Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 167 Ronald’s front hand punch

"I want to talk to Mr. George Lucas. I'm Ronald Lee. He said if I need help, this is the number to call."

Ronald was alone in the office and dialed the number given by George Lucas.

"George, there is a man named Ronald looking for you." There was a woman's voice on the phone.

"Thanks, Linda", Lucas took the receiver from his girlfriend Linda. Since their divorce, he has been dating pop singer Linda Ronstadt.

"Ronald, hello. Linda and I happen to be on vacation at Skywalker Manor. Would you like to come over and have some fun."

"I have something and I need your help, George. You once said that if I have any problems, I can come to you." Ronald asked for help straight to the point.

"Okay, then let's hear what problems you have that are difficult to solve." Lucas became a little more serious and changed his sitting position.

Ronald told Lucas all about the difficulties he was facing, hoping that he would come out and endorse him. His "Dragon Boy" was not an imitation of "Rocky".

"Of course there is no problem. Let your public relations company contact me. You have a public relations company, right?" Lucas heard that it was such a small matter and didn't take it to heart. "But you are sure to use mine." Do you promise? I think your agent should have other solutions to this matter."

"Yes, they offered me to acquiesce to Rocky or wait for the news to fade away, but I didn't like that. This movie was the first time my family praised and recognized my work. I didn't want this movie to To bear this stain.”

Lucas was silent for a moment. Ronald's experience reminded him of his father, George Lucas Sr.

His father was a right-wing businessman who was very disappointed after Lucas went to college to make some boring movies, and the relationship between the two has never been good.

Just like the villain Darth Vader in Star Wars, George Sr. also hopes that his son can join his ranks and inherit his business empire. The father-son antagonism scene in "The Empire Strikes Back" was a scene where Lucas refined his father-son relationship, then exaggerated it and then reshaped it.

Fortunately for the Skywalker family, Lucas's father lived to see his son become famous and become the most profitable director and producer in Hollywood. Just like in "Return of the Jedi," the two reconcile in the end.

If Star Wars, which reunited his father and son, was slandered as a copycat by someone, I'm afraid I would be very angry and would have to fight back and clarify.

"All right,

How do you want me to help you? "

"I will put together a plan with my public relations consultant to go on TV first... to counter Stallone's rhetoric. Then I hope you can be interviewed and endorse my statement."

"Okay, I haven't been interviewed by a TV station for a long time. If you find a prominent talk show host to come to Skywalker Manor, I can spare two hours." Lucas agreed.

"Lucas has agreed to give an exclusive interview at his estate. Next, we will contact the media and let Ronald appear on an influential program as soon as possible to clarify the facts."

After Ronald invited Lucas, Niceta immediately invested all the resources he could mobilize and began to plan for Ronald.

This young man always surprises himself. With the support of a top producer in the industry like Lucas, Ronald's future is limitless.

"This matter must be completed within this week, and it is best to find a host of the level of the three major talk shows." Public relations consultant Eva began to go out and make calls with Paula to coordinate resources with all parties. Their makeshift team was very excited and would rather pay a big price to make Ronald famous again while the public was still deeply impressed by the incident.

The so-called Big Three talk shows refer to the three male hosts who have dominated late-night talk shows since the 1970s. NBC's Johnny Carson Tonight Show is a standout, making CBS and ABC among the three major wireless TV stations jealous, and they also introduced their own candidates for the ring.

CBS is looking for Melvin Griffin, and ABC is looking for Dick Cavett.

The two have their own characteristics, but Griffin takes a low-end route, which is more vulgar and obscene than Johnny Carson's jokes. By the 1980s, the ratings were bleak. After being fired by CBS, he went to a cable station. Stallone was on his show.

ABC's Dick Cavett did in-depth interviews. Although he was able to talk about in-depth content, in America, where the average household has one and a half televisions, he talked about in-depth content in the late-night period and the ratings were not good. After being fired, It moved to PBS along with the show, and the contract was terminated at the end of the year before last.

In addition to the three veteran talk shows, NBC's Late Show in the period after Johnny Carson's show was hosted by Ronald's friend David Letterman, and its ratings were about half of Carson's.

After a series of emergency negotiations and exchanges of resources, David Letterman and David Letterman agreed to replace the original guest on Friday night with Sean Connery's new film, a knock-off of the "007" movie Bond Girl. 1. Barbara Carrera, let Ronald go up and talk about "The Dragon King".

The show was recorded at NBC's Studio 5 in New York. Ronald, Nicita and public relations consultant Eva, caught a flight to New York.

"Your appearance will last about thirteen minutes. I will ask about some movies and your personal experiences, and then turn to Stallone's rumors about you." David Letterman briefly introduced the arrangement to Ronald.

Because talk shows require live reactions, Ronald did not rehearse and went directly to the recording.

"Three...two...one...start", the on-site director pointed the camera at the host Letterman.

