
Chapter 0819 The Prince’s Anger

The serious injuries in Talang City have not yet healed, and traces of the battle a month ago are everywhere: there is still the smell of burning paste in the air, and dusty coagulated blood can occasionally be seen in the inconspicuous corners of the streets and houses. A seemingly normal resident suddenly burst into tears while walking. Talisman masters and human cultivators flew rapidly through the air in violation of the ban, going to deal with the hidden magic somewhere...

Prince Gu Huaibi stood on a high building and looked at the whole city, his heart was as sharp as a knife. He had reason to be more heartbroken than others, because this was his capital.

When King Talang decided to surrender to the Kingdom of Shishen a few years ago, Prince Huaibi clearly expressed his opposition. At that time, he was only seventeen years old. For a royal family with a life span of more than two hundred years, he was still a child. Although He is the only legitimate son, and his words don't carry much weight.

He watched as the country of Sacrifice sent troops to garrison, watched as the hideous and ugly beast monsters swaggered into the city, and watched as Mr. Half-Magic Ma lived in the palace like a master, built the tallest building, monitored the whole city, and treated human beings as beings to be slaughtered. of lamb.

Prince Huaibi's doubts grew day by day, so he quietly contacted like-minded ministers, transferred precious talisman masters under various names, and secretly sought support. The Holy Talisman Dynasty could not protect itself. The only allies they could find were casual cultivators. The two sides hit it off immediately and planned a successful riot on the night of the Flesh Festival.

The high-rise building where Mr. Hanmoma lived was in dilapidated condition, but it could barely survive. Prince Huaibi checked it up and down five times, but found nothing special.

He was a little disappointed.

A group of people walked into the garden, their steps were hurried, and it was obvious that they were in a hurry. Among the crowd, Prince Huaibi saw his father, the nominal King of the Waves.

The crowd was blocked by five talisman masters. They only obeyed the orders of Prince Huaibi, and quarreling was inevitable. King Treader's side had many people, but they did not have an advantage. No matter how much they shouted, they could not move forward.

Prince Huaibi stood upstairs and watched for a while before using the talisman to give the order to let them go. Then he waited for a while before slowly going downstairs. He knew that his father would never dare to enter this dangerous building.

As he expected, the King of Waves was standing under a tree a dozen steps away from the high-rise building, looking slightly panicked. Those useless flatterers surrounded His Majesty, their eyes scanning here and there warily, and they made a gesture. The deputy will always protect the king with his body.

Prince Huaibi did not speed up, thinking in his heart, how much he worshiped his father in the past, and even regarded him as a god, but now the person standing there was just an old man with a stern look and a soft heart.

King Lang Treader is in his sixties, which is the prime time for the royal family, but his hair has turned white, and the wrinkles on his face are as dense as those of an ordinary sixty-year-old mortal. In just three or four years, he has become like a After hundreds of years of torture.

"Father." Prince Huaibi nodded slightly, not bothering to show more respect, and glanced at the dozen followers.

Useless people are useless people. They can offer a series of sweet words at any time, and they may sacrifice their lives when necessary, but their lives are more humble than ants. When the real danger comes, their only resistance is to be helpless. The cry and wail of meaning.

The most unacceptable thing is that after surviving the crisis by chance, this group of useless people want to take credit from the soldiers who fought bloody battles, as if they all achieved it with wailing prayers. Prince Huaibi will never allow this kind of thing Happen again.

The followers lowered their gazes and slowly retreated. They were as afraid of the current Prince Huaibi as they were of the half-demon and demon clan.

The Treader King felt his heart beat faster and his breathing was difficult. The talismans he had blessed in the morning seemed to have failed. He wanted to have a frank talk with his son, but he could not let these followers retreat. They were like a hard shell. , and he is a snail hiding inside, and removing the hard shell will make him more vulnerable.

"Wang'er, I want to tell you something very important. Don't stay here, find a place with a chair."

"It's very good here. There are ready-made chairs." Prince Huaibi's eyes fell on the face of one of the fattest followers. The follower understood immediately and hurriedly knelt on the ground, using his thick back as a temporary chair.

The Wave Treader reluctantly sat down and looked up at the tall and dangerous building. His heart tightened. He always felt that the ghost of the half-demon was still lingering, as if he was still looking down from the upstairs. He really didn't like this place, but he also knew that time had moved. It's easy, now his words have as little weight as Wang'er did a few years ago.

The other followers stepped back understandingly, not too far away. The Wave Treader King could still summon them at any time with a slight cough, but not too close to avoid making people think that they were deliberately eavesdropping.

"I'm old." The Wave-Treading King sighed, and as soon as he said the words, the energy in his body seemed to lose a little bit.

"Father is not old, he is just frightened. Take a good rest and he will recover soon." Prince Huaibi said coldly.

The Wave-Treading King shook his head and stared at a piece of bluestone at his feet. "The body may be able to recover, but the heart cannot. For me, the crown is too heavy. I have decided to pass it on to you. Tomorrow you can ascend the throne and become a new generation. "The King of Waves."

