Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 279 Invite Captain Io to visit us

Ronald had no good news for Niceta, but Niceta had bad news for him.

"Ronald, when are you going to Hawaii? Next Monday? Okay, Walter Murch called me. MJ has encountered a serious problem and wants you or Coppola to mediate over the weekend."

"Can you let Frances go? I'm busy filming right now."

"Coppola is also busy with his new film 'Peggy Sue is Getting Married', and MJ is more familiar with you, so I'll try my best to let him go and watch it too."

"Okay, okay." Ronald thought of his daydream of being a producer, participating in this big production worth more than 20 million, but together with Lucas and Coppola, the three of them made a lot of money together. A sum of Disney money. Solving problems like this is also professional ethics.

"What's wrong?" Ronald came to the shooting scene. Walter Murch was drinking honey water made by his wife next to the camera, his eyes dull.

"MJ refuses to come out."

"Refuse to come out of the locker room? What did you do to offend him?" Ronald looked inside and saw that MJ's current level of celebrity was not comparable to that of any movie star.

Since he organized the benefit performance for disaster relief in Africa, his reputation has grown, and he feels like he is becoming a saint.

"It's my problem. It was my first time to shoot a 3D movie and I made a mistake in editing."

"How else can you go wrong with editing?"

It turned out that Walter Murch was very cautious. When he shot 3D for the first time, he developed and printed the film on the same day. After editing, he used the negative to develop a version. Before the shooting was completed, he made a half-minute sample. Try this first-time stereoscopic movie camera.

Because there was a problem with this sample video, Murch asked to re-shoot the scene of MJ moonwalking, which made America's most popular star unhappy. He hid in the dressing room and made a phone call, ignoring Murch.

This situation has been going on for a day. Ronald watched it for a while and thought to himself that maybe it wasn't so bad. After all, MJ didn't refuse to shoot, he still came to the scene.

“What’s wrong with the editing?”

Murch took Ronald to see the film. I played the 2D version first and everything was normal. MJ's dance steps have become more mature and are now more flexible.

And then there’s the 3D version…


Ronald wearing red and blue stereoscopic glasses,

I saw a three-dimensional picture of MJ appearing on the screen, and he was doing his best moonwalk. I saw him wearing a white suit and a top hat, but the funny thing is that his moonwalk was not coherent at all, and was intermittent in the middle, as if he had stepped on a switch and kept shaking.

"What's going on?" Ronald took off his glasses, and two double images appeared on the screen, but the shaking was gone. Putting on glasses, MJ on the screen began to sift through chaff again.

"You know, our brain has a mechanism called persistence of vision, which can automatically synthesize 24 frames per second into a continuous action.

For 2D images, our brains can supplement the action by themselves. For 3D images, it seems that our brains have to spend more resources to carefully align the boundaries of the two images in order to see the three-dimensional illusion.

The brain requires more energy to make up for those moving images. Therefore, our brains seem to be down at this moment, unable to keep up with the action at 24 frames per second, and there are too many details that need to be added to depict.

So I asked Disney engineers to increase the shooting frame rate to 60 frames per second. In this way, our brains are provided with more than twice the details of the picture every second, and we don’t need to spend too much energy on brainstorming. So it's normal.

Look at this part, it was filmed by MJ’s backup dancer. Everything is normal. "

"I understand." Ronald saw that there were no technical problems here, so he stood up and went to solve the problem of MJ's star playing big over there.

"Dangdang..." Ronald knocked on the door in MJ's dressing room, "Ready in five minutes."

No one answered.

"I'm Ronald, is there anything MJ needs us to do?"

"Bang, the door is opened." MJ's manager, Frank Dario, walked out.

"Ronald, let's go outside and talk."

At a glance, MJ was on the phone and saw Ronald waving as well.

"It seems there's no big problem, it's just a problem with the treatment." Ronald and Dario walked to the outside room together.

"Ronald, MJ is a sensitive artist and we need to be patient with him. Any suggestion that there is a problem with his performance will put him in a bad mood."

"There is absolutely no such thing. All errors were caused by Disney's cameras. After our experienced Mochi adjustments, the errors have been completely corrected. MJ's great dance will be displayed accurately and three-dimensionally on Disney In front of an audience in Paradise.”

"Okay then, you and I come, MJ is on the phone with his good friend Paul McCartney of the Beatles, and when he finishes, we can start."

Ronald was brought into MJ's lounge. He nodded to MJ and absentmindedly thought about his movie shooting. Dario went over and repeated Ronald's words in MJ's other ear.

