Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 93 The Premiere

"Famous" producer David Da Silva, who sent Diane Lane's father Burt in a few words, quickly walked out of the Ziegfeld Theater to welcome Brooke Shields.

"Famous" is a realistic youth film. Although the reviews for the preview were good, MGM's executives did not want to spend a lot of resources on marketing it and made a marketing arrangement similar to that of "The Deer Hunter."

The two largest theaters in New York and Los Angeles were released for a week each to generate good reviews. Then start small-scale release and continue to let word of mouth spread.

If after such a small-scale release for a month, the reputation is still very good, and the box office of the single hall is satisfactory, it will be released on a large scale nationwide. If the reputation is not good, then there is no then.

David da Silva didn't get a marketing budget, so he had to do it himself and figure out some way to get free media coverage. It is a good way to invite some young stars to attend the premiere.

In Los Angeles, David Da Silva plans to find Jodie Foster. New York expects Brooke Shields, the most popular among teenage audiences. Her presence at the premiere is bound to be in the entertainment news, and it would be even better if she could be guided to say a word or two about the movie.

Brooke Shields' mother, Terry, is not a good manager. She not only offered a high appearance fee, but also put forward a lot of regulations, a list of questions that are not allowed to be asked, not to be in the same frame with the main actors, etc., very It's hard to do.

But all of this was solved after Diane Lane's father Bert contacted the crew and agreed to attend the premiere. Brooke Shields didn't do any more trouble. After learning that Diane Lane was participating in the premiere, she was also happy. agreed to attend.

It seems that only competition is the weapon against poor supply quality.

David Silva still pays more attention to the invincible Brooke Shields. "Blue Coral Reef" will premiere in June. The media reports about this film are far more than the reaction of "Famous in the World". A dark work on many of America's real-life issues.

"last question.

' Brooke Shields' mother, Terry, announced to a swarm of reporters, who then clicked on The Hollywood Reporter's acquaintance.

"How is your relationship in life with Christopher Atkins, the hero of Blue Reef?"

"We are very good friends. We often call to say hello. I heard that he will also come to the premiere today. It is a pleasure to meet him again."

After mechanically answering the prepared answer, Brooke Shields turned her head and walked towards the theater door.

"Borgy! Someone said that you and Atkins are also lovers in life. How would you respond?"

Terry was dissatisfied with her daughter's blunt answer, which was far from the correct attitude she usually taught to treat reporters with firmness and grace, but she still stayed to respond to reporters, "These are all boring rumors, my daughter is Catholic. , has sworn to be chaste until marriage..."

Brooke Shields is angry. The director of "Blue Coral Reef", Randall Kleiser, is likely to be mentally ill. He thinks that the actor Atkins must really fall in love with her in order to play it real. Before Brooke Shields joined the group, Atkins' room was covered with posters of her, trying to use this method to make Atkins fall in love with her.

Christopher Atkins was a gamer before becoming an actor. Although he didn't fall in love with Brooke Shields because of this, he also coveted her beauty. With his mother Terry watching closely at the scene, Atkins used the excuse of the director's request to repeatedly "pursue".

Although he did not lie to him, Atkins still did not give up. In an interview with The Huffington Post after the shutdown, Atkins said, "When Brooke Shields and I were on the phone, there was some very romantic, very young love. We are still very, very close friends. "Really disgusting.

Producer David Da Silva came up to welcome Brooke Shields. The two chatted for a while at the entrance of the theater, and waited until the manager and mother Terry, who was chasing after him.

"Borgy, smile." Terry reminded in a low voice from behind.

Brooke Shields squeezed out a fake smile, made a perfunctory sentence with David Da Silva, and then left him to her mother to deal with, and continued to walk inside.

"She was a little pissed that I didn't let her wear her favorite clothes today," Terry explained to David Da Silva. Bo Ji Xiaosi wore a white tube top and a white linen coat today. She is tall and looks very good when she walks.

When Atkins saw Brooke Shields coming in, he stepped forward to hug and greet her. The two are the male and female protagonists of "Blue Coral Reef", and it is not easy to turn their faces around. Bo Ji Xiaosi reluctantly hugged him and said a few words.

This time, Diane Lane, who had been chatting with Atkins, was put aside. Ronald, who was chatting with Diane's father Burt, saw Diane's disappointed look, so he led the topic to her.

"Bert, is it convenient for me and my friends to introduce Diane? We are all her fans."

"Of course" Burt saw Ronald's kindness and walked over with a smile to pull Diane over, "Diane, this is the Ronald I met at the airport, I told you about him, he is not only in the Helping cast members, and an advertising director."

"Nice to meet you, Diane, I've seen 'Love on the Sunset Bridge'. Several actors in the crew and I are all your fans."

