
Chapter 0760 The woman above the head

Shen Jiyi threw the copper bell and hairpin back to Mu Dong'er, "I hope you don't think I'm robbing you. I still think you don't deserve such a treasure now, but Grandmaster Pangshan and Zuo Liuying don't think so. , so - why should I meddle in my own business."

In fact, Shen Jiyi was still meddling a little more in his "nosy business". Mu Dong'er took the bell and hairpin and found that they were sealed by some kind of magic and could not be used to cast spells. However, he no longer cared about this matter and wanted to watch it again. At one glance, the woman felt that she shouldn't show any abnormality, and her eyes couldn't help but change more.

These changes cannot be hidden from Shen Jiyi's eyes, but he has another understanding, "Under normal circumstances, Taoist disciples cannot start practicing too early, because they have incomplete minds and lack of insight. Mastering the power of Taoist disciples too early will encourage the pride of Taoist disciples. ——The Taoist disciples are very proud. If they don’t cut off some of them, they will be in danger of becoming possessed.”

At this time, Shen Jiyi looked like a high-level Taoist priest. He had his hands behind his back, his white clothes were spotless, and his voice was calm, but there was an unquestionable majesty. However, the woman floating above her head ruined everything. She was imitating Shen Jiyi's speech, and her mouth shape was exactly the same. It's the same, but there's no sound coming out, and there's a wink on the face, turning the serious teaching into a ridiculous trick.

Mu Dong'er opened her mouth slightly and stood there blankly. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh. She was holding back an impulse in her heart. She really wanted to tell the truth loudly, just like a naughty child who couldn't wait to tell someone that there were poisonous insects on his body. The best thing is to see the other person's panic reaction.

He held back, and his expression became even weirder. Shen Jiyi smiled, looked over the child's head, looked at the sky, and continued: "I only officially became a disciple of Yashan when I was eleven years old. From then on, whether it is condensing pills or improving my realm, , has never received special treatment, this is Yashan's rule, no exception will be made to anyone. Pangshan is different, he is very pampered towards so-called wizards, such as Zuo Liuying, who can form inner elixir in his mother's womb. , in fact, it was with the permission of Grandmaster Pangshan and the help of his mother. For example, for you, Yang Qingyin did not admit it with her mouth, but she still cared about the prophecy in her heart, so she still insisted on practicing when she was pregnant with you. It is a pity that you are not as good as she imagined. Gotta be perfect.”

Shen Jiyi's eyes returned to Mu Dong'er's face, and he was slightly satisfied with his shocked expression, "Yes, your mother is very disappointed in you. She hopes that you will be a genius comparable to Zuo Liuying. She hopes that you can Becoming the 'savior' of Taoism will prove that all her previous choices were correct."

"Your mother is very smart, but she was spoiled in Pangshan. She will never admit her mistakes until she reaches the last step. I just want to tell you one thing. Everything you have is far beyond It's wrong to lose your strength and identity, it will harm you, you should..."

Mu Dong'er barely listened to Shen Jiyi's words, and used the corner of her eyes to observe the strange woman. Her imitations became more and more exaggerated and comical. It stands to reason that even an ordinary mortal would notice something abnormal at this time. Shen Jiyi, who was in the Xingluo realm, was completely unaware.

Shen Jiyi finally noticed something was wrong, turned around suddenly, and found nothing. He summoned an oil lamp, and the flame was normal. He laughed at himself, and continued to say to Mu Dong'er: "Although you are still young, but There are some things that should be done sooner rather than later. You should realize that you are just an ordinary child. Among mortals, you are very unique, but among the orthodox disciples, you are the product of a failed attempt. Believe me, it is important to recognize your true situation. You have more benefits. The Flowing Fire Golden Bell, Hairpin, and Dao Fire are not things you should have, but I will not snatch them away, because I am a Taoist priest, and I hope you can give them up voluntarily."

Mu Donger cleared her throat, "Um...can I say something?"

The little guy's tone was much more polite and humble. Shen Jiyi felt that this was all his fault, so he nodded and smiled, "Of course, although your surname is Mu, you are still a descendant of the Yang family in Pangshan and a descendant of the Taoist tradition. I am willing to help you. Show you a clear path."

Mu Donger saw the woman encouraging him to speak with his peripheral vision, so he said seriously: "Thank you very much for all the lessons you gave me. I will never forget it in my life."

Shen Jiyi heard the dissatisfaction in the words and didn't care. It was like a little beast that had just been captured and not yet tamed. Occasionally showing a bit of ferocity would add a bit of fun.

Mu Donger raised his voice and said word by word: "Shen Jiyi, you are a big idiot!"

Shen Jiyi sighed in disappointment, "I regard you as an orthodox disciple, but you have proven over and over again that you are the son of Mu Xingqiu of Yelin Town."

Mu Dong'er had already put away the bell and hairpin, covering his stomach with both hands and laughing. He had never been so happy since he fell into the trap of the half-demon. He laughed so much that he could hardly breathe, "You... this ...Idiot, can't you just...raise your head...and take a look?"

Shen Jiyi did not raise his head, and there was no need to raise his head. He was a Xingluo Taoist priest and had already crossed the threshold of a high-level Taoist priest. There was an oil lamp beside him to protect him. Even if a mosquito flew by a hundred steps away, it could not escape him. Spells.

"I have tried my best..." Shen Jiyi's expression suddenly changed, because he saw two shadows on the ground in front of him, one was himself, and the other seemed to be a woman, really just a few feet above his head. The shadow should have been there for a long time, but he never noticed it.

