
Chapter 0616 Qianlong Cave

When Jin Cui said that Bing Kui's leader might use magic to become invisible, Mu Xingqiu retorted, thinking that if the Star Shifting Formation wanted to imprison Taoist spells, it would be impossible to leave a backup for a certain spell alone.

But not long after it passed, the living fact was before our eyes: a wall was crawling, and it was filled with powerful demonic power.

Ever since his left eye became a demon pill, Mu Xingqiu was more sensitive to demonic power than before. As soon as his palm touched the cave wall, he felt the demonic power surging in it. He immediately retracted his palm and was extremely frightened. There was actually magic within the range. Secondly, the demonic power inside the cave wall was astonishingly powerful. Although it was just a glimpse, he was sure that this demonic power was much stronger than himself.

Mu Xingqiu's left eye demon pill has not been formed for a long time. Thanks to the abundant spiritual energy in his body, it is progressing very quickly. It is far beyond the ordinary demon clan and is similar to a medium demon with a height of more than five feet. However, the demon power contained in the cave wall is more like ten feet. Big demons and even more powerful demons are left behind.

The leader of Bingkui is hiding here? Mu Xingqiu was both excited and nervous. If there really was a Bingkui leader here, the more than fifty little demons hiding in would be in danger.

The flea was surprisingly bold for some reason. He took a step forward, lowered his head and stuck his horns on the wall. Soon, more obvious signs of witchcraft appeared. The flea's horns actually merged into the cave wall, and then its head, The neck... it didn't take long for half of the body to go in, but it didn't struggle at all, as if it knew there was no danger in doing so.

The bald man climbed up along the flea's hind legs and exclaimed in great surprise: "It turns out there is a secret passage! Haha, it's so interesting." After that, he hit the cave wall with his head and melted in.

Mu Xingqiu originally wanted the bald man to go back and look for the brocade, but then he thought about how rare the opportunity was. The Bingkui leader had been hiding in the dark and dared not show his face. He should be able to deal with it by himself. Going back and forth would only waste time and might alert the snake.

So he took a step forward, pressed his body against the cave wall, and slowly blended in.

This is a strange feeling. He can still breathe, but he can no longer move his legs and feet. His body moves forward automatically. His eyes are pitch black, and even his third eye cannot penetrate. The cave wall is slightly warm, and he feels very comfortable after integrating into it.

Mu Xingqiu had full strength, but he didn't use it. There was no malicious intent in this cave wall.

After about ten breaths, the squirming cave wall sent Mu Xingqiu to the other side.

The bald man ran back and forth on the flea's back, "Haha, it was so fun. I want to do it again."

boom! The bald man hit the cave wall, was ejected, and stopped only after hitting the flea's neck.

"It's strange." The bald man didn't know the pain, but showed a grinning expression, "It turns out that I can only go in but not out."

Mu Xingqiu didn't want to go out. He was observing the situation in front of him. His third eye could be used again. Although there was no light, he could still see clearly. This was an extremely long cave, winding forward in ups and downs. After ten feet, he changed direction.

The walls of the cave on both sides are covered with depressions, which are very regular. They don't look like they were formed naturally, but rather like they were carved on purpose, but no use can be seen.

Mu Xingqiu took the lead and walked forward. After a few steps, he suddenly realized, "This is a dragon cave, and we are in the body of a hidden dragon!"

"Isn't Qianlong already burned out?" Bald Man said doubtfully.

"That's right, this hole was left behind after the Hidden Dragon burned out and lost its body. Look at the dents on both sides. These are clearly the dragon's ribs."

"Oh." The bald man couldn't see anything, but he understood, "So that's it, Qianlong's fire is really special. It burned the ground clean and almost burned us to death, but there was nothing happening underground. No ashes were left.”

The Hidden Dragon's Fire was indeed unique and could not be inferred by common sense. Mu Xingqiu continued to walk forward, pressing his palms against the cave wall from time to time, but no longer felt any sign of demonic power.

As for the cave wall behind him that could suck living creatures in, Mu Xingqiu also figured out that it might not be a magic spell cast by someone, but some ability left by the hidden dragon.

Do the Holy Mother of All Sons and Mr. Ishi know about this? Is the Bingkui leader really hiding here? Are the little monsters still alive?

Mu Xingqiu quickened his pace with a series of questions. The flea was faster than him. It was particularly interested in the Hidden Dragon Cave. After running for a while, it raised its head and sniffed twice, as if there was some kind of smell that attracted it.

The bald man stopped on the flea's back. Only his eyes were dark and he couldn't see anything. Every once in a while he would call out: "Brother Xiaoqiu, are you following?"

"Yes." Mu Xingqiu answered every time. He followed Flea a dozen steps away, jumping up and down along the terrain, never far away. The further he walked, the more strange he felt in his heart. The cave created by the Qianlong corpse was not the same. It was uneven, and there were quite big gaps in some places. He and Flea felt a little strenuous when going up and down. How did those little monsters get all the way there?

The flea stopped suddenly. The bald man didn't know why and asked eagerly: "What's wrong? Have you seen Feifei and the others? Feifei!"

The screams echoed back and forth in the dragon cave, as if a hundred bald men were shouting, but there was no response.

Mu Xingqiu ran over and hissed at Baldy.

"There are dragon claws on both sides." Mu Xingqiu said softly. The image of a giant dragon crawling on the ground appeared in his mind. He shuddered. He couldn't imagine what this world was like hundreds of thousands of years ago, and how the demons fought against these terrifying giants. Get along with animals.

