
Chapter 0759 Nowhere to Escape

Shen Jiyi looked at the little demon jumping out of the sea with some surprise. He had been alert and did not notice the approach of this demon.

While Shen Jiyi was stunned, Mu Donger recalled his copper bell, turned over and retreated to Feifei, and said happily: "You came at the right time, let's deal with this bad guy together."

Mu Dong'er's eyes were fixed on Shen Jiyi, and she didn't notice that Feifei was trembling.

"We, we may...not be able to defeat him." Feifei's momentum disappeared completely when he jumped out of the sea. "Only Zuo Liuying...Zuo Liuying can defeat him."

Shen Jiyi chuckled, summoned several magic weapons, and after confirming that the little demon had no help, he said calmly: "Are you the demon disciple Zuo Liuying took in?"

"My name is Feifei. Since you... are a Taoist priest, you should stick to the right path. Whether the inner elixir can be improved or not, it will not affect your identity as a Taoist priest. Using the water of the sword-washing pond to strengthen the inner elixir has deviated from the right path. Still trying to find a quick fix is ​​just making more mistakes..."

Feifei calmed down a bit and no longer stuttered when speaking. Mu Dong'er nodded repeatedly, "That's right. He looks down on Piza Neidan. In fact, his own Neidan is the most fake."

The smile is like Shen Jiyi's mask. No matter what the other party says, the mask will not change at all, "These are Zuo Liuying's words, and you can learn from them. Zuo Liuying does everything he can to practice, even He spit out pills twice, and it is said that he introduced a lot of casual cultivators and demon clan methods. Is this considered the right path? "

"no the same……"

Just as Feifei spoke, Shen Jiyi, who was dozens of steps away, had already lost his patience. Both Tuo Yong and Mu Dong'er had their uses, but this little demon was a nasty fly and would be useless if left alone. Shen Jiyi summoned the long sword, holding the hilt with his right hand, and pinching the secrets with his left hand, and slowly moved across the sword. The sword screamed, the light suddenly became stronger and weaker, and seven small swords appeared in succession, flying leisurely. towards the target.

Mu Dong'er counted and was about to separate out seven fireballs to fight, when Feifei whispered: "Go to your mother, I'll block it here."

"How can that be done?" Mu Dong'er's eyes widened, "I won't leave you alone, let's go side by side..."

The seven swords stopped in the air, and one of them suddenly shot out, arriving in front of Feifei in an instant.

Feifei stretched out his arms, and there was a strange-shaped piece of silver in his hand. The silver was white, but the silver was pure black, darker than the night. It was quite precious. It was one of the important materials for magical weapons, and was also used to make the highest quality. The piece of silver in Feifei's hand was slightly larger than the palm of his hand. It looked like a lump cast randomly in a furnace. It was useless but quite valuable.

Silver knot blocked the incoming small sword, Feifei's whole body was shaking, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or lack of mana.

"Is this the magic weapon Zuo Liuying chose for you?" Shen Jiyi's voice was always so polite. He wanted to check the little demon's strength, so he didn't use his killing move as soon as he came up.

The second small sword came, Feifei held the silver knot with his left hand, and kept changing the techniques with his right hand. The silver sword emitted a layer of halo, blocking the two small swords.

Shen Jiyi shook his head, "Zuo Liuying taught you to cast spells like this? Use more spells to make up for the lack of inner elixir strength? Your technique is fast enough, but it's a pity that it's not of much use."

There are nearly a thousand variations of more than a hundred magic formulas, which are basic skills that every Taoist priest must master before condensing the elixir. The more magic formulas that are produced at the same time, the richer the details are injected into the spells, and the difficulty will naturally increase. Greatly improved. Taoist priests below the Xingluo realm usually seek stability rather than change. Only high-level Taoist priests will specifically strengthen their skills in this area.

In Shen Jiyi's view, it was ridiculous that Feifei was just a low-class casual cultivator from the demon race, and he also learned the kneading techniques of high-level Taoist priests.

Feifei became more serious, and the five fingers of his left hand changed faster and faster, "Zuo Liuying has his own reasons, I believe in him, and we all believe in him."

Shen Jiyi laughed. He had roughly figured out the details of the little demon. At best, it was equivalent to the third and fourth levels of inhalation of a real Taoist priest. For the casual cultivator of the demon clan, this was an amazing achievement. In Shen Jiyi's case, But it's not worth mentioning.

“From the moment he vomited pills, Zuo Liuying was just a mortal.

Shen Jiyi didn't want to be entangled anymore. He pressed his fingers lightly on the sword, and the remaining five swords that were still in the air were shot at the little demon at the same time. His eyes turned to Mu Dong'er. This kid still had some use, so he had to stay with him.

As soon as Shen Jiyi's thoughts changed, he heard the little demon shout loudly. Feifei suddenly had an extra arm, and he was also changing the magic formula at a very fast speed. The halo of the silver pimple expanded in a circle, not only blocking all the The seven small swords also pushed them back several feet.

He used the mental illusion technique to greatly enhance the magic in Yinpupiao.

Shen Jiyi raised his eyebrows. Mu Dong'er, who had been silent for a while, made a move. He held a copper bell in his right hand and took out a long hairpin in his left hand. The hairpin is a must-have for Taoist priests. Occasionally, some people make it into magic. Weapons, but compared with orthodox magic weapons such as swords, rulers, bells, mirrors, etc., they are inferior "surprise weapons".

