Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 279 Book Publishing

"Some media took what I said out of context. I first met Rey at the Cannes Film Festival in the 1970s and had seen his Ava trilogy before.

Rey was invited by Hollywood in the mid-1960s to film his Alien movie. At that time, many copies of the script were mimeographed. Twentieth Century Fox was very close to reaching a cooperation with him. At that time, the script was widely Word spread around the studio. "

Scorsese denied the accusations of supporting Rai over the phone and expressed his admiration for the Bangladeshi director Rai.

This plagiarism incident has been widely mentioned by people in the film and television industry, but Universal seems to have made some efforts to suppress domestic media reports on the plagiarism accusations.

The American media generally did not report this accusation from an unknown director from a small country as news, attacking their own young hero Spielberg who saved Hollywood.

It was some tabloids and magazines in London's Fleet Street that really reported Spielberg's suspicion of plagiarism with great fanfare. They seemed to ignore the silence of the American media and wrote many reports.

Among them was the entertainment magazine "Celebrity Weekend" owned by the "Daily Star" that Ronald bought.

Spielberg denied that he plagiarized Rey's script. The main reason he used was that when Rey's script was approved in Hollywood in 1967, he was still in high school and had no chance to see Rey's script.

This report from "Star Weekend" did not directly compare the similarities between the two scripts. Instead, it seized on Spielberg's rebuttal and began to examine Spielberg's true date of birth.

"Mr. Spielberg graduated from high school in 1965 and started working as a director in Hollywood in 1969..."

There are also his high school graduation photos and transcripts in the magazine. I don’t know how much energy these puppies spent digging out these old things.

"What's the use of listing Spielberg's high school graduation date like this?" Ronald didn't quite understand the mystery of the British tabloid's reporting, so he asked Richard for advice.

"If this graduation photo is real, then he would have been over 30 years old when Jaws was released in 1975. He was not the genius who was promoted as the number one box-office film that changed Hollywood before he was 30 years old. .

There are rumors in Hollywood that Steven has reported his age as two years younger. "

Richard hit the nail on the head.

If Spielberg was thirty-one when he filmed Jaws,

Instead of twenty-nine, then he would not have the aura of making the best-selling movie in history before he was thirty.

It was difficult for Ronald to understand the thoughts of these people. Spielberg was two years older and made Jaws at the age of thirty. He was also a rare genius in the history of film. What does it matter?

"Because in that case, the British director Alfred Hitchcock can exclusively enjoy the honor of making a blockbuster movie masterpiece before he was thirty years old. At the age of twenty-seven, Hitchcock relied on directing' The Tenant was famous in Britain, and then came Hollywood."

Ronald finally understood the strange vanity of the British people. Bangladesh is also a member of the Commonwealth, so the genius of America actually borrowed the script of his most popular movie from the genius of the Commonwealth.

"It's really boring and we Americans don't care about that."

"Ring ring ring ring"

After putting down the phone, Ronald's doorbell rang.

Two men who looked like workers moved three boxes, two large and one small, into Ronald's house.

"This is the IBM personal computer (PC) you ordered, Mr. Ronald Lee? Please sign it." One of them took out a receipt and asked Ronald to sign.

After Ronald signed, he saw the two people opening two large boxes, taking out two white plastic boxes, and placing them on his table.

They put a flat box underneath and stacked a monitor on top. After connecting the cable, I did some debugging and then turned on the monitor.

With a "buzz" sound, the monitor lit up, and movement appeared on the black screen.

"Here are two floppy drives that can hold floppy disks." He took out a boot floppy disk and inserted it into the a drive on the front of the host. Then he turned on the red power switch located on the lower right side of the chassis.

After a squeaking sound, the system started successfully, and the mark a:\\\u003e appeared on the monitor.

"Turn on the monitor first, then the host. And vice versa when shutting down."


Ronald sat next to the monitor and typed the "dir" command and entered.

The directory under the floppy disk of drive a appears on the screen.

After playing for a few times, Ronald nodded in satisfaction.

"This is the PC-DOS version of the word processing software WordStar." Another worker opened the small box, which also contained a floppy disk and instructions.

Ronald took it and inserted it into the b drive, then started Wordstar, tried it, and signed for it.

A latest personal computer, plus typing software, cost Ronald a total of $1,800. The computer cost $1,600 and the software $200. It was very expensive.

However, using a high-quality mechanical keyboard and typing with crackling sounds, Ronald felt it was worth it, and it was much smoother than Kang Mude's keyboard.

