Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 41 Grand Premiere of Flash Dance

On April 15, Ronald came to the Chinese Theater in Hollywood wearing a formal dress to attend the grand premiere of "Flashdance."

As a co-producer of the film, he has to take photos with the two producers, the director, the main creator, etc. Of course, with an honorary title awarded for special contribution to the film and the title of co-producer, Ronald also had the opportunity to be interviewed and talk about his new film.

Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer stood at the door of the theater, very proud. Don Simpson, a former Paramount executive who was fired for dozing off in an executive meeting, and Jerry Bruckheimer, an outsider in the film industry who only knows about financing, are being surrounded by reporters and peers. , enjoying the feeling of the peak of life.

The flashlights in the hands of photographers kept illuminating their faces, and the creative staff and colleagues who came to attend the premiere kept coming up to take photos with them.

Ronald also walked to the photo area in front of the Chinese Theater with the help of his assistant and greeted the two producers. .

"Hi, Ronald, you're here. Great, why didn't Oscar see you four days ago?" Jerry greeted him warmly.

"Haha, Ronald, look at our movie. The test screening was very successful." Don Simpson pulled Ronald over and asked him to take pictures together.

"I was not nominated and I had a script to write, so I watched the TV broadcast at home." Ronald smiled and stood side by side with the two producers, allowing reporters to take photos.

This time CAA had both gains and losses at the Oscars. Director Sidney Pollack only received a Best Director nomination. Like Spielberg, the two Jewish directors still did not win the award.

The big winner is "Gandhi", with best picture, best director and best actor all included. Only the best actress fell to Mel Streep in "Sophie's Choice". The CAA-led "My Lady" won the Best Supporting Actress award, with Jessica Lange taking the trophy.

"See you later." Ronald left the reporters and entered the theater. The flashlights of these reporters are simply brighter than the headlights on the set. It is really not easy for non-actors to deal with it. Only actors are good at capturing their beautiful postures in such situations without blinking an eye.

There are also a bunch of text reporters inside the theater, interviewing the beautiful heroine Jennifer Beals.

"Jennifer, this is a movie with a lot of dance performances, and you have no dance background. How do you practice dancing?"


The producer arranged a good teacher for me, and I did a lot of training before filming started.”

"Jennifer, what brand is the T-shirt you have on the poster? Is this design with one side of the neckline specially designed by the designer?"

"That's a coincidence. This is my own T-shirt. It shrunk after being washed in the washing machine. When I was shooting indoor scenes in Los Angeles, my head got stuck and couldn't come out. I had no choice but to cut it open. I didn't expect the costume designer. I said it worked very well, so I kept it.”

"Jennifer, are you really a student at Yale University?"

"Jennifer, have you really never made a movie before?"

Reporters surrounded the heroine and asked all kinds of questions.

"Hi, Cynthia, nice to see you here. You look good. How are you? Has your agent taken care of it for you?"

Cynthia Rhodes also came, and Ronald asked her what happened next. Stallone's brother didn't bother her again, probably because of Stallone's order. Her agent is also looking for new movie opportunities for her, but the feedback is not optimistic. Maybe she will start over with small productions or TV series.

"Hi, Adrian", Ronald saw director Adrian Lane standing aside again. He seemed unhappy and did not go out for an interview.

"I'm afraid that when I get out, I won't be able to help but scold Paramount, and then they will kill me." Adrian Lane told a joke with a wry smile. He was so dissatisfied with Paramount's demands that he was forced to cut about an hour of footage, leaving only a simple story.

"I heard that the test screenings were very good. Now all the producers are compressing the time, but there is nothing they can do about it."

Ronald comforted his old friend Director Ryan, found his seat, sat down and waited quietly for the opening.

The Chinese Theater is large but very full. Paramount was very satisfied with the results of the test screening, so it invested a lot of money to organize the premiere ceremony. Not only did it find the most famous movie theater in Hollywood, it also invited many audiences to watch it.

After the movie started, the whispers of the audience in the backstage never stopped, and every dance was preserved. The male audience members kept uttering their admiration, and occasionally one or two people whistled.

Adrian Lane's anger is justified. Throughout the movie, many non-mainline scenes between the protagonist Alex and her boyfriend Nick were almost cut, not to mention that the plot lines of other supporting characters were almost cut. over.

All the characters, except for the heroine Alex, have no character development. They are who they are at the beginning and who they are at the end.

Only Alex was put in the spotlight and transformed from a person who was not confident in himself to a blooming dance academy student.

However, this dramatic weakening did not disappoint the audience. The multiple dances are very beautiful. Cutting off the details of the story does not prevent the audience from understanding the main story. Most importantly, there is always a breath in the movie, and the audience never has a minute to give up and go to the bathroom.

Ronald didn't know how he did this. Was it the director's editing skills? Or is the actor's performance convincing? Maybe it's because during the filming, the actors were all in a hurry, wanting to be famous and doing well.

Most of the actors in this movie are newcomers to the film industry. They all want to become famous with this movie. Director Ryan is very good at letting them perform, and everyone performed 100% effectively.

Finally the lights came on and the audience applauded spontaneously. Then Erin Kara, the singer of the theme song, came on stage again and sang "what a feeling" live for everyone. Two years later, she has new songs to perform on variety shows.

