
Chapter 0606 The unique little demon

Dozens of young demons gathered tightly in a circle to listen to a novel method, which is said to be able to cultivate demon elixirs faster. The narrator did not identify himself, and no one knew whether he was a human or a demon. Just because he looked almost the same as Jin Cui, the demons were full of trust in him.

When Mu Xingqiu decided to teach Liangyi Sword and Shield to more demon clans, Lord Yishi expressed his opposition through Shen Shang, "You are wasting your time. The demon clan's lifespan is not much longer than that of humans, and they love to kill each other. Not many of them can live a long life. They don't want to practice quietly. I have tried it a long time ago. The demon clan is a kind of magic material that can think. It is enough to use them and spur them. There is no need to let them learn. "

Mu Xingqiu decided to try again.

Jin Cu asked the leaders of each tribe to select young and smart demons, and he screened them again before sending more than forty demons to Mu Xingqiu.

For three days in a row, Mu Xingqiu explained the method of calming the mind in the ruins of Ice City. For Taoist priests, this was the easiest step, but it was extremely difficult for this group of monsters. They were indeed smart enough and studied hard. Will, but there is no way to achieve no thought.

"Don't think about anything? Wouldn't that be dangerous?" A demon clan asked on the first day.

Mu Xingqiu quickly understood the crux of the matter. The living environment of the demon clan has always been harsh. They must not only guard against attacks by Taoist priests and humans, but also beware of each other. Over the years, they have developed the habit of staying alert at all times and removing their brains. Thinking about it is as dangerous as turning your back on the enemy and handing over your weapons.

Taoist priests can easily enter the state of meditation because they are protected by various Taoist traditions and are willing to help each other.

Mu Xingqiu then changed his explanation method. He asked the demons to take turns wrestling and competing with him, using powerful power to arouse their interest, and then instilled in them the various benefits of practicing the demon elixir - it can make the weak stronger, The strong are stronger.

The enthusiasm of the apprentices continued, but none of them could remain calm.

It was still the same on the third day. At the end of the whole day, what everyone remembered was the power of the demon master - Mu Xingqiu got the title "demon master" after he knocked down more than 40 apprentices with one punch.

As the sun set, the apprentices returned to their respective tribes. The more than ten thousand demon tribes here all followed Jin Cu's orders and moved to the south, camping around the ruins of the Ice City.

Mu Xingqiu is also preparing to return to camp. He has been practicing the Left Eye Demon Pill in the past few days, and his progress is so fast that even he is shocked. His body strength is getting stronger, and his breathing is becoming more and more adaptable to the group. The unclean atmosphere of the demon land even vaguely feels that it is very beneficial to the demon elixir.

The bald man jumped out from behind a broken wall and shouted at him: "Brother Xiaoqiu, come here quickly!"

Baldy and Flea are the kings of children in Bingcheng. They play with a group of little monsters every day and even stay up all night. This is the first time they call Mu Xingqiu over.

It was getting dark, and there weren't many little demons willing to play with the bald man. Eight or nine of them, all in their teens, were leaning against the white wall, staring nervously at the tattered animal skin shoes on their feet.

The flea stared majestically at the wall, kindly worried that it would fall down, but also as if he was preparing to knock it down.

"Brother Xiaoqiu, tell them that we were all Pangshan Taoist priests in the past, but not anymore." Baldy said angrily. It turned out that he was bragging and was not believed.

Mu Xingqiu looked at the few little demons standing against the wall. They were almost the same as human children. But if you look closely, you will find that there are small raised horns growing in the unkempt hair, and the skin covered by dust has become partially rough. Hard, like scars.

"Well, I used to be a Pangshan Taoist priest, but you don't have to be afraid. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

The little demons urged each other with their eyes and secretly kicked around with their feet. Finally, the tallest little demon spoke, "Aren't Taoist priests all killers of demons?"

"No, some Taoist priests will never go down the mountain in their entire lives. They have never even seen the true appearance of the demon tribe with their own eyes. However, Taoist priests and demon tribes do often have wars. If you kill me, I will kill you."

Mu Xingqiu's answer emboldened the little demons, and another one asked: "I heard that Taoist priests are ranked according to the number of demons they kill. Killing ten means inhaling, killing a hundred means eating Xia, etc. is that true?"

"This is not true." Mu Xingqiu smiled. After fighting each other for hundreds of thousands of years, the misunderstanding between the Taoist priests and the demon clan has not diminished, but has become deeper and deeper. "The so-called inhalation, eating rosy..."

"I know!" The bald man said first. He couldn't practice, but he had read many Taoist books with Mu Xingqiu and Fangfang, so he opened his mouth and said, "Taoist priests want to practice inner elixir. To practice inner elixir, they need the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is unlimited." It is everywhere, more in some places and less in some places. No matter how much it is, you have to absorb it into the body to sharpen the inner elixir. Therefore, the first level of practice is to open the orifices, and only by opening the seven orifices can the spiritual energy enter the body. The realm is to clear the pass, and only by clearing the three fields can the spirit be retained.”

