
Chapter 0818 Confession of the True Illusionary Body

The king's pulse is not an instantaneous platform and cannot be transmitted thousands of miles away. The temporarily created king's pulse has a shorter transmission distance. Mu Xingqiu turned around half a circle and soon saw a demon a hundred miles to the southwest. The magician was falling from the air to the sea with his whole body burning.

Wangmai needs sacrifices. When the hermit arrived, he sacrificed Tuo Yong and an unknown number of sorcerers. If he wanted to return to the Kingdom of Sacrifice, he had to sacrifice the same number of sacrifices. Only the first pass had no sacrifices, so the distance was Also the shortest.

King Saishen was determined to obtain the divine elixir. In order not to arouse too many suspicions, he only sent a second-grade magician at first. He not only successfully deceived the demons, but also deceived Mu Xingqiu.

There was no point in chasing, not to mention that Mu Xingqiu had a big trouble to deal with right now: Xuanwu Feixiao was furious.

Fei Xiao has always been hiding very well. He usually blends in with islands and mountains. His original body gradually shrinks. He has not interacted with humans or monsters for almost tens of thousands of years, and only occasionally communicates with other strange beasts. The beast masters have established a rapport with the alien beast, and its secrets will probably never be revealed.

Fei Xiao doesn't like fighting, nor is he good at fighting. His many years of alchemy career have further weakened his other functions. When he suddenly encounters a strong enemy, he can only use the spirit pill to fight.

The Spirit Pill is everything to it, and even losing one will make it go crazy, and in its simple mind, it cannot distinguish who is a robber.

"Human!" The head in the middle roared, trying to suck back the remaining dozen or so spirit pills.

Mu Xingqiu immediately used an illusion to attract all the spirit elixirs to him. The power of the alien beast was indeed powerful. Feixiao's suction force could move mountains and fill the sea, and set off huge waves, but it did not know how to use force. After the illusion was resolved, , all the suction force was deflected, and it had no effect on Mu Xingqiu at all.

The black phoenix flew in with Yang Qingyin on its back. Fury was able to break free from the trapped beast technique, but it also made Fei Xiao easily fatigued. Yang Qingyin recast the spell and trapped it again at a faster speed.

Feixiao approached Mu Xingqiu step by step. It sensed the danger, but was reluctant to part with the remaining spirit pill and could not escape like this.

"My red pill!" a head shouted.

"It's almost done." Yang Qingyin said, with a strange feeling in her heart. The light blue illusion seemed to be Mu Xingqiu himself, because only with him could she be so calm and calm, believing that all problems could be solved. solve.

Feixiao's entire body left the sea, floating in the air and slowly approached the Spiritual Pill. Its neck stretched to more than two feet long. It wanted to take back the Spiritual Pill, but it didn't want to be a prisoner. It was hesitant in its heart and its movements were sloppy.

Under the influence of the Entrapment Technique, its six big eyes gradually closed. With two pops, the two heads on the left and right retracted into the shell, leaving only the middle one. The neck also became shorter. Finally, the eyes closed and the head tilted. , limbs drooped, unable to resist the trapping technique, and entered a complete state of lethargy.

Yang Qingyin let out a long breath. Black Dragon and Feixiao were the two most difficult beasts to capture, but they finally did not fail. It was a pity that the Spirit Pill was taken away by the Kingdom of Sacrifice, and it would cause endless trouble, but she didn't care now.

"Are you really Xiao Hao's true illusion?" Yang Qingyin jumped on Feixiao's back and controlled it to land back on the sea, her eyes still resting on the light blue Mu Xingqiu.

Mu Xingqiu was never willing to lie to Yang Qingyin face to face, and even wanted to tell the truth. The situation was changing too fast, and Yang Qingyin should not be kept in the dark.

"This is not my real fantasy." Xiao Hao's voice came. She left the spaceship and came in advance. She waved to Mu Xingqiu with a smile, "Come back, your mission is over."

"Tell her." Mu Xingqiu said.

"Tell her what?" Xiao Hao opened her eyes wide and looked very similar in surprise.

Mu Xingqiu turned to Yang Qingyin, and while landing from the air, he said: "I am not Xiaohao's real fantasy, this is me. Zuo Liuying replaced my soul from Zhibu Bang three years ago. More than a month ago I just formed this body on Demon Suppressing Island."

Yang Qingyin looked at the light blue body coldly, as if she heard an inappropriate joke.

Xiao Hao flew over and let out this untimely laughter, "Look at my real fantasy. Does it have my style? They all like to joke so much. Come back to my Niwan Palace quickly, or I will be angry. La.

Mu Xingqiu didn't want to hide it anymore. Yang Qingyin had already completed the art of trapping the beast, so he no longer had to worry about her not being able to accept the truth, and he really wanted to share the heavy responsibility for her.

He had nothing to say. He stood opposite Yang Qingyin and stared into her eyes.

Those eyes went through the four seasons of the year in an instant, the coldness of winter, the revival of spring, the heat of summer, the chill of autumn...

"Xiao Hao, tell me the truth." Yang Qingyin also stared at Mu Xingqiu, but asked Xiao Hao.

Xiaohao had already flown within a dozen steps. When she heard Yang Qingyin's words, she laughed twice, turned around and flew away again, "What I said is the truth."

"Do you want Black Phoenix to fight You Liao?" Yang Qingyin was still staring at the light blue body.

The little wormwood disappeared.

Yang Qingyin's face was still full of murderous aura. The black phoenix stopped three feet in the air above her head, with its wings spread out and its tail feathers stretched straight, like a huge black fan.

