
Chapter 0564 Illusions within illusions

Pangshan Taoist Li Yuechi was the first Taoist priest Mu Xingqiu knew. He was only in the realm of inhalation. He had probably stopped before the Sigh Tribulation. He was definitely not a disciple of the Taoist sect. He might have family members somewhere.

Mu Xingqiu knew nothing about other details. No one in Pangshan talked about Li Yuechi. The story of him being attacked by demons and committing suicide by spitting out elixirs was uneventful, which was not surprising to Pangshan and the entire Taoist tradition.

Mu Xingqiu looked at the giant snake transformed by Lord Yishi in the illusion. He was extremely surprised. The snake demon was obviously dead at that time, but to Lord Yishi, it was nothing. He could swim to any snake. within the organism.

Compared with Ishi-kun, the soul changers of Long Binhui are like domestic cats and dogs that stand upright on their hind legs and learn the walking posture of their owners. They are both clumsy and ridiculous.

"You designed a demon slaying. The Taoist priest was bitten and the demon clan was killed. The matter is over. No one will doubt it, and no one will continue to pursue it." Mu Xingqiu felt a chill in his heart.

"Although you are stubborn, you are still smart." Mr. Yishi changed back to Zuo Liuying. He has no fixed form and can change into whoever he wants. "No matter how clever you try to hide it, it is better to let something go." 'End', unresolved will always attract eyes, eyes will always expose you, the end is the end, even if there are eyes to see you again, there will be no doubts. In this way, I have eaten one hundred and seventeen Taoist priests. , Of course, it’s just one bite, but it’s enough. I know a lot about Taoism through them.”

"One hundred and seventeen?" Mu Xingqiu didn't believe it again. The death of so many Taoist priests, even if there was a clear reason for each one, would arouse the suspicion of the Taoist community.

"Idiot, do you think I was eaten together? It would take me 3,473 years to bite each of these one hundred and seventeen Taoist priests."

Mu Xingqiu felt even more that Lord Yishi was lying. He could live for more than three thousand years, which was the lifespan of a Taoist priest who served under Yuemang or even under Rimang.

"Haha, little Taoist priest, you don't understand anything. You may be very smart, but you are too young. Some wisdom is accumulated. Even if you are ten times or a hundred times smarter, you will still understand it in just twenty years of life. There is no such wisdom.”

Yishi Jun pointed to his head and continued to stroll. Mu Xingqiu followed behind, more than ten steps away. He had no intention of admiring the familiar beauty, but looked everywhere for signs of Zuo Liuying.

"Taoism is long-lived, but Taoist priests are short-lived, so they don't have my wisdom." In the eyes of Lord Yishi, even high-level Taoist priests are not long enough, and he does not seem to feel danger at all. He was very interested in the pavilions and pavilions, and often stopped to admire them. "The Taoists finally came up with a plan for everyone to hide, but it was full of loopholes. They should have designed a split or a disaster, such as making Wangshan Patriarch possessed by a demon and leading a group of people." The disciples and disciples declared war on the Eight Great Paths..."

Mr. Yishi became excited. He looked the same as Zuo Liuying, but he was not arrogant at all. His eyes rolled around and the muscles on his cheeks trembled slightly. He looked more like a reckless young man of eighteen or nineteen than the real Zuo Liuying.

He broke a branch and swept it across a field of flowers and grass in front of him. "In the civil war of the Taoist system, more than half of the casualties were lost. The survivors were disheartened and retired. What a good plan. Only in this way can we deceive the demons. Like now, you are a fool." Everyone can see that Taoism has a hidden conspiracy. After the demon species returns to the world, they will immediately disperse and it is impossible to get together. "

Mr. Yishi suddenly frowned and threw away the branch in his hand, "Did I guess wrong? Daotong's plan is actually to disperse the demon species? Fang Xunmo lived for a long time, so he must be a bit cunning... …It’s better to take a bite of the Taoist priest.”

Mu Xingqiu walked up to Mr. Yishi and blocked his way, "Who are you?"

"Do you know what you're asking?"


"What am I? What am I? This should be a question you ask yourself. If you find the answer, you will find an important piece of wisdom. But if you ask me, how do you want me to answer you? I am Yishi-kun. , I am a wandering soul, I am a monster, I am a Taoist priest, I am a conspirator, I am a flower, I am a chicken and duck...I will tell you all my identities, but you can judge from this what I am. What?"

Mu Xingqiu was stunned. If the Taoist priests like to make mysteries and talk about some profound truths, this Yishi Lord is a madman and all he talks is crazy.

"You are trapped in Zuo Liuying's illusion and cannot escape.

"What do you want to say? This is something I already know. There is no need for you to remind me and ask some questions worthy of my answer."

Yishi Jun took a step forward and passed directly through Mu Xingqiu's body.

Mu Xingqiu felt as if his internal organs had been hollowed out. It was not until Mr. Yishi had walked more than ten steps that he realized that this was an illusion. Everything was empty, even his own body was empty. No wonder Yishi Jun didn't take action immediately because he couldn't kill anything here.

Mu Xingqiu felt that he understood something in a trance. The five elements of water illusion and the mind illusion were completely different, but they had something in common. Mu Xingqiu vaguely saw the loopholes in the illusion here, and also gained some new insights into his own illusion. .

