Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 152 Natasha’s Plea


The audience in the movie palace booed again.

There was a problem with the screening of the opening film "Sagunburg". The movie projector was not bright enough and the projection was dim. After the audience complained loudly, the organizers turned up the light bulbs. But half an hour later the light bulb exploded. The technician had to pause, replace the bulb with a new one and dim it again.

The venue of the Cinema Palace is very large, and the projection equipment is of the size of a general cinema. Since the main venue was moved to the newly built Film Palace last year, problems of one kind or another have always occurred.

The audio circuits were not set up according to the standards of a movie palace, and the constant booming sound made the audience curse.

The crew of "Sagamborg" was livid. The same problem happened last year and has not been solved yet. As a film that represents the country in the "Palme d'Or" competition, it can be said that they have a bad start.

Natasha Kinski, who attended the dinner that followed, couldn't help but feel happy inside and giggled non-stop at the round table. On her left is Stanton, the male star of the "Texas, Paris" crew, and on her right is the Middle Easterner. It makes both of them very comfortable.

"Dear Ibrahim, what's going on over there? Why did they all leave early?" Kinski saw some people standing up and making a lot of noise at the table at the back of the banquet, and then rushed out.

"I heard that an American movie caused a sensation, and they were all busy buying copies." The Middle Easterner is Ibrahim Moussa, a wealthy businessman and film producer from Egypt. Ever since I met Natasha Kinski, I was amazed and pursued her. He also used money to invest in Kinski's film.

Ibrahim Moussa sent an assistant to learn about the situation, and then signaled him to also negotiate the distribution of the copy in Egypt. He himself stayed with Kinski every step of the way, and the old man next to him was the goddess's ex.

"Which movie is it? Is it 'Once Upon a Time in America' directed by Leon?" Natasha Kinski asked. This "Once Upon a Time in America" ​​took two years to edit and was finally completed. Director Leon has high hopes for the three-hour special edition that was screened at the Cannes Film Festival. Those businessmen just opened this movie, right?

"No, it's a small production called 'Hot Dance', produced by a small company. I heard that the director is a boy in his twenties named Ronald.

Natasha, don’t waste your energy on these artless movies. You were born to be a film artist. You should retire before you retire.

Take a few shots of the famous director's production and leave lasting memories with the audience. "

"Well..." Natasha's expression changed, and she immediately returned to smiling, and started to deal with the pursuit between her pursuer and her ex-boyfriend.

After the dinner, Natasha Kinski returned to the hotel accompanied by Moussa.

"Well, you know dear Ibrahim, I have been in trouble recently." After kissing goodbye at the door, Kinski blocked Moussa from the door.

"Okay, my little cutie, I'll come see you tomorrow."

Natasha watched Ibrahim Moussa walk to the elevator door, then quickly closed the door, picked up the phone and looked for her ex-boyfriend Harry Dean Stanton.

"Harry, can you accompany me to another hotel? I have something to go to."

Ronald's hotel was on the same road as Natasha Kinski's, and he was enjoying the evening breeze on the balcony. Sales of "Break Dance" were good, and Minahan took the opportunity to connect with some film buyers.

He was trying to sell them a sequel to "Break Dance," a movie that hadn't been made yet, and sell it first. This arrangement of getting pre-sales money first is a huge difference from releasing it in America, where it would take a year to recoup the box office.

If this path could be opened, it would be easy for studios to replicate Roger Corman's success. Get the money first, then make a small-budget exploitation film, with a quick turnaround and no risk. If you're lucky, you can make a hit in a year or two.

If you can take this path, then using your own money to invest in movies is not impossible.

"Hey, isn't that Natasha Kinski?" Ronald suddenly saw two figures walking on the road. It was Kinski, the film heroine participating in the Palme d'Or competition. She was wearing a headscarf and sunglasses, and was accompanied by a man. If it weren't for her distinctive high nose, she would have been unrecognizable.

She was wearing a long, loose dress and walking quickly along the roadside.

A gust of wind blew, and the long skirt clung to her body. Natasha Kinski's waist was a little fatter than before.

"Why is it popular for actresses to gain weight nowadays?" Ronald couldn't help but guess where she was going so late at night.

"Ding dong", after a while, the doorbell of Ronald's room was rang.

"Here it comes." Ronald walked over and opened the door. Why did the late night snack come so quickly?

"Ronald," outside the door were Natasha Kinski and Stanton.

"Natasha, why are you here?"

Ronald let the two men in.

The three of them chatted for a while about the past in America, how Ronald took pictures of Kinski, and how Ronald learned directing skills from "Old Love, New Love" starring Stanton.

Natasha Kinski saw the opportunity and said to Ronald, "I came here this time to ask you a favor."

"Me? How can I help you?" Ronald wondered to himself whether you had found the wrong person.

Unlike the Oscars, where Hollywood professionals vote, the Cannes Film Festival awards are decided by an awards committee.