"The third level is inhalation. Only then can you really inhale the spiritual energy and start sharpening your inner elixir. The fourth level is the meal rosy. At this time, what you inhale is not the thin spiritual energy, but the spiritual energy like the rosy glow, and more The fifth level is swallowing smoke, the spiritual energy is like smoke, you can even see it rotating in the lower Dantian. The sixth level is star falling, amazing, the spiritual energy enters the body like falling starlight, a piece of starlight is equivalent. The seventh level is to inhale the spiritual energy that disciples of the first level inhale throughout the day. The starlight is connected in a line and injected into the lower Dantian. The eighth and ninth levels are to serve the moonlight and the sunbeam. The spiritual energy is getting stronger and stronger. When a Taoist practitioner practices, he must rise above a thousand feet in the air, otherwise the surrounding spiritual energy will not be enough for him.”

Mu Xingqiu couldn't have said it better. Unfortunately, like Bald Man, he could only talk on paper. Apart from inhaling, he didn't know what it felt like to be in a higher state. There is an inner elixir of the fifth level of Xingluo in his Niwan Palace, but it was not cultivated by him himself. Since he could not transform the spiritual energy into the form of Xingluo, he could not even enhance this inner elixir.

Several little demons listened to the bald man with their mouths open, with blank expressions on their faces. They just felt admiration, but could not understand a word. After a while, the tallest little demon asked again: "Can we practice inner alchemy?" ?”

The bald man laughed and shook his head, "Of course not. To practice inner elixir, you must first have Tao roots. Do you have Tao roots?"

The little demons didn't even know what Daogen was, but seeing the aggressive posture of the bald man, they all shook their heads.

"I can check it for you." Mu Xingqiu said.

The little demons all looked up at him, their eyes shining.

Checking the Dao roots is a very simple spell. Mu Xingqiu took turns pressing his thumbs on the foreheads of the little demons and inputting a little mana. The mana circulated in the meridians for a circle and then returned. If there is a Dao root in the body, it will be absorbed. If a part of the mana is not available, the mana will not be reduced at all.

Miracles will not be born in a few little demons. All the magic power returned to Mu Xingqiu's body intact, and no trace of Dao roots was found. Maybe half-demon and beast monster just don't have Dao roots. Dao Tong has long confirmed this, so I feel no need to explain.

However, Mu Xingqiu decided to examine more little demons in the future. Dogen only manifests before the teenage years and disappears once one gets older.

It was already dark, and the little demons were hungry. They bid farewell to Mu Xingqiu and Bald Man one after another, and ran quickly outside the city.

Mu Xingqiu was about to leave when a timid voice sounded from the shadows in the corner, "Can you check it for me?"

There is actually a little demon that has not left. It is a cicada-winged demon. This kind of demon is only over three feet tall when it grows up. When it is young, it is even smaller. This little demon is only one foot tall, which is taller than when it was born. The baby is still smaller, and the wings on its back are not fully grown. It has a piece of animal skin around its waist and no other covering, but the exposed skin is whiter and tender than any other little demon.

The bald man also ignored the little demon. In order to apologize, he hurriedly introduced: "His name is Feifei. He is nine years old this year. He comes from...where is your hometown?"

"Buried in the sacred grove."

Mu Xingqiu suddenly remembered another cicada-winged demon. When he participated in the first demon-slaying drill in Pangshan, he had killed an adult cicada-winged demon. In the eyes of humans, the cicada-winged demon looked very... Like, fair and tender, with big black eyes, like an innocent child. In fact, it is a very insidious type among the demon clan. It often hides in the belly of the beast to launch sneak attacks.

Mu Xingqiu immediately became wary of this little demon, but Baldy didn't know it, "Feifei is a good little demon. He just learned to fly, and he can get into any hole no matter how small it is with me..."

"Let me check it for you." Mu Xingqiu said.

Children have a unique sensitivity. Although Mu Xingqiu's voice was very kind, Feifei seemed to have noticed that he was not welcome. He licked his lips, and after a while, he slowly flew up under the urging of the bald man.

He was indeed not very good at flying. His cicada-like wings kept flapping, and he could only barely float a few feet high in the air.

Mu Xingqiu pressed his thumb on Feifei's forehead and injected a burst of magic power. The little demon opened his mouth, revealing two tiny pointed fangs. Mu Xingqiu thought he was going to take action and immediately increased his magic power - but Feifei There was no harm in it, but Mu Xingqiu pressed his finger against the wall, and his flapping wings were scratched in several places.

Mu Xingqiu stopped his hand in time, and the little demon fell to the ground. He got up without any injuries. Instead, he apologized in panic: "I'm sorry, I didn't stabilize..."

Mu Xingqiu did not accept the apology, but grabbed Feifei, looked at him in surprise, and pressed his thumb on the little demon's forehead again.

When the mana returned, part of it disappeared! Either Feifei really has Taoist roots, or he possesses unique sorcery, Mu Xingqiu couldn't explain it for a while.

Feifei was frightened, her wings trembled feebly behind her, and her face turned from white to red.

Mu Xingqiu was about to do further inspections when Shen Shangfei came over. He didn't notice the little demon in Mu Xingqiu's hand and said seriously: "The Star Shifting Formation has closed."

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