Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 93 Premiere on

Ronald arrived at the Ziegfeld Theater in one of his best dress coats. All he got was an invitation to the premiere, which was sent to him by famed producer David da Silva. The producer has not forgotten his ability to do business, and the letter attached to the invitation asked him to talk about the shooting of the spin-off TV series at the premiere.

Director Alan Parker seemed to have forgotten about him and didn't give him an invitation. Antonia was going to give him one. Tonya's nominal supporter, her mother, is dead, and she only lives with her brother. No one can send the few invitations she has received.

Ronald looked around. The Ziegfeld Theater was the largest theater in New York. The cube-shaped theater was on the second floor, and below it was an open space supported by pillars. Many text reporters and TV reporters were nervously waiting for interview opportunities.

Antonia took Ronald by the arm, a girl no one knew, one of the heroines of the upcoming premiere of "Famous Around the World." Reporters are swarming director Alan Parker, listening to him talk about the buzz surrounding the film's inner Los Angeles preview.

"Ellen, I heard that after your test screening in Los Angeles, the audience applauded for ten minutes for a long time? Can you talk about how you feel? Do you expect the same treatment from the audience in New York?"

"It was an internal preview, for friends in the film industry, and entertainment journalists. Barbra Streisand loved the film, so she led the applause after the screening. She told me that Maureen Tiffey played a lot more. Liz is a portrait of herself when she was young."

Alan Parker did not forget to bring the topic to Maureen Tiffy beside him. I want the reporter to also mention his girlfriend in the report.

"Mr. Parker, what do you think of the film's prospects at next year's Oscars? The critics in Los Angeles have generally responded that the film deserves a Best Picture nomination."

"I respect the Academy very much. Having such a voice shows that my film has been loved by critics. Whether it can be nominated or not depends on the attitude of the Academy Award judges."

"What's your prediction for this year's Oscars?"

"I love Dustin Hoffman and Mel Streep's 'The Kramers',

Their performances are top notch. "

"Ellen, when will your new movie premiere in London?"

This is a gossip reporter from his hometown, and Alan didn't dare to neglect, "It's a bit later than America, I'll let you know then..."

Ronald and Antonia stepped into the Ziegfeld Theater, a super-large one-hall theater with a capacity of more than 1,200 spectators, divided into two areas separated by an aisle.

Antonia is the official star and has her own place in the first three rows. Irene Cara, who plays Leroy, and Gene Ray, who plays Leroy, also came together. Antonia went to chat with them about their respective situations after parting.

Ronald's invitation was a relatively late kinship ticket, and he wasn't in a hurry to sit down, looking for acquaintances everywhere.

"Michael, it's nice to see you."

"Ronald! You haven't heard the two episodes of your lyrics, have you? It works very well."

The film's soundtrack and interlude composer, Michael Gore, was delighted to meet Ronald. His two episodes have been well received by directors and producers alike, and singer Erin Kara is already preparing a single and an album. Just wait until after the official premiere.

"This time we are using digital recording technology, directly using digital sampling method to record binaural, and then transcribe to film. It is faster and easier to process than the original analog recording method. The first two weeks, I'm still working on a soundtrack on 70mm film, and if I recorded it in old analog, it might not be in time for today's premiere."

The screen of the Ziegfeld Theater is 20 feet high (6 meters) and 52 feet wide (16 meters). For such a large screen, the effect of using 35mm film is not good, so the producer specially made a 70mm film copy. For the Ziegfeld Theater, and the Los Angeles Panorama Dome.

Ronald looked at the very long row of seats in the Grand Theater with a strange intimacy in his heart. If you want to sit in the middle seat, you have to apologize repeatedly before you can move in and out slowly. It seems that such seats are qualified to be called movie theaters, and the rest can only be called movie halls.

"Hey Ronnie, you're here. It's such a pleasure to meet you." Producer David Da Silva, still sporting his signature mustache, just hasn't seen him for a few months, and has fast hairlines Signs of moving backwards.

"Me too, Mr. Da Silva." Ronald hugged him.

"Call me David. Have you heard? Gene and Erin Carra have agreed to star in the spin-off series, and we'll be on TV in Los Angeles and New York." David Da Silva pointed to being with Anthony Two black starring in Ya chat.

"You have to help me lobby Antonia again. The film was screened internally in Los Angeles and Chicago, and the response was very good. People from the TV station have watched it and are very confident in the TV series. Do you want Antonia to be in New York too? We will be in Shooting in a studio in New York.”

"You know, David, Antonia has her own career pursuits, and I can't force her." Ronald showed a wry smile. If only Antonia could give up ballet and go into film and television.

