Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 40 MTV station warm-up

"When I was young, I listened to the radio

Waiting for my favorite song,

When they play, I sing along

It makes me smile. "

“Karen Carpenter is one of the rare talents of this century. No matter what the critics say about her, she has always been a regular in the Top 40 and is played on every easy listening radio channel in the country to this day. The most popular singer."

The host of the station is introducing Karen Carpenter, the lead singer of the carpenters who passed away unfortunately last month. This is her memorial program, and some of her most popular songs are played in rotation on the stage.

Ronald stood up, turned down the volume, and continued discussing his "Terminator" auditions with Cameron. Cameron was very interested in his real debut and roped in Ronald to help him choose the right actors. .

"This is Michael Biehn, this is Arnold Schwarzenegger, and they both came to audition for the role of human resistance fighter Kyle Reese, the father of future resistance leader John Connor."

"Why does he want to play Kyle Reese? Don't you think he is the best choice for the Terminator?" Ronald picked out a photo of Schwarzenegger. This is the Terminator in the sequel of his dream. The actor, now, has more explosive muscles than in the dream.

"I think so too, hehe." Cameron moved his chair to a comfortable position, "But Schwarzenegger's agent doesn't like this villain role and wants him to play a positive character. You know he has played 'The Savages' before. Conan", so it can be considered as a certain bargaining chip. "

"Actually, sometimes brokers cannot decide the will of their clients. Sometimes many brokers actually make decisions for their clients without authorization. I think you can talk to him directly."

"Is that so?" Cameron doesn't have an agent. He has been tricked by agents before, so he is not very familiar with the strange operations of these agents now.

"Anyway, he is coming to interview a resistance fighter. The agent will not be allowed to enter the audition room at that time. You can tell him directly."

"Okay, let's do it like this. Actress, you can also help me take a look."

Ronald picked up a lot of audition photos of actresses. The competition for actresses in this industry is much fiercer than that for male actors.

"Jodie Foster,

Diane Lane, Tatum O'Neal..." Familiar names floated by.

"Your audition director is bluffing you. Judy has refused to act in domestic films for more than a year. Diane is about to join a big production, which will take a long time. And Tatum... um, you have to check. Check her mental state." Ronald made a gesture of pinching half of his nose to inhale.

"Huh?" Cameron took the photos and put them aside, "But in the script, Sara is an eighteen-year-old coffee shop waitress, these... are a bit old." He pointed to the remaining photos, and there were all behind them. Have a resume as an actor.

"It doesn't matter. The actresses are all beautiful anyway, and they look young on camera. Also, mature actors are easier to shoot. They have rich experience and can easily understand your intentions."

"It's up to you," Cameron took the remaining photos of the actors, "Sigourney Weaver, Diane Keaton, Kathryn Turner..."

"Okay, take your time and choose."

Ronald looked at the TV again. The music video for the opening song of "Flash Dance" "What a Feeling" appeared on the stage. This song has been played on a loop recently and is very popular. Even the radio station is often requested.

As the song ends, it switches to a close-up of Jennifer Beals, who is speaking:

"When you walk there, the music sounds, and you can feel its rhythm. Something in your body is awakened, and it bursts out with a click."

The camera switched to a shot of "Flashdance" protagonist Alex doing a seductive wet dance in a bar.

"Is this a trailer?" Ronald thought to himself, getting up and turning up the volume.

"Her name is Alex, and she works in a male world..." The narration sounded.

"It's really a trailer." This was the first time Ronald saw a trailer for an upcoming movie in Taiwan. "This is a good publicity channel."

"Flashdance, if your dream comes true once, it can change your life." The narration ended, freezing on the Paramount logo, with subtitles underneath, "Premiering April 15th."

"I have something to deal with, let's talk later." Ronald rushed out of Cameron's apartment and drove towards Atlantic.

"I saw the trailer for Flashdance on stage today. I think this is a good publicity channel. Can you add some marketing budget and put it on this channel?"

Ronald explained his idea to Atlantic's distribution and marketing managers.

"I really want to do it, Ronald. But now we are still waiting for the box office of Valley Girl. If it can be a big hit, we can add more. But..."

"But what?" Ronald asked eagerly.

"But Portrait Records made an agreement with us, hoping to focus the channel's advertising resources on their music videos. Even if we can release trailers, we won't have a lot of time. And you know, Valley Girl's box office returns are not fast. We may have to take out a loan.”

"Okay, I'll go talk to the manager of Portrait Records first."

The manager of Portrait Records' Los Angeles office received Ronald, "It's not a big problem. In fact, Atlantic doesn't have much budget to release. If you have extra budget, we can give up part of the resources to your trailer anyway. We also watched it and basically used the song girls just want to have fun as the background music."

"That's great, I'll go to the Atlantic to talk about it. If it doesn't work out, it's okay if I personally contribute some money in advance. Nowadays, movie audiences are getting younger, and there are few TV stations that focus on teenage audiences like Taiwan, so the advertising effect will definitely be good. .

Besides, Flashdance has also put out trailer ads on a large scale. I believe those two producers are not fools. "

"Okay, I'll contact the manager responsible for advertising at the stage, and we can discuss how to allocate the time and density of advertising."

