
Chapter 0805 Father’s Relics

The body of the Supreme Demon Lord was as thin as a skeleton. Yuan Qijing sighed, "The demon clan and humans are the fertilizer of the demon clan. Do we really have a chance to resist successfully? The method of refining beasts may be able to fight against half-demon, but The number of exotic beasts is small, how many beast masters can be cultivated?”

"The beast master is not the only anti-magic force. Feifei probably already has a whole set of ideas," "There are also the Wanzi Virgin Mary of Qishan. They are also practicing new magic and have been quite successful recently. The Holy Talisman Dynasty …”

"I will not join forces with humans." Yuan Qijing reminded with a smile, "Well, the Spirit King's side has won a great victory in the battle of magic to seize the treasure. There is no need for me to stay here and watch you tame Feixiao. I am not a subordinate of the Spirit King, nor You don’t obey any human orders, but if one day you start a war with the demons, remember to inform me.”

Yuan Qijing rose into the air, and Yin Buchen ran over from a distance and shouted: "Don't let him go, he was the one who attacked Dao Zun just now!"

Mu Xingqiu smiled, "Your Excellency, that blow helped me escape from my half-demon body."

Yuan Qijing clasped his fists, "Every monster has secrets, and you have especially many secrets. I hope to see you again in the battle against demons."

Yuan Qijing no longer called him "Brave King Sun", nodded and flew away.

Yin Buchen was greatly disappointed and muttered: "I can see clearly that he did not attack to save Dao Zun. And Feifei, you were so cruel just now. You really treated Dao Zun as an enemy."

Yin Buchen kept saying "Tao Zun", Feifei and Ouyang Hao didn't think about Mu Xingqiu, they just felt that this Tuoyong Prince was very mysterious. Feifei blushed again and whispered: "I'm sorry, I thought …What’s the problem between Mie Shi and Yong Wangsun? Maybe I can persuade him to put aside his past grievances.”

"No need, maybe it recognized the wrong person, and I won't stay here long, so I'll say goodbye." Mu Xingqiu also rose into the air, preparing to leave the island.

"The Taoist fire never goes out." Feifei hurriedly performed the Taoist ritual, looked at the departing figure of the Yong Wangsun, and said to Ouyang Hao: "This Yong Wangsun is completely different from before."

Ouyang Hao nodded seriously, "Why does Yin Buchen call him 'Tao Zun'?"

Yin Buchen caught up with Mu Xingqiu and remained silent for a rare moment, but sighed from time to time, hoping to attract attention. After flying out of Zhaoshan Island, Mu Xingqiu stopped for a while, looked around, and asked by the way: "What do you want? say what?"

"Nothing." Yin Buchen said with a hint of resentment.

"Well, I have to find a suitable opponent for you in the future."

Yin Buchen waited for a while, but Mu Xingqiu said nothing and quickly chose a direction to fly. Yin Buchen followed closely, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, "Dao Zun, what exactly do you think? I can't figure out your temper more and more."

"I just want to find a way to resist the demons."

Yin Buchen was still puzzled, "Taoist Master, I can understand when you fought against the Taoist order, because they were chasing you and those demon-invading Taoists. I can also understand that you fought to the death with the Wangshan Demonic Taoist and Bingkui, because They regard you as a formidable enemy and must kill them all. But now there are demons and half-demon, they don’t even know you are still alive..."

Yin Buchen showed a flattering smile, reducing the doubtful tone in his words, "Dao Zun always cares about the world. This kind of mind is really... Hehe, a little insect with low abilities like me really can't understand it."

"Care about the world?" Mu Xingqiu looked around and saw Yuan Qijing leading several races of sea monsters to leave in large ships and rafts. The other dozen or so sea monsters in the boat were hesitating and seemed not to want to just give in. "You I saw what happened to the Supreme Demon Lord.”

"He was killed by a half-demon body. He was a fool." Yin Buchen's opinion was rather simple.

"He wanted to save his son, but in the end he couldn't even save his own life. Yin Buchen, I also have a son, as well as loved ones and friends who are very important to me. There is no world in my heart, only them, But if the demons take over the world, no one I care about will survive, including myself."

Facing a powerful enemy, some people want to hide, others want to surrender, but Mu Xingqiu wants to face them.

"Every human and monster wants to protect themselves and their relatives and friends. There is no difference between them. Yin Buchen, even you."

Yin Buchen was trembling. When he thought about fighting the demons, he could hardly maintain his flying state. "But the demons were too powerful and cruel. The Supreme Demon Lord... was sucked dry by him, even the dead demons." ...If we can't win, why would Tao Zun leave Zhibu State? I would rather stay in and never come out.

"There is no forever in the country." Mu Xingqiu sped up his flying speed, "You can leave with the natural magic at any time. I only have one request: remove a small piece of memory from your mind."

Yin Buchen shook his head hurriedly, "I will never leave Dao Zun, and I will not leave even an inch. Even if Dao Zun—" Yin Buchen gritted his teeth, "Even if you fly to Wangshan, I will follow you. But if you die, please Allow me to run as fast as I can.”

