Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 280 Senator Inoue’s care

The crew came to Oahu, Hawaii. The northeastern part of the island faces the sea and is called the "windward side". The daily sea breeze is very strong and typhoons often visit, so the rocks facing the sea here are all rugged.

"As ordered by Senator Daniel Inouye, all houses, estates, and private lands here can be used for filming."

This is the mansion of a wealthy man on Oahu, who is also of Japanese descent. America's only Japanese-American senator, Daniel Inouye, is from Hawaii. When Hawaii joined the Union, Inoue was a member of the House of Representatives.

He has been entrenched for many years and was re-elected. Although the one-armed senator has little say in Washington, his influence is deeply rooted in the local area. This time the sequel was filmed in Hawaii. Inoue instructed his campaign manager to come to the front station first. He took care of all the filming, accommodation, and extras in one sentence.

Ronald sent the director of photography, James Crabbe, who had the same position in the first film, to Ryukyu and Hawaii to view the scenes in advance.

Due to the existence of the US military base, the local rural scenery in Ryukyu has undergone tremendous changes. Most of the villagers no longer engage in agriculture and fishery, but instead serve the US military base, selling things to the base, or providing services to the base. The income is much higher than farming and fishing.

But as a result, the original Ryukyu features in the script are nowhere to be found.

After consulting with Bud, who had served in the military in both places, Ronald decided to place the main location in Oahu, Hawaii.

The rich Japanese man gave the entire estate to the crew. In order to form the Ryukyu fishing village described in the film, the set department, which arrived early, built seven replicas of authentic Ryukyu houses and planted more than three acres of rice and vegetables.

When Ronald arrived, he first came to see the scenery. He climbed up the hillside and looked at the scenery below through the viewfinder. The farmers in the rice fields were wearing Ryukyu-style clothes and hats, looking relaxed and leisurely.

Fifty Hawaii residents born in Ryukyu were also recruited as extras in the film. are practicing the profession their ancestors did, farmers.

Just waiting to be photographed in the fields every day, or pretending to be a fisherman on a boat.

"Thank you Senator Inoue for your help." After inspecting all the locations and extras, Ronald was very satisfied. The Chinese and Japanese extras here are very happy to help.

Ronald's first film, "The Dragon King," spread Japanese culture to all parts of America. Nowadays, when Japanese people in Hawaii go to work places in the mainland, they often encounter people giving them "crane kicks".

It used to be that Japanese people were often nicknamed "the little japs", but now more and more people are called Miyagi, or Morisai (Master).

The wide dissemination of a movie can even change a country's perception of an ethnic group.

Ronald knew that Chinese Americans also rode on Bruce Lee's kung fu movie craze, and their social status rose rapidly in the 1970s. But all this disappeared with his sudden death.

Nowadays, Chinese people are naturally regarded as those who open Chinese takeout restaurants or open dry cleaning shops. Waiting for the next superstar to take them out of this stereotype.

Just like what Noriyuki Morita is doing to Japanese Americans now.

In the evening, Ronald and the main members of the crew came to a bar on Oahu to celebrate. He was wearing a Hawaiian floral shirt and a lei presented to him by a beautiful woman.



Ronald nodded to the beauty. The girl looked Chinese.

As the two chatted, it turned out to be true. There are actually very large numbers of Japanese and Chinese Americans on Hawaii Island. Together with Filipinos, they account for nearly 40% of the total population. It is the most normal to see Asian faces here.

In addition to Noriyuki Morita, there is another celebrity among Asians in the islands this year, a Chinese girl Kelly Hu, who won the title of Miss Teen USA. This is the first time an Asian has won a national beauty pageant.

Kelly Hu, who represented the state of Hawaii, suddenly became famous. This summer, many more boys came to vacation, all wanting to meet the Hawaiian girls who are said to be so beautiful.

"Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Ronald frowned, and Noriyuki Morita was drinking in the bar again, hugging two beauties and teasing them. Not only has he gained a little weight, but he has also been living in a state of dissipation for a long time, and the bags under his eyes have become much deeper.

Ralph Mazzio over there didn't drink much and was quite restrained. However, his manager was very annoying. He tried to instill in him "the treatment a star deserves on set", which was very annoying.

