
Chapter 0590 Remaining in the Sea of ​​Fire

You finally gave in.

Mu Xingqiu thought about this sentence quietly. He remembered its origin and understood Zuo Liuying's intention, but he just sneered in response, "Why can't I admit defeat? Because it will do you no good if I admit defeat. Pay attention. Taoist priest Zuo Liuying is now an inspiratory Taoist priest. You need a selfless person to protect you and help you, and to sacrifice his life for you when necessary. Not only that, this person must be willing and cheering, thinking that he has been favored by you. With appreciation, the future will be bright.”

Mu Xingqiu's eyes were cold, and he was experiencing the pleasure brought by anger in his heart. He paused for a moment and shook his head, "For you, I gave up. For me, I finally won. I will find other unlucky people." Be your protector, I - refuse."

Zuo Liuying simply closed his eyes again.

There was silence all around, except for the wolf king Qi Yemang who laughed wildly, "Taoist priest, this is a Taoist priest. If you take away that layer of skin, what is the difference between you and the monsters who kill each other?"

Not all demon clans are concerned about Mu Xingqiu's changes. Feizu only cares about one thing. His eyes have hardly left the Taiyin Fire, and he has been counting the time in his heart. A Taoist priest needs to be replaced. Mu Xingqiu, you must come on board. Once the demonic fire goes out, you will be burned to death."

Mu Xingqiu had just woken up and didn't quite understand what was going on around him, but when he saw the blood spots on Xiao Hao and Xin Youtao's foreheads, he roughly understood that Yang Qingyin's spells required the blood of Taoist priests, which was obviously taught by Yi Shijun. of sorcery.

"Must? Nothing is necessary, Zuo Liuying. It's you who should play."

Mu Xingqiu stood aside. After a while, Zuo Liuying opened his eyes again, stood up and walked towards Yang Qingyin.

Mu Xingqiu looked on coldly, happy to see that Zuo Liuying was going to pay the price.

Yang Qingyin did not immediately transfer Lao Jun's magic palm to Zuo Liuying's forehead, but said to Mu Xingqiu: "Even if your nature has changed, you should be more fair. Zuo Liuying is not as selfish as you think, and for you , He made great sacrifices for other Taoist priests.”

"Then ask for greater rewards." Mu Xingqiu did not forget the past, but his perspective on things changed. He felt that he was extremely stupid in the past. "Remember, Zuo Liuying never suffered a loss. In the end, he gained the maximum It’s always him who benefits. I’ve seen through it, you haven’t yet, but that’s okay. There are always people in the world who are willing to be deceived by Zuo Liuying.”

The anger was as strong as the fire of the hidden dragon around her, but Yang Qingyin could only restrain it forcibly, because she knew that she was not qualified to persuade, so she turned to Zuo Liuying, "Is it okay?"

Zuo Liuying nodded, "Don't make me coma, I can bear it."

"Okay." Yang Qingyin agreed hesitantly. A sober sacrifice would be more helpful for sorcery, but Zuo Liuying was no longer a Taoist priest, could she still bear this kind of pain?

Yang Qingyin quickly transferred Lao Jun's clutches to Zuo Liuying's forehead, while Pei Zihan supported Xiao Qingtao.

Zuo Liuying's eyebrows were raised slightly, but his eyes were as clear and quiet as usual. Perhaps because he had lost his concentration inner elixir, his eyes were a little less arrogant.

The lunar fire shrank rapidly.

Yang Qingyin immediately sensed something was wrong. Zuo Liuying's blood was as viscous as overcooked syrup. Laojun's devilish palm could only suck it in bit by bit, which was not enough to maintain the lunar fire.

Zuo Liuying's inner elixir was only at the inhalation level, which was higher than Xiao Hao's, but not as good as Xiao Qingtao's and Xin Youtao's, but it was the most resistant to Lao Jun's clutches.

The demons who were watching were confused, but Mu Xingqiu snorted coldly. He could tell what was going on.

