Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 278 Necessary conditions for dreams

"It was wandering in the depths of the universe when the solar system was formed. Its elliptical orbit was so long that the last time it visited the earth was 65 million years ago, which happened to be the age when the dinosaurs became extinct.

But now, in the last two decades of the twentieth century, it is back. "

A clear dream came unexpectedly again. Ronald saw a hand putting the video tape into the machine and pressing the play button.

Then a shining red star appeared on the TV, flying towards the audience, accompanied by this scary narration.

On the TV, a beautiful woman wearing a movie theater uniform was talking to the boss.

Ronald discovered that it was played by Katherine Mary Stewart, whom he had met at the reception.

The heroine Regina, played by Katherine Mary Stewart, is an employee of the cinema. While she was playing the video game console, several customers came to buy tickets and enter the theater.

The boss is selling them a comet headdress that can be hung on the head, a small ball with a long tail behind it. Today is the day when comets visit the earth. The audience can watch the movie and then go out to watch comets in the sky.

Regina is a game console master and she broke the high score record. The boss asked her to go on a tour.

There are many movie theaters in America, but the quality of the audience is actually very poor. They often deliberately litter food and garbage, and there are also some hyperactive teenagers who will cause some damage inside, even tearing down a chair.

This often requires cinema employees to patrol inside with flashlights.

However, the light of the flashlight will disturb the moviegoers and make them dissatisfied. Some people will throw things directly at the rangers.

Regina was unhappy with this job. She reluctantly took the flashlight and went around the show. Then she walked into the projection room at the back and complained to her boyfriend, who was a projectionist.

The boyfriend was making some copies of the film and throwing the remaining footage in the trash.

"What is this for?" Ronald didn't understand. The projectionist was not an editor. Why was the projectionist cutting the film with scissors like an editor?

"This is 'From Space'. How much do you pay for a copy? One hundred dollars. Hey, this is a 3D movie. One hundred dollars is insulting to me. One hundred and ten? Okay, just one hundred and ten." TV The boyfriend here is discussing the price of pirated copies with a pirate dealer.

"This bastard made a pirated copy for one hundred and ten dollars.

Sold to underground dealers. This copy can be shown in theaters for at least more than a year. How much money will the studio lose? How much money are we directors losing? "Ronald was so angry that he wanted to curse the character in his dream.

The tape keeps going.

Regina was on the phone with her sister Samantha. Their stepmother wanted to go see the comet and slapped her disobedient sister Samantha. Samantha hit back and the stepmother punched Samantha's mouth until it bled. , and then went out to watch the comet by myself.

This slap seems to be very realistic. Ronald thought to himself that the actress who played his sister was also an acquaintance, Kelly Maroney, who played the cheerleader in "Fast-paced Richmond High." She finally plays the lead in this movie?

The older sister, Regina, spent the night at the screening room with her boyfriend, while the younger sister slept at home to recover. Their stepmother went out to watch the comet with the neighbors. An old man still said that he saw Halley's Comet in 1910. At that time, it was said that anyone who saw the comet would die.

Suddenly a comet arrived, and bursts of lightning-like light illuminated everyone's faces.

Then there was another burst of very bright red light, and comet watchers let out a loud cry, and then the televisions flashed to a bleak red sun in the sky.

The sky is very red. It seems that the dust stirred up by the comet after hitting the earth was thrown into the sky?

There were a few shoes and clothes on the ground, with some red dust on them, and the people had been evaporated.

"There's something wrong with this video. Where's the shot of the comet hitting the earth in the middle? It was too violent and was cut out?" Ronald thought.

Regina's boyfriend opened the door and went out in the morning.

Suddenly, a terrible zombie rushed over and hacked him to death with a wrench.

"Is this a zombie movie? Isn't it a science fiction movie?"

Ronald recognized the make-up of zombies with ashen faces and muffled voices, a trend set in motion by the low-budget exploitation film "Dawn of the Dead" four years earlier. After that, there was a batch of follow-up exploitation films featuring humans versus zombies.

Regina killed the zombie and drove her boyfriend's motorcycle home. Except for my sister Samantha, everyone else in the family was reduced to ashes.

The sisters heard that the radio station was still playing the program, and they went to the radio station. Another surviving man, Hector, is found.

The radio station played timed tapes. Sister Samantha temporarily became a DJ, playing pop music to the survivors and calling them to come to the radio station to meet.

The two sisters randomly changed into beautiful clothes in the mall and entertained themselves with a fashion show accompanied by a nice song.

The song is nice, but the lyrics are a bit unrestrained, "Girls just wanna have fun"

Unexpectedly, the broadcast did not attract survivors, but only a group of robbers. Fortunately, the sisters' father is an army officer and they have been shooting at the shooting range since they were young. They picked up a short submachine gun and had a shootout with the bandits, eventually defeating them.