MJ nodded while still talking to McCartney from The Beatles, "Paul, you all seem to be veterans who understand the record industry very well. Although I have sold some records, I am still a newbie. Can you give me some advice?" ?"

While talking on the phone, MJ glanced at Ronald with his eyes. Very good, he also surrendered, he is the boss on the set.

Seeing Ronald sitting in the corner thinking about things and constantly taking out a pen to write something in his notebook, he felt very happy. MJ smiled slightly, raised his hand to Dario, and motioned for him to bring a piece of paper and pen. .

"Yeah, listen, the most important thing is not to lose the copyright of your own songs. We made a mistake before during the Beatles era and the copyright was taken away by the record company. Now we are trying to find a way to buy it back." Phone call. Paul McCartney is very proud of the fact that the most popular person in the record industry has made a special trip to consult him.

"Really? How much do you have to spend to buy back the copyright of your songs?" MJ said as he wrote a line of words on the paper Dario brought.

"Thirty million dollars."

"Thirty million dollars? Oh, that's a lot of money."

"Yeah, don't make the same mistake we made. Michael."

"Okay, thank you."

MJ hung up the phone, walked quietly behind Ronald, and gently placed the piece of paper on Ronald's back.

Ronald felt someone touch him gently from behind. He turned around and saw that it was MJ and his manager Dario.

"Michael, what, are you done?"

"Hehehe..." MJ was wearing performance clothes, covering his mouth with his hand, and laughed secretly.

Seeing that he was smiling innocently, Ronald smiled back, "Michael, I apologize for Disney's machine error. You are the best performer. Walt is ready and can use the most realistic technical means. Leave your heroic appearance to more viewers."

MJ nodded, still snickering.

"When you're ready, just call me and I'll get them ready."

"Hehehe", MJ smiled more and more happily, and he touched Ronald's back again.

Ronald touched back and found the piece of paper. He took it off and looked at it. There was a line written on it, "Kick my ass."

"Hahaha..." Dario laughed at the right time, making Ronald laugh too.

MJ is really childlike and likes to play tricks like those played by ten-year-olds. Ronald thought.

"You have to sign it for me and I will keep it, otherwise I will forget who is going to kick my ass in the future." Ronald picked up the paper and teased MJ.

"Good idea", MJ picked up the pen, added "To Ronald" in the front, and signed his name, Michael Jackson, in the back.

Ronald folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

MJ was having fun, so he picked up the phone and called his agent, "Hey, Paul's bid is 30 million U.S. dollars. You can double that and buy the Beatles rights in a package. For 60 million U.S. dollars, From now on, if Paul McCartney sings his own songs, he will have to pay me royalties, hehe."

"Ronald, should I have a speech?" MJ asked Ronald again with a smile.

Ronald was very surprised when he heard MJ speak.

Why does this mj look like a child at one moment, and a cold and mature businessman at the next. The two identities switch smoothly, just like Peter Pan in the fairy tale. On the one hand, he is childish, but on the other hand he has super powers that ordinary people cannot match.

"Captain Io, please come here. Your spaceship is about to set sail." Ronald's expression remained unchanged, and he followed MJ's words and said the lines he liked to hear.


"Where should I look?" MJ came to the shooting location. He was familiar with all his dances. All he wanted to ask was which direction the camera should look.


Over and over again.

Walter Murch was shocked. When he became a director, MJ was not so cooperative. What magic did Ronald have? Or do you know how to make an artist like mj happy?

"How should I deal with him when you go to Hawaii in the future?" Murchi also understood that MJ was deliberately showing off, to let everyone know who had the final say on the set. He wanted to learn from Ronald and find a way to deal with big stars.

"If you do this, knock on the door and ask him to come out from the beginning, once every half hour, fifteen minutes, and five minutes. Be respectful to him.

Also, if he still takes too long, say this, 'Captain Io, please come, your ship is about to set sail.' " Ronald whispered into Murch's ear.

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, if you want to finish the filming successfully, you have to do this."

"All right."

On Monday, Ronald and the crew arrived at Los Angeles International Airport. The crew will fly to Hawaii to film the Okinawa plot. On the island of Oahu in Hawaii, there is a windward beach, which is similar to the scenery in Okinawa.

"Ronald, let me introduce to you. This is the famous screenwriter Oliver Stone."

Agents Niceta and Richard also came to the airport to see him off. Entrusted by others, they stopped Ronald at the airport and introduced him to another famous screenwriter who was about to fly to the Philippines.

"Hello, Mr. Stone." Ronald shook hands with him nonchalantly and prepared to run away. This old boy wrote "Year of the Dragon" in such a horrible way, maybe he is also discriminating against Chinese people in his heart.

