocked and prepared to fight.

Mu Xingqiu and Yang Qingyin did not cast spells, they were waiting for the re-annihilation method to take effect.

Mr. Yishi didn't care about the commotion on the ground. He spun around in the air and shouted loudly: "Zuo Liuying, come out. I know you are nearby. It's time for us to meet."

Yishijun still maintained Zuo Liuying's appearance, but frowned and rushed high into the sky again.

boom! As soon as he jumped up more than ten feet, he seemed to have hit a transparent copper wall and an iron wall. He made a muffled sound and then fell to the ground.

He hit a layer of restrictions that was quietly cast, causing the method of re-destruction to finally take effect.

Just as Mu Xingqiu was about to rush to catch Yishi Jun, Xiao Hao suddenly shouted: "Don't go there, Yishi Jun is not dead yet!"

Mu Xingqiu stopped, but Yang Qingyin did not. She did not expect that Xiaohao's reminder was what Zuo Liuying meant. She rushed forward, and divorced Shi Jun was the closest.

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