
Chapter 0801 Armistice

The entire Zhaoshan Island was shaking. Trees fell down one after another. The ruins buried in the beach gradually emerged. The birds and beasts in the forest fled in fright. The number was surprising. Above their heads were a group of dark clouds. There were birds, and on the ground there were running groups of deer, monkeys, rabbits, rats and other animals, rushing up to the beach like crazy and jumping into the sea without hesitation.

The birds and beasts on the island are not just running for their lives. They may have received some kind of order or were bound by spells, and they are attacking the humans and demons they encounter with heroic bravery.

There were only less than twenty of the dozens of monsters who had gone deep into the forest to search for the whereabouts of the beast master. They mixed with the birds and flew out of the island. There were smoke and fire caused by the magic everywhere, and the birds were injured or killed. The humans fell like hailstones, but compared to their huge number, the losses were negligible. On the contrary, the surrounded monsters were getting more and more into trouble, and they screamed again and again.

The four parties who were fighting on the beach stopped at the same time. Too many animals rushed towards them, and even the rabbits looked fierce and opened their mouths to bite.

The Supreme Demon Lord turned around and stretched out hundreds of tentacles from the mesh-like armor all over his body, like a waterweed accidentally growing on land, waving a deadly weapon to warn all living creatures that dared to approach. This move was successful. The animals all avoided him. No matter how fast he ran, he could always deflect in time. The ten steps around Taishang Demon Lord became an isolated island in the animal frenzy.

Mu Xingqiu used the spiritual energy of the surrounding world to form a tight shield, so that the animals that came had nowhere to eat. Yin Buchen also hid in, waving at the large and small beasts a few steps away, "Go away." , go away, you...disgusting guys."

Yuan Qijing on the other side responded in the most brutal way. He stretched out his spear and drew a circle on the beach. He quickly shrank into the circle with the vibration caused by the magic. The sand surged up two to three feet high like spring water, and all the collisions The beasts that came up were either dead or injured, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere for a while, turning the beach red.

"Idiot, you still haven't put away your magic. It's you who alarmed Fei Xiao!" Yin Buchen scolded loudly.

Yuan Qijing’s earthquake technique and Zhaoshan’s shaking happened in tandem, and there seemed to be a causal relationship, but he refused to admit it, “It has nothing to do with me, it’s you two who angered Feixiao.

Yin Buchen just sneered, identifying that the cause of this disaster was Yuan Qijing, and whispered to Mu Xingqiu: "Dao Zun, kill this usurper. As long as you are here, I will no longer be the Jiao King. I will The entire Tiejiao clan is dedicated to you as a slave."

But Mu Xingqiu felt that Yuan Qijing's words made sense. There were the most animals attacking him and Yin Buchen, including animals on the ground, birds in the sky, and even fish in the sea, jumping onto the beach in reverse directions, twisting their bodies desperately, trying to fight for their lives before they suffocated to death. Take a bite...

"Feixiao is competing with me for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth." Mu Xingqiu suddenly realized that Feixiao swallowed the entire Zhaoshan Mountain and merged with it. The purpose was to absorb the abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth here. The fierce battle on the island and No one is interested in fighting for it, but the natural magic that consumes a lot of heaven and earth spiritual energy is a formidable opponent.

Mu Xingqiu immediately switched to using the mental illusion technique to create a new layer of restrictions.

The shaking in Zhaoshan stopped, and the flocks of birds and beasts finally slowly dispersed. Those who jumped into the sea and those who came ashore returned to various places, leaving a large number of corpses on the beach, as well as stranded fish and injured birds and beasts struggling to their death.

Most of the other monsters on the island died from the bird's beak. Only five monsters escaped back to their own ship, and the monsters on the sea retreated further.

After a while of silence on the beach, Mu Xingqiu said, "I suggest a temporary truce."

Yuan Qijing laughed. There were the most dead birds and beasts around him, but his nearly naked body was spotless. "Why? I think this battle was quite interesting. Your Excellency has a strange background and strange spells. You can actually alarm Fei Xiao, why not?" How about trying harder to wake it up completely?"

Yin Buchen whispered, "Yuan Qijing is a future trouble. Dao Zun can kill him with just one move."

Mu Xingqiu didn't make a move, and neither did Yuan Qijing. They looked at the Supreme Demon Lord together.

The Supreme Demon Lord has taken back his half-demon body, and his mesh armor has returned to a small ornament. The old demon reluctantly stood up, his chest was dry, and large beads of sweat rolled down his face. He used his own flesh and blood to cast spells, which caused the greatest loss. He took a moment to breathe. Afterwards he said: “I agree to the truce.

Yin Buchen felt that this was an opportunity, "Just in time, there is only one Yuan Qijing left, Dao Zun..."

"Shut up." Mu Xingqiu ordered. He picked up the Izumo horn on the ground and flew to the forest in the middle of the island. After passing by the corpses of birds and beasts, he landed and walked.

Yin Buchen had no choice but to follow and looked back reluctantly, "Hey, Taoist Master, be careful, that guy Yuan Qijing is coming."

Yuan Qijing not only followed, but also got very close. After landing, he and Mu Xingqiu walked side by side into the forest. There were fallen trees everywhere in front of them. Thanks to their flexible bodies, they were not affected much.

Yin Buchen looked at the two figures in front of him with confusion. He didn't understand why Mu Xingqiu allowed Yuan Qijing to follow him, and he didn't understand where their tacit understanding came from.

