Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 69 Is this the end of filming?

"Ernest, try zooming. I need Elizabeth to zoom in to her close-up as soon as she gets off the uneven bars. Don't let the audience notice it."

Ronald got the photographer Dixon to start getting ready to shoot.

TV is different from movies. There are more live broadcasts on TV, and there is no time to shoot slowly like a movie. When it comes to changing from a long shot to a close shot, instead of pushing the camera on the slides with the coolie of the camera crew, like in a movie, it uses a zoom lens to zoom in.

Dixon said he received it, and started fiddling with the zoom ring on the camera to get the effect Ronald wanted.

The so-called "don't let the audience notice" means that the zoom speed should not be too fast. If it is too fast, the audience's attention will be shifted from Elizabeth Sue to the zoom lens movement itself, which will lose the original intention of the advertisement - let The audience listens to the beauty speak.

Of course, it can't be too slow. The advertisement is only 15 seconds long, and the time left for the zoom lens is only 2-3 seconds.

Remind the photographer that Ronald's main job is to train actor Elizabeth Shue.

The 16-year-old sports girl is very energetic. She has changed into a gym suit and is now warming up.

"Has Lisa ever studied acting in high school?" Ronald asked her parents, who were watching.

"No, it's..." After the divorce, her mother, Annie, only had the right to visit. She was not very sure and looked at her father James.

"Should... no?" Father James was busy with business, and he didn't care enough about the four children he had with his ex-wife after his remarriage.

"Um..." Ronald thought to himself, wealthy families also have their troubles.

"Hi, Elizabeth?" Ronald asked directly. "Have you had any acting experience before?"

"No, I prefer sports. First on the gymnastics team, and later on the football team." Elizabeth Sue said bluntly, "It's played by Europeans, not American Football," said He also made a kicker and shot."

"Very good, I just need a sports girl!" Ronald boasted quickly, not to let the actor lose his confidence.

"Wait a minute, I'll call! You take your time. After you hit the bar and feel OK, you'll be doing the next trick. Don't worry."

"It doesn't matter, I chose the easiest week." Elizabeth Su felt that it was not difficult.

"You still have to warm up well. Athletes are often injured not in high-difficulty movements, but in low-difficulty that makes them forget to be vigilant."

"Darcy, you can help me watch her, if the warm-up is not enough, don't start." Ronald turned back to the creative director, the former gymnast to help watch.

The lighting team set up the lights, and the recording team also put up the recording rod. Ronald looked at Darcy, who nodded to indicate that he could start.

"A tape recorder? A camera?" Ronald picked up the clipboard and typed it in front of the camera, "!"

Elizabeth Sue made a move, flipped off the uneven bars, stood up and raised her hands in greeting. Then she took a piece of chewing gum from the pocket on her left shoulder and placed it on the right side of her face, then turned her head to the right, and pointed the tip of her nose at the gum. Then she stayed that way.

"Pause. Spike!" Ronald shouted.

Spike Lee ran up from the side, took the old gum from Elizabeth's hand, replaced it with the latest Chewels gum, and quickly retreated from the camera.

"Go!" Ronald shouted.

Elizabeth seemed to be suddenly alive again. Turning his head in the direction of the camera, shouting at a louder than normal volume: "Chewels taste better!"

"Cut!" Ronald looked satisfied behind the camera, then turned to the photographer Dixon, "How is it?"

"No problem, it's all taken according to your request.


Ronald nodded in satisfaction.

"Director, I was too excited just now, so I shouted a little louder." Elizabeth Su jumped over and said to Ronald.

"Just call me Ronald." What Ronald wanted was the spirit of your sports girl, "This is very good, you act very well, we all look forward to you like this."

"Really?" Elizabeth smiled happily, "Thank you, Director Ronald."

"Make up, touch up her makeup."

Ronald asked the cameraman to call up the camera's playback function, watch it, and think it was all right. Another look at Spike Lee, and creative director Darcy Maguire. Both thought it was okay.

TV cameras use tapes to record pictures and sounds, unlike film films, which need to be processed and printed, so you can watch the shooting effect on the spot, although only black and white pictures, it is still much more convenient than filming.

Ronald and Spike Lee discussed it, fine-tuning the camera angles, and Elizabeth's movements. When the makeup was finished, Ronald ordered another one.

