Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 68 Combination Fist

Elizabeth's mother, Anne Brewster, was a high-income person, a manager in the personal banking department of the New York Chemical Bank. But when Elizabeth was nine, she and her husband James Sue divorced and moved to New York.

James Sue is a lawyer by training who is now in the real estate development business in New Jersey. His income is enough for the children to live a good life. Elizabeth Shue went to school at the prestigious Columbia Middle School in New Jersey.

Two days ago, Anne Brewster received a call from her daughter, saying that she was going to take part in the Hershey Company's chewing gum commercial in New York. She supported it and confirmed the signing of the contract with Eddie on the phone.

But this morning, she received a call from an enthusiastic person in the BBDO advertising company, saying that her daughter was tricked into shooting an adult product advertisement, and the CBS studio would not rent them to shoot such an advertisement. The crew will definitely find another place to shoot. , As a conscientious person, I came here to tell her that she must be careful that her daughter is deceived.

"I would never let my daughter fall into this ad, her father James is on the way from New Jersey, he's a lawyer, and we can use the guardian's right to know fraud to sue you and revoke the guardian's authorization to film. So for the sake of Hello everyone, you still take the initiative to cancel my daughter's filming contract."

"I have to say that the conscientious person has a very rich imagination." Ronald continued, "We did change the filming location because the gymnastics equipment filmed in the CBS studio is relatively fake, and we have contacted Shot at the real gymnasium at Stuyvesant High School."

"Stuyvesant High School?" Anne Brewster's face softened slightly. This is a famous high school in New York, which recruits children with outstanding IQ in the eighth grade all over New York every year. Like several other key high schools, candidates must take special exams to qualify for admission.

Thinking about it, they won't be in the same boat as the young "director" in front of them to shoot any adult product commercials.

"Yes, it's my alma mater." Darcy Maguire saw that Anne Brewster was a strong woman like her, "I'm Darcy Maguire from BBDO in charge of this advertising project, this is The director I hired, Ronald Lee, who directed 'High School of Rock', we're moving to Stuyvesant High School."

"This is my director's union membership card, Ms. Brewster." Ronald handed over his union card to identify himself, "Our commercials are all in compliance with the law and are registered with the union in accordance with the rules of the TV Actors Guild. "

"As for the conscientious person, it's just because he is jealous of my woman's status and is higher than his rank." Darcy Maguire deliberately stomped his feet twice, implying that he was also a professional woman wearing pants.

The two strong women have a very common language, and a few words will eliminate the misunderstanding.

"Who asked my daughter to shoot an adult commercial." A man hurried in.

"James, it was a misunderstanding." Anne Brewster stopped her ex-husband and explained it to him in detail.

Upon seeing this, Ronald took out his own storyboard draft, and explained to Elizabeth Sue's parents the intention and process of the shooting, asking them to rest assured.

James Sue and Anne Brewster are both business executives and have been involved in a number of TV commercials. After watching the sub-shots, the remaining doubts in my heart were finally dispelled.

Darcy Maguire simply went to Stuyvesant High School with Elizabeth Shue and James Shue to get used to the venue. Ronald and Eddie, then holding the equipment, and Spike Lee and other filming teams then went.

Before leaving, creative director Darcy Maguire pulled Ronald aside and said, "Do you feel it? It's a combined punch."

Ronald nodded, first through the relationship, to influence CBS not to lend them the filming venue today, and then go to Elizabeth Sue's mother to complain,

Said they'd be shooting adult commercials instead.

If it wasn't for Darcy Maguire who immediately secured the Stuyvesant High School location, it would be hard for them to convince Elizabeth's mother now. Every detail is well embedded with the rumors in this whistleblower call. It is very likely that the parents did not allow Elizabeth to shoot for the sake of insurance, and they had to find another heroine temporarily.

"If we back down again and find another actor, maybe they have a third uppercut waiting for us," Ronald reminded Darcy.

"You're right, Ronald. Just to be on the safe side, we need to cancel the editing schedule in CBS's post department, and you find another place to edit the master, but ostensibly don't tell anyone."

Ronald signaled his understanding, and several people acted separately.

"Hey Ronald, I didn't expect us to shoot for you first." Spike Lee, and Ernest Dixon were already waiting for him at school.

"Yeah, I'm just a TV commercial, 15 seconds. How's your movie going?"

"The money for the black rights organization has been spent, and we have no money for the rest of the story after we launder the film. We are applying for funding from the American Film Institute and the New York City Cultural Institute." Spike replied.