"That's a shame, but Antonia will be famous in ballet too. I heard she was signed by the NYC Ballet?"

"Yes, and American Ballet also wants to sign her."

"Seriously, how about you help me? Ronnie." Da Silva saw that he couldn't move Antonia, so he made Ronald's idea again.

"I need a live director, and I also need someone who can manage Gene Ray. TV series are different from movies, and the shooting cycle is limited. You can help me a lot, and when you are familiar with the production process, I can also let you direct independently. an episode."

"Thank you for your kindness, David. My editing class teacher has given me an ultimatum, I must go to class, otherwise, no matter how good my homework is, I will not pass the class. The course at the Imperial College is still very tense, and I can't take it out. time"

Ronald shied away from David Da Silva's invitation to take the class.

"I heard that your test screening in Los Angeles was very successful?" Ronald turned to inquire about the film's prospects. "Any hope of getting an Oscar nomination next year?"

"Of course there is," David da Silva smiled smugly, "If the box office and the critics' response are good, MGM promises to win the best picture, best director, and best supporting actor three We will do our best to publicize the awards.”

Best Supporting Actor PR for Barry Miller's Ralph Garcia. During the filming of the movie, he wanted to soak Maureen Tiffy, but was woken up by director Alan Parker with a slap, and he unexpectedly performed the crying scene. Critics who attended the Los Angeles test screening preferred his performance.

"Okay, keep working hard, Ronnie. I have to go outside. I heard that Brooke Shields is coming soon. She is the current celebrity."

David da Silva walked out of the theater door quickly. In the open space at the entrance of the first floor, a young actress was surrounded by many reporters.

"Diane! Do you like Alan Parker's work?"

"Yes, I like it very much, but many of his movies are R-rated, and I can only come with my dad." Diane Lane pointed to his father Bert beside him, and the reporters burst into laughter, and the headlines were full of laughter. With "Diane Lane invited her father to accompany her to see an Alan Parker movie."

"Diane, do you have any plans for a new movie?"

"Not yet, do you have an introduction?" Diane shot back at the reporter with a smile.

Another burst of laughter.

"Miss Lane, you made your debut with British actor Sir Lawrence Oliver, and you like Alan Parker's movies very much. Will you continue to appear in British movies in the future?"

"Of course, if there is a good script and director, I don't mind who the producer is. Even if it's a Japanese movie, a Chinese movie will do."


Diane Lane, who was born as a child star, participated in off-Broadway plays and tours at the age of five or six. This ability to deal with reporters has long been practiced.

"Bo Ji Xiaosi is here!"

Someone shouted, and the reporters suddenly ran away, all rushing to interview her.

Diane's face didn't change, but the mood inside was already very bad. Father Bert also patted her arm to comfort her.

"Don't worry, Bo Ji likes to be in the limelight like this. This time we are all invited by MGM. In order to be famous all over the world to cheer, she will not have many scenes on TV."

It was Christopher Atkins, the lead actor of Blue Reef, who was also present at the world-famous premiere.

"Hello, Mr. Burt, this is Chris Atkins." He introduced himself to Burt.

Burt knew he was the lead actor in "Blue Reef," and the box-office performance of Watching the Powerful Coral Reef was no less than the world famous today. Hurry up to say hello.

"Do you need to be naked for your filming in Fiji?" Diane Lane and Atkins walked into the theater and began to inquire about the Blue Coral Reef crew.

"No, Brooke doesn't need it. She has two doubles for those shots. Every morning her dressing room handles her wig and sticks it to her boobs, and it's actually pretty safe to shoot." Atkins Reply.

"So you...?" Diane Lane heard what he meant.

"You can watch a movie then." Atkins smiled. The recent preview of Blue Coral Reef was excellent, and many girls in the industry would take the initiative to talk to him.

"I'm really envious of Brooke. I can go to a tropical island to film. I'm shooting Westerns in Mexico, and it's very hard."

"Really? My agent is picking my next play. It's going to be a child marriage story in the Mormon sect. In the end, the hero and heroine will run away together. It's a love romance story with a happy ending. When the time comes, you You can try it."

"Really? What's your name?"

"Child Bride of Short Creek".

"I don't know if there are some inappropriate plots. My father doesn't allow me to take some scenes."

"You don't know, can minors over the age of 15 declare themselves independent by publishing in the newspaper? As long as you can find an adult to be your guardian, that's fine."

"Really?" Diane took the news to heart, glancing at her father, Burt, who was lagging behind in a conversation with famed producer David Da Silva.

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