
Chapter 0567 The deepest memory

The demon-possessed Taoist priest had only one thought: he was right, extremely right, and he must correct his mistakes, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

Eighteen-year-old Zuo Liuying stood in the yard, with black gas coming out of his body more than ten feet high, but he did not break into the house to "teach" his parents a lesson, but turned to the giant snake outside the wall.

"The soulless people in the illusion cannot be affected by the illusion." A voice said.

The giant snake did not need to turn around, because there was another head on its tail, which could see clearly behind it. It was fighting with a unicorn, which should be Zuo Liuying's incarnation. As for him in the yard, he was just a memory, a memory without soul that should not be affected by the illusion.

The snake head on the tail bit the unicorn's neck. If this was really Zuo Liuying's incarnation, it would not die, but escape with injuries, but the unicorn disappeared, disappearing without a trace, like a cloud of green smoke.

Yi Shijun roared angrily. It turned out that Zuo Liuying in the yard was real. "Do you think that you can defeat me by being possessed? Well, I'll give you a chance to kill me."

The giant snake climbed over the wall and landed in another image - Mu Xingqiu stood in front of the possessed Zuo Liuying.

"Are you willing to do it now?" Mu Xingqiu opened his mouth, but another voice came out. "Aren't Taoist priests ruthless and desireless? You even killed your own parents, why bother about a little bug? Come on, kill me and make your possession more thorough!"

Mu Xingqiu was still casting illusions, pushing Zuo Liuying's evil thoughts to become stronger and stronger. He didn't know what the purpose of doing so was, so Yi Shijun didn't know and didn't stop him from casting spells.

Mu Xingqiu just believed in Zuo Liuying. Yi Shijun sneered at this point, "Be possessed, let me see what it looks like to be possessed in an illusion. This is the first time I've encountered such a thing."

"You ruined my mother." Zuo Liuying spoke, his voice hoarse and full of hatred.

"What are you talking about?" Yishi Jun was stunned for a moment, "You became possessed because you heard your parents doing something ugly. Do you need me to become your father's appearance?"

"I have seen through your true self. You are a demon. You made my mother possessed!" Zuo Liuying took a step forward. He was undoubtedly possessed. He was saying things that he thought were right and could not hear other opinions at all.

Zuo Liuying stretched out an arm, and a misty black line emerged from his palm, slowly flowing towards Mu Xingqiu's body, "I want to avenge my mother. I want to reveal your true face."

Mu Xingqiu could not move, and could only watch the black line coming. Although this body was an illusion, his soul would still be dispersed. As for the real body left outside, it would become an empty shell like the golem.

"The most perfect way to die is to be annihilated." Yi Shijun's voice rang in Mu Xingqiu's mind, "Without leaving any memory, there will naturally be no regrets or obsessions. Death is death, saving the torture of 49 days. You are still young, and death is nothing to regret. Unlike an old monster like me who is thousands of years old, even one death is a huge loss..."

Yi Shijun's nagging was so annoying that Mu Xingqiu, who was trying to perform an illusion, was furious and shouted, "Shut up!"

He could actually speak. This was the first time he spoke since merging with Yi Shijun.

Mu Xingqiu immediately understood why. The black line from Zuo Liuying hit his forehead. Yi Shijun hid deep in his mind, leaving Mu Xingqiu's soul to bear the attack alone.

Mu Xingqiu had a splitting headache and remembered an experience before: many years ago, when he was condensing his Qi into a pill, the possessed Great Law Enforcement Master Shen Zhun insisted on finding the demon seed from him, and he cast a similar spell.

Soul-pulling technique, Mu Xingqiu remembered that Shen Zhun had used the Soul-pulling technique, which resulted in the young demon at that time.

What did Zuo Liuying want to bring out?

"The demon race is the ancestor of illusion." Zuo Liuying suddenly said something inexplicable.

The meaning of this sentence is easy to understand, but Mu Xingqiu didn't know what the point of saying it at this time was.

Yi Shijun obviously knew it clearly. He roared in great anger in the depths of Mu Xingqiu's mind, and countless voices shouted together: "Unfair!"

Mu Xingqiu found that he was shrinking rapidly. Before he could understand, he had fallen into a deep passage, but his head didn't hurt anymore, because he was so small that he didn't even have a body.

Although it was very similar to Shen Zhun's Soul-pulling Technique, Zuo Liuying performed another spell - he didn't disperse or draw out Mu Xingqiu's soul, but sent it in, into the depths of Yi Shijun's soul, which was full of his memories.

Mu Xingqiu fell into a forest. It was also dark. A furry demon was digging in the ground and muttering, "Let me take a bite while it's still fresh. Yi Shijun will reward me. He said that biting a Taoist's flesh is more valuable than swallowing a hundred demons..."

Mu Xingqiu recognized that this was the place where a group of young men from Yelin Town buried Pangshan Taoist Li Yuechi. It turned out that it was not Yi Shijun himself who bit Li Yuechi, but another little demon. In this way, Yi Shijun's claim that he had designed to bite more than a hundred Taoists was somewhat exaggerated. He did not set up so many tricks at all. It took him countless hands to taste the Taoist's meat.