The shooting went relatively smoothly. After two hours, several more shots were taken. Elizabeth played well. Ronald felt that there was no problem. He looked at creative director Darcy Maguire, "I think it's fine to stay here today. . Do you have any comments?"

"Is this the end?" Darcy was startled. "I thought you were just warming up."

"Elizabeth's performance is very coherent and natural. What we shot is a coherent action, and we will edit it when we go back, plus the background narration. If you think something is not well shot, we can also discuss it and reshoot it."

"No, I'm just not used to your shooting speed. I used to work with people at RSA, and a close-up of a product took a day to shoot." Darcy Maguire can't say what's wrong, just feels Rhone Dee shot too fast.

"You're talking about a food advertisement, right?" Ronald asked the teachers of the college to learn about the details of some advertisements. Some advertisements needed to shoot product details. Naturally, he had to use a lot of tricks to make the food look mouth-watering.

"We shoot character-based ads and don't need to spend too much time on product details."

Darcy Maguire looked unsure, but Ronald asked her for specific comments, and she couldn't say what was wrong with the shooting.

Creative directors don’t always trust the shooting team. Their usual practice is to do it again, extend the shooting time, and shoot several times. It seems that using the same method and doing one thing repeatedly can get different results.

Darcy is worthy of being a strong woman who is striving for a high position. She soon realized that there is no effective way to improve the quality of the filming except trusting the filming team of Ronald. She immediately announced the success of the filming.

Elizabeth Sue finished filming the first commercial in her life and was very excited to have the opportunity to appear on TV, "Director Ronald, when can we see this commercial on TV?"

"The ad will now be tested in Cleveland and Cincinnati, and by the time you see it on TV in New York or New Jersey, it will be a month or two away."

Ronald explained to her parents who came over, "If you want to see it sooner, I can get the tech department to rip two VHS tapes for you."

Elizabeth's parents quickly thanked, Ronald recommended Eddie's agent service, "If your daughter is interested in acting, you should start hiring her an acting coach now, and consider hiring a full-time agent. , American law stipulates that after joining the Actors Guild, an agent must take over the job."

"If Lisa just wants to shoot some commercials, you can let Eddie be her temporary agent, he is also my agent, and there will be some advertising business in hand. If you receive advertising business in other channels, you can also pass Come over to him to sign, and they take 10%.

If your daughter is interested in doing commercials, talk to him. After all, in two more years, after she becomes an adult, she will be able to sign an agent without your consent, unlike Eddie, who can influence her now. "

Elizabeth Sue's parents looked at each other and felt that Ronald was thinking of them. If Elizabeth finds an unfamiliar agent once she's an adult, they won't legally be able to pick and choose the ads she signs for. It is better to find Eddie to sign her now, as long as you win over Eddie, you can still have influence on her daughter's choice in the future.

"Thank you, Ronald. We appreciate it. Elizabeth was lucky to have you directing her first commercial."

Ronald pondered for a while, but still asked the question that had been in his heart for a long time.

"It's none of my business, but when Elizabeth Sulai auditioned, she said the commercial was to save her college tuition, but looking at your career and income, it seems impossible that you can't afford her tuition? My aunt Just a restaurant host, but she's also working very hard to pay for her daughter Donna's college tuition."

"Oh no. Of course we'll pay for her college tuition, no doubt about that," her father James said.

"It's just that she wants to go to the private Wesleyan Women's College. We let her work to earn some money, and it is also to cultivate her self-reliance. Of course, we will make up for the lack of it." Mother Anne added.

Wesleyan College, Ronald has heard of this school. It is a top women's liberal arts college. Of course, the tuition fees are also very "top". Considering that the two former couples have four children, the college tuition is also a big burden. Ronald Shaking his head, he was still busy with his own business.

Ronald instructed Spike to get the master tape for the shoot, and another master tape with some blank shots to Darcy Maguire.

"I've already put the real master tape, and I'll find a place to edit it and give it to you after the copy. This one is as planned, and you'll take it to CBS to see what the clowns will do."

"Okay, just follow the original plan. In order to get a promotion, I actually did something that endangered the interests of the client. I'd like to see what Dan will say." Darcy Maguire was murderous.

"By the way, Miss Maguire, you are a graduate of this Stuyvesant High School. I would like to ask, how should I sign up for the so-called special entrance examination? My cousin Donna is in eighth grade at Totville High School in Staten Island. , she's an all-A student, and I want her to come here and try... the quality of teaching here is very high, and the tuition is not expensive."

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