
Chapter 0804 The Black Dragon Soars to the Sky

Not all humans or demons care about the Dao Demon War. As long as the flames of war have not burned their heads, they would rather keep their heads down and live pretending that everything is normal. The Supreme Demon Lord rarely takes his eyes and thoughts away from his son.

If it was effective, he would not hesitate to trade his own life for his son's health. Therefore, knowing that the half-demon body would be very harmful, he still accepted it calmly as a guarantee that he was willing to serve the demons.

"Not every living being is qualified to obtain a half-demon body, and not everyone has the opportunity to make conditions for the demons."

The first time he heard these words from the King of Sacrifice, Taishang Demon Lord indeed felt that he was very lucky.

On Zhaoshan Island, the Supreme Demon Lord was using his own flesh and blood to feed the half-demon body. He could feel life passing by little by little, but the whole process was not painful at all. He knew what was going on. When the demons were sacrificed, they usually took some medicine or received some kind of spell. In the hallucination state, the pain turned into intoxication, and the fear rose to excitement.

The Supreme Demon Lord is experiencing such a moment. He is enjoying the joy of sacrificing his life, as if this is the ending he has long awaited.

The mesh armor pounced on the black dragon and suddenly spread out, like a pair of tattered wings, split into two parts and covered Mu Xingqiu's ten-foot-long body.

"The demons... will reward me and save... my son." The Supreme Demon Lord stood swaying in place, his body gradually shriveled up. He firmly believed that he was doing the right thing, but deep down in his heart, there was a vague feeling. There is a sense of loss lingering with a frown, asking in a weak voice: Did you try your best to display the half-demon body, or did the half-demon body abandon you and squeeze out the last bit of your strength?

Feifei held Ouyang Hao's head and loudly asked Yin Buchen in the distance: "Does your Taoist really have a way to deal with the Supreme Demon Lord?"

Yin Buchen was even more confused and frightened than Feifei. The mesh armor could be big or small. At this time, it had completely covered Mu Xingqiu's ten-foot demon body. "He, he should have something."

Yin Buchen looked around and began to look for a way out.

Among the spectators, only Yuan Qijing remained calm. He narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the Supreme Demon Lord. He finally couldn't help but say, "Sir, the half-demon body is killing you.

"I would rather give my life, as long as...as long as..." The Taishang Demon Lord's consciousness was already a little confused, but he was still focused on maintaining the half-demon body that had left him.

"Did the half-demon agree to save your son?"

The Supreme Demon Lord glanced at Yuan Qijing blankly. The two of them had known each other for a long time and were considered friends, but now he felt that this siren had evil intentions. "This is obvious. The demons will definitely reward me for my loyalty. "

Yuan Qijing's heart sank, and he turned to Feifei, "Your method of refining beasts seems to be unstable."

Feifei's face turned red, "I've just started..."

"Then you have to take risks. This time, you don't need to restrain your Xuanwu. Let it strike with all its strength."

"But then the one who will attack the world will be the grandson of Tuoyong." Feifei said in surprise.

"Yes, he is the one who is attacking. If it is a little later, he will become the second half-demon body on the island. By then, he will be more difficult to deal with than the Supreme Demon Lord." Yuan Qijing quickly made a judgment , in his opinion, there is almost no possibility for Yong Wangsun to turn defeat into victory. Taking advantage of the time when he is entangled with the net-armored black dragon to use his killing move is the best and only option.

"I will help you." Yuan Qijing added, his hands glowing, and he summoned his own spear and shield.

Feifei put down Ouyang Hao and summoned Moi Yunzhu. Although he was still a little hesitant, he understood that Yuan Qijing's decision was correct.

Far away from them, Yin Buchen was hiding behind a tree, his eyes never leaving Mu Xingqiu, who was wrapped in mesh armor. He was worried, but he never ran away.

Mu Xingqiu was still fighting. Both he and the black dragon were wrapped in mesh armor, but the effects were completely opposite. He had to use part of his strength to resist the invasion of the half-demon body, but the black dragon doubled in strength and became more and more crazy.

Mu Xingqiu did not reveal his true illusory body. It was not that he didn't care about Tuo Yong's body, but he was creating an opportunity.

But neither he nor Yin Buchen noticed that two bystanders were about to join the battle.

Feifei held Moi Yunzhu, still not completely determined, "This brave king's grandson is different from the other royal children of the Sacrifice Kingdom. He seems to be very interested in fighting against demons."

"When he turns into a half-demon body, he will have completely opposite interests. The half-demon body is a kind of magic, which is different from those pure half-demon. Look at the Supreme Demon Lord, he has lost his consciousness. , no different from the walking dead." Yuan Qijing's spear flashed, and he was ready, "If the beast masters are as hesitant as you, I am not willing to fight against the demons with you."

Feifei looked happy, "King Jiao is willing..."

"Hmph, it's not that I wanted to, or that you convinced me, but the body of a half-demon - the magic of the demons is too overbearing. I originally had an illusion and thought I could hide, but now I understand that this is impossible. The demon body will make the most trusted demons around you betray you and reveal all your secrets.”

Feifei nodded, no longer feeling sorry for Tuo Yong. The Mozun Pearl suddenly glowed. Hundreds of miles away, Xuanwu Miushi, who was hiding in the deep sea, saw the target of the attack through the Mozun Pearl. His fighting spirit was unprecedentedly fierce. Feifei All a little worried.

