Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 67 The Obstruction Behind

"When the commander participated in a 6.2-mile cross-country running race in Camp David, Maryland, he suffered an accidental heatstroke and fainted and was rushed to the hospital. According to the White House, after treatment, the commander is no longer in serious condition, but because of the high temperature that day caused discomfort... …”

Ronald and his agent, Eddie, were waiting in the CBS studio, just in time to see the news of the leader running heatstroke on TV.

"Isn't he always bragging about being fit and running marathons? How did he pass out in six miles?" Ronald asked.

"Who knows? After all, he is already 55 years old, although he is still young among the previous commanders." Eddie is not too fond of the current commander. Since the Persian king went into exile, oil prices have been rising, causing the people to worry about it. The dissatisfaction was vented on the leader, and the TV news was also cynical about him, without a good word.

Eddie has been following Ronald for the past two days. If Ronald's version of this chewing gum commercial can win, Hershey will invest more. Shoot more than 10 series of advertisements with the same idea. Eddie's actors will have a lot of TV commercial opportunities out of thin air.

This is also the reason why Eddie would rather sign a fledgling Ronald. Once the director can gain a firm foothold in the industry and open an advertisement, he can solve the job opportunities for many of his actors.

"Darcy Maguire is here, and she's looking a little bad." Eddie touched Ronald, reminded in a low voice, and then greeted him with a smiley face, "Darcy, how are we? When are we going? You can use this studio, you have to build uneven bars and lighting. Ronald said it would take at least 2 hours.”

"Dan is making small moves, and we were informed that we can't use this studio today." Darcy Maguire said bitterly.

Ronald was taken aback, and quickly asked, "What's our backup plan, Darcy?"

"Without a backup plan, I didn't expect him to be able to influence the insiders of CBS. The Englishman Hudson he asked for had already erected a huge outdoor billboard today, and he could finish filming in two days, and then go to After the TV station finishes the later stage, it can still catch up with us.”

"Dan influenced CBS executives through his umbrella of partners, and the reason they rejected me this time was that the venue needed to shoot other shows the next day, and the installation and removal of gymnastics facilities would have an impact."

Both sides have their own intelligence networks, and Darcy Maguire's progress on Dan's filming is clear.

"Don't worry, Darcy." Ronald immediately decided to look forward.

Darcy Maguire is also clear that if he is arguing with CBS now, even if the filming permission is obtained, the manager who is influenced by Dan will still have follow-up tricks to delay the time. Just write it down first and talk about it later.

"We can find a gymnasium to shoot on the spot, which can save the time for setting the scene. If it is done properly, it will not waste time." Ronald suggested.

"But we borrowed the filming team from CBS. If we find other places to shoot, their personnel and machines cannot be borrowed." Darcy Maguire frowned, "Ronald, if you have your own The filming team is fine."

"This is just an ordinary commercial shot with a TV camera. If we can't use the CBS team, we have a lot of master's students at Dishi College, and they all have practical shooting experience. We found some to temporarily set up a commercial shooting team Not a big deal."

Darcy looked at Ronald. If it could be arranged in this way, the progress would not be behind the other party, and maybe it could be completed ahead of schedule.

"Okay, you're in charge of assembling the filming team, and I'll contact the high school with the gymnasium." Darcy was also a man of his words, and immediately decided to divide the work, and the two of them split up to make phone calls.

Eddie looked at Ronald eagerly, hoping that he could form a shooting team and move forward with shooting immediately. He was counting on him for his advertising business in the next year.

If its actors can shoot advertisements for companies like Hershey, he has a lot more control over the actors and models he signs up for.

"Let me make a few calls first." Ronald gestured to Eddie with his notebook.

Find Spike Lee first, whose crew has been filming for less than a month and has been shut down for funding reasons. Get him, you can bring his black classmates, Ernest Dixon, the director of photography for his films, so the camera and lighting teams can handle it.

Then I brought in the senior female classmate who helped with the homework in the photography class last time, and brought a few of her suitors to the recording group, so that the live recording could also be in place.

Ronald himself can be the director, assistant director, and screenwriter.

Darcy Maguire over there also found Stuyvesant High School in lower Manhattan and borrowed their gymnasium.

"It was my high school alma mater, where I learned gymnastics, and my coach was still there, and she agreed that we would shoot for a day.

The rest is the issue of commercial loan of shooting equipment.