Mu Xingqiu wanted to watch more. Even if it was in a memory, he wanted to stop the demon from biting Li Yuechi's body, but he could not help himself and was sent deeper by Zuo Liuying's magic.

Mu Xingqiu suddenly realized that the scene he saw was actually Yishijun's tactics. This was a battle of memories. Zuo Liuying used irrelevant memories as a defense, but Yishijun used Mu Xingqiu's possible feelings. The memory of interest delayed his penetration.

After understanding this, Mu Xingqiu no longer resisted the force pushing him down. He continued to go deeper along the dark passage. Countless scenes passed by quickly on both sides without even taking a glance.

Unlike Mr. Yishi, Zuo Liuying did not destroy any memory. He had another purpose. Mu Xingqiu didn't know what it was, he just knew that he would do it.

Mr. Yishi may not be over three thousand years old as he said, but he is definitely no longer young. Coupled with the many bodies and souls he has swallowed over the years, his memory count is tens of millions of times that of ordinary mortals, and that of those who are over a thousand years old. There are also many more Taoist priests who pay attention to the spirit.

Therefore, Mu Xingqiu's journey is not short. I don't know why, but Yishijun, who had previously invaded Zuo Liuying's memory with great force, was now helpless. Apart from trying to attract the intruder's attention, he had no other choice but to find a way to attract the intruder's attention. It moves.

Mu Xingqiu stopped in a scene again, this time it was Zuo Liuying's spell that kept him there.

In a spacious cave in the style of a monster clan, a monster with an old man's upper body and a snake's lower body was twisting and crawling back and forth. It was actually wearing a brightly colored robe, which could only cover the human-shaped part, while the snake's body was still naked.

This is another form of Lord Yishi, holding a scroll in his hand, which is the magic scroll that Fei Ba once stole.

"Demon Lord Zhengfa, this is a big treasure, what should I do with it? Practice it by myself? No, no, my body can't bear it. Give it to some obedient demon? No, their bodies are good enough, but their mental state is not. It’s strong and will betray me... Now, give it to Taoism and let Taoist priests practice it, haha, how interesting it will be when he finds out that he has developed a demon heart!”

It turns out that the little demon Feiba was able to steal the magic scroll for this reason, but he didn't know his mission, and he just floated southward under the control of Lord Yishi. Even if he didn't meet Mu Xingqiu and Qin Lingshuang, he would meet others sooner or later. Taoist priest.

But Feiba's desire to possess the Demon Lord's dharma was so strong that he finally swallowed most of the scrolls by himself.

Mu Xingqiu was glad that he did not absorb the Demon Lord's righteous law into his body.

But the bald man...

Zuo Liuying's thrust worked again, and Mu Xingqiu continued deeper into the passage, not stopping for a long time.

The journey was long, and Mu Xingqiu felt as if more than ten days had passed. Not only did he suspect that Lord Yishi had cast a spell to slow down time again, what other way could he save himself this time?

As his eyes lit up, Mu Xingqiu fell into a dazzling demon cave. The floor and walls were all made of bones of the same size. Demon eyes were inlaid in the gaps. They emitted light and made the entire cave... Bright as day.

There was a door at the end of the cave. Standing in front of the door was an old man with white hair and beard. His face was red and his nose was as round as a meat ball. He was looking at Mu Xingqiu with a smile.

"We have something to discuss." He said, using the kind of sweet words that made people crawl all over. "Demons are the ancestors of illusions. Demonic Taoists are the closest to demons, so they can cast some special spells, such as in illusions. To cast a spell. Alas, I have swallowed so many souls, but none of them reminded me. It’s really... okay, I give up. You have seen all my memories, so you can take them all away. I am convinced. "

There was no push behind him, and Zuo Liuying seemed to be letting Mu Xingqiu make his own choice.

He walked up to the old man and asked, "What's in the door?"

"A little personal memory. You know everyone has done some stupid things when they were young. When they mature, they would rather they never happened. You should go out and help Zuo Liuying as soon as possible. Being possessed in the illusion is also very dangerous. If you delay for a while, it will be dangerous. Maybe he himself is possessed. I'm not scaring you. Zuo Liuying likes to take risks, but there are always limits to taking risks. Once he almost opened a void channel and caused a disaster..."

"I want to go in and have a look."

Mu Xingqiu walked around the round-nosed old man and pushed open the door.

It was a small, dilapidated house inside. Compared with the glorious bone house outside, it was not even qualified to be a woodshed.

The room was filled with old items, including books, toys, and jewelry. They were all ordinary and didn't look like monsters, but the smell inside was terrible, as if something was rotten.

"It's a little thing I used before. Alas, no matter how beautiful the memory is, it's just like this when I look back on it." The white-haired old man sighed.

Mu Xingqiu knew that Zuo Liuying would never send him here for no reason. He looked carefully for a while and found nothing unusual, so he simply sniffed to find the source of the rancid smell.

He found a piece of carrion with several books covered on it. The carrion did not soak the pages deeply, indicating that it was covered in a hurry to hide something.

The rotten meat was nothing special. Mu Xingqiu pushed aside a pile of books nearby and saw a crow with almost all its fur standing inside.

"The little thing I raised in the past remains in my memory." The white-haired old man said with a smile.

Mu Xingqiu stared at the listless crow and suddenly smiled, "Come with me, Mr. Yishi."

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