Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 96 The Missing Script Agent

"So, you and Tonya just..."

"Yeah, she's been very busy since joining the NYC Ballet, performing in addition to training. Not easy for a freshman."

Although Ronald wanted to give Antonia a guarantee, Antonia ultimately did not accept his good intentions. Ronald knew that she didn't want to involve money in the relationship, so she made this love a good memory.

It was Douglas Jr., Ronald's high school wrestling teammate, who was sitting on the cushions of the wrestling gym, panting.

After contacting the old man, Ronald also felt that he should continue exercising. It happened that little Douglas was working out in a good gym, and he also introduced Ronald to train together. With no daily training for more than a year, Ronald feels his level has dropped significantly.

Fortunately, the gym introduced by Little Douglas had a coach Ivan from the Solvay Union. He turned out to be an official member of a local Siberian wrestling team. He was obviously a Slav but claimed to be a Jew. He came to America from Israel through a relationship.

His skills are superb, his training is scientific, and his English is just okay. The best thing is that he makes training plans based on the level of the client, so that the client will not feel too bitter and boring. Both Douglas Jr. and Ronald are satisfied and come here every week to train and recover some skills.

"Your group photo tricks in the leg warmer business are good, who taught you?" Little Douglas has been in business for three generations, so he naturally understood Ronald's photo tricks and appreciated it very much.

"I figured it out myself," Ronald replied. "Jesse Penney's purchasing manager told me that the patent doesn't protect my intellectual property, because any mother could make a sweater for this product. So I figured it out. This is a way to protect my rights."

"Yeah, if it's famous all over the world, everyone will come to buy authentic leg warmers instead of knitting them, or other counterfeit products." Little Douglas nodded.

"However, your product must be a little higher in quality than others, so that the authentic reputation can be worth the money. Customers feel good when they buy it, and word of mouth spreads, and your business can grow."

"Tsk, it's a bit difficult. It's a small market. I can't use machines. Now I just organized a group of widows and wives of Vietnam War soldiers. In name, it's a military family cooperative.

Ronald lowered the volume. Pieces of work were in America, and were banned by the union forces through legislation. However, in the name of the families of the Vietnam War soldiers, they had a nominal umbrella. The scale was small, and no one would come to trouble.

"Yeah, it's a pity, your business is naturally very small, unless one day the fashion industry suddenly becomes windy, and the public becomes popular to wear leg warmers."

"It's impossible. Wearing a formal leg warmer is an aesthetic disaster."

"Don't talk about this, Tereza hasn't reacted to your tricks, right? She can't do it alone." Little Douglas talked about what the salesman Tereza Kate wanted to do alone.

"No, she's quite satisfied that I can let her buy shares at a discount through sales channels." Ronald was a little proud, and it was a deal that killed two birds with one stone. Before Tereza Kate showed signs of wanting to go it alone, Ronald simply gave some shares to Tereza after discussing with Douglas Jr. and set up a company. This time, the filming of the drama group completely broke her idea of ​​going it alone.

The patent previously applied for by Miss Lindsay Dole has been approved. His patent has been discounted into the company as a 20% share. In addition to the investment in the rent of the shop, it accounts for a total of 60% of the shares. Aunt Karen and him The Veteran Wife Production Network accounts for 10%, and the other 30% is a small contribution from Trisha Kate and her husband David,

and discounts on the sales network.

The name of the shop is RTKD Dance Supplies Store, which are the initials of the four major shareholders. The name is dance supplies store, in fact, it mainly sells leg warmers. Pictures with cast members were placed on the walls, including one with Diane Lane. Burt agreed to put a photo in the store, as long as it wasn't enlarged.

Now "Famous in the World" is still being shown on a small scale, but the teachers from the high school of performing arts participated in the performance, and many students have seen it and bought them here instead of letting their mothers do it. Because here is the most authentic.

"Her husband David should have seen it, but he also knows that if we work together, the cake will be bigger, so there is no objection."

"?Идинахуй, Jimmy, this Bichi, he actually boycotted the Olympic Games. This Bichi, the Winter Olympics League at the beginning of the year did not boycott, Jimmy actually has the face to boycott the Summer Olympics?"

Coach Ivan walked in cursing, still scolding the commander. "He also told NBC to stop the broadcast. I wanted you to see that Siberian monster."

Ivan told them early on that Siberia had a heavyweight wrestling genius named Karelin. Legend has it that he can use the reverse back lift that only lightweight players can use. Ronald is waiting to see this trick.

"Why boycott the Olympics?" The two turned on the TV on the side of the wrestling ring. The figure of the commander was on the upper right of the TV. The host quoted a White House spokesman as saying that as long as the Soviet Union did not leave Afghanistan, America and its allies would boycott Olympic Games in Moscow.