"I agree." Mu Xingqiu said with a smile, stopping in the air and looking at the warship several miles away.

There are many ships near Zhaoshan, but this one is the only one flying in the sky.

Several spirit monsters flew out, each carrying a strange beast, and stared at the incoming person warily. Mu Xingqiu looked at them for a while, then turned around and flew away.

"They are very well prepared and don't need my help just yet."

Yin Buchen looked back at the flying ship and didn't see anything special, but since Dao Zun said he was prepared, he had nothing to doubt.

There were two small islands near Zhaoshan, and Mu Xingqiu flew to the nearest island.

There were only two to three hundred monsters left on the island, and they were all busy packing their things. Without any precautions, Mu Xingqiu stopped in the air and asked, "Is the son of the Supreme Demon Lord here?"

After waiting for a while, an older half-demon pointed to another island and asked: "Was the Supreme Demon Lord really killed by the half-demon body?"


The old demon nodded and said to the demon clan around him: "The Supreme Demon Lord cares too much about his son. This is a mistake. If you want to get the full power of the half-demon body, you must be ruthless and give up your desires. Just like a Taoist priest, even more than a Taoist priest." Ruthless and ruthless. It’s a pity that none of us are qualified to be favored by the demons.”

All the monsters agreed and even felt sorry.

Mu Xingqiu flew to another island, and Yin Buchen came up and asked, "We are fighting against the demons, and we are also protecting these guys. It's really not worth it."

"Don't worry, the position of 'these guys' can change at any time."

The two islands are not far apart. There are even fewer monsters on the second island, only fifty or sixty. The tents are in a mess and the flags are toppled. They don't clean up. They all face Zhaoshan Island and chant slowly in their own language. A sad tune.

Mu Xingqiu landed on the island and listened quietly to the demon's singing. Although he could not understand it, he knew that it was in memory of the Supreme Demon Lord.

The singing stopped, and a young demon clan member came out, looked at Mu Xingqiu for a few moments, and said, "Have even the Yong Prince and his grandson given up on fighting for Feixiao?"

"Your Excellency is the son of the Supreme Demon Lord?"

"Well, my name is Fei Yingren. Yuan Qijing said that my father was devoured when he used his half-demon body, but he didn't tell me who my father's opponent was at that time."

"it is me."

Dozens of demons gathered behind Fei Yingren, all staring coldly at King Yong's grandson.

"I don't understand. Is the Tuo family dissatisfied with my father?"

"I have a disagreement with King Saishen," Mu Xingqiu said.

"Haha." Fei Yingren laughed.

Yin Buchen interjected: "I am willing to admit defeat. The Supreme Demon Lord voluntarily stayed on the island and voluntarily used his half-demon body. In the end, I couldn't afford to sacrifice my body and blood. Don't be resentful."

"I just want my father's body back." Fei Yingren said lightly. He was somewhat similar to the Supreme Demon Lord. He was also thin, gloomy, and obviously sickly.

A corpse really floated from the sea. Although it had been soaked in the water, it was not wet at all. After landing on the shore, it continued to glide, and finally stopped in front of Fei Yingren.

That was really the remains of the Supreme Demon Lord. The demons used their own magic to summon it from Zhaoshan Island.

Fei Yingren carefully touched the body from feet to head. His expression became increasingly gloomy, but without much sadness. He stood up and said, "The half-demon body is no longer in my father's body."

Mu Xingqiu inserted the several-foot-long Izumo horn into the ground and said, "Here it is."

The demons stared at the slender horn, more interested in it than the body of the Supreme Demon Lord, especially Fei Yingren, "How can I get back my father's relics?"

"Relic? The Supreme Demon Lord belongs to the half-demon body, and the half-demon body belongs to the Supreme Demon Lord." Yin Buchen didn't have much sympathy for Fei Yingren in the first place, and now he has no sympathy at all.

Fei Yingren only looked at Yong Wangsun and didn't care about the other person's true identity at all.

"You can take it back now," Mu Xingqiu said.

Yin Buchen really wanted to kneel down and beg Mu Xingqiu to speak more clearly in the future. It was a big blow to him to always guess wrong.

"Really?" Fei Yingren couldn't believe it either.

"There is only one request. I want to stay here and watch." Mu Xingqiu was not being unreasonable. His original intention was to see if there was any chance of saving the son of the Supreme Demon Lord, but after meeting him, he quickly changed. Got the idea.

"Okay." Fei Yingren stepped towards Izumo Corner.

Mu Xingqiu raised his hand to stop him, and then cast a spell to release the half-demon body inside.

The bundled mesh armor slowly floated towards the son of the old master, without any power at all.

Fei Yingren did not take back his father's "relics" immediately. He observed for a while and said: "The half-demon will arrive at dawn tomorrow. We must kill at least three thousand demons for them to cast spells. Otherwise, we ourselves will be sacrifices. "

Fei Yingren grabbed the mesh armor and sneered: "Who gave the half-demon powerful power and the power of life and death? Who said the body of the half-demon cannot be controlled?"

Fei Yingren stretched out his other hand, and the remains of the Supreme Demon Lord jumped up and stood beside his son.

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