Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 284 Charity Fundraising Party

"What's the latest news?" Ronald asked his agent Niceta.

After the shoot was packed, Ronald would routinely go on vacation for a few weeks, completely forgetting about the certain shots he liked during the shoot. When editing in this way, you won’t be disgusted by a certain shot because you took too many shots, or you won’t like another shot because you were very proud of it. In this way, you can treat all shots equally and measure the quality of the shot from an objective standpoint. .

"Stallone's Rocky 4 has just been shut down. I heard that director Avildsen and he had a bit of a falling out. Stallone is preparing for post-production."

"I know about this. Weintraub is competing with Stallone to sign soundtrack composer Bill Conti." Ronald nodded.

Bill Conti was the composer of the first film The Kid. He was abandoned by Stallone's Rocky 3 at the time. Now of course he prefers to choose Ronald, who respects him and works well with him.

"When will Rocky 4 be released? It won't happen with my two movies, right?" After all, this is the idol of all Americans, Rocky's latest boxing match that turns defeat into victory.

"Don't worry, they are in a hurry and it will be released by the end of the year."

Ronald raised his eyebrows, "So anxious?"

"Stallone seems to be short of money now and urgently needs another blockbuster movie to repair his financial situation."

"Zach's 'The Husband' hit some snags, the two leads had great chemistry, but Disney decided it needed a big star to boost the box office. Now they're reaching out to Diane Keaton again to convince her to come on board Play the heroine.”

"Well...just don't hinder Helen Slater's supporting role." Ronald listened to some of the latest developments in the industry.

"Is anyone looking for me while I'm away?" Ronald asked another agent, Richard.

"Jim Cameron has gone to Pinewood Studios in London to shoot the Alien sequel. You were still in Hawaii when he called."

"John Hughes called and said that he wrote a script called 'Pretty in Pink' based on your idea. I hope you don't mind. If you are willing to direct..."

"Where am I free?" Ronald interrupted Richard.

"That's how I replied to him. The script here is based on the core of the story you mentioned. With the help of a boy's best friend, a girl changed her appearance and went on a date with another boy she had a crush on. Finally, she dated the boy she had a crush on. , found that he loved that best friend.


"Is it really the same? Is he still looking for his muse, Molly Ringwald?" Ronald flipped through the synopsis, and Hughes did quickly write the few words he said last time into a script. The script is not thick, and it seems that he is going to use a trick again, letting the male and female protagonists improvise on the set.

"Yes, but his male muse, Anthony Michael Hall, refused to star. Hughes' interest in 'Pretty in Pink' has waned a bit, and he may return to Chicago to direct another of his films, so he is now looking for a director all over the world. Substitute."

"Now is not the era of big studios. It is difficult to keep working with one or two actors for a long time." Ronald heard that John Hughes wanted to collaborate with these two underage actors in more than a dozen movies. The filming continued until they were no longer suitable for making youth films. Unexpectedly, the male lead ran away in the third film.

"Hey, that's not right. Did Hughes make a mistake?" Ronald turned over the script and asked.

"What went wrong?"

"The gender was mistaken. What I told him was that the boy had a crush on a girl. With the help of another best friend girl, he chased the girl he had a crush on. After dating, he felt that being a best friend was more suitable for him."

"Is that okay?" Richard flipped through his notebook, but Hughes didn't even mention this question.

"How could it not matter? It has a lot to do with it! Our conservative values ​​in America make it difficult for a girl to choose the loser among two boys. On the other hand, it is okay for a boy to choose a girl, as long as she is beautiful. .”

"Is there any other phone number?" Ronald looked at Richard who was nodding frequently and flipped through his phone book. He had to talk to John Hughes about this issue.

"And Elizabeth Taylor, she invited you to attend a charity gala..."

"Hush, wait a minute," Ronald answered John Hughes's phone.

"John, this is Ronald. I read your script. I won't be free in the second half of the year and have to be busy editing. I'm calling to ask you if your script 'Pretty in Pink' is Reverse the gender of the male protagonist?"

