
Chapter 0602 Liangyi Sword and Shield

The demon clan are all tough guys, even women and children. They believe that hard fists are better than swords, and swords are better than magic, but in the end, they are still frequently defeated by magic.

Curses are also a kind of spell, the spells of the demons. They cleverly bypass the thick flesh and stubborn bones of the demons, go straight to their hearts, and wantonly disturb their simple and crude emotions. As a result, the strongest beasts also lowered their heads and became A frightened plaything that can’t even help but confide in strangers.

"I thought it was safe here. For many years, everyone has been saying how safe Bingcheng and Langyuan are. Even the Taoists can't attack. I didn't expect it to be like this. I brought all my relatives and abandoned all my belongings. . My journey has come to an end. We should die here. This is the will of the ancient god. He will arrange a better place for us after death."

The curse only requires very little nutrients to grow towering trees of fear. Driven by unreasonable fear, a large number of monsters came to the Ice City and found that the place was already a scorched earth, so they were willing to wait for death.

This was the first difficulty Jin Cu faced, and he didn't even see the shadow of the enemy.

Regarding the curse and how to deal with it, Mu Xingqiu told Jin Cu everything he knew, but he did not give him any advice because he did not have a foolproof plan. The curse in Duanliu City was relatively simple, and it was destroyed during the process. Defeated, the demons in Ice City were already trapped in it.

Mr. Yishi did provide several powerful magic tricks, which could not remove the curse, but could make the curse work for his own use, making the demons more afraid of the brocade. However, no matter which trick required a large number of sacrifices, at least thousands The famous demon clan will sacrifice their lives for this.

Lord Yishi felt that this was a way to kill two birds with one stone. He could not only obtain a ready-made army, but also take the opportunity to eliminate the old, weak, sick and disabled, but Jin Cu refused without thinking. He would rather persuade the demons to get rid of the curse on their own and successfully succeeded. Although the chance is very low, this is the only method he accepts.

For more than an hour before dawn, Jin Cuo circled back and forth around the bonfire, thinking about how to pull a large group of monsters out of the curse: the monsters had been deeply affected by the curse, but he was an outsider with no authority. He has no followers around him, and the demon clan here has never even heard of the spirit demon clan.

Memory is power. Jin Cu tried hard to recall what he saw and heard when he visited various camps, hoping to find out the flaws in the curse.

Shen Shang looked at Jin Cu with admiration, "Not only does he look like you, he also has a similar temperament, but he lacks the shell of a Taoist priest. Maybe he will succeed, but Mr. Yishi still likes you, and he doesn't care Whatever means you use, as long as you can prevent Bing Kui from assigning the first position, he will keep his promise."

Mu Xingqiu didn't say a word. He succeeded in convincing Jin Cuo, but he didn't feel much joy in his heart. He didn't know whether he was shaping a future leader or destroying an enthusiastic spirit demon.

Shen Shang got up and summoned all the Fu Lu guests to gather in a cave. He also had to take some responsibility and at least rescue the demon clan he brought out from the curse.

Mu Xingqiu took out an orb and searched for the memory of the 124th soul of Lord Yishi in the 261st year. This soul originally belonged to a rare monster cultivator who was once a pure beast monster. , the demon elixir was born in the right corner. When he was thirty years old, he suddenly had a whim and worshiped a casual cultivator as his teacher, and condensed an inner elixir in the lower Dantian. It was as mixed and impure as the casual cultivator, but it was actually a Mei Neidan.

It is precisely because of his special status that he was selected by Lord Yishi and became part of the demon of souls after his death.

It was not easy for the beast demon to cultivate the inner elixir. He had to destroy his right horn demon elixir and drag his fragile body to start practicing. After he succeeded, he became particularly interested in the similarities and differences between the inner elixir and the demon elixir, and it actually grew it again. Demon elixir.

Based on his own personal experience, this beast-monster casual cultivator created a set of methods to coordinate the conflict between the inner elixir and the demon elixir.

Mu Xingqiu carefully read this set of techniques and finally understood why Mr. Yishi thought he would not agree to it before. It was not used to remove the demon-transformation reaction, but to help practitioners grow demon pills - with demon pills, Of course, the demon-transformation reaction stopped.

Pei Zihan must like this method, and is even willing to worship in front of Lord Yishi and fight for it through life and death. But Mu Xingqiu suddenly changed his mind. He didn't understand why he shouldn't accept it. He was no longer a Taoist priest, and even vomited An inner elixir that has been condensed through a lot of hard work.

Mu Xingqiu couldn't help but threw up his head and laughed. Jin Cuo showed no reaction and was still thinking about countermeasures. However, Flea and Bald Man came over. The former looked for gold and silver shavings, while the latter asked curiously: "Brother Xiao Qiu, what are you laughing at?" ?”

"If there could be a demon pill, where would you like it to grow?"

"Well, first of all, you have to assume that I have a body..." The bald man thought seriously for a while, "Don't have horns. It would be nice if the helmet had horns, but it would be ugly if they were on the head. I don't need wings either, they look pretty straight. It's majestic, but you don't realize it. Flying demons are quite weak, and there are no big demons. Every time Yu Wang adjusts his wings, I feel anxious for him. His hands are not good, and he looks bulky. It should be in the eyes like Yin Buchen."