Soon the manager of the station also came to the office, and the three of them watched the trailer shot by Ronald.

"We have no objection in principle. Your trailer and the original MV are both based on the same song. We have already had a similar cooperation with the movie 'Flashdance' on the joint broadcast of the MV and movie trailer. Even our contract does not If changes are needed, as long as the two of you have a supplementary agreement on the release time."

"That's great." Ronald was happy in his heart, and he planned to go back and talk to the people at Atlantic about additional investment.

"By the way, Ronald, you are a new director in the film industry. I have something to ask you." The manager of the station stopped Ronald.

"Please say".

"It's like this. Our station now broadcasts 24 hours a day, but the late-night ratings are too low. Most teenagers don't listen to music videos very much late at night, because it's too noisy and affects their family's rest. So we want to try to play movies, so it doesn't It would be too noisy.

But we can't afford too high purchase costs, so I want to ask you if there are any channels where I can buy some cheap movies, preferably those related to music, but not too old musicals. "

"Huh? When you say that, it reminds me of a movie called 'Rock and Roll High School'. Have you seen it?" Ronald had an idea and thought of this old movie.

"Ah, I've seen it. It's very good. Liv Randall, Rock Man..." The manager of the station had seen this movie and was deeply impressed by the heroine of "Rock Man" played by PJ Soles.

"You know? I participated in the filming of this movie, and I also know the producer and the copyright owner of this movie, Mr. Roger Corman. He is a great man in Hollywood, such as Coppola and Scorsese. I made my debut there.”

"Huh? Really? That's great. We contacted New World Productions, but they said they no longer own the rights to the previous movies."

"I'll give him a call and you can talk."

"Thank you, Mr. Coleman. I didn't expect to be able to purchase so many movies that teenagers love. What a treasure trove you have here. Let's start with the five movies of 'Rock and Roll High School' and try to play teenagers movies late at night. Effect."

"Of course, it's a pleasure to work with you. Working with a youth-focused TV station like yours always reminds me of when I made my first movie, when I was less than thirty years old."

A few days later, Roger Corman signed a package agreement with Taiwan to sell the television broadcast rights of the New World Film rights he owned. If the results are good, the cooperation will continue.

"Let us congratulate you." Ronald skillfully took out a bottle of wine from Coleman's cabinet and poured a glass for all three of them.


"Ronald, you always bring me good luck. I am very happy, even happier than the money I make selling these movie rights. I am very happy to see that Jim and Gayle are establishing themselves in the film industry, Hollywood We need more people like you, not high-level executives.”

"Then please make me happy, Mr. Coleman." Ronald laughed, and he could get a lot of benefits from this matchmaking.

"Okay, we will give you a 10% commission as agreed before." When Roger Coleman talked about the numbers, he lowered his voice and whispered in Ronald's ear.

"Thank you, Roger." Ronald smiled broadly. This transaction cost Coleman nothing, it was just a matter of converting the old films into tape format and selling them again. Therefore, a relatively generous commission can be given.

After leaving Coleman's office, Ronald invited the station's film purchasing manager to go with him to the office of the manager of the advertising department, who was the one who had hooked up with Ronald in the first place.

"I have some ideas to promote this business. You will give me some commission, which is not a big amount. Can I not take your commission, but exchange it for some time slots to broadcast my "Night of the Comet" "For the trailer, I don't care about the time slot, as long as it's done as often as possible two weeks before it's released.

The two managers talked about it and found that this approach actually allowed them to get benefits. It was nothing more than using their power to give Ronald more unsold play times during garbage hours. Many times early in the morning and late at night. , are all gifts given to customers.

"No problem, we can make the decision on this."

"Thank you." Ronald relied on his head and got some advertising time for "Night of the Comet" and went home to have fun alone.

"Hey, Ronald, I used your method to talk to Schwarzenegger. He himself is willing to be the villain of the Terminator. Anyway, his English is not standard, he has an Austrian accent, and his lines are also a big problem when he plays the male protagonist. "

"That's great. Congratulations on choosing the two male leads."

In the evening, I got another good news call from Cameron. As expected, the agent turned down Cameron's invitation without telling Schwarzenegger.

"Then when will you start filming?"

"That's a problem. I have to wait about ten months. Schwarzenegger also has to shoot the sequel to 'Conan the Barbarian', 'Conan the Destroyer.' We have to wait for him."

"Why? Can't you change the actor?"

"That's it, Ronald." Gale took over from the side.

"Remember the plagiarism project I told you last time? They are still preparing to start the project and rewrite Jim's script to start filming. We are now targeting Schwarzenegger as an actor. He is also a small star with a blockbuster movie, which is a bit Appeal.

In this way, the other party knew that the film they produced would not be as popular as Jim's original version, so they gave up plagiarism. We had to delay filming ten months in order to get Schwarzenegger on board.

In addition, we also hope that Schwarzenegger will bring some exposure to the movie. If his Conan the Barbarian is a hit, it will be a bargain for us. "

"Ah, I wish you and Jim all the best. If there's anything I can do to help, feel free to ask me."


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