"Really? Then you think I'm in Love Sunset Bridge, how is the performance?" Diane was still a little angry and was left aside.

Ronald smiled, "You know, at the airport, I didn't know Bert was your father, and he asked me the same question."

"Oh, so what did you say?" Diane felt that she had recovered from the discomfort of being dumped. She was influenced by her acting coach's father and was very concerned about her performance evaluation. "How do you think I'm acting now?"

"I repeated Sir Laurence Oliver's assessment that you were the new Grace Kelly," Ronald said. "But now I don't think he was right."

"Oh?" Diane Lane stared at Ronald, wondering what he was going to say.

"I went to New York University and watched a lot of classic movies. The image of Grace Kelly in the movie is actually quite repetitive. There is not much difference between her performance in the Western "High Noon" and the musical "High Society."

"You're probably closer to Natalie Wood, who started out as a child star and can play until you're 70. From a child American star, you can play Amelica sweetheart, mother, even grandmother."

"Hahaha, Ronald, it's so funny you talk." Diane laughed.

"If it's convenient, I want you to meet the 'Famous' actors, they all love your performance." Ronald introduced Diane Lane to Antonia, Erin Cara, and Gene Ray several actors he knew well, as well as Maureen Tiffy who played the Jewish girl Doris.

"Hello, Diane." Although several actors starred in "Famous in the World", they haven't tasted the taste of overnight fame, and they are still a little cautious when they see Diane Lane, who has been on the cover of Time magazine.

"I heard that Barbra Streisand cried when she saw your movie. She took the lead in applauding for ten minutes after the screening. After the premiere today, you will be as famous as me in no time."

Diane Lane, who was only 15 years old, was already a connoisseur of atmosphere creation, and quickly dispelled everyone's formality, and they chatted happily.

"Thanks, Ronald. Diane is a little bit weird for not getting 'Blue Reef'."

"There's no way. Who knew that director Randall Kleiser would give up the requirement of full frontal nudity? His previous director's 'grease' is quite normal."

"Hey, Hollywood doesn't give people many opportunities. You'll understand when you enter Hollywood." Burt was a little tired. "By the way, are you shooting any new commercials now?"

"I was in talks with a costume designer, Calvin Klein, to shoot his jeans ad..."

"Oh, so which model did you find?" Bert was a little curious.

"Calvin insisted on his idea. The reason why he asked me to shoot is because he didn't want people from the advertising agency to 'contaminate' his creativity. All the shooting content and casting had to be decided by him personally." Ronald read Looking at Brooke Shields not far away, Calvin Klein asked her to play by name.

"Does Diane want to do commercials too?"

As soon as Ronald started talking, Burt shook his head in denial, "No, she will firmly follow the movie route, not commercials."

"Hahahaha..." Diane Lane and the other leading actors burst into laughter again, which caught Brooke Shields' attention.

"This girl is my competitor, and she is very good at making friends. It's not like she is always restricted by her mother. She can't be like this, she can't get too close to him..." Brooke Xiaosi also has her own troubles.

"I didn't expect Ronnie, you and Antonia were a couple." Diane asked Ronald to join their circle. "I heard your cousin was at Stuyvesant High School?"

"Yes, she has just been admitted to school in the second half of the year. She also wanted to watch the premiere, but the movie was rated R, and my aunt wouldn't let her come."

"I've always been envious of students who go to normal high schools. I don't have previous qualifications, so I can't go to high school." It turned out that Di An was determined to develop into an actor since he was a child, and he did not graduate from middle school. To go to high school, he needs to take an exam to prove that he has an equivalent education. Just do it.

"It's nothing, this test is for children who are educated by their parents at home. It's not difficult. If you study with my cousin Donna for a while, it's fine." Ronald knew that America had a family in the 1970s. Education, many parents do not send their children to school, but teach at home.

However, after the child grows up and exceeds the educational level of the parents, the child still has to attend school if he wants to continue his education. So Congress passed the Family Education Act, which stipulates that as long as they pass the equivalency test, they can go to high school like a child who has graduated from high school.

"Really? Well then, my dad really wants me to get a high school education." Diane Lane didn't seem polite.

Ronald looked at Bert, and Bert nodded, "Yes, we decided to let Diane get a high school education, and if there is a filming, just ask for leave."

The host of the premiere started to take the stage, and the lights dimmed slightly.

Ronald and Antonia secretly switched places, and the two sat down in the first few rows near the aisle, waiting for the movie to start.

After a brief introduction, the lights dimmed and MGM's famous lion's roar began to appear on the screen.

The screen went black, and on the black background, a white title "Fame" appeared.

Presented by MGM

Alan Parker Works

Suddenly, there was a sound from the screening room behind, a bang, as if something flew out, and then there was a sound of hitting the wall. The subtitles on the screen were also gone, and everyone turned around to see what had happened...

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