
Chapter 0565 Challenge Mr. Yishi

The giant cloud-shaped hand in the sky turned into reality, descending faster and faster, smashing the Forbidden Secret Tower, sweeping away the flowers, plants and trees on the ground, scaring away several phoenixes and king sparrows, and then grasped the ground. Two people on board.

When their palms came together, the two people became one person.

This man's appearance was exactly the same as Mu Xingqiu's, but the smile on his face was a bit proud and evil. He raised his head and said to the sky, "I have to admire myself for coming up with such an idea in a blink of an eye."

Without using any force, the palm slowly rose to the sky.

Mr. Yishi laughed, "It seems that you understand me quite well. You actually know that letting these little bugs stand still will prevent my soul-chewing technique from being used. I must have ventured a little bit over the years, which caused the Taoism Attention, you specifically investigated me, right? Well, I should have continued to disappear, but the complete golem was too attractive, and the Taoist tactics against the demons were too unexpected, so I had no choice but to show up. "

The palm stopped rising, and Zuo Liuying's face appeared in the blue sky. He could speak in his illusion, "Your origin."

"Haha, even the famous Zuo Liuying can't see my origin? No wonder, you are only a few hundred years old, too young, not much more mature than Mu Xingqiu. Don't care about my origin, just think about the present. How to solve the matter."

Zuo Liuying didn't speak. Lord Yishi looked straight. Even so, there was still an evil look on his face, indicating that he was not the real Mu Xingqiu. "I just came to taste the soul, but it happened to be the same as an ordinary person." The female Taoist priest's soul was not pure enough. I had to use your image to deceive Mu Xingqiu and let him use the Demon Lord's method to separate the soul. But what could I do if he saw through it? If the attack fails, I will never try it a second time, so..."

"You want me to let you go?"

"No, it was you who wanted me to let Mu Xingqiu go." Mr. Yishi blinked, "He is very important, especially to you, right? You have been paying attention to him over the years, and you have already surpassed him. I know all about the importance that Taoist priests should pay to ordinary Taoist priests."

The giant hand clenched a little tighter, "I pay attention to him because he deserves attention. If he falls into your trap like this, it means that my expectations are wrong, so why should I continue to pay attention to him?"

"Your demands are really high. Yishi Jun curled his lips, "It seems I have to find another way... Now, since you don't care about Mu Xingqiu, why have you been reluctant to attack me? "

"I want to find out your origins and all your memories."

"Wow, your appetite is as high as your requirements." Mr. Yishi frowned, as if he was thinking hard to find a way out. After a while, his brows opened, "Speaking of memories, Mu Xingqiu has a It's quite interesting. An old woman named Lan Bingju actually said that you almost became a demon when you were eighteen years old, and your parents died because of it, so you have always maintained your eighteen-year-old appearance. Do you do this out of guilt? , self-blame, or commemoration?”

The giant hand moved upwards for another distance, and Zuo Liuying's eyes flickered, "In the first battle, I saw through your magic and separated your body and soul. I won and you lost. The second battle was about illusion." , you slow down time and capture Mu Xingqiu’s soul, I lose and you win, let’s have a final battle.”

"What is the comparison this time? This Niwan Palace is obviously more friendly to you and unfair to me."

"Memory." Zuo Liuying sent the little figure in his hand to his right eye, "Whoever can capture all the other's memories will win the decisive battle. Is this fair?"

"Very fair, little Taoist priest, you are the first person to take the initiative to challenge my soul-chewing method. You can be proud of this." Mr. Yishi began to change his appearance, from Mu Xingqiu to Zuo Liuying, and then to various Various images of humans and monsters change faster the closer they are to Zuo Liuying's eyes.

Lord Yishi entered Zuo Liuying's eyes, like a stone thrown into a deep pool that had been static for thousands of years. The ripples rose slightly and then disappeared, and everything returned to normal. Zuo Liuying's giant hand and head disappeared, the blue sky and white clouds gradually diluted, Laozu Peak was pushed down and stretched like a paper toy, the towering trees turned into lines, the vegetation, birds and animals were exhausted, as if they had been washed away by heavy rain. Clay statue.

The illusion disappeared, and the white, empty room returned to normal.

At the same moment, more than 60 Taoist priests and more than 200 monsters all woke up. They all experienced a long night flight and suddenly returned to the sunny ice and snow. They all felt their eyes stinging and their bodies were exhausted. They stood on one leg. Lao Chong could no longer hold on and sat down on the snow with a plop.

"I'm exhausted. It's more tiring than digging another deep hole. Whoever wants to swallow my soul, let him go, as long as he doesn't mind that I haven't bathed in ten years."

No one swallowed the soul of the beast monster, Lao Chong was breathing heavily, and his life did not seem to be in danger.

Jin Cu stretched, then soared into the sky, then fell heavily, making a big hole in the snow. He felt angry, and his body was filled with power that had nowhere to vent, "Who is the enemy? Where is the enemy?"

Xiao Hao moved her limbs and yawned, "It should be fine, you can move around."

Xin Youtao let out a long breath and shook his head vigorously, "Don't you think? It feels dizzy and heavy, as if it had just landed after flying for ten days and nights."