The judges this year include the famous veteran Hollywood director Stanley Conan, the Italian soundtrack master Morricone, and the Chinese actress Isabella Huppert, who once served as the heroine in "Heaven's Gate".

They discussed behind closed doors, and under the chairman's auspices, everyone argued with each other, and finally came to a conclusion, who can take away the golden palm leaf.

Ronald didn't know any of these judges. It is also impossible to influence the opinions of one or two judges through agents like in Hollywood. There is really nothing you can do.

"No, that's not it." Kinski turned to Stanton, who had accompanied her, and said, "Harry, can Ronald and I be alone for a chat?"

After sending Stanton away, Kinski sat next to Ronald and held Ronald's hand with his hand. "I'm talking about my other movie 'Maria's Lovers'. Can you help me?" Tell me about Mr. Minahan Golan? I know that the film you shot for him sold very well in Cannes, and he must be willing to do this for me and let the film stand out in other film festivals, right?"

Ronald looked at Natasha Kinski's face that looked like a Greek sculpture as she gradually approached, and a faint fragrance came over. He couldn't help but feel his head heat up, and he almost agreed.

"I'm just a director. I don't understand this kind of business thing. I can only help you mention it." At the critical moment, Ronald remembered the intimate look of Kinski and Stanton he had just seen on the balcony. , quickly changed his words without saying anything.

Then he leaned back, took a pillow and put it on his knees, and raised his legs.

"You are so humble, Ronald. I feel like sometimes you don't act like an American." Kinski said again, "I know that this hit dance movie was directed by you, and Mr. Golan will definitely I will consider your opinions carefully."

"Then I can't mislead him even more. You know I know a thing or two about making movies, but I know nothing about how to sell them."

Natasha Kinski became distressed, "I know, we artists still have to be manipulated by these businessmen."

Her expression became a little sad, "This 'Maria's Lovers' was actually invested by one of my suitors, Mr. Ibrahim Moussa of Egypt. If I can't help him earn back his investment, , just... I can only agree to his kindness."

Natasha Kinski has changed her look again and seems to have regained the playfulness she had when she was younger a few years ago, "He was very nice to me, but you know, the idea of ​​a Middle Eastern man, he wants me After marrying him, she retired within a few years and concentrated on having children for him and being a housewife."

Kinski sat back a little further, "But I still want to keep making movies. I don't want to be a housewife and mother behind a businessman."

Ronald couldn't help but hold the pillow tighter.

"Okay, I'll mention it to Minahan. We're going to show a movie on the beach in three days, and he'll have some free time afterwards, and I'll arrange for you to talk about it in detail."

"Then, thank you?" Kinski stood up, preparing to call Stanton outside and leave together.

"Can you say a nice word for me in front of him? The conditions he offered last time were not very good."

"I will." Ronald also stood up, still holding a pillow on his waist.

"Thank you, Ronald." Kinski came up and hugged Ronald, wrapping his arms around Ronald's neck.

Ronald was embarrassed, the pillow fell to the side, and the two of them pressed against each other.

Kinski completely felt Ronald's enthusiasm, "Hehehe...you are so kind. I could see that you were a very capable man back then. It's a pity that Demi Moore liked you so much at that time, and I couldn't be with you." She grabbed it."

Ronald also felt the amazing charm of the beautiful woman in his arms. No wonder the Egyptian pursued her so diligently. And what’s going on with Stanton outside?

"She's really fat, and her belly is sticking out." Ronald couldn't help but recall when he took her audition photos in Los Angeles. At that time, Kinski was innocent and at the peak of her appearance.

Open the door and send the two actors out.

Ronald picked up the glass, took a glass of water from the tap, and drank it.

"Actually, Kinski is not bad now. She has more of the charm of a mature woman and is more charming."

The cold water helped Ronald calm down a bit, "I'm just fat again. How come I'm the same as Diane? It's like I can feel my belly when it's hugged. The 'Maria's Lovers' she filmed was also a period film. Do you need the aesthetics of gaining weight?”

Ronald felt that it was unreasonable for these great artistic directors to make actresses so fat, as if they were pregnant. What was the benefit?

"Wait a minute..." Ronald touched his own body and recalled the feeling when he and Kinski were so close to each other just now, "Isn't it?"

He turned on the TV and watched the news in French.

A local news report showing Natasha Kinski arriving at the Cinema Palace with two men.

Ronald took a closer look at Kinski's gait and was almost certain. No wonder I am so anxious to find a marriage partner.

I couldn’t understand French, and there was only one piece of news in which the name of an American man who participated in the meeting was pronounced in English.

"Jack Valenti," Ronald recognized, seemed to be the president of the American Film Institute, who also spoke on stage at the Oscars.

"Minister of Culture..., negotiations..." Ronald guessed something from the subtitles. It seems that Hollywood and China Film are negotiating to open the market.

Ronald picked up the phone and dialed the next door, "Minahan, have you read the news? It seems that the Chinese Film Market and Hollywood are going to fully open up to each other."


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