"This is Ernest Dixon. My cinematographer, this time brought him here too."

"Hello, Ernest," Ronald shook hands with the stout Ernest Dixon. "This time only TV cameras."

"Don't worry, it's very simple, I've played a lot." Ernest Dixon's accent was not black at all. He was well educated and was a famous black university. He was an architecture student at Howard University. Fascinated by movies, I went to the Imperial College to study cinematography.

Ronald took out his own painted scoring mirror and handed it to Spike and Dixon.

"Well, you're going to use a zoom lens." Dixon began to design the lens. "I have to go to the scene to see the environment before I can decide on the lighting method."

Spike Lee is not interested in technical details, but is a little bit interested in seeing Ronald's style of painting and lens design, "Your lens design is very cartoon-like, especially the method of turning from medium to close-up, very similar to Superman. Manga representation."

"After finishing the pre-movement, before the character is about to speak, close the distance and let the audience see the character's expression before speaking." Spike Lee concluded.

"Eh, yes, before she had to do a trick on the uneven bars, and she had to give it a medium shot. But the screen is very small, so that the audience can clearly see what she's talking about behind her, and the brand of chewing gum in her hand, you have to get closer. "

Ronald said in his heart that I designed it according to the plot, and I didn't think about any comics.

"You really are a creative connoisseur, Ronald, and I read you right. Those shots of you in 'High School of Rock', which are different from the others, have their own style and are easy to spot." Spike Lee insists Ronald is a gifted director.

"Okay, since you insist, I'll admit that I'm a genius reluctantly." Ronald thought to himself, "Maybe I watched a lot of movies in my previous life, and some lens designs became my intuition, and people haven't invented these yet. How to shoot?"

"We picked up the person who was recording, and then went to the New York branch of WNDT to get the equipment." Ronald greeted a few people to get in the car and drove to the TV station.

Eddie at the entrance of the TV station has completed all the formalities and moved the equipment into the van. Ronald only needs to sign a word when he arrives, and he can drive away.

Handing Helen's storyboard and script to Gerald Slater's secretary, Ronald hurried to the door to open the way,

"This is our driver, Johnny, and this is director Ronald." Eddie winked at Ronald and introduced the TV driver.

Ronald understood, shook hands with the driver Johnny, and passed over a twenty-dollar note in a nonchalant manner. "Thank you, Johnny, it's all up to you today."

"Is it Stuyvesant High School? Don't worry, I am familiar with the roads of Manhattan." Seeing Ronald on the road like this, Johnny happily got into the driver's seat, "Just follow me."

In the gymnastics hall of Stuyvesant High School, creative director Darcy Maguire has secured the coach, cleared a large area for filming, and temporarily closed the gymnastics hall.

Ronald helped unload the equipment and moved the equipment into the gymnasium, and was discussing camera placement and actor scheduling with Spike Lee and Dixon.

Soon the classmates helped set up the equipment, Dixon looked through the viewfinder for a while, "The background lighting of the venue is ok, we can just add a few lights."

Spike Lee was a little fascinated by Ronald's camera design and scheduling methods. He walked around the venue and kept mumbling words, wondering if he was thinking about how to improve his film shooting methods.

Ronald threw a roll of tape and went over, "Help me stick the anchor points." Then he turned around and told Elizabeth Shue about today's shooting plan.

Her mother took leave today to deal with her daughter's affairs, and her father also drove over from New Jersey to accompany his only daughter to shoot an advertisement today.

Ronald explained the details of the shoot to Elizabeth Shue and to her parents, "Lisa, I need you to do a move on the uneven bars, pick the one you're most skilled at, regardless of the difficulty, you know? Filming is safety first.”

Her parents nodded frequently beside her.

"Then my makeup artist," Ronald pointed to the female classmate, "she will tape a small bag on the left shoulder of your gym suit with a piece of chewing gum in it. Like the curtain call to the audience, and then take out the chewing gum from the inside.

In front of the camera lens, pose a pose, and then keep this pose for a while. Understand? ""

Elizabeth's mother, Anne Brewster, wondered, "Why stay still?"

"That's it, our props will replace the old version of the gum from Lisa's hand and replace it with a new version, and then Lisa will just say the slogan 'Chewels tastes better'. After we edit in post, the audience will You'll see that piece of chewing gum turn into a new one in an instant."

"It's like magic." Elizabeth Su looked expectantly.

"Yes, like magic," Ronald replied.

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