"We have to find a way to treat them, otherwise he won't be able to show the same state as in the first movie." Ronald thought to himself, tonight is the time for everyone to be happy, and starting tomorrow, we must gather together to treat them and the people on the island. Fans are spaced apart.

"My friends, it's so nice to see you."

Early the next morning, Pat E. Johnson, the karate coach who trained the actors in the first film and also acted as a referee, gathered Noriyuki Morita and Ralph Mazzio together to start karate review every morning before starting the movie. .

"Pat, we already learned those skills in the first part, so we don't need to train again now." Ralph Mazio has now begun to learn to play big names. His agent instills in him every day that stars don’t actually need to know how to do it themselves, they can just leave the difficult tasks to a stand-in.

"Gentlemen, I will leave the difficult movements to my stand-in." Ronald arrived immediately and pushed Miyagi's stand-in, Darryl Vidal, out.

"Your mission is to restore flexibility in the shortest possible time. In this sequel, Mr. Miyagi has footage of four or five Ryukyu karate masters alone. Daniel finally has to fight a decisive battle with the villain 'Nagazen'. This is not a competition, this is a real arena.”

"Oh..." The faces of the two protagonists dropped. In the first part, the most painful part of the practice was pulling the ligament.

"Stop being like this, I've even found a companion for you. Don't be inferior to her."

"Hello, director. Hello Mr. Morita, hello Mr. Mazzio."

Tomita Tan Ling, who plays the heroine Kumiko, politely said hello to the seniors. Wearing her aerobics outfit, she skipped into the venue and bowed to Coach Pat at the end.

"Let's see, after a year and a half, how much of your karate magic is left, and whether you can still come up with a beautiful crane kick." Coach Pat Johnson smiled evilly.

"Ah..., ah..."

Ronald listened to the screams of the two people pulling the ligaments, turned around and left with a smile. With the little girl Tam Ling Tomita here, the two actors must not be too lazy, lest they cannot even compare to a little girl.

And with such a high-intensity lowering, they probably don't have much energy to hang out in bars, and they can't think about the unprecedented treatment for young actors.

"Attention, let's do this as a whole. Everyone must remember the route they are taking and don't mess around. Listen to my commands."

Ronald started filming two days later. Today is a long scene. Not long after Miyagi returned to Ryukyu, he met his father for the last time and also hooked up with his old lover Yuki. Daniel had a passionate fight with the little girl Kumiko.

The love lives of two people, one old and one young, are quite rich.

At this time, they went to the street to chat with their old neighbors, only to discover that Sato, Miyagi's childhood friend who had learned art with him, had actually bought almost everyone's land by virtue of his background as a landowner and providing various services to the US military base. , became a big landowner.

This shot involved the logical relationship between multiple characters. Ronald was worried and personally directed the extras and rehearsed the scene twice with the two leading actors before starting the first shot.

"Daniel-san" Noriyuki Morita, who played Miyagi, walked out of the room. His belly was much fatter than in the first part. The costume put him in an undershirt with a gray shirt on the outside, which finally covered it up.

"Here we come." Ralph Mazzio also ran out of it, "This seems to be a forgotten town."

Ronald was across the road, on a pre-paved guide rail, and a group of coolies were pushing the camera hard.

The two male protagonists walked forward along the dirt road.

Between them and the camera, on the near side of the road, several extras wearing bamboo hats squatted on the ground to serve the rice. On the far side of the road, behind Miyagi and Daniel, a woman in a kimono was pulling a trailer with a rope, with an old-fashioned second-hand TV on it.

"Hi..." Miyagi greeted her, and the two chatted a few words in Japanese.

At this moment, the camera paused and shot a still shot.

"He's my classmate," Miyagi explained to Daniel-san, and the two of them continued walking forward.

With a gesture from director of photography James Crabb, the coolies began to push the camera again, following the two actors forward.

On the roadside on the near side, as the camera moves laterally, a few more farmers appear in the picture. The old woman pulled the TV and left the screen from the right side.

This is a shot specially designed by Ronald. It is very similar to the style of the ancient painting "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" that he saw in the Forbidden City.

Scenery and characters enter the painting from one side, and then exit the picture we pay attention to on the other side.

"Didn't you say this is a fishing village? Why didn't you see any fishermen?" Daniel asked Master Miyagi curiously. He had long heard that his family was a fishing village. The Miyagi family only did two things, fishing and practicing karate.