The flea obviously understood Mu Xingqiu's words, raised its hoof and rushed towards the middle road.

Just as it raised its front hooves a foot or two, three things suddenly jumped out from the left and landed on the flea's head and back, making a sharp cry from its mouth.

This happened in an instant. Three things looked quite strange. They looked like monkeys about two feet tall, and they looked like spiders missing a few legs. They were all gray and black, exactly the same as the cave wall. They were tight just now. Clinging to the corner of the road, Mu Xingqiuqiu didn't even recognize him.

The scales on the fleas are fine and hard, but those monsters have strong claws and sharp teeth, and they scratch and bite. The fleas jump up and down in pain, but they are unable to fight back.

Mu Xingqiu rushed to help, but the flea moved too fast and violently, and he couldn't get close at all, so he had to raise his right hand and whip out the whip in his sleeve.

The electric magic whip was woven from brocade horse tail hair and was more than a foot long. For many years, Mu Xingqiu had been using it to perform mental illusions and send out streaks of lightning. This time, he purely used the whip itself to attack.

With a crisp sound, the tip of the whip hit a monster and threw it to the cave wall. The monster screamed and fled deeper along the cave wall, and soon disappeared.

Although Mu Xingqiu is a Taoist priest, he has learned a lot of whipping and boxing techniques at Zhiyongsuo and Laozu Peak. Most of them are mind-reading techniques that Lin Sa and Fangfang helped him find from the pile of old papers. They have not used them for many years. Not forgetting, he immediately turned his wrist, skillfully controlled the whip, and struck the second monster.

The monster was on guard and jumped up to avoid the blow. Mu Xingqiu made small adjustments with his strength, turned the tip of the whip and wrapped it around one of the monster's legs. With a flick of the whip, the monster hit the cave wall - poof, It turned into a pile of flesh and blood.

Mu Xingqiu himself was shocked. He didn't want to kill him, but his power was out of control. If it was just a little too big, it would be too much.

The third monster was unwilling to fight, so it ran up to the top of the flea, bounced hard and jumped towards the roof of the cave, ready to escape, but it only jumped less than two feet before being dragged back.

The bald man bit one of the monster's feet, and three strands of hair were entangled in the corner of the flea. He made a whining sound in his throat. No matter whether the monster kicked it with his feet or scratched it with his hands, it would not let go. He couldn't see anything in the dark cave, so this bite was based on instinct, and it was surprisingly accurate.

The monster's screams became sharper and shriller, sounding like fear and asking for help.

Mu Xingqiu gently swung his whip and wrapped the monster tightly, "That's enough, Baldy."

The bald man then relented and vomited a few times, "It stinks, I want you to bully a flea again."

The flea suddenly turned around, pointed the horns on its head at the captured monster, and was about to charge towards it. It had the strength of a big demon, but it was successfully attacked by a few little guys, which really made it very angry.

Mu Xingqiu hurriedly reached out to stop the flea and held the monster in front of his eyes for a closer look.

It is more like a monkey, with a dense layer of short hair covering its body, two faded eyes protruding outwards, a flat nose, a huge mouth filled with thin and pointed teeth, and its hands and feet are similar to those of a monkey. , the claws are sharper, but it has no tail.

The appearance is somewhat similar to the original young devil, but the eyes are duller.

"Who sent you here?" Mu Xingqiu naturally mistook the monster for a monster and asked.

The monster struggled desperately and kept making strange noises from its mouth. It took Mu Xingqiu a while to realize that this was not the dialect of the beast demon, and the monster could not speak at all. It is like an intermediate form between a beast and a demon. It has just begun to get rid of the beast's form, but has not yet gained higher wisdom.

"Let me see it." Bald Man was anxious. This was the prisoner he had captured, but he didn't even know what it looked like.

Mu Xingqiu took out a night-dispelling pearl. Although it was a treasure created by magic, it would shine on its own after being created, without the need for magic power to maintain it.

The light illuminated all directions above and below in an instant. The light was quite soft and not dazzling. But just as the bald man opened his mouth and shouted "Ah", the monster wrapped around Mu Xingqiu's whip actually exploded.

The blood mist dispersed, and no one, including Mu Xingqiu, Bald Man, and Flea escaped, and their faces and bodies were all stained. Fortunately, the monster's explosion has no special power, it just stains the body.

The bald man blinked, "I haven't seen it clearly yet."

Although this monster was not strong, it was very strange. Mu Xingqiu felt that he had read many Taoist books, but he had never seen such a thing in any book.

He put away his whip, held up the pearl and continued to move forward. Wherever the light went, there were faint things moving on the cave wall. The number became more and more, and finally it became very obvious, and even the sound of crawling was clear. It was audible, like sudden bursts of rain falling on the roof.

There were not just three monsters, but hundreds or thousands.

Mu Xingqiu became more and more puzzled. There were so many monsters under the Ice City. Didn't the Wanzi Virgin, Wolf King Qi Yemang, Yishi Jun and other demons know about them? It is even more incredible that they were not burned to death by the Qianlong's fire.

With the night-expelling pearl clearing the way, the next section of the road was very smooth, but Mu Xingqiu no longer had much hope for the fate of the little demons.

After walking for more than ten miles, voices suddenly came from the darkness ahead.

"The world is full of wonders, and even Taoism and the demon clan can't understand them all. Mu Xingqiu, put away your pearl and take a look at these most primitive demon clans."

Mu Xingqiu put the night-dispelling pearl back into the treasure bag. The light disappeared, but his third eye could see further.

He saw a Taoist priest.

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