The horror in Shen Jiyi's heart was beyond description. He even had the illusion that his soul had left his body. His inner elixir instantly reached its highest speed, stimulating a large amount of mana and spreading throughout the meridians of his body. He finally felt that there was a person above him.

The long sword made a faint sound in its sheath, and his hands were ready to knead the spell. As long as he turned his mind, the spell could leave Jiang Gong and be released from the magic weapon. However, he did not cast the spell, but instead had a feeling. , I'm afraid I don't have a chance to change my mind.

Mu Donger, who was opposite him, stopped laughing, wiped away his tears, and looked at the Taoist priest in white who was as stiff as a statue, "Do you need my help? You said that I don't deserve to have treasures, so why do I think you don't deserve to have the inner elixir of the first level of Xingluo? ? Feifei is right, you are so wrong for not taking the right path. Haha.”

Shen Jiyi focused all his attention on his head, pretending not to hear Mu Dong'er's ridicule, "You are a dragon demon, a real illusion created by Mu Xingqiu."

"Just call me Dragon Demon. All the real and illusory things happened a long time ago." The woman in the air winked at Mu Dong'er, telling him not to worry.

Mu Dong'er admitted that she had missed Shen Jiyi once, and no longer trusted anyone easily, but this woman named Long Mo was really kind to people, so he still smiled back and even waved.

"I have no grudge against you." Shen Jiyi said. Although this sentence seemed to show weakness, he had no other choice. If he really took action, he had no chance of winning.

"When we meet for the first time, why are we talking about grudges?" The dragon demon is still floating above Shen Jiyi's head, "But if you can guess who I am, it means that Yashan still knows me a little bit. I am very curious. I have never talked to Taoism. We have had direct contact, who do you think I am?”

Shen Jiyi was silent for a while, "You went to Xingshan two years ago."

"But I didn't do anything, I just admired the scenery of Xingshan Mountain."

"Taoist Xingshan tried to catch you but failed. Your strength surprised Xingshan, so..."

"Yeah." Shen Jiyi really didn't want to admit this, because then it would not be him who had a grudge against the dragon demon, but the entire Taoism.

"Tell me, what do you know?"

Shen Jiyi was silent again, and then he had to speak, and to tell the truth, "You want to break into the Demonic Cave to rescue the successors of Nianxinke inside, even though they have been dead for tens of thousands of years."

"I can't help it. This is my calamity, and I can't get over it. What else is there?"

Shen Jiyi remained silent for a longer time, "You have the only complete demon species in the world..." He couldn't go on. Based on this alone, the dragon demon should kill him without using any grudge as an excuse.

"So Tao Tong knows everything. Mu Xingqiu didn't leak it, right?" Long Mo laughed a few times, "That's impossible. The magic Taoist priest in Wangshan must not be strict enough. Well, you have told the truth frankly. Don't hide it, yes, I have a complete demon seed. Before all the demon seeds rushed out of the void, it was the only one in the world. However, absorbing the power of the demon seed takes time, and I have just started."

Shen Jiyi's heart moved, and in the next moment, he was kneeling on all fours without any resistance.

"Don't mess around and be careful. I'm stronger than you as a beginner. What did you say just now? 'You should realize that you are just an ordinary Xingluo Taoist priest'."

This was what Shen Jiyi said to Mu Dong'er. When it came back to him with a slight change, Shen Jiyi felt humiliated, but he didn't dare to refute or fight back. He knew very well that the strength gap between the two sides was too big.

"Are you not the only Taoist priest who has not retired?" asked the dragon demon.

"Yashan...there are five of them. I don't know about other traditions." Shen Jiyi was sweating profusely.

"Why do you stay here? Isn't it to catch me?"

"It's because the demonic Taoist priests from Lookout Mountain have to remove their inner elixirs, and at least destroy the Taoist inheritance in Niwan Palace."

"I understand. Once the demons appear, they can still find the hiding place of the Taoism through the inheritance of the magicians, so they have to be dealt with. But instead of going to Wangshan, you came to threaten Mu Xingqiu, trying to get rid of the gods. You want to get a stronger method from Shu and force Yang Qingyin to give birth to a real 'genius' for you, but you are still very ambitious."

Dragon Demon suddenly smiled at Mu Dong'er, "Little guy, why are you looking at me with this expression?"

Mu Dong'er's expression was serious and guarded. He had heard Bald Man say some things about dragon demons, but none of them were as important as the thing he just heard. "You were invaded by a demon species. Are you... a bad person?"

"Haha, the bad guys are not as bad as me. Little guy, are you willing to follow me? In the eyes of Daotong, you are not a 'wizard', but in my eyes, you are a treasure. If you stay on this island, you will always be If someone like Shen Jiyi bullies you, learn from me and you will be able to bully him in a few years."

"But the devil..."

"You are only a little over a year old. What have you seen? If you don't even have the courage to make your own decision, just stay here."

"Feifei, and my mother..."

"If you want to protect them, make yourself strong first."

Mu Donger did not hesitate, "I am willing to go with you, but first kill Shen Jiyi."

The dragon demon laughed twice, stretched out his hand to call Mu Dong'er, "Save him a small life. If he can really force Mu Xingqiu to obtain a new method, it might be a good thing."

"Wait a minute, Feifei and mother can't fight..."

Before Mu Donger finished speaking, the dragon demon had already disappeared with him.

Shen Jiyi, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't believe that he had escaped. It took a long time before he dared to look up, and he happened to see Yang Qingyin and others flying back from the South China Sea.

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