
Chapter 0566 The Demon of Souls

Mu Xingqiu thought of the specialty of mind illusion, but it caused Yi Shijun to laugh, "You want to use human mind to deal with me? Haha, little bug, you are braver than Zuo Liuying, so you are more stupid. All your thoughts are in my mind, every detail is clear!"

The snake's tail swept past, and a house on the street collapsed.

"This is your memory, I don't need to cherish it." Yi Shijun laughed even louder, "Zuo Liuying said that if you can't save yourself, he doesn't care about your life or death. I want to see if he is lying!"

The Qilin rushed over, its hooves were harder than steel, and it landed with a sound, but it didn't step on any bluestone.

The sharp Qilin horn pierced into the snake's body, and Mu Xingqiu felt a sharp pain, but Yi Shijun didn't care, "Zuo Liuying wants to take my memory, so let's start with you, your memory already belongs to me."

The giant snake didn't care about the wound, twisting its body to chase the Qilin, but the Qilin restrained itself and jumped to avoid the snake's mouth.

Even in the battle, Yi Shijun refused to shut up. He changed his voice, which was deeper and older. "Illusions are illusions after all. People here have no hearts. Mind illusions have nowhere to be performed. Little guy, this is not right." Then came the third voice, which was sharp and urgent. "Mind illusions have a lot of roots in the demons. If the Demon Lord's Dharma is added, will it have a miraculous effect?" The fourth voice was a woman's. "But the Demon Lord's Dharma is attached to the straw hat, so it is impossible to bring it into the illusion. He can only perform mind illusions, and It is a fantasy illusion, only the seventh level, not strong enough. "

The fifth voice spoke, "The seventh level of mind illusion is actually very powerful, he did not master the correct method."

"The mind illusion was extinct tens of thousands of years ago, and there has been no successor. Even Yi Shijun can't find the relevant memory."

"No, no, Yi Shijun is not interested in mind illusion. He is studying the more powerful magic heart finger..."

More and more voices joined the discussion, not giving Mu Xingqiu a chance to interrupt. The accents were all over the place, like visitors from all directions gathered at a busy dock.

At the same time, the battle between the giant snake and the Qilin was still going on fiercely.

Yi Shijun seemed to have guessed right. The Qilin transformed by Zuo Liuying cherished Mu Xingqiu's memory and refused to destroy it at will. However, the giant snake didn't care. Wherever the snake swept, no tiles were left.

The giant snake finally saw the opportunity to entangle the Qilin.

Mu Xingqiu heard the sound of bones breaking and saw tiny scales falling like rain.

The illusion changed and returned to the Old Ancestor Peak, but the Qilin was gone. The giant snake still rushed back and forth mercilessly, knocking down trees, squeezing down buildings, and slaughtering Taoists. Whenever it almost destroyed the stage, the Old Ancestor Peak would return to its original state. This cycle repeated, and the Qilin sometimes appeared and sometimes did not appear, as if it had no power to resist.

Yi Shijun's initial voice sounded, "Zuo Liuying wants to deal with me with insignificant memories? This is also a way to delay time. You actually learned my tactics secretly. What is your trick? Let me guess, ah, I know, you are counting on Mu Xingqiu to fight back. Haha..."

Yi Shijun laughed disdainfully, and then a series of voices followed.

Mu Xingqiu understood what was going on. Yi Shijun's soul chewing method absorbed too many souls, some of which disappeared completely, but some stayed and became a part of him.

Yi Shijun is not only a soul demon, but also a demon of all souls.

Zuo Liuying was retreating, handing over a series of unimportant memories. He spent most of his life in Laozu Peak, so the illusions that appeared were always here.

Every time Yi Shijun destroyed an illusion, he took away a part of the memory. If this continued, Zuo Liuying would definitely lose.

Mu Xingqiu was trying to cast a spell. The biggest problem was that he had no way of knowing Yi Shijun's thoughts, but Yi Shijun knew his thoughts very well.

This was as impossible as wanting to defeat himself.

But Mu Xingqiu was still trying. Zuo Liuying's retreat was not entirely due to his lack of strength, but was providing him with opportunities. Mu Xingqiu couldn't just give up.

He hoped to grasp the emotions of Yi Shijun's many souls and encourage them to make mistakes, but all the spells were like a stone sinking into the sea, and he couldn't even touch the shadow of emotions.

Yi Shijun no longer paid much attention to him, and the voices offering advice became fewer and fewer, "In vain. Occasionally, a voice would say.

The illusion had undergone a major change, and Mu Xingqiu should have recognized that this was the riverside town where the magic hand had taken Huanyue away.

The Qilin appeared again, not one, but ten, rushing over from different directions.

Yi Shijun shouted excitedly, shaking his snake body, and splitting into eleven heads, one more than the number of Qilin.

"Focus! Only by concentrating can you reach the peak. Zuo Liuying, you only used part of your mind on the Five Elements Water Illusion, but I was fully focused. "

Yishi Jun not only gathers all the souls, but each soul that stays is specialized in one thing, and he will let whoever he needs come out, just like a multi-headed monster lurking underwater, only letting one head appear above the water surface at a time.

Yishi Jun who duels with Zuo Liuying is a soul that is good at illusion, but Meng Xu had seen a soul that was good at herbal medicine before... Therefore, Yishi Jun not only has a variety of forms, but also his personality is changing at any time. No wonder Feiba, Yin Buchen, Qi Wushang and other monsters have a vague impression of him.

