
Chapter 0589 The tired body

Mu Xingqiu woke up.

He didn't feel like he was sleeping. It felt more like climbing up in an endless abyss. The surroundings were bone-chillingly cold, and there wasn't a single bit of light visible above. Suddenly, without warning, a bright light appeared in front of him. It was so bright that he couldn't believe it. None can be seen.

First, sounds came into his ears, sharp screams and angry roars, as if there was a fierce battle going on around him, but he didn't care.

Then there was a scene, a red color, like blood, like flames. Could it be that he was sent to the furnace? He still didn't care.

Finally, he felt it personally. The blood started to flow again, the meridians started to work again, and memories sprung up in his mind. He remembered who he was and why he was here, but he still didn't care.

Everything was so boring and had nothing to do with him. Mu Xingqiu just wanted to leave here because he felt difficulty breathing.

There was indeed a battle going on in front of them. On one side was a Qilin with a blood-red neck, and on the other side were two to three hundred monsters.

That was a flea. Mu Xingqiu thought of the name, but he didn't have any corresponding emotions. He even thought the name was strange and unpleasant, and it was hard to imagine that it was the name he had given it a few years ago.

The fleas rush and kill without distinguishing between friend and foe. The sword hitting it is like cutting the finest steel, making a crisp sound without leaving even a scar. All kinds of witchcraft revolve around it, but they all It's like throwing stones at a fish swimming in the water, it flies over its head without even touching the side.

The flea picked up a demon and threw him into the high-altitude sea of ​​​​fire. The screams suddenly stopped. The entire demon was not filled with the hidden dragon's fire and poisonous white vapor.

There was something yelling in his ears. Mu Xingqiu turned around and saw the bald man shouting the flea's name in a panic - it was really noisy, he thought, and took a step to get away, only to find that he was leaning on something. On his thick body, a thick and hairy arm passed through his armpit and wrapped around his chest.

The roar sounded above the head, mixed with the bald man's cry, one thick and one crisp, doubly annoying. Mu Xingqiu struggled hard, got rid of the restraints, and staggered forward. He had not yet regained control of his body. Under control, the legs should not walk awkwardly.

There were several people lying on the ground, Xin Youtao, Xiaohao, Meng Xu, Yin Buchen and Gao Fuwei. He could name them, but he just felt that they were blocking the way. He tried hard to raise his legs to avoid them - maybe they Even though they were dead, Mu Xingqiu's heart was still calm.

"Mu Xingqiu!"

Someone was calling his name. Mu Xingqiu hesitated for a moment before turning his head, because he had no emotion for this name. It was Yang Qingyin, holding the Frost Soul Sword in one hand, and holding Lao Jun's magic palm in the other to cast a spell. The fingertips of the magic palm Pressing against Xiao Qingtao's forehead, there was a large strange fire in the air, which seemed to be blocking the fire of the hidden dragon in all directions.

He didn't think he had anything to say to Yang Qingyin, and even the Frost Soul Sword couldn't arouse his interest. He just wanted his legs to obey, so he continued to stagger forward.

There was a madman blocking the road in front of him. He thought for a while before he remembered the name, Qi Ye Mang. Yes, it was the Wolf King. They had never met officially. He saw Qi Ye Mang through a little soul demon. Yes, at that time the Wolf King killed another wolf demon.

Now, Qi Yemang seemed to be killing himself. He raised his arms high and kept spinning in circles. He was stumbling like Mu Xingqiu. There was a knife stuck on his back. The blood flowed to the knife, and then turned into a thread rising to In the air, it spread into an umbrella shape more than ten feet in the air.

It's a weird and cruel sorcery, which is quite consistent with the current scene.

"Mu Xingqiu." Yang Qingyin called again, with a hint of confusion in her voice.

The pampered and arrogant daughter of the Taoist sect had to answer immediately when she called anyone. He was tired of this and ignored the calls. He tried with all his strength to regain control of his legs. This was more important than a series of boring calls and more important than what was right in front of him. Life and death are still important.

"You, the great enemy of the wolf demon, should die in front of me!" Qi Yemang opened his arms to block the way, and the blood umbrella above his head was like a huge canopy.

"Do you want to patrol the territory? Get such a big umbrella." Mu Xingqiu hoped that the Wolf King would get out of the way, and he did not feel that he was the opponent's formidable enemy. Raising his arms was as difficult as taking a step, but he finally stretched out his right hand. The arm shook twice.

Qi Yemang did not avoid it, and there was another blocker in front of him. He was a bald man with a solitary head, with great joy flashing on his face, "Brother Xiaoqiu! Brother Xiaoqiu! You are finally awake. Stop the flea. It It’s like he doesn’t recognize me anymore.”

"What's the benefit of knowing you?" Mu Xingqiu said coldly, the boredom in his heart getting stronger and stronger.

The bald man was stunned and did not resist being pushed aside. He stared at Mu Xingqiu blankly, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

Qi Yemang was restricted by the magic to a small area, so he was very happy that Mu Xingqiu walked straight towards him, staring fiercely at the wolf demon's great enemy.

Mu Xingqiu was stopped. He didn't know how to change direction, so he could only reach out and push the obstacle in front of him.

The four arms were intertwined together, like two clumsy black bears playing around. Mu Xingqiu's power was even greater. He didn't even know where his power came from. Qi Yemang's arm was as fragile as a straw stick, breaking into two pieces with just a touch.