Sister Samantha's broadcast is heard by government scientists in an underground bunker. They sent a helicopter to take the sisters to the scientific research center in the bunker.

"Hey, isn't this female scientist Mary Woronov?" Ronald recognized another actor he had worked with, who played the old-fashioned female principal in "Rock and Roll High School."

Surprised, Ronald woke up.

"Gu...gu..." Ronald went to the bathroom and got himself a glass of water, tilted his neck and drank it.

The scene in this dream was relatively clear and lasted for a relatively long time. Ronald sat at the table and began to wonder why he had dreamed about this movie.

This movie didn't quite resemble the big production that Ronald had in mind. There are very few actors in it, and the scenes that require the use of extras are all close-ups and close-ups, so there is no need to hire many extras.

But on the other hand, the investment in the movie seems to be huge. The red sky and empty city would cost millions to build the scenery. If it were a real shoot, then the application process alone would be quite expensive, and it would also require the favor of a major studio to get the government's cooperation.

Is there any footage of a comet hitting the earth? There are many coincidental scenes between this movie and the script I wrote, but there are also some differences. Ronald was a little undecided for a moment.

Let’s think about why we dream about movies.

Ronald listed the things he had done on a piece of paper.

Tennis, meditation, aerobics, these sports are a bit inconsistent with the time of dreams.

Is it because I happened to write a script related to Comet, with plots such as motorcycles, shopping mall clothes for free, news broadcast on the radio, etc.?

That's not quite right. I have been writing this plot summary for several days. Why did I dream about it today?

Maybe it was because he met Katherine Mary Stewart who played the leading role?


Thinking back to "Rock'n'Roll", "Famous", "Fast-paced Richmond High", and "Children", I dreamed up some of the movies. I saw or wrote the plots of the scripts myself, and then Get to know the actors who played the lead roles in the movie.

Maybe having read/written the script and knowing the actors participating in it are the necessary conditions for dreaming about the movie?

Maybe you should also exercise on your own, or sleep more deeply and dream more after drinking alcohol.

Also, maybe you need to remember the movies you watched in your previous life.

Ronald looked at the four points he had summarized. In the future, he would get to know more and more people in the industry. After his status rose, he would be invited to direct more and more scripts. Wouldn't he be able to dream of more movies?

Ronald felt his future was bright. I immediately turned on my computer and started writing the script for Comet from memory.

What's your name?

"The night the comet came?"

"A comet hitting the Earth?"

Ronald was stunned. It would be better to keep it simple. "Fast-paced Richmond High School" is often shortened to "Fast-paced" because its name is too long. If you want to spread word-of-mouth among the audience, a short and easy-to-remember name is most convenient.

It's called "night of the orget"

Ronald typed the title and then started typing. At the beginning, when the comet hits the earth, a big scene must be added to make the audience happy.

In the final outcome, the base was invaded by zombies, and the sister was contaminated by zombies and followed the zombies away. The sister and Hector left together to find other survivors to unite to deal with the zombies.

The sun shone into the bedroom, and Ronald pressed the save shortcut key to save the script he had written into a floppy disk. The floppy disk began to chirp.

"It's better to buy a more advanced computer. The one Hinton used on the set of 'The Kid' is good."

Ronald thought that the monitor of this Commodity computer was a TV, and it was too tiring to stare at it for a long time.

With a "click" sound, the floppy disk stopped making sound.

Ronald knew that the save was done, and then he pressed the print shortcut key, and the dot matrix printer began to squeak, and he quickly tapped on the ribbon line by line, printing out sheets of manuscript paper.

"Richard", Ronald put together the script and went to the copy shop to make a copy. Then I picked up the phone and hung up with my agent. After I finished writing the first draft, I sent a copy to CAA and asked them to help spread it around the studio circle.

Although this method of writing your own script and asking the studio to read it does not comply with the rules of the Screenwriters Guild, the studio is not opposed to this as long as it is a screenwriter with a famous work. Sometimes the screenwriter's instincts can be sharper than those of the studio.

"Ronald, do you also know?" Richard answered the phone and said to Ronald.

"What do I know? I've written the first draft of the script and am ready to send it to you."

“So fast? That’s Hershey.

No, I'm talking about the plagiarism of the scripts of Spielberg and Alien. Your teacher Scorsese has spoken out in support of Bangladeshi director Rey. "

"Ah? Why did he do this? Is it really plagiarism?"

"Go and buy a copy of 'Celebrity Weekend Magazine'. It has detailed research on it. Ronald, Steven is in trouble now. Can you contact Mr. Scorsese first?"

The person on the other end of the phone was Niceta. It was obvious that they were having a meeting to discuss and try to get some benefits from it.


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