Mu Xingqiu's current state is below the water surface, so he can hear those different voices, and then he reacts that his situation is very dangerous. He has no special expertise, and Yishi Jun is not particularly interested in mind illusions. His soul will be eliminated sooner or later.

"I told you that you are a little clever." Mr. Yishi knew all Mu Xingqiu's thoughts, "Yes, you are not worthy of being a part of Mr. Yishi, so you have to be in a state of despair. Zuo Liuying can stay, and I have never I have never tasted the taste of a Taoist priest. After chewing the soul, I want to eat his flesh. The soul only has the memory of this life, but the body retains the marks of the ancestors. That is the most authentic history. "

The eleven heads of the giant snake and the ten-headed unicorns fought together. Blood from both sides spurted out, dyeing the river red. It fell like a torrential rain, and the crowd ran away screaming.

There was no voice to answer Mu Xingqiu. He was still trying to cast spells, but he also knew that it was useless. He just couldn't sit still and wait for death. He hoped that Zuo Liuying wouldn't give in anymore, but he couldn't speak.

Did Zuo Liuying really believe in herself so much that she was even willing to risk her life to hold back Mr. Yishi, just to provide him with a chance to fight back? Mu Xingqiu was confused and guilty. He felt that this was not like Zuo Liuying's style, and he felt that he was not worthy of such trust because he had no skills at all.

None of these thoughts could escape Mr. Yishi's observation, but he no longer cared about Mu Xingqiu and allowed his soul to be confused and uneasy.

Qilin suffered heavy casualties, and only one of them was defeated.

The giant snake twisted its body excitedly, became thicker and longer, and rampaged through the small town near the river, destroying the entire illusion in a short time.

The illusion returned to the Old Ancestor Peak, but the scene was not the Forbidden Secret Tower, Wuzu Hall, etc. that Mu Xingqiu was familiar with, but a secluded courtyard that he had never been to before.

"Ah, Zuo Liuying has no choice but to retreat and finally has to hand over important memories. He really values ​​you, Mu Xingqiu, but he actually refuses to use his full strength because of you. Haha, at this point, he even wants to regret it. No more. Welcome, Zuo Liuying, you and I are very interested in the demon clan and we are quite complementary. You will feel at home in my soul."

As soon as he finished speaking, eighteen-year-old Zuo Liuying pushed out the door of the wing. At that time, his cultivation level was far beyond that of his peers. His footsteps fell silently, and he didn't even need to breathe.

The night is deep, the moon is missing and the stars are hidden. An unknown tall ancient tree is withering into pieces of light yellow flowers. The clear and graceful call of the king bird can be heard in the distance. It does not break the silence, but adds a sense of texture, as if this Silence is made of steel and cannot be shaken.

The giant snake stood outside the wall and did not rush to attack. Lord Yishi was obviously also very interested in this memory.

Zuo Liuying walked to the window of another room and sat down cross-legged, as if he wanted to practice here. After a while, a low voice sounded in Yishijun's soul, "He is eavesdropping."

"Haha, that kind of thing..."

Mu Xingqiu suddenly felt his heart beating faster. He had no heart here, but the feeling was the same.

That must be Zuo Liuying's parents' room. What is he eavesdropping on?

Mu Xingqiu's mother died early, and there are only three father and son in the family. However, Yelin Town is not a simple and innocent paradise. The naughty children dare to do anything: eavesdrop on the strange sounds of newlyweds, exchange anecdotes about certain parents... …

Mu Xingqiu understood what Zuo Liuying was doing, but he couldn't believe it. This was Zuo Liuying, a genius born in the womb. How could he still do such a thing like a child at the age of eighteen? Even twelve-year-old Mu Xingqiu would feel ashamed.

There were gasps in the room, and several voices in Yishijun's soul were laughing, but Mu Xingqiu felt embarrassed and could only continue to use illusions, hoping to create miracles.

A unicorn ran from a distance, but as it retreated steadily in the battle of memories, the unicorn's power weakened, and another head grew out of the giant snake's tail, easily blocking it.

Ishi-kun wants to watch the show to the end.

Eighteen-year-old Zuo Liuying's face was red. He was angry and struggling. He couldn't bear that his parents were still doing such things. Wasn't he already born? Isn't one genius enough? Mother needs another one?

Lord Yishi absorbed Zuo Liuying's thoughts for all the remaining souls to appreciate, including Mu Xingqiu.

"Anger is the soil of evil thoughts." A voice said.

"Zuo Liuying's practice is too fast. At the age of eighteen, he only has the emotions of a two- or three-year-old child. This is a common thing among Taoist priests, but he is more extreme."

Zuo Liuying's face turned redder and redder, and he suddenly fell sideways and hit the wall.

"The evil thoughts are about to come true!"

"It's a pity that his parents have to come out and stop it."

The outcome of the matter has been revealed by Lan Bingju. Zuo Liuying was not possessed by the devil, but his parents died because of it.

Mu Xingqiu didn't want to watch anymore, but the giant snake was out of his control, so he could only——

A thought appeared in his mind like lightning and flint. Mu Xingqiu knew that this thought was being transmitted to Lord Yishi at the same speed, so he cast the spell without hesitation.

This is him. In times of crisis, he always acts first and thinks later.

"Your method doesn't work!" Lord Yishi shouted angrily.

Before he finished speaking, Zuo Liuying, who had fallen in the yard, suddenly stood up, his whole body exuding a black air thicker than the night - in the illusion, he was possessed.

After all, Mu Xingqiu used illusions to provoke people's hearts. The target was not Mr. Yishi or himself, but Zuo Liuying.

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