
Chapter 0802 Prove strength

Feifei didn't seem to have changed much. He was still so small and shy. Standing on the branch, he looked like a slightly larger squirrel, anxious about seeing a human for the first time.

Yin Buchen waved his hand enthusiastically, "Hey, even Feifei can talk big. Tell me, are you a beast master now or have you turned into a strange beast like the Black Phoenix?"

"I am the beast master." Feifei's face turned redder, as if he felt that he was not worthy of being among them.

"Where is the Spirit King? We are here to find her. Feifei, go and invite the Spirit King out. Don't mess around here. You can defeat the half-demon, and I can kill the demons." Yin Buchen smiled. He said that in his memory, Feifei was an inconspicuous little demon who, like him, attached himself to the strong, but was inferior to him in all aspects, especially in terms of strength.

Yin Buchen can still remember Feifei's name, so he already thinks highly of him.

Feifei was uneasy, but when he spoke again he was very determined, "The Spirit King is very busy and can't see you. Please go out and don't go any further. When the half-demon arrives, I will fight them and prove that the beast The strength of the master." He paused and looked at "Tuo Yong" and Yuan Qijing expectantly, "When the time comes, you are welcome to fight against the demons together. If anyone wants to learn the method of refining beasts, we are also willing to help. "Teach."

Yin Buchen laughed heartily, and stopped after a while. He wiped away the tears from his laughter and shook his head, "I respect the Spirit King very much and am willing to work for her. Feifei, please go and inform her." Yin Buchen's visit has absolutely no ill intentions. I can also guarantee that this...Yong Wangsun has no ill intentions either. As for Yuan Qijing, I only remember one thing. I regarded him as a distinguished guest, but he kicked me away and called himself Jiao. king."

Yuan Qijing snorted and stepped forward: "Everyone stays on the island just to fight for the treasure. You said you have the strength to fight against the half-demon. I want to see it."

Yuan Qijing raised his spear and was ready to receive the attack. Relying on his identity, he asked Xiaoyao Feifei to cast the spell first.

Mu Xingqiu took a few steps back to give way to the place, and Yin Buchen followed suit and asked silently, "Aren't we here to help the Spirit King?"

Mu Xingqiu shook his head. He also wanted to see the strength of the beast master. Lao Chong was indeed much more powerful than before, but he was not strong enough. Yang Qingyin seemed to have hidden some strength, but it didn't seem like he could reach the level of a half-demon. On the other hand, Feifei's arrogant words made Mu Xingqiu even more curious.

Feifei had once been appreciated by Zuo Liuying, and based on this alone, Mu Xingqiu would not underestimate him.

Yin Buchen couldn't see anything and asked loudly: "Feifei, where is your strange beast? Is it a mouse?"

Feifei's face, which had just returned to normal, turned red again, "It's not here. We are in contact through Mozun Zhu."

Feifei had a white pearl in his hand that was twice as big as his fist. The pearl flashed with light, as if an eye was observing the surroundings through it. Suddenly the pearl moved, and a gust of wind filled the forest, carrying it with it. Intense anger.

Yin Buchen was startled and shrank behind Mu Xingqiu. He began to think that Feifei might be really capable, but he muttered, "What are you doing, bluffing?"

Feifei gently rubbed the moissanite bead twice with his left hand, recited a few scriptures quickly, as if to appease the beast in the bead, then raised his head and said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I don't know today. What’s wrong, it’s a bit tempered.”

Yuan Qijing's face was solemn, and he regretted letting the little demon attack first. He could only make more preparations, so he stretched out his spear and slashed in the air a few times, and the fish bone shield on his left hand began to show complex patterns.

Yin Buchen was dumbfounded and didn't understand why Yuan Qijing was so solemn.

Feifei held the Mozun Pearl and waited for his opponent to be ready before saying, "I'm going to cast a spell."


Something spit out of the mozun bead, like a beam of light, like a water column, like a lizard's tongue suddenly sticking out, or a beast's tail swinging.

Feifei stood seventy or eighty steps away, but this move was faster than lightning. It was over in less than a blink of an eye. Yin Buchen didn't even have a chance to be stunned. Mu Xingqiu held his breath for a moment, surprised. Feifei's magic power is very strong, and Mozunzhu's attack method seems familiar.

Of course, the most surprised person was Yuan Qiji. He blocked the attack. His fishbone shield seemed to have been hit hard by an iron whip, which made his arms numb. He used all his strength to just stand on the spot without retreating, which made him even more surprised. What frightened him was that if he hadn't been fully prepared in advance, he would definitely not be able to block the blow and wouldn't even have time to react.

Feifei didn't seem to know the power of the blow just now, and smiled with a red face, "I don't know why, it is a little impatient today. Please cast a spell, I will take over."

Yuan Qijing drew a circle in front of him with his spear, but then did not use any magic, "Can your beast be more powerful than before?"

Feifei nodded, "Mood will affect the strength of the alien beast. When it is calm, it will be more powerful. What I have to do is to convert the power of the alien beast into spells, which will make it faster and strike more accurately."

Yuan Qijing laughed twice, stuck his spear on the ground, and lowered his fish bone shield, saying that he didn't want to fight, "The half-demon will arrive tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. I want to see how you deal with them. Maybe... you can really provide a chance."