All humans and monsters have similar feelings, and for Taoist priests, this is especially abnormal.

Yang Qingyin was the last one to wake up, forgetting that she was still floating in the sky, and suddenly fell down, and was caught by Xiao Qingtao. She immediately jumped up and walked to Mu Xingqiu, "You actually got into my head again. , and with... Hey, why don't you speak?"

Except for the four Taoist priests who had not yet awakened after receiving the method of re-annihilation, Mu Xingqiu was the only person in the camp who remained motionless.

The bald man hung above Yang Qingyin's head, stretched out a strand of hair and waved it in front of Mu Xingqiu's eyes a few times, "Brother Xiaoqiu seems to have entered my mind. I want to keep him, but there is a rude man next to Brother Xiaoqiu." This guy is very annoying...Brother Xiaoqiu!”

"Where's Zuo Liuying? He should be nearby, right?" Yang Qingyin asked.

"Well, Zuo Liuying and Mr. Yishi are still fighting, but I don't know where they are." Xiao Hao is the only person who has spoken to Zuo Liuying, so she knows a little more.

"But why doesn't Brother Xiaoqiu wake up? Is he helping Zuo Liuying fight Mr. Yishi?" The bald man approached Mu Xingqiu's face, a little worried.

"Maybe, I seemed to see Mu Xingqiu and that Yishijun talking in a strange place, and then...and then...it's really strange, the two people suddenly became one person. I can't remember clearly." Hao shook his head, his face full of confusion, "I feel as if I have aged ten years all of a sudden."

No one could understand what Xiaohao said, even she herself was in the dark.

Gan Zhiquan was the first to notice the abnormality, "Look, the devil..."

The tall demon statue stands in the middle of the camp. Its heart has stopped beating. It is covered in black silver armor. It looks unchanged, but if you look at it for a while, you will find that there seems to be light streaking on the armor. The lights appeared more and more frequently, criss-crossing, as if someone was slashing inside with a glowing sword.

Yang Qingyin suddenly reacted, flew to the top of the demon statue, and dismantled the armor from the upper body of the demon statue.

The heart still hung in the golem's left chest, but it was dim, wrinkled, and could no longer beat.

Nearly three hundred pairs of eyes paid attention not to the heart, but to the lifelike body of the golem, which was covered with cracks. Under their gaze, the cracks were increasing, as if there was an invisible knife scratching on it. .

"Zuo Liuying and Yishijun are inside the demon statue." Xin Youtao said in surprise.

"What about Brother Xiaoqiu?" The bald man flew to the right chest of the golem and listened to it for a while. A crack hit his ear, startling him, "I can't hear anything."

He couldn't hear anything, which was how Mu Xingqiu felt at this moment.

He was standing on a street. The broken bluestone pavement was narrow and straight. There were shops and homes on both sides. There were not many pedestrians, but they were all busy, turning a blind eye to him and making no sound.

Mu Xingqiu felt that the scenery in front of him was very familiar. The Taoist priest's memory was far superior to that of ordinary people. He believed that as long as he tried hard to recall, he would always be able to remember where this place was.

But he couldn't remember it until an old man came up and gave him a hint.

The old man was in his sixties. He was bent over and carrying a simple walking stick in his hand. He pointed it at Mu Xingqiu and said something. There was no sound at first, but after a while it suddenly became louder. It got louder, "Nihou, if you don't let your horses go in broad daylight, why are you here? Are you trying to steal someone else's wife?"

"Grandpa Zhang." Mu Xingqiu murmured, suddenly realizing that this was the illusion of Yelin Town.

Who created the illusion, Mr. Yishi or Zuo Liuying? Mu Xingqiu was confused. He was about to take a closer look at his hometown when he suddenly realized that he was growing taller rapidly. Grandpa Zhang looked up at him in surprise.

"Run! Run!" Mu Xingqiu shouted, not knowing whether his voice was heard or not. Anyway, people on the street began to run away, and he saw many familiar figures.

Mu Xingqiu remembered that his soul was swallowed by Lord Yishi in the illusion of Laozu Peak, so the illusion of Yelin Town was created by him and Lord Yishi.

Mu Xingqiu looked down and saw a thick snake body.

There was a clear sound of hoofbeats in the distance, and a unicorn ran over from the opposite side. It looked like a flea, but it was not it.

Zuo Liuying came to challenge. He broke into Yishijun's memory, and the first scene he saw belonged to Mu Xingqiu.

"You are me, and I am you. Let's defeat the little Taoist priest who overestimates our capabilities."

Mr. Yishi's voice sounded in Mu Xingqiu's mind.

The snake's body meandered forward, and Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but follow him. He thought he had to do something and couldn't just be controlled by the enemy. Lord Yishi was obviously using him as a shield to prevent Zuo Liuying from attacking with all his strength.

What can he do? In the illusion, he can only cast illusions, but his telepathy illusions are too weak, and are incomparable to Yi Shijun and Zuo Liuying.

He has to find out his strengths. Zuo Liuying is good at creating things. Yishijun can control time. What is his specialty in telepathy?

Looking at the panicked residents of Yelin Town on the street, Mu Xingqiu finally found the answer: the human heart.

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