
Chapter 0607 The formation is closed

Jin Cui quickly proved that she was not a replica of Mu Xingqiu. 6̾̾

Unlike the young horse herders who came out of the small town, he was a born king. A few years ago, when even being a brocade horse seemed too young, he defeated several competitors, including the leader of the horse herd, and became the spiritual king. The king of demons.

Just because he lost the position of King of Spirit Demons to Yang Qingyin does not mean that he will become an ordinary demon clan from now on. He reawakened the fighting spirit in the hearts of the demons in Ice City, and rekindled the ambition of the king in his own heart. .

Jin Cu stood on the top of a hill in the southeast of Ice City. He wore a towering iron helmet on his head. It was not decorated with horns, but more than a dozen gorgeous feathers. The armor on his body was very simple, with only a few pieces passing by. The bone armor blessed by magic protects key parts such as the shoulders and chest, while other parts of the body are only covered by linen clothes, or even exposed at all.

He didn't even wear shoes and stood barefoot in the snow. Like all spirit monsters, he didn't like restraints. If possible, they would rather not be naked.

Since the helmet covered most of his face, Jin Cuo now looked nothing like Mu Xingqiu.

Next to him and slightly lower behind him, stood a group of monsters, some tall or short, all with respectful expressions and not even breathing too loudly. No one could tell that they were uncivilized people from the bitter cold land in the north. Monsters, some of whom can't even speak common human language.

Shen Shang stopped halfway up the mountain and looked up at the monsters on the top of the mountain. "What a strange thing. The Ancestor Peak collapsed, but it gave the Pangshan spirit beast a chance. I am not a Taoist priest of Yin and Yang, but I have a premonition." , Jin Cuhui is a great demon king. Have you heard? They call him the "Fan King" now. Even though the name is very vulgar, those demons sincerely think that this king's title is very noble. It represents my gratitude.”

Food itself is not enough to generate so much and deep gratitude. The key is that in the process, the monsters get rid of their depression and climb from the bottom of the valley helplessly waiting for death to the ground of strong survival. Therefore, it is natural for them to follow the Rice King. Keep moving forward and keep climbing to the peak of fighting your enemies.

"I have a feeling... this battle with Bingkui will be difficult," Mu Xingqiu said.

"Haha, you are too strict." Shen Shang smiled, shook his head, and walked up the mountain.

The demons made way for a narrow passage. Jin Cuu knew who was coming without turning around. He pointed into the distance, "About noon, the last few corpse pits appeared at the same time. Three teams of demon soldiers have been patrolling there. But they didn't find the body pit until dark, and they came back immediately to report it. They were frightened. "

What the demon soldiers are afraid of is not the corpse, but the fear emanating from the corpse pit.

This is a bright moonlit night. The demon clan has good night vision and can roughly see the situation several miles away. Mu Xingqiu, who has both the demon pill and the third eye, can clearly see the scene forty or fifty miles away. Scenes.

Monster corpses wrapped in ice lay scattered on the ground in several places. They had just died and were not yet covered by snow.

"I feel that the magic power is not flowing smoothly." Shen Shang twisted his shoulders, as if this could shake off the cobwebs blocking the magic power.

"It's okay here. If you go two or three miles ahead, you won't be able to use sorcery and spells at all." Jin Cuo turned his head, his eyes behind the helmet visor as bright as the full moon in the sky, "This is the star-shifting formation. When the entire Ice City When both Han and Langyuan are covered by the power of the formation, and all sorcery and spells are imprisoned, it's time for Bing Kui to appear."

The word "Bingkui" was like a magic spell. The demon clan leaders swayed slightly and made hiccup sounds in their throats. Jin Cu did not give in this time. He had already gained a firm foothold in this invisible battle. , ready to launch a counterattack, he pointed to the corpse pit in the distance and said:

"Do you feel it? There are slaughtered monsters everywhere around Ice City. They can't live in peace even after death. They are still performing magic spells on behalf of the murderers, releasing curses, spreading fear, and making the living monsters lose their fighting spirit."

Jin Cu finally turned around and faced the leaders of the demon clan. They were also looking at him, like exhausted climbers who needed a hand from the forerunners.

"So, don't say that the death of the demon clan is meaningless. What is left by waiting for death is depression and panic, but what is left by dying in battle is hope! Let Bingkui come, even if I am killed, I will still stare into their eyes! "

"Bingkui..." A demon leader whispered these two words, like blowing a breath on a mature dandelion, slowly and carefully.

"Bing Kui." Several demons said together, shaking their heads and looking left and right. They found that their heads were still there and there were no inexplicable wounds on their bodies. They became more courageous.

"Bingkui!" Jin Cuu shouted loudly, and all the demons shouted together. The voices gathered together and spread far away, like a strong wind passing through the snow.

This is not a begging or appeal, but a challenge. By calling terrible names, the demons seem to gain the power of powerful enemies.

Not long after, a loud response came from the demon camp at the foot of the mountain. It was more demons shouting "Bingkui". The pronunciation was distorted, like the sound of wind blowing in the mountains and forests, like a giant beast waking up from a dream. The roar as it comes.

"Get ready to fight." Jin Cu said.

The demon clan leaders turned around and ran down the mountain to convey King Fan's latest order to all the demon clan.

Shen Shang's eyes were also shining, and he said to Mu Xingqiu: "You can't find such a person among Taoist priests."