"Last night, Yuki told me that Sato's father imported a robotic fishing boat from America. Within two years, he had caught all the fish in the offshore areas, and he had crushed all the small fishing boats in the village. Now the village Apart from growing grain, vegetables and fruits, his family’s cannery is the only one that supplies supplies to the US military bases.”

Master Miyagi pulled Daniel and pointed to a factory in the distance.

While Ronald was paying attention to the performance, he also glanced at the coolies on the camera crew. Those Japanese coolies were very reliable and moved the camera steadily and quickly.

The camera was pushed from the track parallel to the dirt road to a curved track, slowly approaching the backs of the two actors, moving from the mid-range to the close-up, and finally stopped at the backs of the two actors, an old man and a young master, as if they were an audience. His eyes crossed them, and with the change of focus, he stopped at the factory.

An uneasy feeling begins to accumulate as the camera moves. This is a method devised by Ronald and Crabbe to use the camera to manipulate the emotions of the audience.


Ronald put the actor and machine back in place and took two more takes. Director of Photography Crabbe was very satisfied with this long shot. All the extras were in great condition. Even if they were only photographed squatting in their hats and there were no facial shots, the extras were still in great condition.

Ronald also liked the quickly developed samples the next night. There is really nothing picky about the work attitude of these Asians.

"Do you have so many talented actors in Hawaii?" Ronald asked the second assistant director who was a native Hawaiian.

"Hawaii's theater has always been very developed. We have a tradition of rehearsing and performing dramas. And this is Ronald Sang speaking out for us Asians. We must try our best and give 200% of our strength.

Senator Inoue's office manager has privately asked all the extras and staff. Ronald San is a Hollywood director who is very friendly to Asians. How can we not fully cooperate?

Since the release of the first film, Hawaiian Asian actors have gradually started to get some supporting roles on Broadway in New York. Hollywood has also released many follow-up movies about karate or martial arts, and all the movies have an Asian master. "

"Ah, hahaha..." Ronald was very happy after hearing this.

"Ronald, can we talk?"

Over there, Ralph Mazio's manager, came over to ask for Ronald.

"What's the matter?" Ronald ignored him, sat on the chair, picked up the thermos, poured a cup of wolfberry black tea, and took a slow sip.

"Both Daniel and I felt that his character's characteristics were not reflected in this shot. Can this shot be reshot?"

"Huh?" An alarm sounded in Ronald's heart. Is this a celebrity thing?

"You 'feel'? Do you know how much it costs for us to shoot for one day? These extras, these sets, and the strict shooting plan and shooting cycle. Do you want to reshoot? You and Mr. Weintraub have told ? You might as well ask him and see if he can help you sober up.

Ralph is brilliantly photographed, I don't understand what you mean by 'feeling' embodied his qualities? Do you fucking know, that trait was the script that I fucking wrote, and it was the first one that I fucking directed that gave Ralph the trait.

I asked you to participate in the preview because Ralph Mazio is the protagonist of the crew, so he needs the services of others. If your service is just to talk nonsense here and mislead the actors, then you don’t need to come here anymore. "

Ronald turned back and told the second assistant director, "Please note that starting tomorrow, Ralph Mazzio's manager's right to view the demos will be revoked."

"Me?" The manager's face turned red, but he didn't have much bargaining power. His client Ralph, after all, was promoted by Ronald, and he might not be on his side this time. In the end, he didn't expect that such a simple test would cause such a big reaction from Ronald.

After more than ten minutes, the mother of Ralph Mazio, who was the co-producer of the film crew, came over and apologized and explained to Ronald.

"These are all requests made privately by the manager. Ralph is a good boy and he doesn't know about it."

"Mrs. Mazio, I think so. I have no problem with him personally. He is even a good manager and knows how to consider his clients. But he knows too little about film shooting. From now on, let Ralph himself Watch the samples and if you have any concerns about acting, we can discuss them directly.”

"Ronald, hey, I think Daniel San's role seems to be insufficient in this scene." Ralph Mazio came over by himself. After talking with his mother, he knew that it was not a challenge now. When Ronald.

"It doesn't matter, the rest of the show will be your performance." Ronald replied with a smile.


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