
Chapter 0562 White Room

Zuo Liuying, disguised as Mr. Yishi, fell from the sky, and Yang Qingyin rushed up and fired a ball of fire. Her original intention was not to kill Mr. Yishi, but to take the opportunity to seriously injure him. After hearing so many rumors, she believed that the method of destroying him with one move and Zuo Liuying's first layer of restriction were not enough to make him seriously injured. Mr. Yishi lost his ability to resist.

She guessed correctly, but she still underestimated the demon.

With a bang, the fireball hit Mr. Yishi, and his body that looked exactly like Zuo Liuying fell apart and actually exploded.

Yang Qingyin was stunned. The Taoist priests and spirit demons on the ground were also stunned. Lao Chong even stamped his feet and beat his chest, feeling extremely sad. No matter it was Mr. Yishi or Zuo Liuying, no matter whether he was helping intentionally or just doing it conveniently. , can restore the demon pill to its original state, Lao Chong will be grateful to him.

"Catch him!" Xiao Hao shouted.

This reminder is very strange. Mr. Yishi has been shattered, what else is there to catch?

Mu Xingqiu is not good at making long-term plans, but in critical moments, his mind turns faster than anyone else, even faster than his own mind. He has not yet fully understood the true meaning of Xiaohao's words, or even Knowing whether these three words came from the real Zuo Liuying, he had already taken action.

Mu Xingqiu did not test the illusion technique, and instantly used all his strength to point the seventh-level illusion technique in mid-air.

Everything was normal for Yang Qingyin, and Santian's protective power was perfect, making it possible for the illusion to enter without any gaps, but right in front of her, something seemed to be approaching quickly. This thing is invisible to the naked eye and third eye, and cannot be detected using ordinary magic. Only illusion can vaguely feel its existence.

It is like a breeze blowing from the ground, rising and dying, like a wild cat that suddenly jumps out from a hidden corner and flashes by.

Faced with this situation, most people will just freeze up. By the time they react, the wind has passed and only the back of the cat is left. A very small number of people who have received strict training will not waste time observing what it is, but It is to directly draw the sword towards each other and use offense instead of defense.

Mu Xingqiu is one of those very few people, and his sword is Wuxu Illusion Technique.

Genjutsu grabbed hold of what it felt.

This thing is very similar to the emotions of humans or monsters, the only difference is that it is too powerful.

Mu Xingqiu has performed the illusion of emptiness many times, and the emotions he comes into contact with are irresistible. Taoist priests or beast monsters can block the illusion, not by the emotions themselves, but by spells and sorcery, which form a layer of hardness. The shell prevents illusions from entering. As for things in the mind such as emotions and memories, they are still weak and powerless.

But this thing is different. It is very much like an emotion. It can be firmly grasped by Qi Xu Illusion, but cannot be controlled by it, like a big slippery fish swinging its powerful tail.

Mu Xingqiu's feeling was just like that of a fisherman who was quietly fishing by the lake. He suddenly noticed that the fish float was sinking, and immediately held the fishing rod tightly. The stronger the pull on the line, the more excited he became, because it meant fishing. Arrived big fish.

Sometimes the fish are so big that they drag anglers into the water.

Mu Xingqiu's Wuxu Illusion Technique caught a big fish, a huge fish, and the drag force was so strong that Mu Xingqiu was pulled over so hard that his neck almost broke.

It wasn't until he was about to hit Yang Qingyin's face that Mu Xingqiu realized that it was not his body that was being pulled by that thing, but his soul.

The Taoist priest and the spirit demon couldn't see the strange thing, nor did they find Mu Xingqiu's soul. They only saw Yishijun torn into pieces, but there was no blood and flesh splattered.

"It's all wood, stones, and bones!" Xin Youtao exclaimed.

Mr. Yishi's body has no flesh and blood at all, but a pile of wood, stones, bones, and horns. Each piece is very old and tattered, as if it was a random piece of trash picked up in the wilderness. Only the Taoist robe is real.

The Taoist priests were dumbfounded. They all had celestial eyes, but no one could see the witchcraft on the fake Zuo Liuying.

"Be careful!" Xiao Qingtao shouted while looking at Yang Qingyin in mid-air, because she was still standing there in the posture of sending out fireballs, and seemed to be unable to move.

"Brother Xiaoqiu, what's going on?" The bald man also shouted, flying around Mu Xingqiu who was motionless.

Weird things happened one after another, and the Taoist priests and spirit demons suddenly panicked. Some wanted to fly to the sky to check on Yang Qingyin, some wanted to run to Mu Xingqiu for help, and some guarded the four who had accepted the method of re-annihilation and had not yet woken up. The invading Taoist priests came...

"Don't move!" Xiao Hao's voice was still very childish, but the meaning of the order was very obvious, "This is the real Zuo Liuying. He told everyone not to move, not even to move their fingers."

"What's going on?" Xin Youtao leaned forward and was about to run towards Mu Xingqiu, but stopped immediately.

"The souls of Mr. Yishi and Mu Xingqiu have got into Yang Qingyin's mind, and they may get into other people's heads later. Don't touch anyone. From now on, don't even say a word. The body is shaking and the soul is shaking. It will give Mr. Yishi a chance to swallow his soul."

"He is protected by illusion, it's okay." Xiao Hao tightened his lips, not even moving his eyes, and neither did the bald man. He cherished everything he had left.