"Will King Jiao be willing to fight against the demons with us?" Feifei's eyes lit up.

"Then it depends on the outcome of your fight with the half-demon." Yuan Qijing held the spear again, "But there is one thing to say in front of us. We will not join forces with humans. The Spirit King is a human, so I will never Accept her orders and command."

"You don't have to fight side by side to resist the demons." Yuan Qijing said coldly.

Feifei's request was not high and he said hurriedly: "The Spirit King does not require everyone to obey her orders. As long as you can prove that you are sincerely resisting the demons, she is willing to provide any help, including teaching the method of refining beasts."

Yin Buchen was deeply surprised by the spirit king's generosity, "It's too casual. Even if you want to teach it, you can't give it to a bad monster like Yuan Qijing."

Mu Xingqiu, however, wholeheartedly agreed with Yang Qingyin's approach, and even had respect for it. Humans and demons took refuge in the demons in large numbers because of their weakness and fear. Even if they knew it was a dead end, they would not dare to find another way - if they could give With their strength, let them see hope of resistance, and the situation may fundamentally change.

At least monsters like Yuan Qijing who had hoped to hide might rise up and fight.

The only problem is that there may not be that many powerful beasts in the world for cultivation.

Yuan Qijing nodded slightly, "You first prove that you have the strength to defeat the half-demon, and I will prove my determination to resist the demons."

Suddenly a low roar came from deep in the forest, and Feifei's expression changed, "I'm so stupid, I missed my opponent." He wanted to go over to help, but was worried about the monsters in front of him, "You won't interfere with the Spirit King's spell casting. Bar?"

Yuan Qijing flexibly rotated his two wrists, and his gun and shield also rotated. After a moment, the gun and shield disappeared at the same time. In this way, he expressed peace, then took out the black feather he received and used magic to burn it. He said, "I will withdraw from the fight. I will only watch and not take action, unless someone goes against me first."

Yin Buchen said disdainfully: "Are you talking about me? If I really make a sneak attack, you won't notice it at all."

Mu Xingqiu also took out his own black feather and burned it, "I'm quitting too."

Yin Buchen clicked his tongue repeatedly, feeling that it was getting harder and harder to understand Tao Zun's thoughts, so he immediately took out the black feather and destroyed it. However, the change was too sudden, and even though he was flattering, he couldn't think of the right words, so he could only hum a few times.

"Okay, you can come with me..." Feifei was a little anxious and flew deep into the forest before he finished speaking.

"Too naive, he believed these few words? King Ling really lacks reliable helpers." Yin Buchen followed Mu Xingqiu, racking his brains to guess what the Taoist was really thinking at this moment.

Mu Xingqiu's idea was actually very simple. He was here to help Yang Qingyin, but various signs showed that Yang Qingyin not only did not need help, but was also an extremely powerful independent force.

At this moment, Mu Xingqiu is like a shrewd businessman, calculating how much capital he has, like a general, weighing the strength of the enemy and ourselves...

A large tree fell in the forest ahead. The Supreme Demon Lord, who once again put on the half-demon armor, was fighting in the air with the third beast master who stayed on the island.

Mu Xingqiu originally thought that the third beast master would be Xiao Hao or one of the Gan brothers, but it turned out that it was Hong Futian's disciple Ouyang Hao.

Ouyang Hao was once a frizzy young man who loved blushing, but now he has become mature and steady. From his expression to his eyes, everything reveals perseverance. He is holding three bright beads in his right hand, holding a sword in his left hand, and is commanding a group. The huge black python fought with the green smoke of the Supreme Demon Lord, and most of the surrounding trees were knocked down by it.

"Except for being a little bigger, this snake seems to be very ordinary." Yin Buchen said in confusion.

The giant python was indeed not strong enough. With its mouth open, it could not bite the green smoke at all. Instead, it was restrained by the smoke and swayed wildly from left to right.

Feifei stopped on a tree, holding Moi Yunzhu and staring at the battlefield, but did not immediately help.

Mu Xingqiu and Yuan Qijing stopped further and did not intervene.

"There's something wrong with this black python. It seems... there are a lot of restrictions on it."

"Hey, did you see it again?" Yin Buchen mocked.

"Yes, there are restrictions on the python, and they were imposed by Ouyang Hao himself. He sealed part of the power of the alien beast." Although Mu Xingqiu's body did not have a third eye, he could still see some traces of spells.

Why does the beast master want to weaken the power of the beast? The one who gave the answer was the Supreme Demon Lord. He had the upper hand and was free to speak, "The Black Dragon of Yashan actually fell into your hands. It's really a waste of natural resources, but it's okay. The Black Dragon and Xuanwu are enough to exchange for a grain." It’s a devil!”

The Supreme Demon Lord has tried every means to extend the life of his son for more than twenty years. Now he has no choice but to place his hope in the demon seed.

"Yong Wang Sun, I also want to thank you. Your spell awakened Fei Xiao, and the Spirit King is capturing it at the moment, saving me a lot of trouble." The Supreme Demon Lord absorbed enough power from the demon corpse and was full of energy.

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