"Don't kill the Wolf King, he's still useful!" A voice behind him shouted, it sounded a bit familiar. If you think about it carefully, you should be able to remember it. But Mu Xingqiu is not interested in this. He just wants to move forward and regain control. This disobedient body.

Mu Xingqiu lifted his leg and stepped over the wolf king. He felt better. At least his body was not so shaky and his limbs were obedient. He was happy and proud that he could lift one foot a foot high.

There were still a few monsters in front of him. They did not block the way and quickly made way to both sides. Mu Xingqiu liked such monsters.

It was quiet behind him. The voices of Yang Qingyin, Baldy, Lao Zhuang... all disappeared. Only one thing would not let him be quiet. The Qilin rushed over, lowered its head, and attacked with its horns.

"Brother Xiaoqiu." Baldy muttered, wanting to fly over to help, but was stopped by Yang Qingyin, "Don't go over, Baldy, let him deal with it himself."

She finally said the right thing. Mu Xingqiu thought to himself, raised his hands, and prepared to fight against the two forked sharp horns. He was worried that his speed was not fast enough, but when the Qilin horn rushed to his side, his arms seemed to have their own life and grasped the base of the horn at lightning speed.

The Qilin let out a low roar, the ground shook slightly, and the Taiyin Fire and Blood Umbrella in the air shook and shrank violently. Yang Qingyin hurriedly increased her magic power to regain her footing.

The situation became more critical. Xiao Qingtao could not hold on for long, and Qi Yemang's blood would eventually flow away. Yi Shijun in the clutches of the devil also stopped talking. Mu Xingqiu finally woke up, but he was a completely different person. Yang Qingyin didn't know what to do next.

Mu Xingqiu's head was buzzing with the Qilin's roar, which made him angry. He pressed the Qilin's head to the ground with more force. He vaguely remembered that he also knew magic, but he didn't want to think about it. He felt that his two arms were strong enough. He liked the feeling of strength coming from his muscles continuously, and even worshipped this feeling.

The Qilin kept roaring, making the Taiyin Fire and Blood Umbrella swaying in the wind and rain. Yang Qingyin responded carefully, and felt more and more powerless.

"Yi Shijun." She shouted in her heart.

Yi Shijun in the clutches of the devil finally spoke, "I'm afraid things are not good. The method of re-destruction usually changes the personality of the recipient. No wonder, there will always be some emotional ruptures after resurrection from the dead. Most people don't change much, they are just more selfish and more concerned about their own interests. In fact, this is a good thing. The Taoist's practice of being ruthless and abandoning desires is wrong..." Yi Shijun was right. The Taoists invaded by the devil had some changes in their personalities after accepting the method of re-destruction. The most obvious thing was that they lost their deep worship of the Taoist tradition. Gan Zhiquan and Gan Zhiwei regarded brotherhood as more important than anything else. For normal Taoists, this is impossible. But Yang Qingyin didn't want to hear this. She was concerned about Mu Xingqiu. "Mu Xingqiu's changes may be greater. He has been responsible for others, and the heavy tasks on his shoulders are one after another. He is tired of it, but he persists. The method of re-destruction may cut off this persistence. It may also be related to the fact that he has taken the demon-transforming pill. Qi Wushang and others have changed my magic beyond recognition. Even I can't tell what effect it will have." Yang Qingyin didn't quite understand, and Yi Shijun explained: "In short, Mu Xingqiu used to be more responsible than everyone else, so he became more selfish than everyone else after receiving the law. But fortunately, he is also trapped here. If he wants to save himself, he has to save everyone, including the demon clan." Yang Qingyin didn't believe that the recipient of the law lost his love for the Taoism. She could understand that it was a character that was slowly formed during the practice, but Mu Xingqiu was different. He often helped the weak before he condensed his qi into a pill, and even dared to ride a horse to rob his bride when he didn't know what the system was. Responsibility is his nature, how could it be destroyed by the method of re-destruction? "People are complicated, and the way to destroy them is also complicated. No one can think of the consequences in advance."

Yishi Jun said it easily, and Yang Qingyin even felt that this soul demon liked Mu Xingqiu more with his current personality.

All the demons retreated to Yang Qingyin's side, looking at the one man and the unicorn fighting anxiously.

The flea's roar gradually weakened and slowly turned into a whine. Mu Xingqiu suddenly increased his strength and knocked the unicorn to the ground.

The unicorn's body turned over and fell heavily on the ground. It immediately jumped up and ran to the edge of the safe zone. One of its front hooves kept digging on the ground, and its two eyes were red as if they were about to bleed.

Mu Xingqiu was very happy because he finally regained control of his body. Until he saw the Taoist priest not far ahead, his mood became gloomy again.

The Taoist priest sat on a wooden board, with debris all around him. Everything that happened just now did not make him open his eyes.

"You seem to be younger again." Mu Xingqiu approached slowly, his tone was more sarcastic than ever before, "Zuo Liuying, Zuo Liuying, you always sacrifice others for yourself, what benefit can you get this time?" Zuo Liuying finally opened his eyes, and on his wrinkled face, only his eyes still retained their youth. He stared at Mu Xingqiu carefully for a while, "You finally admitted defeat."

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