
Chapter 0598 Array of Stars

The flea came for the seeds of the Nebula Tree. In the next three days, it found fifteen more places where demon corpses gathered in a vast area, ranging from one to hundreds of corpses, regardless of gender, old or young. , their bodies were covered with a thick layer of ice, which made them feel as if they were alive.

These beast monsters come from two or three tribes, and just like the rumors say, Bing Kui will not leave alive, not even the newborn babies.

Lian Jincu also guessed that the murderer was Bingkui, "No wonder the northern demon clan is so afraid of Bingkui." Staring at the eyes of a little demon that seemed to be still moving, he shuddered, "Bingkui deliberately left the whole body behind. Just to make everyone afraid.”

Mu Xingqiu did not come to a conclusion too early. He was looking into the distance, slowly sketching the scenes he had seen in the past three days in his mind.

Not far away, the flea was playing a chasing game with the bald man. It found ten nebula tree seeds, all of which were fresh. After eating them, most of its memories were restored. It could now recognize familiar people. The blood on its neck faded away, and its eyes But one is red and one is yellow.

But some changes have survived. The flea is still so powerful. It can lift the bald man hundreds of feet into the air. This is a dangerous game. Only the two of them dare to play it, and they play it happily.

Mu Xingqiu bent down and drew a dozen small dots on a piece of unspoiled snow, "Look, the place where the monster is killed is not random. Bing Kui - let's assume that the monster slayer is Bing Kui - is using the demon to kill the demon." Corpse formation."

Jin Cu admired Mu Xingqiu's memory, but he couldn't figure out what formation these messy dots were.

Mu Xingqiu looked up at the sky. Shortly after noon, what he saw was a sky full of stars. "All the places where demons were killed match the stars in the sky. The brightness is exactly the same as the number of demon corpses. I can't scream." The names of the stars, but I can remember their locations."

Jin Cui was even more surprised, "What on earth does Bingkui want to do?"

Mu Xingqiu shook his head, "I know this must be a kind of demon formation, but I don't know the purpose. And why are there Nebula Tree seeds?"

This is the strange thing that puzzles Mu Xingqiu the most. Nebula trees only exist in Wangshan. Blocked by magic, the seeds cannot fly out of the valley. They can only rely on killing each other to reduce the number. The medicinal material Xinghua Feiying is This is how it came about.

Did the killed monster come from near Wangshan Mountain? Or is Wangshan executing a plan? Or maybe the demon slayer is not Bingkui at all, but Taoist Wangshan?

Mu Xingqiu couldn't figure it out. I was thinking silently when I suddenly woke up, what was I doing? Since he doesn't want to be responsible and wants to be the leader, he shouldn't think wildly. If he makes a wrong move, he will fall into deeper troubles. It's better for him to stay away from this place.

Mu Xingqiu turned around and walked towards Qilin, leaving Jin Cu with a blank look on his face. After a while, the spirit demon sighed softly and continued to inspect the demon corpses everywhere.

Flea and Baldy came up to greet him, and Qilin rubbed himself against Mu Xingqiu affectionately, as if he didn't remember that he had ever fought with him.

Mu Xingqiu thought it was pretending to be confused, but he still hugged its neck and said harmoniously: "Okay, spit out the crystal eye. It's useless for you to keep that thing. Give it to me and I will take you." Go see Zuo Liuying."

The flea blinked twice with its big orange eyes, both evil and innocent, as if it didn't understand the human's words.

Mu Xingqiu turned to the other side and said, "Mr. Yishi, I know you can hear my voice. Come out and let's talk. You want to be free. I want to clear up a few doubts. This is a good deal." trade."

Mu Xingqiu actually couldn't release the crow's true soul from the crystal eyes. Yishi Jun obviously understood this, so he didn't react in any way. The flea's blood-red eyes slowly moved, always as if they were issuing a silent threat.

One red and one yellow, the flea's two eyes split its face into two styles. The longer you look at it, the more distorted it becomes.

The bald man landed between the two corners, "Flea, be obedient and spit out your crystal eyes, otherwise..."

The flea suddenly raised its head and threw the bald man away, then chased after him and caught him firmly.

The crystal eye won't come out for a while. Mu Xingqiu doesn't understand what Mr. Yishi is doing. Since he controlled Qi Yemang to secretly stuff the crystal eye into his arms, he has a plan. Why did he refuse to talk at this time?

The stronger the person, the more he likes to play such mysterious tricks. Yishi Jun and Zuo Liuying are no different. As for Taoism and Demon Seeds, the tricks are more complicated and difficult to understand.

Jin Cuo ran over excitedly, holding an animal horn in his hand, "Look."

There were thin lines on the horn, which was obviously a demon pill. Mu Xingqiu took it in his hand and immediately understood why Jin Cui found it special. The demon pill was bone-chilling, like a knife going straight through the back of his hand.

"It's not just that." Jin Cu took the demon pill back and gently folded it with both hands. The demon pill was broken into two pieces, and a few pieces fell from the fracture.

Beast demons have rough skin and thick flesh, and the demon elixir is particularly hard. It can even block some ordinary Taoist spells, and it is by no means so fragile.