Mu Xingqiu smiled slightly. He had experienced passionate experiences and painful memories that had cooled down. However, Shen Shang was right. There was no such person as Jin Cuo in the Taoist tradition, and neither was Mu Xingqiu himself. After all, he was also trained Under the influence of his father, long-term contemplation has already smoothed his edges, and even in the most exciting moments, he still maintains a certain calmness.

Jin Cuo took off his helmet and glanced at his crystal eyes. He didn't seem to welcome Mr. Yishi's help. "Children under the age of fifteen are left underground in the ice city. All other demon clans, regardless of gender, are participating in the war. Since they can return from their hometown, Go all the way to Ice City and you can pick up weapons.”

Simple and direct tactics, Jin Cu felt that this was enough.

"Do you know when and from which direction Bingkui will attack?" Shen Shang asked.

Jin Cu was silent for a while, "If Bingkui is really as powerful as the rumors say, he will attack from the front as long as he has a little bit of honor. Let's start the war in Wolf Plains. It will be fair to both sides and no one will take advantage of the situation."

"Haha, Bingkui is neither a human nor a demon. Honor is as boring to them as the ice and snow under their feet. I should really make you a crown. All the materials are made of pride." Shen Shang gestured for the crown with both hands. The shape is symbolically worn on the head of the brocade cluster.

Jin Cuo snorted, "Then let Bing Kui come. The demon clan will gather together. Wherever Bing Kui appears, we will support him."

"This time's fighting style is interesting, but you still need a more rigorous plan. How to distribute more than ten thousand demon soldiers, how to respond, and how to support each other as quickly as possible is very particular. Bing Kui has a formation. , we can also have..."

Shen Shang was short in stature, but his voice was mature and steady. Jin Cu couldn't help but bend down to listen to his suggestions on formation of troops.

"I'll go outside and take a look." Mu Xingqiu said. Shen Shang and Jin Cu were chatting animatedly, so they just nodded at him.

Mu Xingqiu rose into the air. He didn't fly very far when he felt that it was getting harder and harder to use his magic and demonic power. He had to fall to the ground and walk. Suddenly there was a slight sound behind him. He turned around and saw a flea running towards him. Come, there is a bald man sitting between the two corners, with the little demon Feifei on his back.

Qilin's pride is no less than that of brocade. Normally, outsiders are not even allowed to come within five steps. Only Mu Xingqiu, Bald Zi, and Xiao Hao can ride on it. This time, it made an exception for a little demon. Mu Xingqiu was greatly surprised.

Feifei was obviously more surprised than Mu Xingqiu, and also very scared. He flapped his translucent wings desperately and tried to reduce his weight.

"I told Feifei's mother to take him out to play for a while." Baldzi winked at Mu Xingqiu. He saw that Mu Xingqiu was very interested in Feifei, so he decided to bring him here.

Mu Xingqiu has not yet determined whether Feifei really has Dao roots in his body. Part of his mana has indeed been sucked away, but it may also be some kind of magic that the little demon is born with.

But since Bald Man had brought him here, Mu Xingqiu would not chase him away. He just said, "Be careful and don't stay too far away from me."

Both Mu Xingqiu and Flea were extremely physically strong. They could run on the ground almost as fast as flying. They had covered dozens of miles in less than half an hour. The little demon Feifei had been holding his breath, and his wings never rested for a moment. His dark eyes shone with fear and envy.

A total of seven new corpse pits filled the last gap in the Star Shifting Formation surrounding the Ice City. They appeared under the eyes of the patrolling demon soldiers in broad daylight. No one saw where Bing Kui came from and where he went.

Mu Xingqiu checked the corpse pits one by one, and finally stopped at the edge of the corpse pit with only one body.

This demonic corpse was different. The other corpses were lying there randomly, but it was deliberately placed in the shape of a bow and arrow: its legs were spread out to represent the bow, one hand was raised above the head, and the other hand was hanging on the crotch. , and the entire upper body form an arrow, as if it has just left the string but has not yet been shot.

The arrow points slightly west of Ice City.

The bald man suddenly said, "Don't be afraid Feifei, Bingkui won't dare to touch you as long as Brother Xiaoqiu is here."

Mu Xingqiu was busy checking the corpse pit and forgot about the little monster. Feifei could no longer flap his wings and sat blankly on Flea's back, with sweat pouring from his little head.

The closer you get to the corpse pit, the stronger the curse becomes, and the little demon can hardly bear it.

"Go back." Mu Xingqiu had seen too many corpse pits and found no special clues.

The flea turned around and ran towards the ice city. It found two more Nebula Tree seeds and ate them happily without being affected by the curse at all.

Mu Xingqiu followed behind, becoming more and more curious about Bingkui's true face. He could always see it before he died in battle, right? he thinks.

The bald man in front screamed again, because the flea was disobedient, moving left and right, and always wanted to jump into the air, as if there was something good in the sky.

Flea would behave childishly from time to time. Mu Xingqiu didn't pay much attention to it, but after a while he felt something was wrong. Flea seemed to have discovered something in the air.

Mu Xingqiu quickened his speed and ran beside the flea. He looked up and saw that the moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the night was like a gauze. There was no foreign object flying, but the flea was still chasing after him, with his tongue hanging out and a look of greed on his face. .

Mu Xingqiu's heart moved, he withdrew his gaze and only looked at the near distance. The Demonic Pill's left eye illuminated all the details with his third eye.

Finally, he saw it.

There was a Nebula Tree seed floating in the air.

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