After walking for a while, Yin Buchen looked back and asked, "What is the Supreme Demon Lord doing?"

Mu Xingqiu also looked back. The Supreme Demon Lord was sitting among a pile of corpses. He seemed to be practicing martial arts to heal his injuries. However, even the demon clan with the most bizarre martial arts would rarely choose such a filthy place to practice their martial arts.

The Supreme Demon Lord rose slowly. On the beach, several of the largest corpses were quickly moving under him. They were all dead demons, including the few remaining corpses of Qi Xantian.

"Demon spells." Yuan Qijing sighed, "It seems that the demons will not be wiped out completely. There will always be a group of monsters left behind, and maybe humans as well."

But who wants to live as a slave and die as fertilizer? Yuan Qijing looked at Prince Yong, "What do you think, King Saishen? Do you think you can share power with the demons?"

"Hey, everyone has the same hope." Yuan Qijing opened the way with his spear, refusing to fall behind even half a step.

Yin Buchen, who was following them, became more and more puzzled, "What are we looking for? Why don't you kill the Supreme Demon Lord even if he is like this?"

"Ling Wang and the others are still in the forest." Mu Xingqiu said. He could see clearly that when the demons were fleeing, Yang Qingyin was not among them, but Zhao Shan had become dangerous, and he had to see her to feel at ease, so A truce is recommended.

Yuan Qijing answered another question, "There are dozens of demon corpses on the island. I would rather let the Supreme Demon Lord suck them away than leave them to the half-demon."

Yin Buchen gritted his teeth at Yuan Qijing's back.

The mountain is gradually rising, and there are more complete trees. In Mu Xingqiu's impression, the trees in Zhaoshan are sparse and dense, and you will not encounter any obstruction when walking inside. But now it is different, there are only three trees. Over the years, the trees on the island have grown wildly and their branches are intertwined. Without magic to open a way, it would be almost impossible to move forward.

Yuan Qijing suddenly broke the silence, "There is a reason for the Supreme Being to fall into the Demonic Abyss."

"Needless to say, everyone wants to become stronger to protect themselves." Yin Buchen said quickly. He wanted to catch up with Mu Xingqiu and "walk side by side" several times, but he always fell behind involuntarily after a few steps. This made him He was very annoyed and felt that his position had been taken away by Yuan Qijing.

Yuan Qijing ignored him at all. He pointed his spear and the branches automatically parted to make way for him. "The Supreme Master's real surname is Fei. I won't mention his name. He has a son who contracted a serious illness due to improper cultivation. It has been twenty years. He has been I'm looking for a cure everywhere, but neither the monsters nor humans have this ability, and Taoism does..."

Yuan Qijing snorted softly. There was no need to explain more. Daotong certainly could not heal a demon clan. "So the arrival of the demon clan is an opportunity for Taishang and his son. If my guess is right, Taishang I came to Zhaoshan this time to perform meritorious service in exchange for more help from the demon clan."

"Why are you telling us this?" Yin Buchen was confused, "Who doesn't have their own worries? All the monsters who died on the island, including the second-level magician, probably did it to protect their parents, wives and children. I just came here to take risks - phew, there is no need to be so hypocritical, in the end, strength is everything? I don't think the Supreme Demon Lord can save his son, and even he will die on the island."

Yuan Qijing took two steps quickly and blocked the Yongwang Sun with his spear. His expression became serious, "Yin Buchen calls you Dao Zun, but the only Dao Zun in the world is Mu Xingqiu. He has died in Zhibu Bang. Over the years There are many legends about him. Just over half a month ago, it was said that Mu Xingqiu appeared in Talang City and merged with the ancient statue. This is all nonsense, but your spells and everything about you are a bit weird. ,who are you?"

Yin Buchen showed excited eyes, hoping that Mu Xingqiu would kill Yuan Qijing.

But he was disappointed. Mu Xingqiu didn't make any move to cast a spell, and he didn't even lift the Izumo horn in his hand.

"Tao Zun is just a name, why does it have to be the only one?" Mu Xingqiu tried his best not to lie, but he also didn't want to tell the whole truth. "You said that you wanted to use Feixiao to go to the extreme south to hide, but in that way It's useless, it just delays the arrival of destruction. If there is a chance now, it is a very slim chance. No matter whether you win or lose, it will bring a lot of casualties, but after all, there is a possibility of victory. Are you willing to fight the demons? "

Yuan Qijing thought quietly for a while, "But the victory will eventually be taken away by the orthodoxy."

"A group of humans and monsters can defeat the demons in battle, will their victory be taken away easily? The winner has the qualifications to negotiate conditions."

Yuan Qijing thought for a while and suddenly laughed, "You are a Taoist priest, so you put humans before the demons, so you don't even have the idea of ​​starting a war with the Taoists. Unfortunately, I don't see anyone defeating the demons now. Opportunity, despair everywhere.”

"What's the sign of opportunity for you?"

"I'll know it when I see it."

Mu Xingqiu and Yuan Qijing looked at each other, and Yin Bushen's eyes swept back and forth, unable to tell whether the two were going to fight or join forces.

"If I can defeat three half-demon, does it count as a chance?"

The person who said such bold words was not Mu Xingqiu, Yuan Qijing, and Yin Buchen, but a little demon on a nearby tree.

Feifei's face turned red, and he seemed to feel embarrassed, "The method of refining beasts can fight against the demons, I will prove it to you."

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