Zuo Liuying kneaded the Fire Technique with his right hand, and kept changing the techniques with his left hand. After a while, his blood flowed smoothly, and the Taiyin Fire grew stronger again.

It continued to grow, from ten feet to fifteen feet, and then to twenty feet, creating an upward passage surrounded by the hidden dragon's fire.

"Too fast!" Yang Qingyin said in surprise. Based on her understanding of the lunar fire, Zuo Liuying sacrificed blood too fast. Although it could enhance the magic, it might also cost him his life.

Zuo Liuying did not speak, nor did he stop pumping blood. Not only that, he blessed the blood with spells to help Yang Qingyin strengthen the lunar fire. He is just an inhalation Taoist priest, but the spells he has learned are hundreds of times that of ordinary low-level Taoist priests, which greatly makes up for his lack of inner alchemy realm.

The fire of Taiyin rose higher and higher, and many demon clans understood Zuo Liuying's intention. Only Feizu shouted loudly, "Yes, penetrate the fire of the hidden dragon, and we can fly out!"

The Fire of the Hidden Dragon restricts most spells and sorcery, but the Fire of the Taiyin can open a passage.

It's easy to say, but not easy to do. The Hidden Dragon's Fire rises from the ground, and the height of the flame is probably hundreds or thousands of feet. After the Taiyin Fire rises to fifty or sixty feet, its momentum gradually weakens, and it's still a long way from success. cut.

"Bring the other Taoist priests here." Zuo Liuying spoke. Although it was a commanding tone, there was a tremor in his voice. Even he could not bear the pain of taking the initiative to sacrifice.

Yang Qingyin understood Zuo Liuying's plan to use more Taoist priests' blood to enhance the power of the lunar fire, but Xiao Hao, Xiao Qingtao and Xin Youtao had already sacrificed themselves once - Yang Qingyin still decided to believe Zuo Liuying.

But the speed was still not fast enough. All eyes turned to Mu Xingqiu. He was also a Taoist priest and his blood could be used for sacrifice. Even if he had no intention of rescuing anyone, he should still contribute a little just to save himself.

Mu Xingqiu met everyone's gaze, not feeling at all that he was obligated to help. He pointed at Meng Xu, who was still half-dead after undergoing the re-annihilation method twice, "She is also a Taoist priest, and her blood may not be too fresh, so maybe it can be used. With you, Pei Zihan, no matter how far you go on the road to becoming a demon, you still have an inner elixir in your lower dantian, so..."

Pei Zihan bowed slightly to Mu Xingqiu, "Thank you, Taoist Master, for the reminder."

"Don't call me 'Dao Zun' anymore. That's a kidnapping by the demon clan. I don't want it at all."

"Thank you, Mu Xingqiu."

Pei Zihan turned to Yang Qingyin and said, "You can try, I can bear it." He was as thin as a skinned skeleton, and it was difficult to even straighten his body. He was holding his cousin Xiao Qingtao with one hand, but he It is still necessary to accept the sacrifice in a sober state like Zuo Liuying.

Yang Qingyin nodded, and the last finger of Lao Jun's devilish palm quickly lengthened and pierced Pei Zihan's forehead.

The fire of the lunar sky is like a spear piercing the body of a giant beast, like a tornado breaking into the fog, trying to break out a ray of light in the boundless darkness.

Pei Zihan's endurance was far worse than Zuo Liuying's. Although he didn't scream, his face was extremely distorted. He tried his best to say in a joking voice: "It's so disappointing. It seems that I am really still a Taoist priest."

He tried every means to transform into a demon, and even "died" twice for this purpose, but in the end, he still had the blood of a Taoist priest.

"It's about to be punctured!" Feizu looked up at the sky, his voice trembling even more than the sacrificer's.

The lunar fire finally opened a safe passage, revealing the dark night outside. The pure dark night was studded with a few stars. For the creatures in desperate situations, this was the greatest light.