"No, no, I have no intention of teaching you... Me? I don't have time to direct. That's no use, I have no intention of signing the script..."

"Humph..." Ronald threw the phone back into the base with a loud bang.

"Ronald, you are still the same Ronald who helped him selflessly. But he is no longer the John Hughes who can accept criticism humbly."

Niceta spoke slowly.

"Okay, don't blame me if it fails at the box office in the future. This movie obviously has major flaws. The genders of the male and female protagonists should be reversed, so that the audience will like the ending."

"Since you are so sure, why don't you write it yourself and make a version?"

"Hmm..." Ronald pondered for a long time, "It's okay, but most of the time I leave it to others to direct. I'm not very interested in shooting such low-cost movies right now."

I haven’t dreamed about the movie, so I’d better be honest. Whether my vision can really grasp the trends that American audiences like to watch has not yet been verified.

"By the way, what is Elizabeth Taylor's charity gala you are talking about?"

"It was a fund-raising party for Rock Hudson's illness. She rented a place at the Los Angeles Coliseum, and all the audience had the opportunity to sign autographs and take photos with the stars who were there, but they had to pay expensive tickets. The stars who were there, There are also requests for donations.”

"We still have to raise funds, right? How much do I have to donate?" Ronald picked up the invitation and looked at it, "Who is going?"

"They are all celebrities, and there are many of your old friends. You are a director and a junior in the industry. It shouldn't be too high. A few thousand dollars is fine."

"Okay, I have to go socialize a bit."

"Thank you for inviting me, Ms. Taylor." Ronald kissed Elizabeth Taylor, the sponsor of the charity gala, twice on the face.

"Ronald, thank you for coming." Next to Elizabeth Taylor was another friend of Rock Hudson, the veteran actress Doris Day. Ronald also went up and kissed her twice.

"Here's my check."

Seeing the numbers above, Elizabeth Taylor looked noticeably better. The fundraiser they launched this time was mainly for Rock Hudson and other poor people with the same disease.

"You're much better than that old Ronald. He's been a little weird since he went into politics."

The two veteran actresses were arranging the boss's fault. Ronald didn't dare to answer the question, so he had to listen awkwardly from the side.

Since the president gave a televised speech about the disease, he has been quickly cast aside by his old friends in Hollywood.

This is not only because he forgot his old friend, but also implicitly accused Rock Hudson of his orientation in his speech. And because he didn't let experts declare a state of emergency, invest government funds to investigate the epidemic, and fund laboratories to develop faster tests and possible treatments.

Since embracing the evangelical church for the election, the leader's values ​​have become increasingly conservative. Not only has he criticized Hollywood for too much violence and pornography, he has also begun to advocate traditional marriage in terms of relationships between men and women.

This makes his behavior of divorcing and remarrying seem particularly funny. Perhaps this is the real reason why the commander became so angry after hearing his ex-wife's name.

"Michael", Ronald saw the most popular star now, "Back to the Future" actor Michael J. Fox, and his classmate Jennifer from the acting class came in together.

He just happened to leave the two veteran movie stars and left the place of right and wrong without revealing anything.

Fox and he talked a lot about the excitement after the movie was released. "Back to the Future" made him an A-list Hollywood star. Thanks to Ronald's recommendation and the idea of ​​sleeping in the van during his commute. Otherwise, he would not be able to stand having to sleep only two or three hours a day between the two sets of the movie and the TV series "Family Ties".

"The ratings of Family Ties are very good. I plan to use my summer vacation every year to film movies, and then film TV series at other times."

"That's great news for your audience."

The two chatted happily, and Fox's girlfriend Jennifer smiled happily next to her. The more Hollywood stars she could get to know, the more opportunities she would have to audition. Now John Hughes's new film also has the opportunity to audition for a supporting role. For her, her career has opened up a fast lane for her.

"We meet again." Ronald saw the star Cher in a wig again at the entrance of the stadium. This time it's a black explosion.

Seeing that she was surrounded by a group of photographers, Ronald stepped forward to provide services as a male guest, extended his arm for her to carry, separated the reporters, and allowed her to enter the stadium.

