
Chapter 0600 Mr. Yishi’s Conditions

Lord Yishi would rather fall into the hands of an unfamiliar Taoist priest than be controlled by Mu Xingqiu again. There is a reason for this. Mu Xingqiu had no way of guessing and could only tell Shen Shang the cause and effect, and how to deal with Yishi. Get in touch.

"The famous Lord Yishi is actually being imprisoned here?" Shen Shang was really surprised. "There are monsters in the most remote places in Shishen Country who believe in the Ancient God Religion. They all regard Lord Yishi as their leader."

Lord Yishi has many faces, but Mu Xingqiu has never seen the "leader" side so far.

"Do you want to think about Mr. Yi Shi's name? It's easy." Shen Shang followed Mu Xingqiu's instructions and closed his eyes to think. After a while, he opened his eyes again and smiled sheepishly, "I haven't practiced for too long. Even the simplest techniques have been forgotten. Are you sure that Ishi-kun is looking for me and not you? Why don't you take the crystal eye?"

"No, it has to be you. Mr. Yishi has chosen you. He will not speak in my hands." Mu Xingqiu knew that all actions of Mr. Yishi had a purpose, unless Zuo Liuying was in the divine state. Otherwise, it would be impossible to force this old demon to change his mind.

Shen Shang once again tried to ponder, and this time he succeeded, but he did not hold on for too long. He laughed twice, as if he found this matter both ridiculous and magical, "If this happened in the past, I would throw away my eyeballs immediately. , Taoist priests never let anything get into their heads easily.”

Ordinary Taoist priests are like this, but Mu Xingqiu always has an open mind and is unable to protect himself. When he had just joined Pangshan Company and started the most basic training, all his memories were taken away by high-ranking Taoist priests. After that, he was invaded one after another, and even A life and death battle was fought in the mind.

"What did he say?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

"He wants to talk to me in private, haha. A voice that only speaks in his head actually wants to talk to me in private. It's really... I'll go into the hole and come out later."

Mu Xingqiu nodded, having nothing to do. Just as the Fu Lu guests lit a bonfire, he also walked over and sat with everyone.

There are a total of twenty-four talisman masters, ranging in age from eighteen or nineteen to forty years old. They all have weather-beaten faces - blush that will never fade and chapped skin, indicating that they come from a windy area. .

As night fell, the air of decadence that enveloped Ice City and Wolf Plains weakened a bit. Fires were lit everywhere. The children of the demon tribe stopped crying after eating the little pitiful food left. , chasing each other and laughing happily, the sound came from far away, showing a little sign of life.

Curses have less of an impact on children.

"I don't know everyone's names yet." Mu Xingqiu spoke first.

The talisman guests reported their names one by one. Fortunately, there were no three demon clan surnames such as Qi, Fei, and Hao. They were all common surnames and names such as Li Er and Zhang San. Mu Xingqiu felt more cordial. , and suddenly thought of the residents of Yelin Town.

The talisman guests were still depressed, but they were very polite and answered all questions. However, they knew too little. It was their first time traveling far away. When they saw the majestic and rough beast monsters, they were as shocked and frightened as humans. There is no reason for the frustration in my heart.

"What's the point? There's ice and snow everywhere when I walk around. It's better to just stay here." The Fu Lu guests even lost their homesickness for their hometown.

Since Mu Xingqiu knew that this was the result of the curse, he did not continue to ask questions or comfort him.

An hour later, before Jin Cu came back, Shen Shang walked out of the cave and sat beside Mu Xingqiu exhausted, "I shouldn't have left Sanshui Ridge. I might as well wait there and let Pang Shan Someone is going to kill me."

Shen Shang was more cheerful than before, but he still had not survived the collapse. His first reaction when encountering major events was to feel sorry for himself. After sitting in silence for a while, he said: "Yi Shijun doesn't want to fall into your hands, because you may You won’t listen to him patiently, and you may throw your crystal eyes everywhere.”

Mu Xingqiu did throw it once, so he laughed, "But he still has something to say to me."

"Yeah." Shen Shang became as frustrated as Fu Luke. He spoke more out of politeness than what he really wanted to express. He also didn't invite Mu Xingqiu into the cave, because it was the same everywhere, and the Fu Luke nearby Neither the guest nor the demons in the distance have any interest in eavesdropping on the conversation. Even if the sound reaches their ears, it will fly out from the other ear.

"This is called the Star Shifting Formation. Bingkui started setting it up five years ago and has only accelerated it in recent months. Mr. Yishi has known about it for a long time, but he did not stop it. Instead, he prepared ambushes at several key locations and lurked in advance. Dragon Fire is one of them."

Mu Xingqiu suddenly understood. No wonder Yi Shijun could let Qi Yemang ignite the Hidden Dragon Fire easily. It turned out that he had been prepared for it, but the target was not a Taoist priest, but Bing Kui.

"Mr. Yishi asked Flea to take you to observe the Star Shifting Formation just to prove that what he said is true."

