
Chapter 0601 Desire burns to ashes

Lord Yishi observed silently and guessed Bingkui's plan a long time ago. At that time, Qi Wushang was still consolidating the newly occupied territory in Xijie Kingdom, and the inexplicably frightened beast monster in the north had not even given Bingkui a name.

Lord Yishi did not immediately take action to stop Bingkui, nor did he find a way to save any of the victimized monsters. Instead, he quietly made plans as always. He believed that the high-ranking Taoist priests also discovered Bingkui's existence, but in the Taoist response plan The demon clan will never be included.

Basically, he guessed correctly. Mr. Yishi has more than three thousand years of memory, including a large number of memories from Taoist priests. He did not have the opportunity to directly bite the high Taoist priests, but through understanding the low Taoist priests, he slowly I slowly figured out the thinking habits of high-level Taoist priests.

Others know the subtleties, but he sees the subtleties. The low-level Taoist priests who often appear in the world are like kites that are eye-catching in the sky. Mr. Yishi has been looking at it for three thousand years. Finally, he can eliminate the influence of the wind direction and accurately guess the ground. How the hand controlling the upper line is shaking.

The retreat of the entire Taoist order surprised Mr. Yishi, but he was not too surprised. It was just more extreme than what he had expected.

From the beginning, he knew that he had to rely on the demon clan to fight back against Bing Kui.

In the past hundreds of years, he has cultivated many demon clans, including giant demon kings like Qi Wushang and small demons like Feiba. There are still a dozen or so who are qualified to become kings, but which one Neither is particularly ideal.

During the illusion battle with Zuo Liuying, Yishijun had not yet fallen in love with Mu Xingqiu. It was not until Mu Xingqiu forced him to die that he would rather die together than give in. Yishijun suddenly felt that this was the person he had been looking for for many years but couldn't. The leader of the demon clan.

But he still needed further testing, so he gave Mu Xingqiu a task.

Once the Star Shifting Formation is deployed, its greatest effectiveness is neither to breed a lot of fear and frustration, nor to imprison various spells and sorcery, but simply ice and snow.

"Winter in the land of monsters will not end for a long time." The more Mu Xingqiu knew, the more he envied the happiness of the ignorant. "The ice and snow will continue to advance south step by step. It will not take more than ten years. It will cover the entire land, and even most of the oceans in the south will freeze.

Jin Cu's lips were tightly closed, and his cheeks were bulging. He had been sitting near Mu Xingqiu and Shen Shang, but he didn't listen to them much. It wasn't until Mu Xingqiu relayed that he realized that he was actually in the most miserable place. Born and transformed into a demon in the era, he has never enjoyed the carefree life of a Pangshan spirit beast. After transforming into a demon, he immediately faced the disaster of annihilation.

"We have to stop Bingkui." Jin Cuo was not sentimental. He used his simple thinking to come to a simple conclusion. The deeper and further fear overwhelmed the fear caused by the curse. His eyes burned like fire again, feeling depressed. The energy was swept away.

"In other words, it's to prevent Douzuanxing from moving, because even Mr. Yishi can't find where Bingkui is hiding. They appear and disappear suddenly. None of the monsters who saw them survived. The only mark is the Nebula Tree Seed. ”

"Did Bingkui run away from Wangshan?" Jin Cu has learned a lot about Taoism from Baldzi these days, and already knows the origin of Nebula Tree.

"It's possible, otherwise why would Wangshan retire early? It's hard for people outside the headquarters to find Bingkui, so they can only wait for them to fight."

"I have to persuade everyone to leave tomorrow morning no matter what. In this state, there is no way to fight Bing Kui. He is completely waiting to die."

"That's the problem. There are seven pivots in the Dou Zhuan Xing Shifting Formation. With 10% of the pivots, the strength of the formation is doubled, which is equivalent to having a solid fortress that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Ice City happens to be the first pivot. Once this place is occupied If Bing Kui takes over, the formation speed will be faster in the future.”

"We have already seen the formation, can't we move the demon corpse away?"

"It's useless. Mr. Yishi has already made calculations. The moment the demon clan was killed, the formation was already in operation. The role of the corpse is not to maintain the formation, but to intimidate the demon clan far and near, so it is useless to move the corpse. Yes, it takes multiple Xingluo Taoist priests or one Shenzhen Taoist priest to break the formation."

"But Taoist priests wouldn't do that. Jin Cuo stared at Mu Xingqiu reflected in the bonfire, vaguely understanding something.

"No, Dao Tong thinks it is a waste of time. Neither does Mr. Yishi. Instead of competing for individual formations, he would rather have a decisive battle. Although he cannot completely defeat Bing Kui, it can greatly delay the deployment of the formation. , and even reduced its power. He calculated the positions of the seven pivots in advance and made some preparations. However, in order to regain his freedom, he lit the flame in advance and failed to kill Bing Kui. After destroying the ice city's earth energy, Bing Kui summoned many demon clans to come here just to cleanse the remnants of the flames with demon blood so that they can continue to set up the formation."

"Kill ten thousand monsters just because..." Jin Cu clenched his fists.