"Where's Stoltz?" Ronald looked around and didn't see Cher's little boyfriend Eric Stoltz.

"What, do you want to take his place? Now is a good opportunity." Cher also made a joke about Ronald.

"Haha..." Ronald knew at a glance that Xueer had broken up with her boyfriend again, and he didn't know who her next boyfriend would be. I only have admiration for the much older Xue'er, and I have no idea of ​​moving forward to become a boyfriend and girlfriend.

Thousands of spectators came to the scene, and all tickets and donations will be turned into charitable donations to support disease research. One by one, celebrities were invited to come up and say a few words.

In the second half, the famous movie star Burt Lancaster read a statement on behalf of his good friend Rock Hudson.

"It's hard for me to have this disease, but if I can help 12,000 other patients who are also unfortunate, then at least I know that my own misfortune can have some positive meaning."

Hearing such heartbreaking but kind words from the Hollywood star, the audience below were very sad, and some of Hudson's fans cried.

Several girls in formal dresses carried donation boxes and climbed up and down the seating area, urging the audience to donate more generously.

"I announce that donations from the audience and celebrities have exceeded one million dollars."

The host came on stage and loudly announced to the guests.

"Hua Hua Hua..."

Ronald was also applauding vigorously. This long charity party was finally coming to an end.

"Thank you, thank you." Elizabeth Taylor slowly walked through the tables of guests and thanked each guest who donated.

"Ronald, thank you." Elizabeth Taylor sat down next to Ronald and gently hammered her waist with her hand.

"Ms. Taylor?" Ronald asked concerned.

"Just call me Elizabeth. It's okay. I have a little discomfort in my waist. It's an old problem. Thank you again for your generosity, Ronald. There are not many stars like you who directly take out the check."

"Oh," Ronald nodded and handed a glass of water to the old movie queen, "Do you know anything about this disease? It seems like Mr. Hudson's current condition?"

"Hey, it's very difficult for him to move now." Elizabeth Taylor sighed, "This disease attacks very violently, and it only takes a few months."

"Oh," Ronald couldn't help but worry, "I heard that mosquito bites can also...?"

"That's not true. Locke went to the Pasteur Laboratory, the most advanced laboratory in the country. The experts there said that for the amount of blood sucked by mosquitoes to achieve effective infection, hundreds of mosquitoes must bite at the same time. "

"Oh, then I'm relieved."

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this was a disease that was particularly spread among people of certain orientations.

A few days later, Ronald was on vacation at a hotel in Palm Springs and was having breakfast when he suddenly heard breaking news on the TV news.

"The actor Rock Hudson passed away yesterday after a year-long battle with a new disease that has just been named by the Institut Pasteur and the University of Maryland Medical Research Center... at the age of 59. "

"He was found not breathing this morning by the nurse who was caring for him at his home in Beverly Hills."

"So fast?" Ronald was a little surprised. A few days ago, he asked a friend to read the message.

"Rock Hudson's career in Hollywood lasted for nearly thirty years. He has co-starred in movies with many female stars such as Elizabeth Taylor and Doris Day. In the history of Hollywood, the total box office of the movies he participated in was more than The only people higher than him are Cary Grant and Elizabeth Taylor."

"Rock Hudson's will does not want fans to send flowers. He hopes that all donations received previously will be handed over to the America...Disease Research Foundation. He himself also donated US$250,000 to the foundation."

Ronald was eating and watching the news. Many fans wanted to rush into Hudson's house and say a final farewell to their idol.

Afterwards, the TV station reviewed the life of Rock Hudson and also broadcast the answers given by the former commander-in-chief that hinted at Hudson's orientation when being interviewed by the TV media.

At least in Los Angeles and Hollywood, this attack on the dead has stirred up a lot of resentment.

For the first time, the commander-in-chief has lost the characteristic of "not sticking to the pot" of bad news. This time, it is not so easy for him to distance himself from the bad news. He couldn't pass the blame on bureaucracy.


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