Exploiting Hollywood 1980

Chapter 319 Is it easy to play a mentally retarded character?

The three female models were very excited to know that they could appear in a Universal theatrical movie. They were informed that they would appear as a model in the opening scene of a movie starring one of the most popular male stars, Michael J. Fox.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," the three models held Ronald's hand and kept thanking him. Tom Pollack was very measured in what he did, and he made it completely clear to the three models’ agents that it was Ronald’s recommendation that led to their selection.

"There is absolutely no need for you to thank me. The famous director Herbert Ross took over this film. He was the final decision-maker. You have to thank him."

Ronald doesn’t want to take any credit, but Herbert Ross, who had directed “All Over,” was an ideal candidate to handle this kind of small-town youth story.

And he is famous for treating actors as props during filming and rigidly and faithfully completing the work according to the filming schedule. If it weren't for the three models' outstanding abilities, they would look like they were part of the New York model circle, and they would have gotten into trouble with him.

Veteran directors are very strict about this kind of thing, and they insist that an ensemble cast must also fit the identity of the character.

"But our agent said that it was your recommendation that allowed us to guest star in the movie." Paulina Bodiskova was the most straightforward. She only accepted the agent's message. In the modeling industry, the most important thing is to identify who can support you.

"If I hadn't heard that you were the director, Ronald, I wouldn't have wanted to come. I didn't even want to get up in the morning." Linda Evangelista has a changeable style, and she has also been spotted by major international brands. I really want to participate in a movie like "Top Gun" and open up a new battlefield for my modeling career.

"No matter what, we have to thank you for being selected." Cindy Crawford has the best temperament among the three, and has the character of a carefree and carefree American girl. She is the most junior among the three, and there are no big names around her now.

Fortunately, her face looks a bit like Gia Kallanji, who was hailed as a supermodel by the media two years ago, and her face is more American. Coupled with her unique cat-walk Kung Fu, she will surely be favored by big names soon.

The three of them had just performed a model catwalk in the audition room, and Herbert Ross invited Ronald to watch. After reading it, the old director smiled and decided to use the three of them on the spot.

Among the three, the catwalk is of a very high standard, and Cindy Crawford is the most natural. Every step she takes meets the highest requirements of a fashion model, but she also has a free and easy look that no one else can achieve.

Ronald also read her resume just now. She was admitted to the Chemical Engineering Department of Northwestern University with an academic merit scholarship, and then dropped out to pursue a modeling career.

Ronald was still waiting for Helen Slater, who was auditioning for the leading role.

I was also happy to chat with the three beauties.

"Don't you models have to get up early every day, exercise, and live a very healthy life?" Ronald has seen many media interviews with well-known models, and always feels that they all lead a boring life. I was a little surprised to hear that Linda Evangelista wasn't up yet at noon.

"That's all a lie. We work so hard on the stage, how can we not eat enough? At most, we can avoid steak and desserts and eat more pasta." Paulina Bodiskova, a Czech, said to Ami Liga doesn't like the hypocritical style of interviews.

"That is, if I can't get a price of more than five thousand dollars for the day's work, I won't even bother to get up." Linda Evangelista also has a very natural character of a spoiled pretty girl. I dare to say it in front of me.

"We all rely on exercise and do yoga. Being a model is very hard, but if you gain weight and can't fit into size 2 clothes, you will be eliminated." Cindy Crawford seems to be the most motivated of the three. She works hard every day There is constant movement.

The three models didn't want to leave, they wanted to stay with Ronald for a while. Their respective agents have reminded that Ronald's ex-girlfriend is the former American sweetheart, the most famous fashion model, Brooke Shields who turned CK jeans into the best-selling jeans brand in one fell swoop.

Moreover, that advertisement was shot by Ronald. If they are lucky and Ronald reveals something, they will seize the opportunity, which will greatly improve their career, reputation, and entry into the film industry. .

"Ronald, my audition is finished, I feel..." Helen came out and interrupted Ronald's chat with the three beautiful models.

"Okay, let's talk in another place." Ronald interrupted Helen's idea of ​​telling the audition situation at the door of the audition room and said goodbye to the three models. They all used the etiquette of the fashion industry to hug Ronald very intimately, then kissed him three times and kissed him again.

Helen was no stranger to this common etiquette in the entertainment industry. She looked at Ronald with a smile and said goodbye, then put her hand on Ronald's arm, deliberately walked on the other side of the models, and went out together.

"Hey..." The three models sighed at the same time, not getting Ronald's contact information.

"Put it away. I asked Ronald's agent for the business card. It has Ronald's personal phone number on it. Put it away quickly and don't let others see it."