Mu Xingqiu smiled, thinking that the spirit demon was really young. He was probably in this state when he defended Duanliu City, but that state was gone forever, and what he was doing now was flowing to the left. The only difference is that he won't hide like Zuo Liuying.

Jin Cuo should know everything, at least everything Mu Xingqiu himself knew.

"The current situation is like this. You can persuade the monsters to leave the Ice City and escape this disaster. Bingkui will soon be able to summon the same number of monsters to come over to wash the formation. In this case, Lord Yishi will be in the second pivot position. Fight against Bing Kui, but once the first pivot joins the battle, Bing Kui's strength will be greatly enhanced, and the next battle will only be more difficult. You can also encourage everyone to stay and fight. There is a time limit for the pivot to join the battle. Once Bingkui starts to set up the formation, the Seven Heavens must be completed. As long as he persists, the first pivot position will be destroyed. "

"Wait a minute." Jin Cu fully understood Mu Xingqiu's intention, "Why me? You are the one chosen by Lord Yishi."

"Because I can't lead anyone in battle anymore. I'm tired of being the leader. Every decision I make makes me think of the ridiculousness of it, even now. Look, I'm pushing you to be the leader. This is what I hated most in the past, but now I have done it myself. What is the difference between me and Zuo Liuying and Yishijun who are hiding in the dark? Difference? But I still did it, because Mr. Yishi promised me that as long as I defend the Ice City, I will give me an important memory, with which I can find my missing relatives in Yelin Town."

Mu Xingqiu has obtained most of Yishijun's memories. He can search slowly, but it will take several years or even longer to find that memory.

"So you're putting the blame on me?"


"You care about these monsters, want to save their lives, and even successfully convened a gathering. Remember what I told you? The responsibility is placed on the roadside. Most people dare not approach it. Only a few people dare to It’s on your shoulders.”

"I remember you being very unhappy with this approach."

"I'm not satisfied now. That responsibility dresses itself up like some kind of 'power', but it's actually a scam. It's a heavy burden. Of course, those who carry the burden will always gain a little power, but the real gain The one who benefits is not him. In Ice City, you will gain the illusory titles of glory and reverence, while I will gain a real memory, and Mr. Yishi will lay a firm foundation for his entire plan."

The firewood crackled in the bonfire, and the talisman guests were drowsy. Shen Shang had been listening to Mu Xingqiu's words, and suddenly laughed out loud, "This is the first time I have heard such honest persuasion, you should tell him , in the end even those illusory titles may be snatched away.”

"It is possible that just like Qi Wushang's achievements among the demon clan, Lord Yishi can take it away at any time and claim that everything is an arrangement made by him on behalf of the ancient gods. Only a small part of this is true, but Qi Wushang can Supreme cannot defend himself.”

Mu Xingqiu had never seen it so clearly, and he was even wondering how much of the records about the three Taoist ancestors were true.

Shen Shang smiled and nodded, his eyes flickering between Mu Xingqiu and Jin Cuo. The more he looked at it, the more interesting it became.

"What will you do if I refuse to take this responsibility?" Jin Cu asked.

"I will wait until the party is over tomorrow morning. If the demons are persuaded by you and really want to leave Bingcheng, I will give up this opportunity -" Mu Xingqiu turned to look at Shen Shang, "From his hand Grab the crystal eye and continue negotiating terms with Ishi-kun."

Shen Shang raised his hands, "No need to grab it, as long as you ask, I will give it to you."

Mu Xingqiu smiled, turned to Jin Cu and continued: "If you can't persuade the demons to leave and don't want to shoulder this burden, then I have to do it. I will give myself three days to fight if I can, and if I can't, I will fight." Fight...I will still leave with my crystal eyes."

"I'll leave with you." Shen Shang immediately responded, "As long as you are willing to help me take away these talisman guests."

Jin Cuo was silent. He needed to think and clarify his true thoughts. Mu Xingqiu did not watch someone recklessly shouldering a heavy burden like Zuo Liuying did, nor did he use sweet words like Yi Shijun did. To seduce someone with numerous promises, he would describe the reality of this responsibility in as accurate a language as possible, and then leave it to Jin Cuo to make his own choice.

Mu Xingqiu stopped talking. He was thinking, if someone had said the same thing to him in Duanliu City, what would he choose?

He would still take responsibility because there were too many people he cared about in Duanliu City at that time, including Fangfang, Yang Qingyin, Xin Youtao, Xiao Qingtao, Daliang...

He sadly discovered that his change was not as complete as he imagined. The Yelin Town he was looking for might be a burden for the future.

There is always a group of people in the world who are eager to burn into ashes like charcoal, eager to irrigate the desert like a river, eager to be broken in the light of swords like war drums... What they are looking for is not power and meaning, but must be so.

"Let me try it." Jin Cu stood up. He didn't know whether his ability was enough, nor did he know how disparate the strength between the enemy and ourselves was. He only knew one thing: just thinking about the responsibilities he would bear. , is enough to repel the decadence and fear brought about by the curse.

Shen Shang showed a relaxed smile, but Mu Xingqiu looked serious. He had to control the blood that was about to surge in his body.

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