
Chapter 0617 The First Demon

Some people are like chisels. We have only met once or twice, but they will leave a deep impression on the other person's mind. Even if we meet again after many years, the feelings at that time are still vivid in our minds. Time is like a bowstring. After opening it, it returned to its original position, and nothing changed.

Zhou Qi, the leader of Wangshan Forbidden Secret Section, is such a person.

Mu Xingqiu's impression of him was always associated with the clusters of flying Nebula Tree seeds. In the guest room on the cliff of Wangshan Mountain, it was this Taoist priest who introduced him to the wonders of seeds and also told him about the wonders of seeds on the scroll. The magic text was translated into human language, and it was through this that Mu Xingqiu learned the Demon Lord's righteous method.

Suddenly, Zhou Qi, who had long beard reaching down to his belly, appeared in front of Mu Xingqiu again, surrounded by a strange scene.

More than fifty little demons were embedded on the cave wall. What bound them was not ropes, but balls of transparent mucus. All the little demons seemed to be sleeping soundly and there were no wounds on their bodies. Mu Xingqiu saw Feifei. He was mounted on the ceiling of the cave, his small body curled up in mucus, sleeping soundly.

Baldy couldn't see all this. He quietly jumped from the flea's back onto Mu Xingqiu's shoulder, alerting the surroundings. He could hear countless monsters creeping back along the cave wall.

Mu Xingqiu could see that groups of monkey-like monsters were slowly crawling against the cave wall. Instead of launching an attack, they divided themselves into groups to guard the little monsters, as if they were their children, their food, and precious. Incomparably, outsiders will never be allowed to approach.

But they were afraid of light, so they all stared at Mu Xingqiu with their brown eyes. Since their fur color was almost indistinguishable from the cave wall, they looked like a group of brown beetles lying there.

"There are three hundred and forty-one in total, and two of them died in your hands just now." Zhou Qi raised his head and said, more interested in the monsters than the little demons.

"What is this?" Mu Xingqiu asked.

"Ground monkey."

"Earth monkey...it doesn't seem to be the case." Mu Xingqiu knew that his knowledge was far inferior to that of the head of Wangshan's Forbidden Secret Department, but he had seen pictures of earth monkeys in books. They were no more than six or seven inches long, digging holes to eat. Insects make a living, more like mice than monkeys. Although they rarely come to the ground, they are not likely to explode when exposed to light.

"These are earth monkeys that have just transformed into demons, but their demon transformation is very incomplete. They can be called 'first demons'."

"I do not understand……"

"It's not surprising. Not many people can understand what's going on here." Zhou Qi paused, "Zuo Liuying and Mr. Yishi must understand."

Zhou Qi withdrew his gaze from looking up at the monkeys and looked at Mu Xingqiu, "There is a theory about the origin of the demon clan. It is said that they are all descendants of ancient beasts. It seems to be somewhat true, but these monkeys prove that the monster clan In fact, they are not descendants, but a group of lucky ones who benefited from the glory. Qianlong died in the era of the demons. Part of its power formed a poisonous mist, and part of it soaked into the surrounding land. These monkeys benefited from generation to generation and grew bigger and bigger. It slowly became what it is today.”

"But they are not demons yet."

"No, I can only guess what happened next. The Hidden Dragon's Fire killed most of the monkeys, but some managed to survive, which is what you see now. Without the infiltration of the dragon's bones, they couldn't survive. How long, then Zuo Liuying appeared. "

"Zuo Liuying has already vomited out the inner elixir of the mind-centered realm, and the Hidden Dragon's Fire was ignited because of this." Mu Xingqiu reminded.

"The inner elixir can be vomited out, but the knowledge cannot. These monkeys have gained enough demonic power and can turn into demons with just a little help. Even Zuo Liuying, who is in the inhalation realm, can do it."

"But...why?" Mu Xingqiu couldn't see the benefit of doing this. Even if they turned into monsters, these monkeys were not a powerful race, and they couldn't see the light, making them useless.

"After these earth monkeys turned into first-level demons, just eating bugs could no longer satisfy their appetite. They were looking for more and more delicious food."

"Corpse." Mu Xingqiu understood a little bit.

"It takes a large number of demon corpses to set up the Star Movement Formation, and some demon power remains in the corpses. This is a rare delicacy for the first demons. They not only eat it, but also store it in large quantities. Zhou Qi pointed to the little demon on the cave wall, "Left Liuying knew that he couldn't stop Dou Zhuanxing's Shifting Formation now, so he left this move behind. "

Zuo Liuying still made plans in advance as always, and Mu Xingqiu couldn't help laughing, "But you still discovered this place."

"Thanks to Ishi-kun for interfering."


"These first demons are not very capable, but they are good at earth escape. This is not a magic trick, but their instinct. After digging the hole, they can quickly bury it with almost no traces. Zuo Liuying sealed the Qianlong Cave. All the entrances and exits make it difficult for outsiders to discover the Dragon Cave, but the earth monkeys can dig in and out freely and steal the demon corpses on the ground - if the Douzuanxingzhen is arranged as planned, I don't know how Mr. Yishi discovered this place, but he did. I felt that these first demons were not strong enough, or maybe they were just dissatisfied with Zuo Liuying, so I decided to give these earth monkeys a little more help to put my own mark on them."