The configuration of two floppy drives also allows Ronald to switch floppy disks when saving.

Looking at the sentences he typed on the monitor, it was not dazzling at all. It seemed that his eyes would not be dry even if he typed for a long time. Ronald felt that his shopping was quite cost-effective.

Anyway, I have already made a lot of money from personal computers and WordStar, so buying this machine is just a reward for myself.

A few days later, Ronald was at home with his agent Eddie and a female editor from the publishing house, looking at the proofs of the book. A piece of news on TV caught their attention.

"Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, suffered head injuries in a car accident yesterday, September 13th, and unfortunately passed away in hospital today..."

"Oh, my God," Eddie yelled, and a picture of Grace Kelly appeared on the TV, with two numbers below it: 1929 – 1982.

"Grace Kelly passed away in a way that did not seem to belong to her. Fifty-two years old, the daughter of a wealthy Philadelphia businessman, a Hollywood actor, an Oscar-winning actress, and the princess of the King of Monaco. More information about her life is given to you by Reina bring."

The TV showed the video of Grace Kelly announcing her engagement to King Rainier of Monaco, and then a review of her film career, with scenes from "Rear Window", "High Noon", "The Country Girl" and other movies flashing by. .

"Is Hollywood cursed? It lost two superstars in two weeks." The female editor also interjected.

Ronald knew she was talking about Ingrid Bergman, who died late last month.

Two of America's most dazzling female stars in the 1940s and 1950s died within two weeks of each other.

These two can also be regarded as two of the most beautiful and elegant female stars in the golden age of Hollywood. I wonder what kind of beautiful actresses will join Hollywood in the next two decades of the twentieth century?

"Mr. Ronald Lee, this is the manuscript of your book. If you have no objections, we will prepare it for printing next month, and your book will be available in bookstores in October."

After spending more than an hour continuing to read the proofs of the book page by page, the female editor finally completed the final comparison of Ronald's first published book and stood up to leave.

"Thank you, thanks to your patience in proofreading." Ronald sent the editor out.

"Ronald, when I signed you, I didn't expect you to write books other than scripts and be able to publish them."

Agent Eddie smiled broadly. Ronald's agents other than the film business are all handled by him in New York. This published book, according to the editor, is the first of its kind on the market and is likely to achieve good sales.

"Thanks to Ms. Hinton. If she hadn't recommended it, the publisher would have looked down on my book."

Ronald smiled and simply made a long-distance call to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to call Hinton, the author of "The Naughty Man" to thank him.

"Ms. Hinton? This is Ronald."

"Hi, Ronnie. Is your book ready to be published?"

"Yes, I called specifically to thank you for your help."

"Haha, I thought you had a talent in this area. I was on the set of 'The Kid' in Tulsa, and without your help, I couldn't write the script of 'Betta' using a computer."

Hinton smiled heartily. When she saw Ronald's talent, she helped contact the publishing house to publish a book based on what Ronald taught her to help authors like her.

"Thank you. How's your photo of 'Betta' going?"

"Director Coppola is progressing relatively smoothly, and it is expected to be completed early next month."

"They're not fighting now, are they?" Ronald asked with a smile.

"No more. Unlike the Urchins in the World, which has two gangs and a dozen boys, Douyu only has three male protagonists, Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, and Francis' nephew Nick. You don't need your help. Diane is here. , they can't fight either. Hahaha..." Hinton also laughed.

"By the way, congratulations on the hit of your movie. Is there any hope of breaking 40 million?" Hinton thought of the hit of Ronald's movie "Fast Pace". The assistant on the set at that time has turned into a blockbuster movie. director.

"Universal said there are still four to six weeks of release time. Whether it can break 40 million is still uncertain." Ronald replied.

"Anyway, congratulations...Ronald."

"thank you too."

After hanging up the phone, Ronald looked at the proof of the book in his hand. The title of the large book was "Wordstar for Dummies" written on the cover.

This is a book for authors who use WordStar software on computers to write. It tells how to install and use WordStar software to write or document.

It also comes with a lot of illustrative pictures, and also comes with a list of shortcut keys that can be cut out and posted next to your personal computer.

Not only IBM computers, but other computers such as Commodity and even Apple II computers also have detailed installation tutorials.

Ronald looked at the book and couldn't help but fell into deep thought, remembering all the times he had photographed "The Outlander" in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and how he came up with the idea of ​​writing this book.

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