Cindy Crawford's agent came out and quickly found his client. He covered it with his hand and quickly handed her a business card.

"Oh..." Crawford immediately shut up, found his handbag, took out his makeup mirror and pretended to touch up his makeup, and quickly slid the business card into his handbag.

"Bye, Cindy."

Paulina and Linda greet Cindy Crawford. Both of their faces were filled with smiles, and it seemed that the manager had also gained something.

"I felt that my audition performance was good, and Director Ross also praised my natural performance." Helen was very happy sitting in the car, and kept telling Ronald about the details of the audition.

"It doesn't matter if you're not selected. Your film 'The Evil Husband' will be released soon, and there will be no shortage of script invitations after that."

"I think my hopes are pretty high. I have to start preparing to feel like a professional woman."

"Well, that's fine too."

Herbert Ross is a director who has lived on both Broadway and Hollywood, and has a long "history" in the industry. Ronald knew that such people often had many connections. As his connections, Helen actually had little hope.

Ronald had a psychological barrier to having mentors and intimate relationships with actresses. I always feel that I cannot objectively guide their acting skills to achieve the desired effect.

If it were an actress whom she only knew well and had worked with before, Ronald would be very relaxed. He would guide when he should be guided and get angry when he should be angry.

But now that the director had been replaced, Ronald felt that there was no need for any bad news, so he told Helen all the bad news from his own mouth. If Herbert Ross chooses someone else by then, it will be the old man's fault.

Helen liked to tell herself whatever she had on her mind. The two of them made love to each other in the car and soon arrived at CAA's office.

"I'm going to talk to Niceta about the new script. You wait for me here, okay?"

"I went to the acting teacher Messner first, and he promised to let me join the class..."

"Go ahead," Ronald rubbed Helen's short hair. She had dyed her hair blonde all year round after playing Supergirl. Helen still attaches great importance to her acting skills, but she takes it too seriously.

Entering Niceta's office, Ronald asked about the script written by Barry Morrow. This movie is a low-concept movie, and the story told is very touching. Ronald found it very interesting after watching it. He has made many high-concept exploitation movies, and he really wanted to try this kind of plot-winning movie to challenge himself. .

"The script of this movie is quite interesting, and it doesn't have a traditional three-act play structure, but I feel for the story. What are CAA's plans now? Which studio is it going to package and sell to?"

Niceta served various Italian snacks as usual, and then poured Ronald a glass of brandy.

"President Michael Ovitz takes it very seriously. This time he not only wants to package it, but also wants to be a real producer behind the scenes."

"Oh? What did Mr. Ovitz say? Is he planning to promote that star to star?"

The name of the script is "Rain Man", which is a very interesting story. It tells the story of Charlie Babbitt, who always thought he was the only son in the family. After his father died, he discovered that he had an intellectually challenged brother Raymond.

In order to snatch the inheritance left by his father to his brother, Charlie stole his brother from the foster hospital and drove all the way. The two brothers finally understood each other, and Charlie finally reconciled with his brother who actually loved him very much, and with his father who showed that he didn't love him.

The film was spotted by Michael Ovitz, the president of CAA. He felt that the film had the potential to win Oscars, so he decided to promote the film project himself.

"He has now found a pair of brothers to talk to, Randy Quaid and Dennis Quaid. Their chemistry must be even better. And the eldest brother Randy is a Broadway actor, and his acting skills are enough to deal with that mentally retarded person. The big brother role.”

"Oh? Is it them?"

Ronald pouted.

He didn't have a good feeling about the younger brother of the two brothers, Dennis. It turned out that this person took advantage of Ronald's friend and the heroine of "Rock and Roll High School" PJ Soles to get into the mainstream of Hollywood.

Later, after acting in "Jaws 3D", she seduced Ronald to be chosen to shoot a Burger King commercial. He also admired her acting skills Leigh Thompson so much that she kicked PJ Soles away and divorced her.

Ronald admired Lea Thompson very much and originally planned to be the heroine in his own movie.

But she was in a relationship with married man Dennis Quaid, and Ronald was a little uncomfortable. After that, Thompson's own career development turned out to be as outstanding as Ronald expected.

It feels like I found a good thing at a street stall. Just when he was about to withdraw money to buy it, Dennis Quaid came over and took it away secretly.

"So Ovitz is going to play Randy as his brother Raymond?" Ronald asked with a frown.

"Yes, what? Randy's acting skills are much better than his younger brother Dennis, and he is also an older brother. You want to use Dennis to play the older brother? I thought you didn't like him a bit." Niceta was surprised.

"I don't mean that. I really don't like Dennis very much. He treats my friend PJ very badly..."

"And robbed you of Leigh Thompson?"