"Father..." Prince Huaibi was a little surprised. His father's obsession with the throne was deep in his bones, not to mention those sycophants. They were parasites on the throne. How could they easily agree to the host's abdication? As soon as his thoughts changed, he understood, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone unknowingly, "Father, are you worried about the revenge of the demons and the Kingdom of Sacrifice?"

The King of Waves trembled, and the fat follower under his butt could barely hold himself up.

"Retaliation? Even if I abdicate, they will not let me go."

"It's good that my father can understand this truth." Prince Huaibi felt a surge of anger in his heart. His father should have woken up earlier. "This is a war between humans and demons. No one can stay out of it. Surrender is death, and resistance is death. But Maybe you can survive, why don't you resist? Father, it's still too late, the Waverider Kingdom is still strong, and the Holy Talisman Dynasty has not been destroyed. It is completely possible to launch a vigorous war. If we lose, we can also take advantage of it. The ship entered the sea and continued to resist.”

The Wave-Treading King trembled again, sweat dripping from his face. He had no followers to serve him, and he didn't even know how to deal with these nasty sweat beads. "You can do all these things, and you will do them better than me," he said. My health is getting worse and worse. Even without the events of the past few years, I would not have the energy to take charge of the entire Talang Kingdom. I have made up my mind. I will tell the whole country that tomorrow, tomorrow, you will Become the king."

The Treading King didn't even want this title, but now was not the time to worry about the details. He hesitated for a moment, and said in a relaxed tone of relief: "That's good, the Treading Kingdom needs you, since you will be the Treading King tomorrow. Yes, I have a small request..."

"Father, please say, your words will always be my will."

The father and son looked at each other, and both saw suspicion and wariness in each other's expressions.

"There are more than 100,000 monster captives outside the city, right?"

"More than 132,100 of them, some were killed, but unfortunately, many escaped."

"This is a great victory that will definitely shock the whole country of Sheshen. There should be descendants of the King of Sheshen among the prisoners, right?"

"The Demon Commander Tuo Fu is dead, and there are still eleven Tuo clan disciples left." Prince Huaibi's heart was bright and his voice was as calm as ever.

The Wave-Treading King coughed twice and moved a few times uneasily. The fat minister gritted his teeth and persisted, his arms shaking slightly.

"Can you hand over these eleven Tuo clan disciples to me?" Ever since the half-demon and the demon army settled in the capital, King Lang Treader has become very skilled at groveling down. Even when facing his own son, he can show a hint of flattery and pleading. .

Prince Huaibi hated his father's appearance very much, and asked flatly: "What use does father want them for?"

"Peace and war are the civil and military ways of holding a country. My son is good at fighting, and the country's military strength is under your control. Although I abdicate, I can't just let go. It's better for me to act as a messenger to see King Sheshen. Something unexpected happens. I am the one who died, and the Treading Country has a new king, so it will not be affected. If there is room for peace talks, the Treading Country can gain more time to prepare for war. But..."

"But going directly to the Kingdom of Sheshen has no name or status, so the father wants to return the eleven Tuo clan children to the King of Sheshen. Maybe he will be willing to negotiate peace with his father when he is happy. It is not necessarily that the father will stay in the Kingdom of Sheshen for retirement. ”

The King of Treading Waves smiled and nodded frequently, "That's right. Retirement may not be necessary, but if I can stay in the Country of Sacrifice, it will be of great benefit to the Country of Treading Waves."

Prince Huaibi sneered, "Wake up, father, don't you understand that King Sheshen is just a vicious dog tamed by the demons, specially designed to bite people for the demons. If you want to negotiate with him, it is better to just look at the mountain." "

The Treading King frowned slightly, "Of course it would be better to go to Wangshan and have direct peace talks with the demons, but that group of casual cultivators killed Mr. Half-Mouma, and the debt must be placed on the Treading Kingdom, and we have another There is nothing valuable to give to the demons..."

Prince Huaibi could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and said loudly: "Father, give up those absurd fantasies of yours. Regardless of whether you abdicate or not, the entire Talang Kingdom will participate in the war, including you and the things under your butt. Even if the war Even if the ancient royal family of the Talang Kingdom is wiped out, there will no longer be any peace talks. Tomorrow, I will kill all the demon captives as a letter of war to King Shishen."

The fat follower couldn't hold on any longer and fell flat on the ground with an ouch. Queen Talang leaned over and lay there unable to move for a long time.

Prince Huaibi strode towards the entrance of the garden. He saw a close talisman master running quickly and knew that something big was going to happen.

Behind him, the followers were busy helping the King of Waves up, looking at the prince in horror, not daring to say another word.

The Talisman Master ran forward and nodded to Prince Huaibi, "A ship came from the sea. The man on the boat called himself the Beast Master. He came to join Master Hong to fight against the evil together."

Prince Huaibi finally heard the good news, "Great! I knew it would not be the only country that dared to resist the demons."

There was no joy on the Fu Lu Master's face, "Most of those beast masters are demons."

Prince Huaibi's face darkened.

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