"Do you have a channel for borrowing TV cameras?" Ronald asked Darcy Maguire. The New York University warehouse is full of old movie equipment, and newer TV equipment is also occupied.

"No, we usually look for production companies, and BBDO doesn't care about these." Darcy Maguire couldn't think of a channel for a while.

"Eddie, how about you? Can I borrow the equipment?"

"Of course, I have the relationship of equipment leasing, but they are all cash settlement. The cooperation between BBDO and CBS is a company business transaction, so we don't need to advance money." Eddie said hesitantly.

"It's an emergency, I just need to pay up first," Ronald replied.

"No, Ronnie, you actually have the means to borrow equipment, why don't you try it?" Eddie's Jewish side exploded.

"Who is it? Why don't I know?" Ronald looked blank.

"That's what you told me before, Helen Slater from another version of the ad..." Eddie suggested.

Ronald slapped his forehead, how could he have been forgotten. It's not too much for Dad to borrow some equipment to shoot an advertisement for her daughter?

"Ronald, are you using the filming equipment to film my daughter's scene?" Of course Gerrard would not give Ronald the opportunity to use his influence in vain.

"No, Mr. Slater. Helen's shape is more suitable for the role of the student who went to the company for an internship. We have the script and the sub-shot ready and are going to send it to you for approval. This time it is a gymnastics shot, so we Got a member of the New Jersey high school gymnastics team to play," Ronald replied.

"Okay, then you can send the script and storyboard to my office and give it to my secretary, Stella. I'll watch it." Gerald hung up the phone after saying that.

"Mr. Slater agreed. We went to the WNDT branch in New York to borrow equipment. They can also borrow us a van and driver. Then we will wait for Elizabeth Shue to go to Stuyvesant High School to shoot." Ronald to Darcy Maguire.

"Gerald Slater from PBS? You know him?" Darcy Maguire was surprised, and she also began to wonder if Ronald was the child of some big man.

"He was the key player in the national broadcast of the Watergate congressional hearings in 1973, and without his broadcast, PBS wouldn't be a national network."

"I met her by chance, and I agreed to let her daughter appear in the commercial. We have to make her the protagonist in the future." Ronald simply pointed out the matter of Helen, and now is a good time.

"No problem, Ronald. You really have 'resources' and can make things happen." Darcy Maguire thought it was the price of borrowing equipment, and he agreed to Helen as another version without hesitation. protagonist of the ad.

Everyone immediately divided the labor. Darcy first went to Stuyvesant High School to contact the gymnastics coach. Ronald went to PBS's New York TV station to borrow equipment and drivers. Eddie waited for the heroine Elizabeth Sue and took her to Stuyvesant High School.

"Don't let me know who's making trouble today, otherwise..." Darcy Maguire stomped on his high heels and scolded with a frown.

"Why, is it good for our competition to know who's playing the trick?" Ronald stopped and asked.

"Of course, at least I can know that the person who leaked our script to Dan was a traitor around me, or someone from the upper class, so that I can avoid them in the next shooting, or even..."

"You can use the double agent to spread some fake news." Eddie is no stranger to this kind of intrigue.

"I can make a phone call and have a side look." Ronald remembered Pia, the popular hostess on CBS.

"Pia, I'm Ronald...I'm on CBS right now. Yes, I'm working on a commercial for Chewels gum, and Helen is planning on doing one of the series...

No, today we are going to shoot the first gymnast. We borrowed the studio of CBS, but we were temporarily notified that it could not be used... No no, I didn't mean to borrow it, I just wanted to know who was embarrassing us... ...OK, thank you Pia, I'll be right here waiting for your call. "

After 10 minutes, Pia called, and today it was the secretary of Alan Wagner, a high-ranking CBS executive, who informed them that their shoot had been canceled.

"Alan Wagner is the vice president of CBS New York. He single-handedly created the Mary Tyler Moore Show, a program with high ratings, and is a major contributor to CBS's transition from rural to urbanization." Pia specifically asked Ronald Don't try to do revenge.

"Don't worry, Pia, we just want to know who the mole inside BBDO is." Ronald replied according to Darcy Maguire's caliber.

Darcy Maguire indicated that he already knew who leaked the creative and shooting plans here. One of BBDO's partners has always had a good relationship with CBS's Mary Tyler Moore Show and put in a lot of advertisements. And he was Dan's direct patron.

At the door, the three happened to receive Elizabeth Sue, who came to the door of the CBS studio with her mother.

"My daughter can't be in your ad shoot."

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