Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 285 The first lady asks for advice

"The T\u0026T's approval rating is falling, and his disapproval rating is rising."

First Lady Nancy, looking at the latest Gallup poll, began to panic. She dialed the number of astrology expert Joan Quigley.

"Qiong, is there anything wrong with the commander's horoscope recently?"

"According to my calculations, Mercury retrograded into Virgo last week, which greatly hindered the general's public image."

Joan Quigley took out her notes and began to make excuses for her lack of advance warning.

"Then how should I resolve it?" Nancy asked hurriedly.

"This situation also happened once in the summer, but there was someone who matched the compatibility of the commander by his side, which helped him overcome the influence of Mercury retrograde. It is the same this time. As long as this person can be found, let him provide a solution to the commander. More positive news that attracts the public can offset this negative impact."

"Who is this person?" Nancy had hope again. As long as I can help my husband and restore his image in the minds of the American people.

"Think about it, when you went to Camp David for vacation, did anyone bring any changes to you?"

"I just remember they put on that 'Back to the Future' show and mentioned... my ex-wife's name. I was very upset."

"Changes may be positive or negative. This person's impact on your couple's horoscope is very positive. Maybe if he doesn't come, your couple's fortune will become even worse. This is all A system.”

"That's right." Nancy nodded frequently. Although the young director with the same name as her husband was a little unhappy after arriving, her husband's energy did recover well after watching the movie that praised the economic development in the past five years and suggested that the golden age of the 1950s is now happening again. . "

"I observed through astrology, that person should be a Capricorn, his name is similar to the commander, and he belongs to Hollywood."

The astrologer turned to the notes where he talked nonsense last time and stated the conclusion again.

"So who should I look for? A lot of people came that day," Nancy wanted to confirm.

Joan Quigley rolled her eyes on the other end of the phone. How did she know?

"The current difficulties for the commander-in-chief are mainly caused by his 'old friends', so it should be a young newcomer,

Can bring new vitality. "

It was finally confirmed that the person who could bring good luck to the owner of the White House was young Ronald. Nancy dialed the number of the White House manager and said, "Please find me the Hollywood director, Ronald Lee. I have The matter needs to be discussed with him.”

Ronald had a very comfortable rest in Palm Springs. The hot springs here are on the edge of the desert. There is a hot spring bath in the resort hotel. When he is tired, he comes here to refresh himself. There are also experienced masseurs to help him relax. Tired body.

Niceta and Richard were also hanging around. They put down other clients and business and focused on taking Ronald on vacation for two days. At the same time, they wanted to ask this big client when he would consider his next movie.

"Mr. Ronald, your phone number."

A waiter pulled a telephone to the side of the hot spring and handed it to Ronald.


"Ronald Lee? This is the White House, and the First Lady wants to speak to you."

"Huh?" Ronald quickly gathered his thoughts, "First Lady Nancy is looking for me." He mouthed to the two agents.

"The two quickly stood up from the spa, leaned in close to Ronald's ear, and wanted to know why the hostess of the White House was looking for him.

"Ronald, this is Nancy."

"Mrs. Commander-in-Chief."

Nancy told Ronald about her troubles, hoping that he could find a way to boost the commander's approval rating.

"This?" Ronald felt that it was not his turn to consider such a major military matter (it's better to stay away from powerful people like you).

Nancy said that the commander-in-chief naturally has his own methods, but this time it was Hollywood's backstabbing, which caused the commander-in-chief to suffer some criticism. Can you help me think of an event in Hollywood to restore the goodwill of the commander-in-chief in Hollywood?

"It's not that I don't help... Madam of the Commander-in-Chief, it's just that I... huh?"

Ronald felt Niceta at his side, poking him gently.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Nancy heard Ronald's voice and thought he had an idea. It is indeed a horoscope that is favorable to the first couple in the White House.

"Mrs. Commander, please wait a moment while I discuss this with my agent."

"What? What do you think?" Ronald asked Niceta.

"It's not my idea, it's my wife Paula's idea. She told me last night if she could find an award for Tom Cruise, just like your disabled friend who dances breakdancing. Tom now There is no shortage of recognition within the industry, but he has not yet had a positive, official recognition from teenagers.”

"But last time, the commander-in-chief wanted racial unity, and it was the turn of blacks, Latinos, and people with disabilities. Tom is a Hollywood star. If he wants to be rewarded by the commander-in-chief, he must become famous."

Ronald knew that in the past few years, the commander-in-chief had been giving presidential medals to old friends in Hollywood every year. To be recognized by the White House, you must have an Oscar-level honor, right?

"Why not? Tom is also disabled!"

"How is he disabled?" Ronald looked at Niceta and asked curiously.

"He has severe dyslexia. Nowadays, many people in America have this disorder. 3% of the population has this disorder to varying degrees. Nowadays, America also equates this disorder with physical disability."

"Oh, wait then."

Ronald picked up the phone and said, "Mrs. Commander, I've kept you waiting for a long time. My agent has an idea. Can we give an award to some people with dyslexia in Hollywood to commend them for fighting this disease and achieving great results?" Remarkable results. You know, there are a lot of people in Hollywood who have this problem."

"You are such a smart kid, Ronald." Nancy was happy. As far as she knew, many Hollywood movie stars couldn't read scripts.

"Do you know any young actors with dyslexia who are successful in Hollywood?" Nancy simply outsourced this recommendation to Ronald.

"I'll discuss it with my agent and give you a list."

"Very good." Nancy hung up the phone. There must be candidates not only from Hollywood, but also from other industries. This way it won't appear that this time it's deliberately trying to please Hollywood.

"She asked you, besides Tom Cruise, are there any other successful people in Hollywood who have dyslexia?"

"Leave it to me, I'll call CAA right away."

Niceta was so happy that she jumped out of the hot spring bath and immediately went back to her room to make a phone call.

"Didn't realize you also have dyslexia?"

Ronald saw a familiar name and called to ask.

"Why don't I? I can't even remember my friend's phone number. I can't even dial it correctly in my hand. I have to ask my assistant to help." Cher, a singer and movie star, answered on the other end of the phone.

"Then you agree? I'll tell you your name?"

"That's great. I didn't expect that I would be commended by the commander-in-chief for this. When I was studying, I had always had low self-confidence because of this."

"Hahaha, it's not easy for you to succeed. Fortunately, you remember the lyrics when you sing."

"That's not difficult, because there's a melody. I'm just afraid of reading. Someone has to read it to me."

"I have a friend who has the same problem as you. He will also go to the White House to receive recognition this time."

"who is it?"

"Tom? Are you that friend of Ronald's?"

At the White House commendation meeting, Cher saw several people who were being commended at the same time. Only Tom Cruise was from Hollywood, and the others were all leaders in the industry such as painters, athletes, and doctors.

"Ronald told me. Why don't you ever return my calls, Cher?" Tom Cruise got the phone after meeting Cher at Madonna's wedding. But when he called several times, her assistant received the call and did not call back, making him think that Xueer was not interested.

"Hi, I can't dial the phone number. I was performing during that time and forgot about it," Cher replied.

"It seems that your dyslexia is worse than mine. How did you get nominated for the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress?"

"I have a very good assistant. She will read the script for me, and I will recite it using a tape recorder and a walkman."

"That's what I did too."

Two dyslexics who are making a name for themselves in Hollywood are having a great time chatting.

"Don't miss my call this time."

"Don't worry, little boy."


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