"It turns out that Mr. Yishi is still in the ice city. He built the wall that can be entered but not exited, and then lured the little demons in..." Mu Xingqiu couldn't continue. Mr. Yishi himself is the demon of all souls. He also often helps the demon clan, but in his eyes, using the demon clan to sacrifice is the most natural thing. Sacrificing dozens of little demons to create hundreds of new demons is a cost-effective deal for him, " It’s really strange that Mr. Yishi can still perform magic here.”

"Mr. Yishi is quite capable. He found a small loophole in the Dou Zhuan Xing Shifting Formation." Zhou Qi did not elaborate on what the loophole was. "But he also revealed a flaw himself. If the little monsters can enter the dragon cave, of course I can too."

Zhou Qi's beard is black, thick and smooth, shining slightly in the darkness, as if it has been carefully taken care of. However, he has no habit of stroking his beard. He puts his hands behind his back and looks up at the monkeys and trapped monkeys on the cave wall again. The little demon said, "The flesh and blood of living demons can probably take Earth Monkey's demon transformation a step further. I'm looking forward to seeing this scene. Mr. Yishi knows more about the history of the demon clan than Taoism. He probably thinks that the demon clan is They become pure monsters by devouring each other. Maybe he is right, he wants the Earth Monkey to have stronger devouring ability, so that it will do more damage to the pivot of the Star Shifting Formation."

The monkeys haven't started to devour the little demon yet. They obviously have their own habit of waiting for the prey to be the most delicious before eating it.

Zhou Qi's eyes slowly moved, he raised his right arm, and pointed his palm at an earth monkey on the cave wall. The earth monkey screamed at him, and suddenly it seemed as if a rope had strangled his neck, and his voice became hoarse. After a while it stopped barking and fell to the ground.

A nearby ground monkey grabbed it, not out of friendship but out of hunger.

More than a dozen monkeys rushed up, fighting to grab the corpse and eat it. The other monkeys who had no chance to grab the food all started howling.

The dragon cave suddenly became very lively. Bald Man could only hear the sound and moved uneasily on Mu Xingqiu's shoulder twice.

"Look, the ground monkeys that have eaten the same kind will become bigger. They are using their saliva to force out the hidden demon power in the little demon's body. After they eat it, they will be even hungrier, and then they will rush out of the ground desperately. If they look for other food, flesh and blood will be tasteless, and they will specialize in sucking the demon power, leaving a pile of useless demon corpses. They can move at night and absorb the demon power of thousands of demon clans in one night, and the battle will change. "That's an unacceptable loss."

Zuo Liuying's plan is to compete with Dou Zhuan Xing Shi Zhen for the demon corpse. Ishi-kun's plan is more radical, he wants to fight for the living demon.

Mu Xingqiu imagined a scene like this: earth monkeys sneaked out of the ground at night and sucked the demonic power of the demon clan. The demons were unaware of their existence and thought it was Bing Kui's spell, so they increased their vigilance against the sky, but the result was... Give underground monsters more opportunities...

"You haven't said when you became possessed by the devil." Mu Xingqiu asked.

Zhou Qiping's raised arm slowly turned towards Mu Xingqiu. He had indeed left a loophole in the Douzhuanxing Formation so that he could cast spells. Although he was exploited once by Yishi Jun, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages for him.

Mu Xingqiu stood ready, holding the handle of the whip with his right hand. Even when he could still cast spells, he was no match for the fourth level Taoist priest, but there was no thought in his mind of admitting defeat and waiting for death.

Neither did bald men or fleas.

The three of them had a clear understanding of each other and took action almost at the same time: Bald Man jumped high and pounced from the air. He had been listening to the sound and could already determine the opponent's position; Flea used all four hooves hard and jumped to attack from the side; Mu Mu jumped up and attacked from the side. Xingqiu's body is like an arrow leaving the string, and the whip in his hand is like a spear piercing the target.

Their movements are fast enough and their skills are agile enough. It's a pity that their enemy is a Taoist priest who can cast spells.

Zhou Qi's arm did not move at all, and there was a slight muffled sound in the cave, like a flower bud suddenly blooming in the night.

Mu Xingqiu, Bald Man and Flea all stopped in the air, as if they were also wrapped in mucus.

The monkeys on the cave wall were so frightened that they all huddled up and shivered, but none of them escaped.

A smile appeared on Zhou Qi's face, looking a little tired, "When did I become a demon? You have to ask yourself, Mu Xingqiu, when did you bring the Demon Lord to rectify the law?"

Mu Xingqiu had already understood, and he understood as soon as Zhou Qi cast the spell. The magic that the Taoist priest used was not the Taoist spell at all, but the Demon Lord Zhengfa, which was much more powerful than the spell that Mu Xingqiu cast with his straw hat and bald man. There are more changes.

"How to take root." Mu Xingqiu gritted his teeth and said. Not only was his body immobilized, but it was also difficult to speak.

"Who says it's not? I translated the magic text and returned the scroll to you, but the words were imprinted on my mind. I thought I could block the influence of the magic text, but - I was impressed by it, it was like The purest lake in the world, but I am covered in dust. I must jump in and restore my clean self.”

The power of Demon Lord's righteousness is hidden in the scroll, and the text is just a description of the spell, but for a spiritually focused Taoist priest, this is enough for him to successfully practice it on his own.

Zhou Qi retracted his arms and slowly raised his body upwards, "Zuo Liuying and Yishijun have arranged their own plans for the earth monkey. Now let me add one last plan: Taoist priests, demon clans, and spiritual beasts. All three are here." , I will turn the Earth Monkeys into my warriors, and they will be Bingkui’s powerful complement. Mu Xingqiu, you once owed me a favor, and now it’s time to repay it.”

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