He caught up with Mr. Ishi and walked side by side in silence for a while, "You can't cast spells when you have no body?"

"You have thought about it for so long and you are asking this kind of question?" Mr. Yishi showed a look of disdain, and then gave the answer, "To be precise, I can't cast spells that rely on the body when I don't have a body. I don't have a body. Are you trying to break into hundreds of mud pill palaces? Isn’t that magic, or according to Taoist priests, it’s called magic.”

"Who is the human figure in the Taoist Niwan Palace?"

"Well, this kind of question is interesting. I won't answer it for now, but I'll tell you something: the same kind of flowers and plants always live in similar environments."

Mu Xingqiu thought for a while, "The Taoist Niwan Palace and the human form inside are of the same kind of flowers and plants, so the environment must be similar, because our cultivation methods are the same?"

Mu Xingqiu thought hard and even forgot that he was in an illusion. The Yishi Lord next to him was a powerful soul demon. I don't know how much time had passed. Mu Xingqiu raised his head and found that he had walked back to the Forbidden Secret Tower. This tower suddenly dawned on him.

"The human form is the Taoist priests of the past generations. All Taoist disciples have thought about their respective masters in the founder's tower. The human form was left in the Niwan Palace at that time... But why are there no humanoids in my Niwan Palace and this Niwan Palace?"

Mu Xingqiu had seen most of the images of Taoist priests in the Patriarch Tower, but they were quite different from the human figures in Niwan Palace, and he did not recognize any of them.

"Oh, I like this question. It's difficult, worth asking, and worth exploring." Mr. Yishi looked like a young man who left home alone for the first time and made his own decisions. He rubbed his hands and his face turned red with excitement, " Why don’t you and this female Taoist have a disciple in the Niwan Palace?”

Mu Xingqiu waited for a while and repeated doubtfully, "Why?"

"I have no idea."

"Huh? I thought you had too much 'wisdom' to contain, and that you really knew everything."

"It is God who knows everything. I am still a little short of it. But if I take a bite, I will know why."

"I'm here, bite it." Mu Xingqiu knew that he would not be hurt in the illusion, so he became generous.

Mr. Yishi shook his head, "This is just your soul. The soul can retain memories, but the real reason and the real history are hidden in the body. I have to eat your flesh. The body is more important than the soul. Compared with the chain , Taoist priests pay more attention to cultivating gods, which is actually a big mistake.”

"But you don't have a body at all."

"Just because the body is too important, I can't have it. What if someone takes it away?" Mr. Yishi said with surprise on his face, "You are a Taoist priest. You should be able to understand the principles of loud sounds, strange sounds, and invisible elephants. Are you calloused? Of course, you are still too young and know how to eat words alive and never dig out the deep meaning..."

Mu Xingqiu understood where Yin Buchen and other demon servants had learned their nagging, and once again he took two steps to stop Yishi Jun, and decided to ask some real questions, "This is Zuo Liuying's Fantasy, why hasn’t he appeared yet?”

Mr. Yishi smiled and pointed to the sky, "It's not that he doesn't want to appear, it's that I'm preventing him from appearing."

Mu Xingqiu looked up and saw a palm-shaped cloud in the blue sky slowly descending, but at a very slow speed.

"You shouldn't be able to cast spells..."

"Idiot, I can't cast spells that require physical form, but does illusion have a physical form? Zuo Liuying can cast spells in other people's Niwan Palace. Of course I can too, and so can you."

"I can't detect your illusion." Mu Xingqiu still looked up at the cloud-shaped hand.

"Hey, because what I created is not an illusion, but time. Look, starting from the ground, every time you rise one foot, time will slow down a little. Of course Zuo Liuying's palm will slow down very much when it is high in the sky, but it It will go faster and faster until he catches me, his hand is much stronger than yours."

Mu Xingqiu was extremely surprised. He stared at the cloud-shaped hand for a long time. He was finally convinced that its speed was indeed gradually getting faster, just like Mr. Yishi said.

Yishijun's illusion skills seem to be more advanced than Zuo Liuying's.

"You're just stalling for time. You won't be able to escape in the end."

"Are you just delaying time? I have done a lot of things." Mr. Yishi said proudly, with a smile on his face that the real Zuo Liuying would never show.

"Besides hanging out and talking to me, what else have you done?" Mu Xingqiu was confused.

"I first made you shocked, then confused, and then admired. Slowly you began to follow my thoughts. I asked you to meditate and you meditated. You even forgot that you existed in the illusion."

Mu Xingqiu felt flustered, but he still didn't fully understand Yishi Jun's intention, "Were all those lies you said?"

"Oh, poor little insect, don't you think it's ridiculous to ask lies in the midst of illusion?" Mr. Yishi gently waved his palm in front of Mu Xingqiu, "It is dangerous to forget oneself, but only in this way can I be with you. The souls of Zuo Liuying are fused together. You asked me what I am. From now on, I am you and you are me. Based on my understanding of Zuo Liuying, he will definitely not be willing to beat you to pieces like this. "

Ishi-kun blinked.

Mu Xingqiu also blinked.

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