"Yes, originally I thought we could create some great stories with her."

Ronald didn't have much resentment towards his girlfriend who broke up with him, but he felt more resentment towards taking away an actress who had strong acting skills and was willing to work hard.

"Do you have any problem cooperating with him? If not, I can ask Mr. Ovitz to replace him. Originally, he was a little dissatisfied that the two brothers were not famous enough."

"I don't have such an idea. Since Mr. Ovitz thinks highly of them, it must be suitable." Ronald thought for a while. He and Dennis Quaid were cooperating, and they were not really trying to steal his girlfriend.

"Okay, I'll tell Michael." Niceta put down her notebook, "By the way, why do you think Randy is suitable to play the younger brother?"

"I think my younger brother needs more acting skills. My mentally retarded brother is actually easier to act."

"Why? Shouldn't it be difficult for a mentally retarded person to act?" Niceta found Ronald's idea interesting and asked quickly.

He didn't know whether it was easier to act for a normal person or for a mentally retarded person, but there must be some truth to what Ronald said.

The reason why Michael Ovitz jumped out and worked hard to promote this movie is because he took a fancy to the role of the mentally retarded brother. This year's film about deaf children, "Children of God" received very good test screenings, and there are rumors in the industry that it will be an Oscar hit next year.

This made Ovitz feel that the social trend was beginning to shift toward caring for people with disabilities. Intellectual disabilities receive even less attention than physical disabilities, so this is something you can bet on.

"I have been to China, and there is a saying there that it is easier to draw ghosts than to draw people. Intellectual disability is a very unusual role, so the audience tends to think that the actor plays it well. And the role of the younger brother is a normal person, Therefore, the audience will be more familiar with this kind of performance, and if the acting is not good, it will be very dazzling."

"That's a good point, I have to write it down." Niceta opened the notebook again. This kind of perspective of looking at problems is something that most practitioners lack.

Only a talented director like Ronald, who has an intuition for the audience beyond ordinary people, can have a very keen response.

He has met so many actors. When most of them heard about this mentally disabled character, their first reaction was that they needed acting skills and wanted to play his brother Raymond. No one has seen the normal brother. Under direct comparison by the audience, he may have higher requirements for acting skills.

"If this is the case, we can't completely pin our hopes on this movie." After the exchange with Ronald, Niceta thought for a long time and expressed her thoughts to the most important customer.

"Ovitz is very ambitious. Many people said he was the real producer of 'Ghostbusters' before he directed it. On that project, caa enjoyed a great success.

This time, he not only aims at the box office, but also wants to make a difference at the Oscars. That’s why before looking for us, we first looked for Sidney Pollack, who had just won the best director for “Out of Africa.”

I said it just now. The Quaid brothers don't have to be the last resort. Maybe if they were cast, you'd be a really good choice. But if he wants to push for a more powerful male star to star, things are very complicated. "

"I understand that the three big players in this movie are the two male leads and the director."

If Ovitz can attract big investment, he will have to rely on directors and famous stars. If you are using a superstar, then you have to accommodate the other person's preferences. If you invite two celebrities, you may be a bit too strong.

Among the Big Three, there can only be at most two true stars.

After all, when studios invest in movies that win with plots and performances, they mainly rely on the appeal of stars to attract audiences who don't usually go to theaters to watch them.

After all, the story of a mentally retarded brother is not as interesting to the audience as aerial combat.

How to promote and market a story that can’t be told clearly in one sentence so that the audience knows it’s a good movie? That depends on the appeal of the lead actor.

After all, the director's appeal in the eyes of the audience is not as strong as that of the actor. There are still some viewers who don't know that "Top Gun" was directed by Ronald, but no one who has watched "Top Gun" doesn't know that the starring role is Tom Cruise.

"We'll just deal with it this way, and if Ovitz has new ideas, we'll adapt accordingly."

The two of them had reached a consensus, and Niceta told Ronald about the next itinerary.

The two will soon fly to Tokyo to attend the premiere of "Top Gun" there.

In addition, Ronald was also invited by some Japanese film and television organizations to discuss possible cooperation. "Top Gun" is a story that transcends language and culture, so it will definitely perform well in the Japanese market.

"The Dragon King 2" once again tells the life story of Mr. Miyagi. The big shots there are very interested in a director who likes to shoot Asian stories.

Next, Ronald wants to make some Japanese-related movies, and they don't mind investing in the project. Making money in the American market is secondary. The key is the Japanese market. The market here is closed to Hollywood and Wall Street. Most of the movies produced are made by several major distributors in Japan.

"Will Diane come with us this time?" Niceta asked.

"She will take another flight and not be with the crew." Ronald replied.


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