
Chapter 0597 Frozen Monster Corpse

Baldy didn't catch up immediately because he was frightened. When he came to his senses, Mu Xingqiu had already gone far away. After hesitating for a while, Baldy still left Yang Qingyin and others. He wanted to find Brother Xiaoqiu. , when others asked him why, he couldn't give a reason. He just had to do it, and no one could keep him.

Baldy took a detour, but finally relied on his animal instinct to find the clues left by Mu Xingqiu. He was very careful not to show up, but followed him from a distance, for fear that Brother Xiaoqiu would see him again. Say goodbye without saying goodbye.

Some of his hair was burned off by the flame cage, and his face became dirty from living in the wilderness for a few days, but he still giggled happily, because Brother Xiaoqiu did not chase him away, but instead gave him snow. He wiped his face.

"What's the benefit of following me? I don't even know where I'm going." Mu Xingqiu pretended to be stern. Only in this way could he hide the self-blame in his heart.

Mu Xingqiu still felt that leaving everyone behind was the right thing to do, but as time went by, the excitement brought by pure freedom gradually disappeared. He felt that some of his actions went too far at the time, especially towards the bald man, because the bald man He has never had any demands or expectations beyond reality: Mu Xingqiu wanted to compete for the leadership of the Demon Slayer Association, so he went to various Taoist traditions to persuade low-level Taoist priests to join the association. When Mu Xingqiu gave up his position as leader, everyone asked why. , only the bald man doesn't care at all...

"Hehe, I don't care, I can go anywhere. I just feel... Jin Cui has never been chased away by you, so I can follow you." The bald man blinked at Jin Cui behind Mu Xingqiu, "Just It’s nice to move around like this, you know I hate being stuck in one place.”

Baldy likes to be busy and have fun, but he waited for Mu Xingqiu in Luanjing Mountain for six years.

Mu Xingqiu didn't want to pretend to be strict anymore, threw away Canxue in his hand, and said formally to the bald man: "I'm sorry, I did bad things to you, sometimes...sometimes..."

"It's all the fault of the method of re-annihilation." Bald Zi said angrily. He had never blamed Brother Xiaoqiu. He had already thought about who would bear the responsibility. "The magic of the demons turned everyone into another person. The Gan brothers and those Taoist priests are like this, and so is Brother Xiaoqiu, but I know that no matter how Brother Xiaoqiu changes, you are still...Brother Xiaoqiu."

Mu Xingqiu had nothing to say. After a while, he asked, "How are Xin Youtao and the others?"

"They all accepted the method of re-annihilation. When they heard that you left, Xin Youtao was very angry and blamed us for not letting you go. Xiao Qingtao didn't say anything. The most annoying thing was Xiao Hao. She left just as she said she would. Come on, the successor of Nianxinke may be destined to have a solo career. From now on, she will be the only Nianxinke disciple. Do you hear me? She wants to take your position and curse you to die early.

Mu Xingqiu laughed a few times. This was indeed something Xiaohao would say.

Baldy took the opportunity to ask: "Brother Xiaoqiu, are you... thinking about them?"

"Kind of."

The bald man's face was filled with joy. Just when he was about to continue saying something, Mu Xingqiu had already said, "But I won't go back. I can't afford any responsibilities now. I'm just a burden to everyone. Instead of giving them unnecessary hope, I'd rather It’s better to have no hope at all and give them another chance to find another leader.”

The bald man let out a disappointed sound, and immediately said with a smile: "Then let's each play our own way. Anyway, they have Zuo Liuying, so there is no shortage of the two of us. Jin Cu, you go back first, the spirit monsters miss you very much." ”

Jin Cuo snorted and didn't leave or say anything. He was like a stubborn stone, placing it wherever he wanted without any particular reason.

"Let's go, we still have to chase Qilin." Mu Xingqiu took the lead and Jin Cuu followed.

The bald man flew beside Mu Xingqiu, turning his head and grinning every once in a while, but didn't say much. He never mentioned Yang Qingyin, and Mu Xingqiu didn't ask.

It was not until that afternoon, when he saw the figure of the flea in the snow, that the bald man spoke again: "The fleas drank the devil's blood, and they have to be cured with fresh Nebula tree seeds and leaves."

The Nebula Tree can assist the Demon Suppressing Bell in guarding the Void Prison, and naturally has the effect of suppressing some monsters. But Baldy's words were obviously a reminder from Zuo Liuying. Mu Xingqiu hummed, and after trying to find a way to get back the crystal eye, He would send Qilin back to Zuo Liuying. He didn't have fresh seeds or leaves, only a dozen or so Xinghua Feiying. Those were roasted Nebula Tree seeds, which were already stale.

Let Zuo Liuying find a way by herself. Mu Xingqiu felt a little bit sad because he knew that Zuo Liuying must have a way. Maybe he has already chosen someone to replace him, Yang Qingyin, Gan Zhiquan... or someone The leader who has always been buried.

The flea is a bit strange. Apart from wanting to eat gold and silver shavings, it never waits for Mu Xingqiu and always runs around as it pleases. But this time it actually kept spinning in mid-air, as if it was waiting for someone or looking for something. .

After approaching, Bald Man greeted the flea warmly, but a pair of red eyes stared back angrily, and he did not dare to fly over again.

The flea is neither waiting for nor seeking, it is observing.

The snow on the ground was messy, and it had obviously been damaged by something not long ago. The fleas were interested in it, but they didn't get down to take a look.