The Taoist priest and the spirit demon were full of doubts, but Xiao Hao said it so seriously that no one dared to speak. The beast demon always raised one leg, and now it did not even dare to land on the ground, just standing on one leg.

It was quiet in the camp, except for the faint sound of the wind.

In the camp in the distance, other demon clans were watching from a distance, and they did not dare to come over to check the situation.

Mu Xingqiu followed Yi Shijun and got into Yang Qingyin's mind, thinking that he would see the clear lake of mind again, but he was wrong. He entered a wonderful space that he had never heard of before and had no experience with. Places that come to mind.

There is white everywhere, the floor, walls, and ceiling are all white, and there is not a trace of shadow. At first glance, you can't even tell the difference between up, down, left, and right, as if it is an endless white plain. Mu Xingqiu didn't notice the fold line in the corner until he was led by Yishijun to fly around for a few times.

Mr. Yishi is still invisible, and so is Mu Xingqiu. This is his soul. He himself continues to cast spells in the same place, using illusion to capture Mr. Yishi. The soul and the illusion merge into one, and it feels like he is grabbing it with his own hands. What did you live in?

Mr. Yishi flew very fast, like a wild bird that had just been put into a cage, flying up and down, left and right, constantly tossing and turning.

Mu Xingqiu refused to let go. He knew that as soon as he let go, Mr. Yishi would disappear.

After a while, Mu Xingqiu discovered another strange thing. There was actually a person in the white room, sitting suspended in the middle of the room. From his clothes to his facial features and eyebrows, everything was white, exactly the same as the walls. Shi Jun was flying up and down, and Mu Xingqiu never noticed that the two small holes were actually nostrils.

This is obviously a corner of Yang Qingyin's mind, why are there outsiders? Although he couldn't see his features clearly, Mu Xingqiu was sure that this person was very strange and had never seen him before.

Suddenly the cold wind blew, and Mr. Yishi flew out of Yang Qingyin's mind and came to the outside world. Mu Xingqiu saw a group of Taoist priests and demons who were as stiff as statues. The Taoist priests were not afraid of the cold, but now he felt a biting coldness, like It was forced into the body by countless steel needles.

Mu Xingqiu still didn't let go.

Mr. Yishi twisted even more fiercely. He wanted to get rid of the burden behind him, but he seemed to have lost most of his abilities and was unable to directly cast magic spells on Mu Xingqiu's illusions and soul.

Exposure to the outside is a kind of torture for the soul. The air is too cold, the wind is too loud, and the sun is too dazzling. Everything is unbearable. The process of leaving one's body and entering Yang Qingyin's mind is short-lived. This time Yi Shijun plans to stay It's outside.

Mu Xingqiu felt that he could not hold on for long. His soul wanted to return to his body, or any body.

Dark clouds were shrouding the top of the head, just as Lord Yishi was flying upwards. Mu Xingqiu saw that the shadow was not a dark cloud, but a big hand. In the hand, words like talismans were flashing, changing slowly, but he did not recognize any of the words. .

This was Zuo Liuying's hand. He guessed it, and Mr. Yishi must have guessed it too. He immediately changed direction and got into another mind.

This mind obviously didn't like Taoist priests very much. Mu Xingqiu felt like he had hit a hard wall with a bang, making him dizzy, but he still didn't let go and followed Yishi Jun in.

This was an empty room, a bit old, and the corners were covered with dust. There was probably no one inside, at least Mu Xingqiu didn't see it.

Ishi-kun didn't stop, he flew out in a whoosh, and the giant hand in the air came closer, so Ishi-kun didn't stay outside much and continued to get into other minds.

With a bang, Mu Xingqiu bumped into it again.

After three or four collisions, Mu Xingqiu understood what was going on. Zuo Liuying secretly used magic to set up a dragnet. The only way for Mr. Yishi to escape was to hide in the mind of a Taoist priest or a demon. But with another person's soul behind him, he couldn't hide his whereabouts.

Lord Yishi wanted to get rid of illusions and souls, but twisting didn't work, so he frequently got into the minds of different demon clans. The demon clans have a certain degree of natural resistance to the Taoist priests' spells, but these resistances are like walls. Impacting Mu Xingqiu's soul.

boom! boom! boom……

Although it was only his soul that was hit, Mu Xingqiu could still feel extremely real pain and dizziness. The feeling was not pleasant at all. He felt as if he was being dragged behind by a fierce horse, among the rubble and stones everywhere. Traveling at high speed, the powerful horse could easily jump over him, but he was hit frequently.

When Mr. Yishi entered his mind, he saw rooms all with different sizes, colors, old and new. Some were empty, and some were inhabited by animals. Mu Xingqiu once saw a lazy lizard, a huge A spider, a buzzing bird, were all strange, because he knew that there were no such animals among the spirits.

But these animals are not as strange as the white stranger in Yang Qingyin's white room.

Mu Xingqiu soon lost the energy to think about these things. If it was his real body that was hit, he would have been bruised and swollen by now, with big bumps on his head. At this moment, he only had one thought left, never let go, never let the alien Shi Jun escaped.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there may not be another opportunity to trap Mr. Ishi in the future.

Mu Xingqiu already understood why even the slaves who lived with him day and night couldn't tell the appearance of Lord Yishi, because this big demon had no appearance at all, or even a body.

He is a soul that can exist independently, a demon of souls.

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