"Yeah, everything looks normal, but it's actually a demon pill. How interesting. Moreover, the eyes were originally a weak point, but after being transformed into a demon pill, they became the most powerful part. It's even more interesting."

Mu Xingqiu nodded, feeling that Baldy's choice really made sense.

He was not in a hurry to learn the method, but continued to check the memories of the beast monster cultivators.

This beast monster casual cultivator is very thoughtful and has done a lot of research on the demon elixir, the rogue cultivator inner elixir and the Taoist inner elixir. He doesn’t know much about the Taoist inner elixir. It wasn’t until he became a part of the demon of all souls that he learned from other memories. Get help to make your research more complete and in-depth.

Taoist inner alchemy is the purest, and the magic power it produces is the most stable and long-lasting. There is no end to practice. Unfortunately, people have their own end. Sooner or later, practitioners will always encounter the calamity of sighs and stop moving forward.

The inner alchemy of casual cultivators is relatively complex, and the magic power is not stable enough. Even if you do not encounter any mental calamity, your cultivation career will reach a certain peak and have no way out.

The demon pill is essentially different from the previous two. It cannot directly use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Instead, it absorbs the scattered spiritual energy and some unclean energy in its own flesh and blood. Therefore, it is the least efficient and the most complicated. However, it has an advantage and does not require special practice. According to this method, as long as you are alive, the demon elixir will automatically strengthen, and your physique will get better and better in the process.

It is precisely for this reason that the beast-monster casual cultivator who possesses both inner elixir and demon elixir has remained unknown, because he is not strong enough in both aspects. If he had not been favored by Lord Yishi, the method he created would have been lost long ago.

For Mu Xingqiu, this was not a big problem. After vomiting the elixir, he no longer had the basic method of hiding, but he still had unsolved emotional tribulations, and the Niwan Palace elixir was given to him by others. All three of these made him You can't continue to practice the inner elixir at all, so there is no conflict with the demon elixir.

The beast demon casual cultivator named the method he created "Liangyi Sword and Shield". The sword represents the inner elixir, and the shield refers to the demon elixir. If everything goes well, Mu Xingqiu will be able to change his eyes in as little as one year and more than five years. Into a pure demon elixir.

The beast demon casual cultivator still has a memory, which is what the original soul of the crow said when he persuaded him to join the demons of the souls: "The weakness of the demon clan does not lie in the demon elixir, but in that the method of cultivation is too easy. There are many people who are born with demon elixirs. So that all the demons take it for granted, and Wuyao studies better and faster methods of cultivation. Occasionally, there are demons who want to find a new path like you, but they are regarded as not doing their job properly, and they wait until you die. Even this effort will dissipate immediately. Everything you have done will not bring any benefit to the demon clan. So, join me. Although you are lonely in this era, you will be in the past and the future. Find like-minded people and your efforts will become part of many.”

Zeng Yao Sanxiu was moved, and Mu Xingqiu was also moved.

The weak may not be weak, but they just haven’t found the right method. Just like the power of Taoism does not lie in a certain Taoist priest, the accumulation of countless wise men over more than 130,000 years has built the smooth road today, and those who walk on it Newcomers can form a nearly flawless Taoist elixir more easily than predecessors.

Time is wisdom, and memory is power. Mu Xingqiu's heart surged, and he had more insights into this sentence. He even thought that the Dao Fire is not extinguished actually means the same thing: the longer the Dao Fire burns, the stronger it becomes. After subduing the Rimang Taoist priest, he has not actually weakened in his bones. He is probably a little stronger, but these powers are hidden and invisible.

Perhaps this is the function of the Taoist Supreme Treasure, to accumulate and hide the power of Taoism.

Dao Tong retreated, but Dao Tong would eventually return, and it wouldn't take as long as 130,000 years. Mu Xingqiu felt that he might have a chance to witness the battle between Dao Demons with his own eyes.

The premise is that he must survive.

Mu Xingqiu had a lot of thoughts. When he came back to his senses, it was already dawn. He raised his head and had to admit the power of Lord Yishi. He was imprisoned in the crystal eyes, but he could still transform another person quietly. human mind.

The fire had been extinguished. Opposite Mu Xingqiu, a face exactly like his showed perseverance and tenacity.

The bald man looked at Mu Xingqiu with a smile, "The two 'Brother Xiaoqiu' frowned and smiled for a while. It's so fun. Look, you have confused all the fleas."

The flea was looking left and right blankly with its two eyes, one red and one yellow, as if it was a bit unclear who was who.

Mu Xingqiu laughed, put away the orb containing Yishijun's memory, and asked, "Have you thought of a way?"

The corners of Jin Cu's mouth twitched slightly. No matter how similar they looked, there was always one obvious difference between him and Mu Xingqiu - their natural pride. "Nothing can completely change a person, not even the Demon Lord's rectification, nor curses. Every time Every demon clan has something they care about most that cannot be shaken, and I think I have found it.”

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