"Ronald, would you like to chat for a few words?"

Oliver Stone saw Ronald about to leave, and quickly stopped him and asked him to come aside to talk.

"I'll get straight to the point. There is a bit of misunderstanding between us. I asked Mr. Ovitz from CAA to explain it to you."

"We have never interacted with each other, but I like your script of Conan the Barbarian very much. I am just curious, why did you write the Chinese in Year of the Dragon like that?" Ronald asked the crew members to leave first, and sat down by himself. Have a chat with Stone.

"That's what I'm saying, I didn't write it. I signed it, but Cimino, you know him, all the scripts, he's going to disparage and take credit for it. If not If you come out to refute him this time, I'm afraid I will be implicated as well.

In fact, I just hated the Vietnam War. They drafted me, a Yale college student, and sent me to the Vietnam battlefield to be an infantryman. I almost died on the battlefield. My classmate, George Jr., the eldest son of the current deputy commander, was able to fly airplanes in the National Guard. "

"So you are a real Vietnam War veteran, not like that fake Cimino." Ronald respected veterans quite a bit, and he also knew Cimino's virtue, so he couldn't help but believe Stone's words.

"He really is a 'lucky son'," Ronald quoted a famous song by the band CCR.

“Some people are born to wave the flag

The colors of the flag are red, white and blue. "Ronald thought of his father and Aunt Karen's husband Steve, who were both infantrymen who went into battle.

"Hahaha, yes." Stone also picked up the lyrics.

“Some people are born with silver spoons in their hands

Lord, they will help themselves. "

The two looked at each other and smiled. They were both ordinary people, at least middle-class.

"Ronald, I am currently preparing to make a movie 'Platoon'. I wrote the script myself. My producer Hemdale is only willing to provide a production cost of 3 million, and Orion will make up the other 600. million. Now we are looking for ways to reduce costs."

"Hey, two companies again, this number again, this is their old routine." Ronald understood as soon as he heard it, wasn't this the routine that Cameron used when filming "Terminator".

"Today's new directors have already started making movies with a budget of 6 million." Ronald thought to himself, fortunately, he became a director relatively early, and he still had the opportunity to get ahead with a production budget of 2 to 3 million.

"Actually, this is my second movie. My first directorial work, 'El Salvador,' was just filmed in Mexico. Do you have any experience in saving money that you can share?"

Oliver Stone is not afraid to learn from Ronald, who is much younger than him.

"I have nothing to teach you, Oliver. It's just that shooting a movie like this in the jungles of the Philippines is extremely difficult. You have to be careful not to do what Coppola did with Apocalypse Now.

Also, you'd better pick some new actors, who are willing to endure hardships in order to get ahead, and who don't complain even if they film for more than ten hours a day. "Ronald thought of the two uncles in his crew, who were still newcomers who were easy to train.

"What about Emilio Estevez? I heard he doesn't have much acting right now?"

"Um..." Ronald thought of the grudge between himself and Emilio. It seemed that no one had revealed it. Maybe Stone didn't know about it.

"He's more difficult to deal with, you know what I mean, right?"

"Understood, I have to find someone who obeys me." Stone crossed out Emilio's name. "What about his brother? Charlie Sheen? Martin's sons can all act."

"He seems pretty good." Ronald felt that he couldn't beat everyone to death with a stick.

"I also need a supporting character who looks like a villain but has a kind heart. This can give the audience a reverse feeling."

"Let me see," Ronald simply took the casting list prepared by Stone, "I have seen Willem Dafoe act, and he is very good at playing the villain."

"And this is Forest Whitaker," Ronald pointed to another person's name. "This black actor played my fast-paced debut. He is very obedient and looks like a big football player."

"That's all. I haven't worked with anyone else, and I don't know their performance on set." Ronald finished his coffee and was about to leave. His flight had already been called on the radio.

"Thank you very much. We will talk more if we have the opportunity. Now there are not many people in Hollywood who are willing to make controversial subjects like the Vietnam War."

"Okay", Ronald carried his bag, caught up with Richard who was still waiting for him, and walked towards the boarding gate.

"Passengers please note that the flight to Hawaii is boarding. Business class passenger Ronald Lee, please board the plane as soon as possible."

"Antonia, what's wrong with you? Our plane to London is about to board."

"Oh, ah...I'll come." Antonia Franceschi, with the New York City Ballet, was about to fly to London for a season performance. She suddenly heard Ronald's name being called on the radio. I got up, and there were ripples in my heart.

"I wonder what movie he is going to Hawaii to film now?"


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