Mu Xingqiu actually felt a little nervous, as if he had returned to Pangshan Zhiyong many years ago, where his mother Yang Qingyin was the overlord.

"I'm not as easy to deceive as Xiaohao..." Yang Qingyin finally spoke to Mu Xingqiu, her voice becoming more stern.

Xiao Hao in the distance turned around and looked at the pair standing on the turtle shell. He took out the little turtle You Liao and said to it: "I haven't encountered such a fun thing for a long time. It ended as soon as it started. Alas, Mu Xingqiu." It’s really boring, and he obviously doesn’t want to leak the news. It has nothing to do with me. I just want to watch the fun.”

Except for fighting and foraging, Youliao always looked weak, letting Xiaohao sway, with her head, tail and four legs swinging back and forth without any reaction.

"I know what you are thinking." Xiao Hao spoke for You Liao in a thin voice, "'Xiao Hao is right, Xiao Hao is the most innocent.' Oops, I really took action!"

"Old God, are those Spirit King and Taoist Master?" Yin Buchen flew over from behind. He was following Mu Xingqiu, so he left the spaceship as soon as he had the chance, but his speed was not as fast as that of Xiao Hao.

"I used the lunar fire!" Xiao Hao was even more surprised. She turned to look at Yin Buchen with incredible eyes, "The last time she used the lunar fire, she used the power of a flea. Now even the Black Phoenix can do it. This Really...is this love or hate?"

Yin Buchen thought for a while and said seriously: "Love and hate are intertwined." Then he said worriedly: "Can Dao Zun bear it?"

"It's hard to say." Xiao Hao looked at the lunar fire that looked dazzling even in the sun. Mu Xingqiu's real and illusory body seemed to be burned. "What I want is the complete Mu Xingqiu, isn't it?" A translucent soul. You have to be careful, I will deal with you later."

"Ah, why did you deal with me? I have been telling the truth, but you don't believe me."

"I don't care about this. If I deal with you, I will deal with me. But I have been with her for so long, and I have perfected most of the details of the beast refining method, and I have contributed a lot. So, I think I am fine. Yin Buchen, you have been with me all these years. Where have you gone?"

Xiao Hao grabbed the little turtle and stretched it out in front of Yin Buchen. You Liao stopped pretending to be dead, raised her head, and stared at the half-demon sternly with her two round little eyes.

"I, I have been looking for the Spirit King. You guys are so elusive, but I haven't found it..." Yin Buchen became more and more guilty as he spoke, and his voice gradually became lower. He immediately comforted himself: "How is it possible? The Spirit King will never do it. Hurt Dao Zun, Dao Zun is fine, and so am I.”

"The Spirit King has flown over, and your Taoist Master seems to have been burned."

Yang Qingyin and Black Phoenix flew close to the sea one after another. Fei Xiao, who was in a sleepy state, was swimming in the sea. Indeed, there was no light blue figure of Mu Xingqiu.

Yin Buchen was shocked, his mind immediately stopped working, and he didn't think carefully about Mu Xingqiu's whereabouts. He turned around and was about to fly away, but was caught by Xiao Hao.

"Don't run away. I've already seen you. What will I do if you run away?"

"Taoist Duan, Ancestor Xiaohao, please spare me. I have never offended you. Let me stay out of the limelight. I will come back in two days..."

"That's not possible." Xiao Hao held Yin Buchen's arm and greeted Yang Qingyin with a smile.

Yin Buchen struggled several times, but didn't dare to use too much force. Seeing that Xiao Hao really wouldn't let go, he had no choice but to huddle up as much as possible, hoping not to be noticed.

Yang Qingyin's face was covered with frost, and she flew past Xiaohao and Yin Buchen, ignoring them as if they were nothing.

Xiaohao stuck out her tongue, and Yin Buchen broke out in a cold sweat. Just as her heart was relieved, Yang Qingyin suddenly stopped in the air and turned around, "That's the end of Mu Xingqiu's news. You two are not allowed to leak it anymore."

Yin Chen nodded hurriedly and closed his mouth tightly, for fear of making a mistake as soon as he opened his mouth.

Xiao Hao also nodded, "What should I do about Bald Man? Don't you even tell him? He has a good relationship with Flea, and he will figure it out sooner or later."

"Let me tell Baldy, just keep it a secret." Yang Qingyin said. After seeing them nodding again, she flew away with a cold face.

Yin Buchen looked at Yang Qingyin's back, puzzled, "It seems that Dao Zun has moved into the Niwan Palace of King Ling, but King Ling... doesn't look like he's reunited after a long separation."

"What do you know?" Xiaohao let go of Yin Buchen's arm and followed Yang Qingyin from a distance, "She wants to enjoy this happiness exclusively. Just wait and see, I will announce a series of decisions soon. In fact, those are all It was Mu Xingqiu’s idea.”

"Can you guess what Tao Zun was thinking?" Yin Buchen was not punished and was very happy. He followed Xiao Hao. Recently, he had always made mistakes when trying to figure out Mu Xingqiu's true intentions. He wanted to hear from others. the opinion of.

"You still need to guess? That's Mu Xingqiu. Zuo Liuying and Long Mo worked hard to replace his soul. It was definitely not to spread the natural way magic, let alone to deal with the Sacrifice King clan and a few half-demon."

"Huh?" Yin Buchen still didn't understand.

"War, idiot, Mu Xingqiu will not wait for the demons to reshape their bodies to attack, he will take the initiative to fight to Wangshan Mountain. Yesterday he had not made up his mind, but today...hehe, just wait and see."

Yin Buchen finally understood why he always guessed wrong, and he suddenly no longer wanted to follow Mu Xingqiu.

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