"I trust him, then what? Is my trust that important?"

"Mr. Yishi hopes that you can take Qi Wushang's place." Shen Shang looked at Mu Xingqiu sympathetically. Just knowing these things made him feel terrible and heavy. He could not imagine what the state of the person who would be responsible would be.

Mu Xingqiu sneered, "Don't he know he's late?"

"Listen to me... No, listen to him slowly." Shen Shang sighed, "It's like this, Yi Shijun doesn't like the Taoist tradition, but he doesn't like the demons even more. He knows the history of 130,000 years ago and knows how the demons will treat him, so he hopes to create a new force, between the Taoists and the demons, not controlled by either side, and not participating in the war between the two sides, and keeping himself out of trouble."

"It sounds good, he spread the Ancient God Religion for this, right?"

"Why doesn't he come forward himself?"

"He said that as a force, there must be hidden forces if there are public ones, so that it can be considered complete and make the enemy afraid. He is a hidden force, and what he lacks is a leader who can be public. He said to let you rest assured that you are not a puppet and can do whatever you want."

Mu Xingqiu thought of Qi Wushang, who didn't do whatever he wanted for too long and was killed in a few years.

"I refuse, no matter what conditions he offers, I refuse." Mu Xingqiu answered simply.

In the past, even if Mu Xingqiu didn't accept it, he would still consider it. But now he doesn't want to accept it at all. He knows very well what the so-called "do whatever you want" means. Qi Wushang can send tens of thousands of demon soldiers to the battlefield to die with a wave of his hand, but he still can't escape his own destruction. There is no real "do whatever you want" in this world. The two most powerful forces, the demons have been deprived of their bodies and locked in the void for more than 100,000 years. The Taoists have had a good time for a while, but they are worried all day long. They choose to retreat before the strong enemy shows up.

It would be difficult for someone else to understand Mu Xingqiu's choice, but Shen Shang, who was in the midst of the catastrophe, smiled and said, "You have really changed dramatically." After a while, Shen Shang continued, "Yi Shijun didn't force it, he just made a suggestion, since you refused, forget it. But he still has a few things to tell you." "I'm listening." "Your transformation reaction will not end, it will torture you until you die, because you took it voluntarily, and the transformation has penetrated into your bones. Of course, Yi Shijun has a way to solve it, but you may not be willing." "Is he going to put forward any conditions?" "No conditions, but you have to learn a few magic arts, and you are a Taoist..." "I have no objection." Mu Xingqiu didn't think he was still a Taoist priest, and he had already used magic arts once, so he didn't mind learning a few more. "That's good, 'The 261st Year of the 124th Soul', Yi Shijun said that the magic arts are there. Do you understand what this means?" Shen Shang was puzzled. Mu Xingqiu understood that Yi Shijun was the demon of all souls, and his words told Mu Xingqiu the location of his memory, saving him the pain of searching. "Thank him for me."

"Hehe, he can hear your voice. This reminds me of Zuo Liuying. Does he still let others pass messages for him? By the way, he has already spit out the inner elixir and become a Taoist priest who breathes in air. It's really hard to imagine, but when I think about it carefully, only Zuo Liuying dares to do such a thing. I was a little afraid of him before, and now I am even more afraid..."

Shen Shang sighed for a while, and was about to continue talking when Jinchu came back. He was much weaker than when he left. He was also affected by the curse, but he had not completely succumbed.

"Tomorrow morning, more than a hundred demon leaders will gather together to discuss matters. I think I can convince them to leave here." Jinchu stared at Mu Xingqiu as if he had just won a battle.

"Very good, I would like to see you succeed." Mu Xingqiu said.

Jinchu sat by the fire, the proud expression on his face slowly disappeared, staring blankly at the flames, his body trembling slightly, obviously not sure about the party tomorrow morning.

"It's good to be young. We are much more resistant to curses." Shen Shang smiled and shook his head, turning to Mu Xingqiu, "The next thing, Yi Shi Jun will put forward conditions."


"Yelin Town." Shen Shang stopped to observe Mu Xingqiu's reaction, and after a while he continued: "Yi Shi Jun knows very little about Ye Lin Town, because it is not a big deal, but he does have a very useful clue."

"What clue?"

"Yelin Town is not the first human village to be invaded by demons, nor is it the first place where residents disappeared inexplicably."

"I know this." Taoist books have recorded these things, and Mu Xingqiu had heard about it from Fangfang a long time ago.

"Yi Shi Jun has a precious memory that can tell you what happened to the villagers after a village was invaded by demons."

The whereabouts of the residents of Ye Lin Town are likely to be the same as those villagers. This is indeed a major clue. Mu Xingqiu was silent for a while before asking: "What are his conditions?"

"The condition is that you have to protect this land, defeat Bing Kui's attack, and prevent the Dou Zhuan Xing Yi Formation from taking shape." Shen Shang patted his forehead. He felt heavy pressure just to repeat it.

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