Mu Xingqiu was the first to walk over. He was about to fly out. There was nothing to miss here. But he couldn't do it. The lunar fire opened a channel in the hidden dragon's fire, but the blood umbrella couldn't rise that high. He couldn't pass through the poisonous white vapor.

"We can only go out together." Yang Qingyin said to several magicians without looking at Mu Xingqiu: "Let's cast spells and fly together, take everyone out, and don't leave anyone behind."

The Blood Umbrella Formation consumed some demon soldiers and killed more than a dozen fleas. There were still more than 300 demons left in the entire demon clan. However, the demon master only had five or six demon soldiers, including the Holy Mother of All Sons and Fei Zu. He wanted to fly with so much burden. It was a bit difficult to reach high altitude, but no one raised any objection. At this time, Yang Qingyin's words were orders.

The demons and several humans slowly rose up. In order to fly out of danger as quickly as possible, Mu Xingqiu had to share some of the weight. His eyes slowly swept over and saw the skinny old wolf demon, the strong female wolf demon and their pregnant women. All the little demons in the scene had expressions of extreme fear on their faces. This might be their first time flying into the sky.

A useless burden, but it has nothing to do with me, Mu Xingqiu thought, turning his eyes downwards and saw Qi Yemang.

The Wolf King was the only demon clan unwilling to leave the dangerous situation. He wanted all the demon clan and humans to die here, so he struggled desperately when he was forced to rise, and the blood on his back flowed faster.

After rising to tens of feet, Urushi Yemang made a desperate move. He bit his tongue and spurted out a large amount of blood. Although the blood umbrella suddenly expanded several times, the protection will disappear once the Wolf King dies.

Qi Yemang shouted something in a vague voice.

"Use my blood!" All the demon clan shouted almost at the same time, and they all understood the seriousness of the situation.

"I will take turns using your blood, and no one will die." Yang Qingyin said. She could not choose the magician who was taking everyone flying, nor the flying demon. She could only choose sacrifices among the ordinary demons.

She only used each round of sacrifices for a short time. The strange thing was that the chosen ones did not make any screams this time, but endured the pain silently.

Only Urushi Yemang below was still laughing, and slowly the laughter disappeared. He was still rising with the team, but he was already a corpse. No one felt sad for the death of the Wolf King.

Halfway through the passage, the darkness above became clearer and clearer. At this moment, Yang Qingyin said to Mu Xingqiu: "You should see what happened to the Wolf King."

"You should think about Fangfang's fate." Mu Xingqiu said coldly. He glanced at the Frost Soul Sword in Yang Qingyin's hand, but he didn't have any urge to take it back - he didn't care at all.

The next period of time was very quiet. Yang Qingyin concentrated on casting spells and didn't think about anything. When she was about to rush out of the sea of ​​fire, she spoke again, "Leave the straw hat behind."

The magic pattern straw hat is still on Mu Xingqiu's head. If Xiaohao and others need to accept the method of re-annihilation, they cannot do without this straw hat, and the owner of the straw hat is obviously leaving.

Mu Xingqiu took off his straw hat and threw it on the bald man's head, feeling no regrets in his heart.

"Brother Xiaoqiu, take me with you. You can go anywhere." The bald man said timidly. He had no heart, but he felt heartbroken.

Mu Xingqiu didn't answer at all.

Finally flying out of the Hidden Dragon's Fire, the night was deep and the wind was howling, but the survivors were almost crying with excitement. They only needed to fly a few miles north to be completely out of danger.

Mu Xingqiu withdrew most of his magic power and only focused on flying. He opened his mouth and spit out an inner elixir, "From now on, I have nothing to do with you or Tao Tong."

The inner alchemy left Mu Xingqiu's fingers, drew an arc and fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"Brother Xiaoqiu..." Bald Man's call was useless. Mu Xingqiu rushed into the night with another inner elixir from Niwan Palace, feeling unprecedented freedom.

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