"Bingkui is really performing magic, draining all the power in the demon pill." Jin Cu's excitement quickly disappeared, replaced by more doubts, "But what is the use of this kind of magic? Just To freeze all the bodies?"

Jin Cuo refused to give up and followed Mu Xingqiu constantly making various analyses. However, he had too little information and didn't even know what the seeds of the Nebula Tree were. Most of the conclusions he drew were almost random guesses. Mu Xingqiu wanted to correct him several times, but finally held back.

Mu Xingqiu once again put his arms around Flea's neck and pressed his forehead against it, trying hard to use the third level of Qixu Illusion Technique to get into Flea's mind, repeating over and over in his heart: "Talk to me..."

Not only did the flea's body become stronger, but its resistance to spells was also much stronger than before. The illusion spell could not penetrate and could only wander around the periphery. I don't know how long it had passed, but Mu Xingqiu suddenly heard something.

"Follow Qilin."

Mu Xingqiu raised his head, and the voice disappeared. Beside him, Jin Cuo was still analyzing various possibilities endlessly, while Bald Man kept counting fleas. It was obvious that only he heard this.

Is this Mr. Ishi's response, or is it his own hallucination? Mu Xingqiu had difficulty identifying it. The harder he tried to recall, the more ethereal the voice seemed.

"It's snowing again." Jin Cui pointed to the sky, "The land of monsters is obviously a land of ice and snow. It snows endlessly. Will the winter here never end?"

Mu Xingqiu thought, could the snow be the purpose of Bingkui's magic? He forbade himself to think any further.

"Where should we go next? Continue to look for more corpses?" Jin Cu asked.

Mu Xingqiu patted the flea on the back and said, "Let it choose."

This time, the flea understood Mu Xingqiu's words, stepped hard on the ground with all four hooves, flew into the air, and flew less than half a mile before falling from the sky, making the bald man laugh.

Jin Cuo flew over to check, but he didn't expect it to fall faster. The bald man turned somersaults and laughed. After a while, he became extremely happy and sad. He plopped into the snow, with his head down, making him even more embarrassed.

Mu Xingqiu pulled out the bald man and supported him forward with his hands. The bald man didn't even bother to wipe the snow off his face. He tried hard to fly again, but failed. "It's strange, it's so strange, how can I Can’t fly?”

Mu Xingqiu didn't try. He only needed to use his magic power once and he understood that not only could he not fly, he could not cast any spells or hexes here at all.

Jin Cui jumped up and shouted at Mu Xingqiu: "This is the effect of Bingkui's magic! No wonder so many beasts and monsters fight with swords, and none of them uses magic."

Mu Xingqiu and the others wandered around for three days before they were affected, which showed that the formation did not take effect immediately. Bingkui probably had some magic that could have an immediate effect.

The flea didn't know why, so after trying several times, it had no choice but to walk on the ground obediently.

After nightfall that day, the nearest demon corpse was twenty or thirty miles away, the restriction on the spell disappeared, and the fleas could fly freely again.

During this period, Mu Xingqiu did an experiment and fell with a flea. He found that the power in his body had not weakened, but the spell could not be used, or the effect was greatly reduced.

After being able to cast spells normally, Mu Xingqiu once again used the third level of illusion on the flea, but it was still useless. Regardless of whether he was imprisoned or not, the illusion could not enter Qilin's mind.

Mu Xingqiu missed the seventh-level illusion and his old inner elixir a little. Although the Niwan Palace elixir given to him by the Dragon Demon was powerful, it was not particularly easy to use, and there seemed to be some distance between it and him.

"Where are Flea going?" Jin Cui saw that Mu Xingqiu was following Flea, but didn't know why.

Mu Xingqiu didn't know either. The flea's route was very random, going east and west. It wasn't until a day later that Mu Xingqiu could tell that the flea was heading southeast, which was further east than the old road it came from.

"It's going to take us back to Ice City." Jin Cu also saw it and was very happy with Qilin's choice.

Mu Xingqiu was puzzled. Flea was obviously under the control of Lord Yishi. Why did the demon of souls go to the Ice City? He finally got rid of Zuo Liuying, why did he throw himself into the trap again? Does he think that only Zuo Liuying can release him?

The restriction in the crystal eyes was cast by Mu Xingqiu and several Taoist priests. He believed that as long as he found enough sorcerers to help, the restriction could be completely broken. There seemed to be no need for Mr. Yishi to ask Zuo Liuying.

But Mr. Yishi did not speak to Mu Xingqiu in any form.

After a few days, things finally became clearer. The fleas were walking a "death route". Along the way, they encountered more and more demon corpses. They all died in the same way, and their distribution locations were vaguely consistent with the stars in the sky.

The flea ate a lot of Nebula Tree seeds, but one of its eyes was always red. Baldy's judgment was that the flea only ate the seeds but not the fresh leaves, so there was a bit of magic blood that could not be removed.

Mu Xingqiu gradually deduced Bingkui's direction from the distribution of demon corpses.

"Bingkui is not just going to Ice City, they are using demon formations to surround Ice City!"

The ice city that is completely besieged will not be able to cast spells. A group of Taoist priests who can only use swords are like lambs to be slaughtered. Mu Xingqiu must remind them that for him, the biggest question is how deep to intervene.

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