"Is this because of the failure of the hostage rescue operation two days ago?" Little Doug was very sensitive and linked this to the previous hostage rescue operation that made the commander lose face.

The commander-in-chief and his national security adviser, Brzezinski, launched a hostage rescue operation without telling him that Secretary of State Vance, who opposed the rescue operation, was away on vacation. Unexpectedly, the helicopter crashed in the desert, killing 8 special forces members.

The rescue failed before it began. The wreckage of the helicopter and the remains of the dead soldiers were displayed by the Persians on the streets of Tehran. Through international satellite signals, all Americans knew that their commander was a waste.

In order to restore his image and fight for re-election in the general election next year, the commander needs to show his toughness.

Both of them shook their heads. The Olympic spirit is inherently peaceful. During the Olympic period in ancient Greece, war-torn countries had to temporarily cease fire. What kind of boycott was this?

"Has your script agent been found?" Douglas Jr. mentioned a strange thing that happened to Ronald.

Ronald wrote the script for "Intersection," signed the disclaimer, and mailed it to Rick Nisita of William Morris. Who knows that after a few days, the script was returned without being unpacked, with a stamp on it, claiming that no such person was found.

Ronald called the secretary who had notified him last time, and the secretary, in a particularly mechanical voice, told him that there was no Nisita in William Morris. Then hung up the phone. The same goes for hitting again after that.

If it wasn't for the disclaimer the secretary sent last time, Ronald would have thought he had been abducted by aliens and altered his memory.

Moreover, in last year's edition of the agent directory, Rick Nisita's name was clearly marked with the name of the agency of William Morris, and Ronald couldn't understand why.

"I had a chat with Eddie Cohen, my ad director's agent, maybe he could tell me what's going on."

"You probably got caught up in the William Morris vs CAA fight."

"What war?" Ronald asked in Eddie's office. Since Ronald shot the Chewels chewing gum series, Eddie's business has been booming, his models and actors have jobs, he has signed a lot of new people, and he has changed to a corner office.

The office buildings in America are square and square. The office in the corner faces the street on both sides and has two large floor-to-ceiling glass windows, which can see twice the street view than other offices. Working here is often a symbol of strength and status.

"Creative Artists Agency (CAA) was founded in 1975 by several young men who defected from William Morris, such as Michael Ovitz, Michael Rosenfeld, Ronald Mayer and others. I have been suppressed by my old club all the time.”

"However, their business is doing very well. In recent years, they have robbed a lot of clients from their old club. Starting this year, they have publicly poached several William Morris agents, all of whom are young and strong, and have many in their hands. The kind of heavyweight clients."

"I guess Rick Nisita, who fell in love with you, is also one of them. When the agent quits the company, the old owner often uses this method to try to cut off the contact between the customer and them. The original phone number, fax , the secretaries belong to the original company, so the client can't contact the broker for a period of time, and the old employer takes advantage of this window time to poach corners."

"That's it." Ronald nodded. "Then I can call CAA and find Nisita."

"Generally, when brokers change jobs, they will be involved in legal lawsuits. The parties will take a long vacation by the way, and they will not contact anyone except their key customers."

Eddie denied Ronald's idea, "You can try leaving a message to the front desk and ask them to convey it. I guess this lawsuit will not drag on for a long time. CAA will try to settle it quickly, and he will be able to contact you when he comes back. "

"Why don't you try other William Morris agents?" Eddie asked. "They're the most powerful agents in the business after all."

"I tried, and they didn't have an agent willing to sign me. I sent an inquiry letter, called their secretary, and a few agents called me and said they would wait to see the movie's reputation and box office. "According to the secretary, they called Alan Parker and heard some bad comments."

Ronald didn't expect Mr. Director to be able to spoil his business here, and was a little annoyed.

"Don't worry, Rick Nisita is a big name in the industry. He's represented Al Pacino, and Christopher Walken. When he's officially on the job, you'll have a script agent."

"Although there is a high probability that he will let the lower-level agent apprentice sign you."

"It doesn't matter. I want to get the screenwriting business as soon as possible, and I want to enter the film industry. Starting from screenwriting is a shortcut."

"By the way, have you joined the Screen Actors Guild?" Eddie asked another thing.

"No, I don't think I have the talent for acting and I don't have the passion for being an actor. I still want to be on the other side of the camera."

"Well, that's fine. Recently, the negotiations between the two major actors' unions and the Producers' Union have not gone well. They want a share of the pay TV rights. In the future, the actors will also want to share a piece of the cake for the income of movies and TV series broadcast on pay TV stations." chaptererror();

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