"Get ready - attack!" Yuan Qijing shouted sharply, pointed his spear, and seven light spots merged into one, stretched to more than three feet, made a loud bang, and reached the destination in an instant, hitting the mesh armor, and the light The gun quickly shortened and penetrated completely.

The speed of the world-destroying iron armor whip was slightly slower, but its power was stronger. It carried a strong wind and hit the old enemy hard. The posture seemed to split Zhaoshan Island into two pieces.

Two screams came out at the same time. One was from Yin Buchen. He didn't expect that Yuan Qiji and Feifei would take advantage of the situation. The other was from Taishang Demon Lord. The first person to be stabbed by the light gun was the half-demon body, like A sharp knife cut off one of his legs.

The relaxed and happy feeling of intoxication disappeared, and all the pain of feeding the half-demon body with flesh and blood emerged together, like lava that had been suppressed underground for a long time. The Supreme Demon Lord screamed, then screamed, and fell to the ground.

The world-destroying iron whip has arrived, and the power of the alien beasts has been transformed by the beast master, becoming more condensed and powerful.

The sound was so loud that all the trees within two or three miles fell down, and the tree where Yin Buchen was hiding also fell down. If he hadn't reacted faster, he would have been buried under the tree trunk. He knelt on the ground, shaking all over. After a while, Only then did he dare to raise his head, but the scene he saw was different from what he had imagined.

Mu Xingqiu was not dead. He was still trapped in the mesh armor and was fighting fiercely with the black dragon. The world-destroying iron whip actually lost its aim and hit a dozen steps away, leaving a deep ravine on the ground. At this time, it had retracted into the Mozun Pearl and never appeared again.

Yin Buchen was so surprised that he couldn't utter a word. Feifei, who was casting the spell, and Yuan Qijing next to him were also astonished.

Feifei made no mistakes, but was disturbed at the last moment.

The black dragon was still fighting, but Ouyang Hao woke up. It was he who suddenly jumped up and pushed Feifei's arm, causing the world-destroying armored whip to deviate from its target.

"Ouyang Shu..." Feifei couldn't understand it at all.

"Have you also been invaded by a half-demon body?" Yuan Qijing asked sternly, pointing his spear at Ouyang Hao. He knew very well that no one could trust anyone when fighting against demonic spells.

Ouyang Hao has not recovered as before. His body is swaying, a bit like the Supreme Demon Lord just now, but his expression is normal. He shakes his head, "Let me try again. The restriction on the black dragon has been broken."

There are a lot of restrictions on the black dragon, so it turns into a python shape and its strength is greatly reduced. Only Ouyang Hao can lift these restrictions, but he was unconscious from the beginning and had no chance to release the power of the black dragon.

Feifei was even more surprised because of this, "Who broke the restriction? Is it a half-demon body?"

Ouyang Hao shook his head again, but did not speak. He summoned three beads, injected them with magic power, and recited the beast refining scripture. He could feel the fear and despair of the black dragon. It lived for a long time, but it was a strange beast after all. It could not remain calm in the darkness created by the demon's magic.

The beast master provided it with a glimmer of light, and the connection between the black dragon and Ouyang Hao quickly strengthened.

A low dragon roar sounded continuously, and the strong wind swept in all directions. The fallen trees were blown aside, leaving only a short stump. Feifei and Yuan Qiji each cast spells to stay in place. move.

The wind quickly stopped, but the roar of the dragon did not stop. A black dragon rose into the sky. Strictly speaking, it was still more like a black python, only thicker and longer, with a pair of very small horns on its head - -Purebred alien dragons have long been extinct. The small-horned black dragon is the closest alien beast to a dragon, even closer than the iron-spine dragon.

The black dragon rose straight into the sky, entered the clouds, and disappeared.

Ouyang Hao was not in a hurry. The three beads in his hand were still shining brightly, which showed that his connection with the black dragon was still intact. From now on, he no longer needed to restrain the black dragon's power, nor did he need to keep it with him all the time.

He has taken another step forward in the method of refining beasts. Only he himself knows this, all thanks to the help of King Yong Sun.

Mu Xingqiu used the reverse technique to lift the black dragon's restriction, and then used the mind illusion technique to awaken Ouyang Hao, and finally broke through the half-demon body. However, he discovered a problem: the reverse technique had little effect on the half-demon body, and had little effect on the half-demon body. It's the black dragon that causes the most damage with those mesh armors.

Mu Xingqiu regained his body, used the disguised mental illusion technique, and took all the weakened half-demon bodies into the corners of the clouds.

Yin Buchen poked his head out from the pile of branches, looked at Mu Xingqiu, who was covered in scars, and cried with joy, "Wow... I don't need to change my backer."

Mu Xingqiu walked up to the Supreme Demon Lord. He held on to a tree stump tightly to avoid being swept away by the black dragon's wind. However, he had very little life and strength left. He was panting hard, "Ying'er He was a smart demon, he shouldn't...shouldn't die."

Mu Xingqiu stared at those old eyes and discovered the tenacious will to survive. But such a monster was willing to sacrifice his life to the magic of the demons.

"No one should... die. Why is it... so difficult to live?" The Supreme Demon Lord was not looking for an answer. His eyes quickly dimmed.

Feifei, Ouyang Hao and Yuan Qijing all flew over without landing and still remained alert.

Mu Xingqiu looked at them and said, "Look, the power to resist evil exists in the heart of every living being. What we need is not union, but awakening."

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