The screening ended and the audience began to disperse. Ronald also stood up and was about to leave. At this time, a man and a woman rushed to the front in the opposite direction and shouted loudly with the two producers and director.

"Why? Why isn't my name on the subtitles?"

From the Chinese accent, Ronald identified the heroine Jennifer's dance stuntman Marlene Jahan. She fiercely tried to distinguish herself from the producer. Next to her was her husband Peter Tram, who was desperately pulling. Holding her.

"Where are my bodyguards?" Don Simpson shouted, and two burly men came over, trying to fork Marlene Jahan out.

Ronald stepped forward quickly. This scene was too ugly to be played in front of the news media who had not yet left.

Jerry Bruckheimer also came up and stopped the bodyguard.

Ronald took Marlene Jahan and said a few words. Ma Lin quieted down and remained silent.

This was Hollywood's power scene, and she and her husband had no status here. Ronald was giving her a chance to make a decent exit with her husband.

Several people walked to the lounge on the side and left the reporters who had discovered the problem.

"Why doesn't my name even appear in the subtitles for 'Crazy Legs' where I only did a back spin? Why don't I have a name for most of the dances I performed for Jennifer?" Marlene Jia entered the lounge. Han denounced loudly.

"I'm sorry, Marlene. This was not a decision made by the two of us. It was ultimately made by Mr. Eisner of Paramount. We can give you a certain amount of monetary compensation." Jerry Bruckheimer was more reasonable, and Marlene Explain it.

"But this is not a matter of money. I need this resume endorsement. My agent has found me an audition for a supporting role in a movie. Now the experience on my resume is different from the subtitles. I will be regarded as a liar." Ma Lin leaned against her husband uncomfortably.

"I can't do anything about it. Either you take the check and leave, or find a lawyer to sue." Don Simpson said very arrogantly, taking out an agreement from his bag, which stated that Malin Jahan gave up the lawsuit because of the subtitle issue. Agreement between Paramount and the producers.

Jerry Bruckheimer took out his checkbook, wrote a number, and handed it over.

"I don't want money, I just want what I deserve." Ma Lin was still angry.

But Ronald had seen the eyes of her husband, Peter Trahm, light up after seeing the numbers on the check. It seems that sooner or later he will help the film crew and persuade Ma Lin to accept it.

"Let's do this. If you have problems with your resume, I can, as a co-producer, write you a letter of certification, so that you won't have any problems when you go to the audition." Ronald offered to help.

"That's okay, I can also give you a signed certificate." Director Adrian Lyne also said. Jerry Bruckheimer also nodded, and now Ma Lin's most pressing problem could be solved.

"Okay, thank you." Ma Lin thanked Ronald and the director, bowed deeply, then signed and walked out, without going to get the check that was exchanged for the missing signature.

Her husband, Peter Tram, hurriedly bent down to collect the check and chased out.

"What's going on? Why is Mr. Eisner so persistent in not letting her sign it?" Ronald asked.

"All the marketing for this movie is based on the fact that the beautiful Jennifer Beals can dance. If this is exposed, it will cause a lot of damage." Don Simpson raised his chin and answered. Because Ronald helped him persuade Ma Lin to leave, he was willing to explain.

"Okay, I get it. So the crazylegs who did her back spins, Sharon Shapiro who did her gymnastics stunts, can all be signed because they did very few stunts, which is OK with the audience. Allowed.

But Marlene danced almost all of Beals' dance moves. If she were signed, Beers's promotion of dancing beauty would be exposed. "

"Correct." Don Simpson snapped his fingers.

Ronald said goodbye and went out, and saw Marlene and her husband Peter still at the door. Peter kept trying to persuade his wife Marlene, and finally made her smile a little and not want to tear up the check. Peter smiled too, folded the check and put it in his pocket, and the two of them became happy again.

"Ma Lin, I'm leaving. If you have any problems with your audition and you want me to come forward to prove it, you can ask them to call my agent." Ronald handed over a business card. With such a simple effort, I can help you if you can. After all, Ma Lin was treated unfairly.

"Thank you, Ronald." Marlene Jahan replied with a Chinese accent, "I know you and Adrian are good people, but the producer Tang Shishi...he didn't even want to inform me in advance."

"It would be a bad thing if I informed you, and you could sue." Ronald thought to himself, Don Simpson seemed arrogant, but in fact it was all calculated. Get things done first, and then use money to get it done. You still have to hang out in Hollywood anyway, and you can't afford to offend Paramount.

"With a little effort, what role are you auditioning for?"

"It's the role of a showgirl, very similar to the one played by Cynthia Rhodes in 'Flashdance.' After I found out about her, she got a starring role in Stallone's new film. In fact, my dancing is not worse than hers, so I can play the role this time. A supporting role, maybe next time I’ll get a chance to play a leading role.”

"This is my husband Peter. He is also a dance stuntman and recently got a job." Marlene began to introduce her husband to Ronald again, hoping to leave an impression and think of them as a couple in the future.

"Yes, Mr. Ronald. I'm Peter Tram, and I'm currently on the set of 'All Over', working as a dance double for the leading actor Kevin Bacon."

Ronald said hello and left quickly. This husband seemed to be a man who was good at sneaking around. It would be a waste of time to get entangled with him.

But "Full of Strength" was also filmed with a dance double, right? It seems that it is not easy to find people with both acting and dancing skills when making musical films.

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