"The next guest is our old friend. His movies once made me addicted to being an actor in the studio... Let us welcome the director of 'Break Dance' and 'The Dragon King', Luo Nader Lee…”

"Hello!" Ronald waved his hands and greeted the audience. The audience below applauded and screamed under the arrangement of the assistant.

"Thanks, David. I'm glad to be here." Ronald shook hands with Letterman and sat in the guests' chairs.

"Your breakdancing has brought us a lot of enjoyment. I saw that you like to shoot the thighs of girls in bikinis. Is this your personal hobby?" Letterman's show is broadcast late at night, and this kind of sideline joke essential.

"Hahaha..." The audience laughed at Ronald's embarrassment.

"Hey, the audience likes scenes like this, and my job is to shoot what they like to see."

A loud whistle accompanied by applause, the audience loves this kind of director.

"Speaking of movies, your other new movie this year, 'Longwei Boy', is now in theaters. There is also a beautiful girl in it."

"Yeah, you might recognize her as one of the Burger King girls..."

The two talked briefly for a few minutes, and Letterman started to get down to the topic, "Stallone was on TV two days ago and said that your new film is an imitation of his Rocky, a teenage version of Rocky. Is that true? Is your director filming it? When making movies, how about deliberately imitating those classics?”

"You know me, David. I'm not actually imitating Rocky."

"So you did imitate other movies, but not Rocky?"

"Movies always have a beginning, middle, and end. Every movie's story must conform to the rules to be liked by the audience. We will not say that every romantic comedy is imitating just because the hero and heroine kiss at the end." Ronald pretended Dissatisfied, he shrugged his shoulders.

"But your plot is really imaginative, especially with a master who only defeated the defending champion under his training."

"If you say so, then all movies are imitations. If we have to give 'Longwei Boy' another object of 'imitation'..." Ronald stretched out his hands and made two clicks with his index and middle fingers. Imitation is indicated by quotation marks.

"It's supposed to be a parody of 'Star Wars.'"

"Star Wars? Daniel slashing with lightsabers?" Letterman made a show of slashing each other. The band played the Star Wars theme song in unison.

"No, but their masters have more similar backgrounds, right? Rocky's coach is just a violent boxing coach.

Master Yoda and Master Miyagi both concealed themselves at the beginning, pretending to be ordinary people without magical powers. "

"Repairman, huh?"

"Yes, they are all short in stature, speak humorously, and like to use inverted sentences and do not follow grammar."

"If used correctly, no defense can block it." Letterman sat on the chair and tried to do a crane kick.

"And in the end, what they value most is not the disciple's victory over the other party, but the victory over himself. It is the victory of the correct philosophy over the wrong philosophy. Their apprentices did not kill their opponents after being taught by their masters, but achieved reconciliation.

So this is not a martial arts movie, but a movie about the philosophy of life. The correct philosophy of life allows children to get good results, not the level of force. This is completely different from those boxing and martial arts movies. "

"The dark side of the Force?" Letterman imitated the Star Wars drum beat with his hands on the table. "Bang, bang, bang, bang...bang...bang."

"Hahaha, the audience started laughing."

"It's like pursuing power too much and falling into the dark side of the Force." Lightman concluded.

"Yes, that's it. Just like Darth Vader, everyone has his own light side and dark side. Sometimes when we forget philosophy, we get lost and can't see ourselves clearly. Just like..."

Ronald paused deliberately, and Letterman raised his eyebrows. Was he going to name Stallone?

"Like Johnny in the movies." Ronald gave the audience a moment to laugh, realize who he was actually talking about, and then get back to the movie.

The theme song from The Late Show with David Letterman began to play softly, signaling that time was almost up.

"Fellow viewers, Ronald Lee," Letterman began, leading the audience in applause.

Ronald stood up and bowed to everyone.

"Very good, very good." Eva pulled the back of Ronald's suit, which was a little wrinkled from sitting, "You have completely achieved what we expected, and I can't tell that your conversational style on the talk show is also good. "

"It will air on time at 10 o'clock on Friday night." Letterman came over to confirm that the tape was all OK. "My ratings are only half of Carson's, but this is the best I can do."

"Thank you." Ronald stepped forward and hugged him tightly. I have to remember this job. Although Sean Connery's agency, CAA, is helping to mediate, Letterman has also put in a lot of effort. Without his permission, I might not be able to do this.

"The next step is to interview Lucas' team. We'd better get a prominent talk show host to interview Lucas before next weekend." Niceta came up to talk. This is their next most important job. .

Today, Ronald's front hand punch had a very strange angle, which seemed to be much beyond Stallone's expectations. Then look at how "Rocky" defends, and Ronald's team hits Lucas' heavy backhand punch.

"This shouldn't be difficult, right? Which reporter wouldn't want to interview him exclusively?" Ronald asked.

"Of course, but you need to choose carefully to find someone who is willing to cooperate and ask the right questions," Eva concluded. "In fact, if he had not retired, Dick Cavett of the three major talk shows would be the most suitable. His interviews are always in-depth and he raises questions in casual places, making the interviewees willing to talk in depth."


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