Mu Dong'er didn't like to defend, and would attack as soon as he made a move. The fire above his head fluttered towards Shen Jiyi, as if a gust of wind could blow it away from its trajectory. There was indeed something wrong with the accuracy of Dao Huo. He seemed to react only when he was flying diagonally above Shen Jiyi. He stopped for a moment and suddenly separated a line of fire, like a huge sickle without a handle, and cut it down hard.

Shen Jiyi frowned slightly, and a seven or eight-foot-long ice and fire dragon jumped out of the long sword, raising its head to meet the fire sickle.

With a pop, the ice and fire dragon was cut off. Although it was just a spell, it still twisted like a snake a few times before disappearing.

Mu Donger controlled the Dao Fire to move forward and laughed: "It's just that Feifei called 'Zuo Taoist' 'Zuo Liuying'. I just remembered this thing. How could I have known it was so useful? Why didn't I notice it before?" Feifei, you didn’t even tell me.”

"I, I can't hold on any longer." Feifei's face turned red. Although he had learned many new techniques from Zuo Liuying, his strength was still far behind Taoist Xingluo. Seven Little Swords were incomparable. The last ice and fire dragon, he felt more and more pressure, and the halo from the silver knot was hesitant, and it was about to be broken.

Mu Donger hurriedly recalled the fireball to save Feifei first, but they didn't notice that the eighth small sword shot from Feifei's back.

Feifei didn't wake up until the last moment. He didn't have time to cast a spell to fight, so he could only turn slightly, and the small sword passed by him. Blood gushed out from Feifei's left side, and half of his body was dyed red in an instant.

Feifei's courage was still too small, and he became even more panicked when his heart was hurt. The inner elixir slowed down, the supply of mana was insufficient, the silver pimple lost its light, and the seven small swords in front of him rushed over.

"Ah!" Mu Dong'er yelled angrily, put away the copper bell, grabbed Feifei's arm, and flew south quickly. He would rather die than run away in front of the enemy, but in order to save Feifei, he only Can let go of pride.

The Dao fire dispersed the seven small swords and followed behind their master.

Mu Dong'er had only used the hairpin as a toy before and didn't find anything wrong with it. After Feifei's reminder, he used the hairpin as a magic weapon. The effect was immediate. His flying speed was much faster than before, and he was able to save more mana.

But he was no faster than Taoist Xingluo.

Shen Jiyi stood in front of him, still fluttering in white and still amiable, "Don't leave. Your father will probably want to see you in person in three days, and your mother will be back soon."

Mu Donger changed directions several times, but Shen Jiyi could always block it a dozen steps in front of him. Daohuo rushed forward to clear the way, but Shen Jiyi had already experienced it and did not resist it forcefully, or use magic to push it away. Drive away, or sway to avoid it.

"If we don't treat him, the little demon will die. In this place, I am the only one who can save him." Shen Jiyi reminded, having the chance to win made him even more gentle.

Mu Dong'er stopped flying, recalled Dao Huo, gritted his teeth and asked, "Are you willing to save Feifei?"

"It's easy to save or not to save."

This kind of ambiguous words once made Mu Donger admired, but now she only feels disgusted, "You save Feifei, I... stay on the island."

Shen Jiyi smiled slightly and stretched out his arm, "The bell and hairpin must be temporarily stored with me. You are too young and cannot control your emotions and Tao fire. You should not have such a powerful magic weapon."

Mu Dong'er lowered his head and glanced at Feifei. The little demon was still bleeding and had passed out. Mu Donger waved his hand and threw the bell and hairpin over. The Tao fire above his head suddenly disappeared, "Take them."

Mu Dong'er can summon the Dao Fire above his head without a magic weapon, but it is not very powerful, extremely difficult to control, and poses no threat to Taoist Xingluo.

Shen Jiyi flew over, cast a spell to stop Feifei's bleeding, and flew to Demon-Suppressing Island without doing anything else.

"You haven't rescued Feifei yet." Mu Dong'er followed behind and said in surprise.

"A little demon is not worth wasting elixirs. He has inner elixirs and can survive on his own." Shen Jiyi landed on the island and continued to look north, not caring about other things.

Mu Dong'er's face turned red with anger. From that day on, he learned to be patient and how to suppress his anger. This feeling was not pleasant at all, but it was a test he had to get through.

He hugged Feifei and ran into the tent, dug out some common elixirs, used them for external application and internal use, and threw bottles and jars on the floor. Finally, there was no other way to use them, so he could only stand by the bed and watch. Feifei, who was still unconscious, thought for a long time before turning around and walking out of the tent.

There was a vague memory in Mu Dong'er's mind. The Dao fire above his head was once so grand and indestructible that he wanted to summon it again.

Mu Dong'er's teeth have not grown yet, but this does not prevent him from gritting his teeth. It is slightly bright outside, and the little man is standing at the door of the tent, about to call the Taoist priest in white, when he is stunned.

Shen Jiyi was still looking at the North Sea in the distance, but he was not alone. There was actually a person floating five feet above his head, a woman in the same white clothes.

Shen Jiyi turned around and said with a smile: "You still don't give up."

The woman also turned around, smiling as well, shrewdly and familiarly, as if she had known Mu Donger for a long time.

Mu Dong'er had a feeling that Shen Jiyi didn't even know about the existence of the woman above his head.

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