Neither did Mu Xingqiu. He stopped outside, summoned several magical weapons, and cast spells to check the situation inside. "There are several corpses buried under the snow."

Jin Cu had a bad temper. As soon as Mu Xingqiu finished speaking, he flew into the venue. Mu Xingqiu raised his hand to stop him, but then he shut up. He was not the leader, and Jin Cu was not a subordinate. He followed voluntarily. , of course, you can also do your own thing.

That was not a trap. Jin Cui quickly found five corpses, all of which were beast monsters from the north. Among them was a female monster. She was no different from a male monster. She also had horns on her head, but she had no beard on her chin and had big breasts. It's not normal.

"They froze to death." Jin Cu said. The five demon corpses had been frozen into popsicles, and their bodies were wrapped in a four- to five-inch thick ice shell. "But it's a bit strange."

"Their bodies were very straight, holding weapons in their hands. They seemed to be fighting instead of freezing. Were they hit by... water spells?"

Jin Cu's observation was correct. These monsters were not simply frozen to death, nor were they like the Five Elements Water Spell. Mu Xingqiu bent down and knocked twice on the ice corpse, "The Five Elements Spell is based on mana. It doesn’t usually last that long, and it’s real ice, not a five-element thing.”

"Is that sorcery?" Jin Cu said.

Mu Xingqiu didn't know much about sorcery. He had only seen some fragments from Yi Shijun's memory, but he couldn't explain why. He felt that this was not sorcery. After looking at it for a while, he said: "Kill." The demon did not take away the demon pill, nor did he cause any wounds. If it was done by a demon master, there should not be a whole body left."

Beast monsters are full of treasures. The horns on their heads, the bones in their bodies, and especially the demon pills are all of great use. The magicians usually don't throw them away in vain.

"Yes." Jin Cuo became more and more confused and looked around, "Both the demon slayer and the slain seemed to have flown in. There are no other footprints around, but these five beast monsters have no wings."

The flea finally landed on the ground, sniffed the five corpses for a while, and then suddenly ran to the northeast, running and stopping, but there was no trace where it passed.

"They might have come from underground." Mu Xingqiu raised his legs and put them down again. He didn't want to meddle in other people's business. Even just pure curiosity would bring countless troubles, and maybe even his last. Responsibilities I don’t want to take on.

Jin Cuu followed immediately.

Mu Xingqiu reluctantly took a step until the flea and the brocade had walked two or three miles. He was a little confused. Did the flea fly all the way here just for this? That would be even more strange. The five beast monsters had only been dead for two or three days. The flea would not predict the situation unless it was interested in not the monsters killed but the monster killers.

A monster that can kill monsters with pure ice - Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but think of the rumored Bing Kui.

The bald man was extremely curious, but he had just reunited with Mu Xingqiu, and he actually resisted chasing the flea.

After turning around the foot of a mountain, Jin Cu turned around and said loudly: "There are three more corpses here."

By the time Mu Xingqiu and Bald Zi arrived, Flea and Jin Cu had already continued to pursue clues.

Three demon corpses were still wrapped in ice. There was also a female beast demon, and there was a little demon in its arms. It looked like it was only four or five years old. There were no horns on its head, and no fangs were exposed in its mouth. There is almost no difference from human children.

No matter who the demon slayer is, they are all trying to kill them all.

Mu Xingqiu has always had a doubt. Since Bingkui is an ally of the demon race, why does he not win over the demon race but kill the demon race? What's in it for them?

Just like the orthodoxy's abnormal retreat, the demon species is also adopting an unusual strategy.

Mu Xingqiu was glad that he no longer had to meddle in other people's business. There was no telling how many conspiracies each side of the Taoist and Demons hid. If anyone else got involved, they would only get their heads broken, bloodied, and their bodies broken into pieces.

The brocade and fleas five or six miles away stopped.

Mu Xingqiu wanted to meddle less and less in this nosy matter, but the crystal eye was still in the flea's belly, and the bald man was so anxious that he licked his lips, so he had no choice but to walk over.

"There is a group here." Jin Cu said.

At least fifty beast monsters died in a depression. Without exception, their bodies were covered with a layer of pure ice, and almost all had scars. It was obvious that after a fierce battle, they had been covered with snow, covered with brocade and fleas. Picked it out.

"They all seem to be from the same tribe." Jin Cuo clenched his fists. He is a spirit demon, so he naturally has a sense of belonging to the demon clan, "Even the children will not be spared."

Taoist priests will not let go of little demons. When Mu Xingqiu was still at Yangshen Peak, he received a clear reminder from Taoist priests: the little demons who look like children may be ferocious big demons, and they will become evil if they are soft-hearted. A big disaster.

"What are the fleas doing?" asked the bald man.

The flea was licking the corpse of a beast monster, always in a confused way, and seemed a little impatient.

This is the tallest and strongest one among the demon corpses. Its arms alone are as thick as Mu Xingqiu's waist. Even Lao Chong standing next to him is half a head shorter.

But he was still killed, and there were especially many scars on his body, all from swords.

The flea was licking his right fist. The ice had melted, but the flea was still licking. He was breathing heavily from his nose and his tongue was sticking out for more than a foot.

Mu Xingqiu squeezed the flea away and opened the demon corpse's fingers with all his strength. Sure enough, he was holding something inside.

The flea's tongue was as sensitive as a snake, and it swished out to lick the thing away. Mu Xingqiu could see clearly that it was a fresh seed from the Nebula Tree.

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